3061905-Hatter Class Finalized

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Hatter Class

The Hatter
Level Proficiency Features Hats Made Per Long Rest Hat Strength
1 +2 Magical 3 1
2 +2 Hidden Help 3 1
3 +2 Swift 3 2
4 +2 Ability Score 4 2
5 +3 Extra Attack 4 3
6 +3 Erratic Evasion 4 3
7 +3 - 4 4
8 +3 Ability Score 4 4
9 +4 - 4 5
10 +4 Millinerical 5 5
11 +4 - 5 6
12 +4 Ability Score 5 6
13 +5 - 5 7
14 +5 Reconstruct 5 7
15 +5 - 5 8
16 +5 Ability Score 5 8
17 +6 - 5 9
18 +6 - 5 9
19 +6 Ability Score 5 9
20 +6 Highest 5 9

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Hatter level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Hatter level after

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Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Shears, Daggers, Handaxes, Sickles, Battleaxes,
Glaives, Greataxes, Greatswords, Halberds, Longswords,
Scimitars, and Shortswords (and any other weapon with a
Tools: Milliner’s Kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception,
Insight, Nature, Performance, Religion, Sleight of Hand,

Shears are a light, finesse weapon which deal 1d6 slashing

damage on a hit. Milliner’s Kits are a set of artisan’s tools
specifically meant for the creation of hats.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted to you by your background.
- (2) Shears
- (a) Leather Armor
- (a) Milliner’s Kit
- A small pouch containing 20 GP

Magical Millinery
Starting at 1st level, at the end of a long rest, you can create and enchant a number of hats
with spells as indicated in the “Hats made per Long Rest” category of the Hatter class chart.
Each hat takes a minute to create per level of spell stored inside it. These hats are each
enchanted with 1 spell from any classes’ spell list. If a hat requires costly material
components, you must expend those components at the time of the hat’s creation.
The spells you store in each hat cannot initially exceed 1st level in strength. At higher
levels you can create hats storing spells of greater strength. Refer to the Hat Strength
section of the class table above to see the maximum level of spell you can store in a hat. For
spells with additional effects when cast at higher levels, when you enchant a hat, you may
choose which level that spell will be cast at, up to your Hat Strength limit in levels of spell.
Regardless of maximum Hat Strength, you may only have one hat stored in your stack of 6th
level, 7th level, 8th level, and 9th level (1 of each), and no two hats can store the same spell at
the same level at any given time.
Upon finishing your hat creation, you place each hat (in whatever order you desire)
under your existing hat stack. Your hat stack order cannot be re-arranged once the hats are
placed. The stack of hats on your head can be infinitely long with all of the hats adhering
together magically such that they do not fall over. You can always fit through doorways,
bend over, crouch, squeeze, or perform any other kind of movement as if you were not
wearing the hats at all. Any action which would be physically impossible to perform given
the number of hats you are wearing is innately difficult for others to watch. Observers will
likely have difficulty describing how exactly you accomplished the movement.

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Using the appropriate casting time required by the spell enchanted into the topmost
hat of your hat-stack, you can remove the hat and cast the spell by throwing it in the air.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Hats used in this way typically vanish,
but can reappear in a pocket of your coat, a backpack, or other such container if you wish it.
However, they are no longer magical if they are retained. If your hat-stack is so tall you
could not normally reach the topmost hat, you can instead reach into a pocket of your coat,
a backpack, or other such container and mysteriously remove the topmost hat that way.
This action is also difficult to observe, and observers will likely be confused as to how you
removed the topmost hat.
Once a hat has been disenchanted by casting the spell previously stored within it, it
becomes a mundane, non-magical hat worth no more than 5 cp (although you may have
difficulties finding buyers depending on the variety of hat). Any hat on your person is
functionally weightless for you, and you always have room to store another hat.
Additionally, milliner’s kits for you function much in the same way as a component pouch
for a wizard. You will never run out of materials, as you are wont to take random materials
from the places you visit such as shreds of old curtains, pillow cases, etc.

Haughty Hattery
Starting at 1st level, your proficiency bonus with Milliner’s Kits is doubled. Additionally, you
have advantage on any checks made to identify the culture of origin, or materials used in
the creation of any hat you can see or touch.

Hidden Help
Starting at 2nd level, you gain a familiar as from the Find Familiar spell. The familiar is
completely invisible to anyone but you, cannot be seen, felt, or heard, and also cannot
attack in any way. The Detect Magic spell can detect the familiar, but never its precise
location or nature. You cannot communicate with your familiar telepathically, but it can
communicate with you verbally as it normally would telepathically. No one but you can
hear its speech.

Swift Shearwork
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you move more than 10 feet immediately prior to an attack
with a Shears, you gain advantage on that attack.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

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Erratic Evasion
Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on any saving throw against any effects which you
cannot see, such as traps and spells. Additionally, attack rolls made against you while you
are surprised lose any advantage they had, and are made with disadvantage instead.

Millinerical Merry-Go-Round
Starting at 10th level, once per long rest, you can use an action to randomize the order of
your hats. Your method for doing so is up to you, but the new order of your hats must be
randomly determined, and your methods must be approved by your DM. For example, you
may assign each hat in your stack a different playing card in a deck of cards, and shuffle the
cards to determine the new order.

Reconstruct Hat
Starting at 14th level, over a short rest, you can re-enchant one hat which previously was
enchanted with a spell. It regains its previous enchantment, and must immediately be
placed at the bottom of your hat-stack. Once you have done this you cannot do so again
until you have completed a long rest. You cannot use this ability to restore a hat which
previously held a spell of 6th level or higher, and if the spell in question requires costly
material components you must expend those components again.

Highest Hattery
Starting at 20th level, whenever you use a hat from your hat stack, you may have a new hat
appear at the bottom of the stack. The hat contains a random spell. Hats created in this way
can supersede the number of 6th-9th level spells you can have stored in your stack. Hats
created in this way do not require costly material components. You may choose the random
spell in a manner of your choosing, below is one recommendation.

Choose the class by rolling 1d8:

1: Bard
2: Cleric
3: Druid
4: Paladin
5: Ranger
6: Sorcerer
7: Warlock
8: Wizard

Choose the level by rolling 1d10:

0: Cantrip
1: 1st Level
2: 2nd Level
3: 3rd Level
4: 4th Level
5: 5th Level
6: 6th Level
7: 7th Level

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8: 8th Level
9: 9th Level
If Paladin or Ranger was selected by the method above and you roll a number for which they
have no spells, re-roll as necessary until an appropriate level of spell is selected.

Choose a random letter in a manner of your own devising. The spell in the newly created
hat must begin with that letter if possible, choosing again at random if not.

Bonus Background
Mad Hatter
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight
Languages: Two of your Choice
Equipment: Milliner’s Kit (30 gp value), a maker’s mark, one hat of any make or model of
your choosing (the pinnacle of your art) worth 50 gp and a pouch containing 10 gp.
Mercurial Madness: Your constant handling of milliner’s kits has rendered you ever so
slightly mad. Insight checks made to discern your motives and current emotional state are
made at disadvantage. Additionally, you have advantage on any Insight checks you make to
understand the mind of a creature suffering from madness, being mad yourself.
Personality Traits: Due to your erratic nature and maddened state of mind you can use the
personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws of any other background, but you may have to
make some sort of logical explanation as to why you have those motivations, naturally it
need not make sense.

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