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How To Request a UFO Presence




First published in Great Britain in 2015 Wisdom Books

This edition published 2015

Copyright c2015 Nigel Mortimer

The moral right of the author has been asserted

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-1517358983

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means

without the prior permission in writing by the publisher.

Typeset in Garamond

Wisdom Books

Picture/ Photo Credits: Nigel & Helen Mortimer

unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
1. Intentions

2. Preparations

3. Locations

4. Who Are You?

5. Who Are They?

6. The Fool On The Hill

7. Truth Matters

8. Clean Up Our Act

9. Creating The Channel

10. A New Relationship

Worksheets included at the end of the book

may be reproduced, copied and duplicated.

Afterword by Nigel Mortimer

1. Intentions

he opening question you should be asking yourself is what motivates

T you to want to make contact with anyone? And by anyone, I include all
life forms from places outside most people's imagination.

There is an underlying reason why we as human beings want to explore and

discover new things and I will explain this later, but for now we should
think about how amazing it would be to actually realise that we are not
alone in the vastness of a reality (which includes our universe and galaxies
and everything else in it) and that beings not too dissimilar to ourselves
await our contact.

There are a number of good and sensible reasons as to why someone would
choose to search for a way to make contact. You might be one of those who
have seen something unusual and want to find out what it was you saw?
You might have had a closer encounter with something that you deem as not
of this world and want to try discover where it came from? Or you might
have had a visitation by something or someone who you regard as not of
this world and want to reconnect again? The reasons are many and most of
them are personal to whoever has had such an experience. There is also the
academic approach to be considered. Some people simply want to find out
the truth as to whether aliens and UFOs exist by testing the theory.

There are others too, who would promote the idea of making contact as
foolhardy at best and dangerous at worst. The idea that we should try to
communicate with something that we do not understand is bound to bring
disastrous consequences to humanity in their view and they often quote sci-
fi scenarios like the War of the Worlds book and films to justify their

So, which school of thought do you find yourself in? Do you really want to
develop ways to better understanding the unknown or are you just happy to
test the waters by tipping a toe into them to see what lays beyond? As said
previously, every person living on this planet is different and will have their
own viewpoints and perspectives about the type or types of phenomena that
they 'believe' is at the heart of the UFO mystery.

I have met many people who say that they would love to be able to make
contact with E.T's or maybe inter-dimensional beings, without giving a
second thought as to why or what they would do if that became possible.
Some of these people have told me that they would ask important questions
like 'is God real' and 'do we live on after death'? Others have told me that
they would make sure they had a gun handy in case they needed to send any
abducting attempting Grey into oblivion! Then we have what some call the
love and light'rs. They long to be blessed by the illuminating presence of
Light Beings and angelic hordes that assist those who have reached a
certain spiritual level of understanding. The reasons for attempting contact
is many fold but certainly seems to be instigated by previous events
personal to the person who has their own appreciation of what they 'believe'
the phenomenon to represent.

I would suppose that at least eighty percent of the people reading this book
will have bought it because of its title and wish to explore the possibility of
making contact themselves. They will form thoughts fairly early on about
this and this will become their intention. But what are intentions? Neale
Donald Walsh, the author of a series of books 'Conversations with God'
once said,

'Life proceeds out of your intentions for it. When you are aware of this, you
can live your life deliberately.'

An intention is a motivating purpose which identify and motivate the

actions we choose to take. An intention is something else too. It is an
energising force that carries us to the results that we wish to achieve. These
are usually ultimate goals and the intention describes them. What we do
along the way to reach the goal of our intention is kept moving forwards by
our desires (for whatever reasons) and aims. The more aware and clear you
are about your intentions the more likely you will succeed in gaining them.

So, if you are crystal clear in your intentions that you really do want to send
out a request to our UFO friends to make contact with them, then the energy
of this will allow you to be well on the way to understanding how this is
surely possible. We all know being half-hearted about anything only brings
about delays and frustrations. We need to keep up the motivation and in
doing so, we project an energy of success along the way.

