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GENRE OVERLAPS: The three types of writing are very similar and can merge into one another.
Consequently, definitions below may be squishy.


PURPOSE In argumentative An article is a piece of A blog is a short,
compositions a particular writing on a particular informal, opinion-driven
issue or topic is analysed subject which is written for piece of writing, written
and discussed in a fairly publication in a newspaper, from a personal
objective way. The three magazine or newsletter. perspective in first
main types are: Articles are based on person. It contains tips,
A, Compare / Contrast (e.g. interview, research, lessons, ideas, tools etc.,
'Supermarkets are better explanation, analysis or mostly your own opinion.
places to shop than small report. Your opinion is
shops.') allowed but your writing
B, Problem / Solution (e.g. ‘In should be fact-based.
developed countries we Articles make readers
waste as much as we aware of something.
C, For / Against (e.g.
'Shopping centres: paradise
or nightmare?')
STYLE It is an expression of the A wide range of The writing style for blogs
writer’s point of view on approaches is possible, has a very casual tone to
various topics or questions depending on the subject it. It’s often short and
deduced from thorough matter. A light-hearted or doesn’t include too many
research and understanding. humorous topic might be words that are hard to
Not written with a specific given a fairly personal grasp.
reader group in mind, its treatment, for example,
tone is semi-formal, while a more serious topic
educational and analytical. would be treated in a more
neutral, analytical way.
OPENING Briefly explain the issue you Start in a way which If you write a new blog,
are writing about and catches the reader’s attract the reader’s
establish your position in the attention, e.g. by asking attention and present an
thesis statement. direct questions. If the first issue. If you comment on
sentence doesn't induce an earlier entry, refer to
the reader to proceed to the previous blog
the second sentence, your comment by expressing
article is dead. your personal opinion.
(e.g. In response to Mr
Brown’s post I can only
say that I couldn’t
disagree more.)
ORGANISATION Each paragraph of the BODY Each paragraph of the Use separate paragraphs
of your composition will BODY of your article will for different aspects of
address one main idea that address one main idea that the subject.
supports the thesis supports the thesis
statement. statement.
ENDING Your concluding paragraph Round off the article Present an actionable
should emphasise that you suitably, e.g. with an solution, ask a question,
are confident that you have overview, a concluding spark discussion (e.g.
proven the idea as stated in remark, or a joke. Have your got some tips
your thesis statement. of your own? Share them
with us in the comment
section below.)



Is it a good idea for young people to take some time off to travel before they start work or
university? Write a composition.

Gap Year Pros and Cons

Taking a year off to travel has advantages and disadvantages for young people who are about to start
working or studying. On the one hand, it can be enjoyable but on the other hand, it can also be risky,
and even lonely. I would argue that the benefits can certainly outweigh the difficulties.

There are several obvious benefits of taking some time off to travel. Firstly and perhaps most
obviously, travelling is fun and you can have lots of adventures. In addition, you can get to know
other cultures and this may help you in later life. Another benefit is that you can make friends with
people from all over the world. On top of that, you can even learn some foreign languages, which
may be important for your future career.

Nevertheless, some young travellers experience difficulties. Unfortunately, travelling can be

exhausting and even dangerous, particularly if you travel alone. Furthermore, if you don’t have
travelling companions, you can feel homesick. A third disadvantage is that it can be difficult to settle
down when you come back and this may affect your studies or your work.

Despite the fact that they are not all positive, the experiences you have when you travel help you
become more mature. In my opinion it is, therefore, a very good idea for young people to see the
world before they settle down.



Is it a good idea for young people to take some time off to travel before they start work or
university? Write an article.

Broaden Your Horizons

While many students head directly to college after graduating from high school, a smaller cohort
chooses an alternative: a gap year. Travelling and living abroad for your gap year can be a
transformative experience. Immersing yourself in a new culture, learning a foreign language, and
seeing the world from a different perspective can lead to important discoveries about your passions
and purpose.

"I would hazard to say that there is at least as much educational value in an international gap year
experience as there is in a freshman year of college," says Adam Knight, executive director and
founder of Gap Year Association. Typically, he says, high school graduates travel, volunteer and focus
on personal growth during a gap year. "These kinds of experiences fundamentally open up your eyes
to see the world at a larger level," Knight says.

Obviously, gap years are not for everyone. Gap-year programs and international travel can be
expensive, so it's worth considering how a gap year could affect your finances and whether it makes
sense for you. To avoid wasting time or stalling your academic momentum, you should enter your
gap year with a strong sense of what you want to explore and learn. An unfocused and aimless gap
year is unlikely to provide any positive takeaways.

Most educational experts agree that a gap year can help motivate and inspire students and better
prepare them for college. They note that the break between high school and college is an ideal time
for students to pause and reflect and explore options before their studies begin.

On top of that, the professional benefits are also worth mentioning. These days, many employers
expect job applicants to have both the academic qualifications as well as real-world work experience
when hiring even entry-level employees. From resume-building to developing hard and soft skills, to
expanding one’s network, work experience during a gap year has many valuable advantages.



Is it a good idea for young people to take some time off to travel before they start work or
university? Write your blog entry

What I Did on My Year Out and How It Strengthened Me as a Person

I decided to take a gap year between high school and college and it was honestly one of the best
decisions I had ever made. Here are my top three reasons for taking a gap year:
1, By the time I reached college age, I had been in the school system for thirteen years of my life. I
rushed into applying to the best schools without figuring out what I actually wanted to study. While
classroom-based learning offers various positive benefits, I must admit that I had had enough of
writing essays and taking tests all the time, so I had lost my passion and drive to study in an academic
setting. In other words, I badly needed a break.

2, As for the personal benefits, I realised a gap year could provide me with the time and space
needed to explore, experiment, and reflect on who I am. My parents worried that I may wander ‘off
track’ when taking a gap year, but I believe it’s quite the opposite. By taking a year abroad, you’re
forced into this independent lifestyle and it’s almost even better preparation for going to school. You
have the opportunity to be by yourself and find your who you actually want to become.

3, I always knew that, if I took a year out, I wanted to go travelling somewhere and save some money
for college. I looked into lots of gap year travel organisations but they were all too expensive.
Actually, gap years don't have to cost thousands of dollars if you are brave enough to organise things
for yourself. In fact, you might take this time to get a job, gain professional experience, and make
money. So I decided to find an au-pair job in France in order to earn money and get experience in a
work environment. I was also interning with an art therapy studio in Paris. I now have some job
experience with my internship and I know what it means to work in an office. Having that knowledge
will help in what I want to do later on.

To make a long story short, I ‘m convinced that gaps years are great: whether you’re planning to
spend the year interning at a business in your hometown, living out of your backpack as you travel
across Europe, or volunteering with elephants abroad, you’ll be sure to find tons of gap year benefits
waiting for you.

Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comment section below.

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