2nd Qua 2nd Week Perdevt

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Personal relationship - attraction love and commitment

Content Area:

Personal development



Align this Lesson to State Standards?


Lesson Plan:

Grade Level: 11th Grade Subject: Personal Development

Lesson Title: Attraction, Love, and Commitment

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to understand the concepts of attraction, love, and commitment.

Students will be able to identify the different types of attraction and love.

Students will be able to analyze the factors that contribute to successful relationships.

Students will be able to demonstrate effective communication skills in relationships.

Students will be able to evaluate the importance of commitment in sustaining relationships.

Alignment to Standards: This lesson plan aligns with the Personal Development Standards set by the
Department of Education in the Philippines, specifically:

Understands the importance of healthy relationships (PD11SB-IIIb-5).

Applies communication skills in building and sustaining relationships (PD11/12CSD-IIIb-d-1).

Recognizes the impact of commitment in maintaining relationships (PD11/12CSD-IIIb-d-5).

Whiteboard and markers

Handouts with scenarios and questions

Sticky notes

Art supplies (colored papers, markers, scissors, glue)

Technology devices (optional)


I. Introduction (10 minutes) a. Engage students in a discussion about their understanding of attraction,
love, and commitment. b. Present the learning objectives and explain how the concepts will be explored
throughout the lesson.

II. Understanding Attraction (15 minutes) a. Define attraction and provide examples of different types of
attraction (physical, emotional, intellectual). b. Ask students to work in pairs or small groups and discuss
their personal experiences or observations related to attraction. c. Facilitate a class discussion and
encourage students to share their insights. d. Tie the discussion back to the learning objectives by asking
students to identify the factors that contribute to attraction.

III. Exploring Love (20 minutes) a. Discuss the different types of love (romantic, familial, platonic) and
their characteristics. b. Provide examples of healthy and unhealthy expressions of love. c. Divide the
class into small groups and assign each group a type of love to research further. d. In their groups,
students create a visual representation (poster, collage, or any artistic medium) that showcases the
characteristics of their assigned type of love. e. Each group presents their creation to the class,
explaining the key elements and examples that represent their type of love.

IV. Factors in Successful Relationships (20 minutes) a. Present a list of factors that contribute to
successful relationships (trust, communication, respect, etc.). b. Engage students in a brainstorming
session where they provide examples of how these factors are important in maintaining healthy
relationships. c. Distribute handouts with scenarios depicting relationship situations and questions
related to the identified factors. d. Students work individually to analyze the scenarios and answer the
questions. e. Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their answers, allowing for different
V. Effective Communication in Relationships (20 minutes) a. Introduce the importance of effective
communication in relationships. b. Provide examples of both verbal and non-verbal communication. c.
Divide the class into pairs and provide them with a communication challenge (e.g., resolving a conflict,
giving compliments). d. Students role-play the given scenario, ensuring they practice effective
communication techniques. e. Allow time for reflection and feedback, encouraging students to share
their experiences and lessons learned.

VI. The Role of Commitment (15 minutes) a. Discuss the concept of commitment and its importance in
sustaining relationships. b. Facilitate a class discussion on the challenges individuals face in maintaining
commitment. c. Provide each student with a sticky note and ask them to write down one commitment
they are willing to make to improve their relationships. d. Students stick their notes on a designated
wall, forming a commitment wall as a visual representation of their dedication. e. Reflect on the
commitments made and discuss the potential impact on relationships.

VII. Closure (5 minutes) a. Summarize the key concepts covered in the lesson. b. Allow time for questions
and clarifications. c. Assign a short reflection exercise where students write about one thing they
learned and how they plan to apply it in their own lives.


Students' participation in class discussions and group activities.

Student presentations on the different types of love.

Individual analysis of relationship scenarios.

Student reflections on the commitment made during the lesson.

Note: The lesson plan provided is a general guide and can be modified to suit the specific needs and
time constraints of the classroom.

Lesson Plan Title(Required)

Personal relationship attraction love and commitment

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