Intentions do come with their own pitfalls though which can lead to stress
and feeling driven. This comes about when the goals of the intention are not
realistic. We have a major problem here then, I hear you all say in unison.,
'How much more unrealistic can the goal of making contact with UFOs and
the beings who control them really be'!
Well for this very fact, it is why we have to develop a series of intermediate
goals in order to reaffirm to ourselves who we are, where we are going with
this and what actually are our intentions. This is what this book is about; it
is a journey (in each chapter) of self exploration mainly to help you to
realise that the act of making contact is something that is achievable for
most people as long as you understand the process along the way. I know
this works as it worked for me and continues to do so.

By staying positive while reading this book and keeping in mind that I have
written it with the sincere intention myself of helping you to take in the
'how to' part of it alongside my advice as to how to act upon actual contact,
you will reach your goal. There is no time limit on this. It might take you
days, years or a lifetime to get there. I am certain there will be good reasons
however long it takes, most of them not obvious at the time.

You might think that I have written this book from my own ego and bias
self-belief and I can understand that assumption especially when I sate that
this method of requesting contact works. Nothing could be further from the
truth. I have been thinking about writing this or a similar book for over 30
years and have never felt the time was right. It seems that obstacles were
often put in my way to stop this happening and my 'intentions' were put on
hold. However, I am stating the truth when I say that this book was written
and completed within 7 days from start to end. I know it is not a major
novel with hundreds of pages, but I even shocked myself at how the
information and how it was to be set out came to me with such ease. I did
no research, I found that scenarios were being thrown up out of nowhere to
illustrate points in it and even the illustrative photographs were readily
available for inclusion from my own contacts with E.T.'s last year! The
intention that I would like to share the knowledge of this book has been
spinning around the cosmos for quite some time, but almost out of the blue,
here it is. I have no doubt that this book was partly written by those who I
hope you will be able to meet someday soon like I have. Send out your
intentions and they will be listening.
2. Preparations

o, now that you have decided on the reasons why you would like to
S develop a way to communicate with other worldly beings and you feel
confident that this is something that you would really want to do, then we
should examine the most important aspect of all. Ourselves.

In truth, there are numerous ways that you can develop yourself to be able
to undertake such a contact. I can only give you my own advice and
direction in the main, but of course it is possible for you to look at other
ways that might help you in this journey of realisation. First of all, we need
to ask another question. Which part of our own being is able to make
contact in the best way for each of us?

Some of you reading this will have your own ideas. Maybe you believe that
contact can be made by sending thoughts towards the phenomenon or
maybe some kind of instrument could be invented to help much in the way
ghost hunters work? The truth is, there is a much simpler way.

Having said that, before we explore anything further we can lay out some
simple ground rules as a part of our own individual preparation. This should
be applicable to most people who have a sincere approach to this method.

1. Are you prepared to encounter something or someone that is in every

sense very different to you?

2. Do you hold preconceived ideas about who or what you may


3. What is your attitude towards other human beings of different race

backgrounds. Are you racist?

4. Are you sympathetic towards others. Do you feel for other people. Are
you emphatic?

5. Are you psychically aware or not and do you feel the atmospheres of
places ?

6. Are you in fairly good health. Do you have any current emotional
problems. Would you be able to cope well with the realisation that you
have contacted something or someone not of this world?

7. Most important of all, do you know what a true friend is?

Quite a list there for you to ponder on and there will be more questions like
these to answer along the way. By the time you have read this book you will
realise that there is something in the ability to knowing your Self that
allows all of us to establish the communication with other lifeforms that
many have sought over thousands of years. What that something is will be
revealed soon.
Many of you, whether you value this or not, will have been preparing for
actual contact for a long time. I would even say in some cases, over many
lifetimes. This might not be obvious in any way to you now as you live
your life today, but some of you, I am sure, will have had an inkling that
this might be true. Sudden visitations by UFO beings do occur in early
childhood and you may have been left with a screen memory of this in your
subconscious mind. Within that experience there may have been implanted
in your memories certain aspects of the encounter and why it took place.
Once it has been given to you, it is pushed down into the depths of the
subconsciousness until a time when this information is to be used again. In
these cases ironically first contact has been made, but you have simply
forgotten it. I know that this happens, but I suppose I was one of the lucky
ones, my memory of the experience returned after only a few days and I
have had contacts on and off for most of my life. That situation is different
to the one this book explores. I have written it from the point of view that
this would be your very first attempts at contact, but even if you are familiar
with what I am saying here, it will do you no harm to work alongside the
instruction given here as there might be something new in it for you.

