Applied Ethics. Normative Ethics Focuses On Determining Moral Standards and

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Priagula, Klarenz Anne M.


Ethics as a Field of Study.

1. Define ethics in it’s practical and normative definition.

- Ethics, in its practical and normative definition, refers to the moral principles that
guide human behavior. It encompasses the values and beliefs that individuals
hold, influencing their actions and decisions. Practical ethics involves applying
these principles to real-life situations, while normative ethics establishes the
standards of right and wrong.

- By understanding ethics in both its practical and normative sense, individuals can
navigate complex dilemmas with integrity and make choices that align with their
moral compass. Ultimately, ethics serves as a compass for human conduct,
promoting fairness, justice, and respect for others.

2. What are the different branches of ethics and it’s difference from each other?

- Ethics, a branch of philosophy, encompasses various theories and principles that

guide human behavior.

- The different branches of ethics include normative ethics, metaethics, and

applied ethics. Normative ethics focuses on determining moral standards and
principles for guiding actions. Metaethics explores the nature of ethical
statements and the meaning of moral terms. Applied ethics deals with specific
moral issues in various fields such as medicine or business. While normative
ethics provides guidelines for action, metaethics delves into the underlying
concepts, and applied ethics applies these principles to real-world situations.

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