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Merlot Close, Klein

Zevenwacht Estate, Kuils River

Tel: 021 903 3328
“Unlock your Future” Email:

22 November 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,


It was brought to my attention that some students feel they were disadvantaged,
because only a few students received additional information from the Creative Arts
teachers and not all.


A group of 8 girls approached Mrs van der Merwe yesterday morning shortly before the
Creative Arts Test was written. They asked Mrs van der Merwe about the test. Mrs van der
Merwe wanted to encouraged them and ease their nerves. She reiterated the scope
and ensured them that if they studied the topics in the textbook and her additional
handouts and notes they will do well. Mrs van der Merwe reminded them of examples
that had been done in class and reminded them of the structure of the question paper,
for example that there will be a true or false section. Mrs van der Merwe asked the 8 girls
to go back to class and to share and remind students of this information.

When the girls returned to class, they did not share the information as instructed and only
later told some students that they had gotten extra help from the teacher. This
misinformation resulted in students feeling they had been disadvantaged.

The students’ scripts have been marked, and it can be clearly seen from the answers
given, that these 8 girls were not advantaged in any way nor did they perform better in
sections than others.

If you have any questions about this, please contact me.

Kind regards

Mrs J. Schnepper

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Merlot Close, Klein
Zevenwacht Estate, Kuils River
Tel: 021 903 3328
“Unlock your Future” Email:

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