With utmost importance I would like you to consider again point six in our
list. Good health does not mean you have to be super fit or on some kind of
focused diet regime in order to follow this method, but it does mean being
sensible about your overall physical and mental condition. If you are
suffering from a current illness then it may be better to put this book down
until you recover. If it is a long term or terminal illness you have then you
might think that this is unfair and surely the UFO beings would not
discriminate against you. You are right, they certainly would not as they
value all lifeforms in all states of being. In such a case send out your
intention that you would still like to make that contact, but be precise about
your current health condition. They will want to help you and offer healing
energies that we are only just beginning to understand. They love you and
because of that, they will give your contact the delicacy that the situation
deserves but they will never harm you or make it too intrusive.

Having said all of that if you are currently on higher levels of medication or
drugs which could affect your ability to clearly understand this process,
then it would be best to get medical advice before undertaking any kind of
communication or contact attempts. This is common sense.

How are you at recognising atmospheres when you walk into a room? Do
you get a feeling, a thought, that something has taken place in the room
before you entered it? Many people do because it is a sense not fully
understood which allows us to absorb the 'atmosphere' of places. After you
have read this book, you should have a better understanding of how this is
possible and later chapters deal with the reasons for this. In her book 'Mind
Waves', Betty Shine explains how atmospheres ' are created by waves of
mind energies'. This is true, but not the whole picture, but she is right to
state that they are created when mind energies (consciousness) expands and
causes waves of energy like shock waves. When you 'feel the atmosphere'
of a place, you pick up these vibrations. High emotions like anger and
excitement leave a more intense vibration energy on the fabric of reality and
this is picked up almost immediately that we enter a room. Remember how
you sensed a fall out or row in a room even after it had taken place. That is
because it 'left an atmosphere'. The opposite can happen too. Think about
how you are made to feel around someone who is withdrawn or miserable.
Their energies have an affect too, but in a way that draws on your own mind
energy like vampires leading to exhaustion.

Becoming aware of different kinds of atmospheres can help you prepare for
alien contact. In this awareness you will start to appreciate how places feel
in different circumstances. You can start by learning to feel the atmospheres
in your own home, at work, at university, in fact any building at all. Then
begin to take this awareness with you outside into the natural world. How
does it feel to you in your own street, in the park, in the woodlands or even
in the deserts?
Feeling the environment that you will eventually choose to make your
request for contact at is ultimately important in gaining any kind of success.
Why this is so will be detailed in due course.

NOTE: Read through the list and write down your thoughts on these
questions at the end of the book. How will your answers affect your ability
to attempt contact?

'High up
above me and
all around me,

I hear the
sound of
Angels as the
engines roar,

Now they are

sighted, the
whole world

Yet, people run for cover as they open up the door,

Where do they come from?,


'Why do we fear them, when we long to be near them,

They offer a solution for our kind to realise more,

Now we are grasping, at love everlasting,

The missing key now granted, to open up the door,

Where do they come from?,

Nigel Mortimer

3. Locations

T here are certain places where establishing contact with these beings is
more likely to bring about positive results. In my opinion there are
reasons why this should be the case, but of course these can differ for each
person as I said before. We will look at a few of these here and explain why
they should be considered.

1. A Special Place in Natural Surroundings:

Understanding that we are all a vital part of the world that we live in is
paramount to establishing any kind of contact in the true sense. You
should try to seek out a place where you can be quiet, a place where
there is a healthy amount of plant life and trees. If there is a place like
this that you know about, or maybe you have already made frequent
visits to, then you will probably already feel a kind of connection with
the location. Try to include somewhere which is close to running
water, or maybe on the coast, as water helps to magnify thought
energy. Ancient sites, wells and sacred ground is also a good place to
locate which often have underground streams.
2. A Quiet Room: If you live in the city and have no access to the
countryside do not be dismayed. You can still create your own special
place in a quiet room in your house or dwelling place. Before you do
this it is advisable to try to find out what was at the site of the building
before it was built. Places that hold negative energies (for example if
traumatic events had taken place there in the past) should not be used
unless you have a good previous working knowledge of healing such
sites. Remember, like attracts like. The last thing you want is to be
attracting anything that does not have your best intentions at heart.
Keep the room lighted and comfortable. Make it a happy place.

3. Established UFO Sites: There are reasons why people continue to

claim UFO experiences at certain sites, some of them spanning
hundreds of years. Visits to these places will allow you to feel a similar
energy at each because these sites make up crossover points in the
energy matrix of the planet. They are like nodes in an electric circuit
board which not only attract UFOs, but also allow them to manifest
into our physical reality for brief periods of time. The beings that
control these craft (in fact some of the craft are 'the' beings themselves)
have an understanding of the actual make up of everything that differs
from the way we perceive it at this time. They know where to
'manifest' and choose areas over and again which we now recognise as
UFO window areas. Among these windows we have Warminster,
Glastonbury, Ilkley Moor, Bonnybridge, Rendlesham Forest, Cannock
Chase, here in the UK.
4. Portals & Gateways: It is my own
belief that there was a time when mankind was in continued contact
with UFO beings and over ten thousand years ago, these 'first peoples'
started to map out places in the landscape where inter-dimensional
UFOs travelled in and out of our world through portals. Many of these
portals can be found at the remains of ancient stone circles and other
megalithic sites; the marker stones being set in place thousands of
years after the first people worked at the portals. It was out of these
first contacts that the original bonds between mankind and other
worldly beings was made, but the portals were systematically shut
down for religious reasons by secret societies and their true purpose
has mainly been lost to us until fairly recently.

5. Military, NSA, and Underground Bases: I do not suggest that you try to
make your contacts at any of these places, but if you have close access
to them, they make a good focus point for such activities. There is a
high level of concern about the covert and undemocratic undertakings,
especially by the world's superpower states, that happen at these kinds
of facilities, so they are earmarked for continued observance by UFO
beings. They use laser and other types of beam energies to
communicate with those who operate at these bases and have more
than once been able to disarm tactical nukes before they could be used
at times of high tension in the world. Some of these man-made bases
have been built on the sites of portals in an attempt starting in the
1960's to try establish contact between the US and Other Worldly
Beings. If you know of a good natural vantage point close to and
overlooking one of these kinds of bases that could be a good place to
work at.

Another way in which we could locate our 'special place' is through the
process of Remote Viewing. This is the ability which we all possess to link
with the super consciousness that makes up the fabric of the reality we all
exist in and be able to see with the minds eye people, places and events in
current and none-current time.

Remote Viewing, if you have never tried to do it before, will become easier
for you to understand in principle as you read the rest of this book. It aligns
with much of the process I explain here to request contact with our alien
friends. I highly recommend the courses run by Tony Topping in RV, who
does much to explain its history, evolving, use in secret military projects
and modern applications. Unusually, using RV to locate a good place to use
for contact seems to bring about a high degree of success. I think that this
might be due to a number of factors including picking up on the energies of
previous visitations by UFO beings to the place, a natural alignment of
yours and the place's energies (like attracts like) and previously unknown or
forgotten connections with the site (energies drawing you back).

If you decide to work with RV alongside this book it will help you
tremendously. You will be able to adapt it to other parts of the methodology
when you feel inspired to do so. If you do, go along with it and use your
own inspirations. Most people undertaking RV will use paper and pen to
draw or note down what they 'receive' or see remotely. It does not matter
how far away from the place you are seeking out is located, it does not
matter if you have preconceived ideas about it or not. The time and the
place will come to you in images, facts, figures and thought forms. You
may even hear sounds and voices but this may be taking your attempts at
RV to a level more accustomed to channelling.
A method of RV that I have used to successfully find contact sites even
down to metres, goes like this:

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Let your mind settle and form the
thought that you are allowing with full permission to let your mind
energy strain at the leash. Hold this thought for seconds, then suddenly
release it.

Allow your mind energy to speed out into the cosmos, past where you
are located, up and away into the heights of the heavens. Form the
thought that you ask the cosmos to strengthen and reinforce your
speeding mind energy and watch it expand to become a part of

You will 'see' this happening in your minds eye for maybe 2-3 seconds
before it starts to return to you, down through the atmosphere of the
planet, hurtling in its own vibrant glow.

As you see this, instruct the orb of consciousness to make it's way to
your desired special place. Make certain that you keep the intention of
where and why you want it to find this place and keep hold of that
even if the orb vanishes from view.

Open your eyes after a few minutes. Take a couple of deep breaths and
relax. Now, note or draw down on the paper any thoughts or images
that you see, maybe place-names, map coordinates, landmarks,
anything that comes to the forefront of the mind no matter how trivial
or important it may seem.

You might have to RV a few times at first in order to build a full picture of
the place you are looking for. What I do recommend that you do, is keep an
eye out (in the physical world) for anything that fits with what you noted
down during the RV sessions. More than not, no matter whether it is on a
walk down the next street from your home or on an overseas visit, you will
find yourself having a kind of Deja Vu experience in which for a few
seconds parts of your RV become real things in real surroundings. This will
lead you to your special place.

NOTE: Plan out and find your 'special place'. Visit it and note how you feel
there. Does it feel safe? Do you like or dislike the location all the time?
Move to another if this does not 'seem' right for you. Photograph the place.
4. Who Are You?

K nowing just who you really are is vital to understanding how to make
contact. In everyday life we often present ourselves as a persona which
is not our true self. This is not anyone's fault (but there are some people
who act out this persona wilfully in order to create an impression of who
they are) as it is often the result of early years conditioning in society.

The problem human beings have today is that they have lost that real
connection with the Self. They think (with the mind) that they know who
they are, but fail to understand this with the heart. The first thing we should
begin to admit to ourselves is that we are human beings and because of that
fact, we make mistakes, we fail and we endure. On the flip side, we also
make wonderful gains, are thoughtful and creative and have the ability to
love other human beings and lifeforms. None of us are, or ever have been,
perfect beings. Nor should we be. Through our own imperfections we are
able to learn moral values about ourselves, others and the world that we all
live together in.

One of the biggest obstacles in trying to make contact with other off world
lifeforms is something which we call the ego. Really this is just another tag
used for a lack of confidence in knowing who we truly are. When someone
acts in an 'egotistic' way, they might think that they know better than
someone else, or that they put themselves into a position higher than
another, or that they presume they hold all the answers. Why would anyone
do this? Well, as before, it comes down to conditioning, position in society
and a true understanding of the world we all live in. In the western world
we have been 'taught' to live our lives in certain ways and it is imposed
upon us that there is a right and a wrong way to do this with little room for
negotiation in-between. We have laws in society that are meant to help us
all, but in many cases actually do the opposite and stop many people from
fulfilling their true potential as human beings.

At the hub of making contact is recognising who you really are and what
abilities you have that have never been nurtured or expanded due to this
conditioning. Society sees most people as walking, talking, air breathing
machines that are born for a purpose, educated to a set of man-made
principles and sent out to work most of their adult life away. At the end of
all this, they are then given the grace to retire from this program at a time
when they are no longer able to do the things they wished they could do in
younger life. This does not seem fair, but it is the 'way of the world' and
most people accept it as if there is or has never been any alternative. In fact,
it is looked upon by many that if you do not follow this program then you
are an outcast or maybe a leech on society. This again, is actually unfair
mainly due to human beings possessing one thing in common. Freewill.

When I first entered the world of Ufology through my own UFO experience
in 1980, I found a lot of changes happened in my life after I spoke openly
about it. People who had previously been friends began to grow ever
widening frowns on their brows when I recounted how I had been contacted
by something I thought was up until that time impossible. Even at work, I
felt that staff and colleagues were sneering behind my back at their sudden
realisation that they had a UFO nut in their workplace. The question I now
ask myself is, why did I not keep quiet about the amazing experience that I
had undergone in order to protect my credibility? The answer is found in
the fact that I was not a 'persona' at work. I was myself or should I re-phrase
that 'my Self'. Whatever had happened to me was not a lie. It was the truth.
It really took place just in the same way that all experiences in our lives
take place. Why then, should it have been excluded in order to protect the
ego? I suppose that I am lucky in some regards as I have for as long as I can
remember been like this. I valued, even as a young child, the moral
implications of the truth. I thank my mother for that in my upbringing.

This has nothing to do with religious ideals, although I was brought up as a

Christian which I now denounce due to lack of credibility and evidence as I
have found for all of the man-made religions I have examined so far. It has
everything to do with moral obligations to other human beings, being fair,
being honest as possible, and being none-judgmental, preferring to seek
possible causes to other peoples actions, whether they seem right or wrong
to me.

This is not about trying to be perfect. As I said earlier, nobody can ever be
perfect. We were not meant to be. We are supposed to go through the trials
and tribulations of life. They are set in our paths to help us all to understand
deeper, help others going through similar things and to project healing
thoughts out into a world at times of despair.

By now it might seem that the process of knowing the Self is one of all
doom and gloom. I hope that I have not made that impression for that is
actually only a small part of how we reach this understanding of ourselves.
The opposite is truly wonderful. When we start to explore the methodology
of making actual contact, we will find that we start to receive help from
often unseen energies and spiritual embodiment's who are fully aware of
our true intentions. It comes down to how much you really want to do this I
suppose. The more you think about your goals, the more help from this
unseen helping hand becomes apparent. It's source is somewhere in the
beyond and out of the scope of this book, but it aligns itself with human
potential and development of the Self. But be aware, there will be things
you will have exposed about the human being you are during this process,
that will startle you, amaze you and at times upset you.
NOTE: Write down positive and negative aspects about who you think you
are in the section at the end of the book. Which of these is a part of your
Self, your Persona, or both?

5. Who Are They?

A tspecies
the last count it is said that there are at least eighty two different
of 'aliens' visiting Earth. My own channelling with some of
these races of beings would suggest to me that most of that number are the
same kinds of beings just being visualised and sensed by witnesses in
slightly different forms. Without doubt though, I am confident that at least
four known species have been visiting this planet for a very long time.
Most of these types are benevolent to humanity, but there should be a word
of warning about one or two other types who have individuals within their
class that sometimes fall from grace so to speak and may cause alarm to us
when we establish contact with them.

Before I explain why this is so, I would like to state from the start that it has
been my own experience over the past 30 years of direct contact with two
of these races, that no human being has been physically or mentally harmed
by them. At this point you may disagree with what I am saying here, maybe
due to the many cases of abduction that you might possibly have read
about. I fully understand this, but I will explain later how such seemingly
negative scenarios, often brought upon unsuspecting people almost as if
against their will, are actually conducted in a way that helps them to find
themselves and to know who they truly are.

For now, lets look at the possibilities concerning who you may make
contact with. These beings may seem odd or paranormal to you, yet they are
made from the same building blocks of life as you and me. They are a part
of the whole, the universe and other realities. We as human beings are no
different to them. Other commentators on these species attune them to other
physical planets as their home in the vastness of space. I understand that the
spiritually advanced races are able to occupy both the physical (and live
on/in planets) and the dimensional states, so I will mention this in the
narrative. Of course, you may find that your 'contact' is not represented
here, but in the main, these are the types of beings that most contactees
mention and are the ones that should bring about a beneficial relationship
with you.

1. The Shalanaya
These are said to be among the most graceful and loving beings in all
creation and you will have very little doubt that you are in the company of
them should you make contact with this kind. They exude from their very
being a very powerful and emotional golden solar energy which is easily
assimilated into our physical bodies.

When I had my first UFO encounter in 1980, I was contacted directly by

two of these wonderful beings, their craft observed as a marvellous golden
orb in the early autumn skies. Just looking on at it (through a closed
window) sent a feeling of spiritual connection unlike anything I had ever
felt before right through my body from top of the head to foot. This was
pure and unending love.

The physical appearance that the Shalanaya project from the Orange Ball
Of Light is one which mimics our own human features, but their true source
is beyond our comprehension at this time. The best way is to liken it to a
ball of pure energy or consciousness. They choose to take the human form
when contacting us because they were once in the distant past closely
aligned to humanity and it is common knowledge among other species that
they are the closest interstellar relatives we have.

Their projections are often of beautiful men and women, of average size
and frame and seem to lack racial discrimination due to their multi-cultural
appearances. They have a modern look about them, often wearing one piece
coveralls that are tight fitting and tend to be of a shining grey blue colour
often displaying motifs, almost perfect complexions and dazzling eyes.
They are remarkably beautiful, gentle, intelligent, heart-centred and

The Shalanaya derive from an ancient race that once had its home of planet
Earth. This was during a period known as the 'First Time', now lost to
present day history and archaeology. In this time they were already very
advanced beings of light and flew remarkable ships through the skies of this
planet -their home. Due to a number of dramatic and earth shattering natural
changes, many of them left the planet with their families and wise people
(there were no leaders). Some set up bases on the Moon, some ventured
further to the edges of the solar system and others down the generations
spread humanity far and wide among the stars.

Throughout our known history the Shalanaya have returned, some in light
ships and some through dimensional portation devices. They have never
interfered with any of our own developments as they strongly uphold
freewill, but due to their immensely caring nature, they watch over us at
times of need on both a personal and world view basis.

2. The Pleiadians

Another type of humanoid being which take the

form from birth as male and female. Also known as Nordics due to their
often fair complexions and blonde hair. Often this race which has its home
planet in this reality in the Pleiades star system, is aligned with similar
humanoids like the Lyrans and the Sirians. Some people who have studied
these beings or channelled them, have stated that they share a common
ancestry. Pleiadians can live and exist in a number of different dimensions
but it is said that they prefer to spend most lives in the 5th Dimensional state
which is formed on the vibration of pure love. Due to this attraction to love
and creativity, they tend to care immensely about the peoples of the Earth
and show much concern for our actions. During the years leading up to the
second world war the Pleiadians made themselves more available to
contactees through spiritual and theosophical societies. In Nazi Germany,
one Maria Osric, herself a founder member of the Vril Society and prior the
All German Society for Metaphysics ; claimed contact with these kinds of
beings. Some say that she was actually a Pleaidian herself and at the fall of
the Third Reich, was transported to the planet called Aldebaran. The most
famous of Pleaidian contacts came from the Swiss farmer "Billy" Eduard
Albert Meier during the 1970s. Along with a mountain full of predictive
transcripts that Meier claimed to have had channelled to him by a number
of Pleaidians, he was able to capture numerous photographic images of the
Beamships that they travelled in. There have been at least two organised
attempts by serious study groups to discredit Meier's claims, but all of these
were unable to do so fully due to the nature of the evidence and prophecies
that he claimed came from his UFO friends. I have no doubts that Billy
Meier had genuine contacts with these beings, but I also feel that he did
himself a disservice by fabricating some of his photographic and audio
evidence through the frustration of not being totally believed.

The Pleaidian Being called Semjase contacted him in January 1975, after
showing concern for the way human beings were 'offending' the planet. She
was typically beautiful of the other Pleaidians who have made contact over
the years since; about 1.7 mtrs tall, slim attractive figure, fair skin,
sparkling blue eyes and long light blonde hair. Her typical garment was a
one piece grey-blue jumpsuit. Having lived over 344 Earth years old when
she made contact with Meier, she left this planet due to health issues in
November 1984.

3. The Arcturians
Of all the races that have been visiting the Earth the Arcturians seem to be
the ones who have been around longest. They are said to be the most
ancient race in the whole Milky Way Galaxy and exist on a level of
evolution without comparison in the fourth and fifth dimensions of the
Bootes constellation.

The members of this race have no problems with changing their physical
form, but are mostly experienced by us as humanoid. In their true sense,
they exist on a very high vibrational, almost pure energy plane. It is always
the case that they have to lower their own energy vibrations in order to
make contact with us. Although they have evolved greatly in both spirit and
mentality, these beings have managed to keep hold of traits which we
recognise as being almost human like being witty and psychic. They have
been encountered as having a pale blue tint to the skin, well shaped and
physical bodies with large heads and brains.

The Arcturians, like the Pleaidians, have a far

distant connection with our human ancestry and were seen in the physical
form at the time of Atlantis and the First Peoples. Due to this long
relationship with mankind, they are able to elevate themselves to positions
of Celestials to watch over us on both an individual and worldly basis and
because these beings exist mostly in a spiritual plane subjugated by thought
pure consciousness, they are able to project thought forms to us and channel
information. In the past 25 years I have had my own personal experiences
with at least two Arcturian beings, one who remains a male guide to me
called Sharlek and a female known only to me as 'the blue lady'. I have
been very lucky in my life to have known the presence of these wonderful
friends and have had much insight and healing for myself and others
granted from them over the years. Sharlek's first words channelled to me
when he made initial telepathic contact in 1983 were ' I come in Truth,
Wisdom and Light'.

4. The Sirians

The Sirian race is one which has again watched mankind evolve for
millions of years, not thousands, but millions. They are said to be the
'creators', a race of highly advanced beings that brought science to Earth
and developed the human DNA. They are connected with many of our
ancient legends and biblical stories about creation.They are, in the true
sense of the word, extraterrestrials but travel through time from our future
to reach us now. They have high intellects so advanced that they are
thousands of years ahead of our smartest thinkers. They have developed
ways to move through time and space without the need of physical transport
and move between planets using dimensional gateways.

Again, like the Arcturians, they have a blue hue to the

skin and take on the human form. Their eyes are very soft and loving,
almost like looking into deep pools of the soul. There is an elegance about
them, almost floating and have long slender fingers that look out of
proportion to the hands.
The ancients of Earth made contact time and again with visiting Sirians and
were given sacred knowledge about their home planets. In particular the
Dogon Tribes of Africa held this understanding until modern times. In other
ancient civilisations like the Egyptians and Mayans, the Sirian races
presented themselves in different forms considering their home planet
evolution's. For example, from the planet Lyra one of them having a feline
appearance that is very majestic and regal, I channelled in 2013. I remain
amazed at the sense of immense 'royalty' in the true sense that was emitted
from these wonderful cat-like visitors. Other physical semi-humanoid forms
that the Sirians take can be likened to mermaids or sea-dwelling beings.

Who Are They - Others

You will have noticed that all of the races that I have listed and described
here are humanoid in nature or at least have the ability to take on that form.
You might be wondering why I have not included some of the more well
known and iconic types like the Greys or the Reptilians. I have good reason
for that as you will see as you read the rest of the book and it has nothing to
do with being selective in choosing them, but is due to the four I have so far
mentioned are the ones that I can personally vouch for as being more
positive to work and communicate with. As I mentioned earlier, there are
hundreds of forms these few beings listed can take on and this has
something to do with the way individual humans lend their own energy in
contacting them. So don't be surprised if you find that one particular type
looks , sounds or feels different to the very general descriptions given here.
Sometimes the message that these beings bring to you can affect more by
being presented in a certain way visually that might mean the source
changing the way that it looks to you. Everything is for a reason.
We will examine some of the other types in due course throughout the book
and will mention or warn why it might be or might not be a good idea to
communicate with some of these. The thing that should be made clear from
the start though, is that no race of beings, no matter who they are or where
they originate from, are purely good or inherently bad. These races are
made up of individuals and just like you and me here on Earth they can find
themselves having good days and sometimes having bad days. This matters
not even if they are able to elevate themselves to positions of god-like
beings and they would be the first to agree with that I am sure.

NOTE: Out of the listed types of beings write down which one or ones you
are attracted to. Why do you feel this way? Do you feel you know this
particular entity, maybe from the past? If you feel no attraction to any of
them, look at other being types in books and on the internet and note how
you feel about them?
6. The Fool On The Hill

ow can we ever tell whether anyone, including myself and hopefully

H you too, is genuinely able to contact and channel through accurate
information from these beings? Could it not all be just delusional nonsense
in so much that credible evidence for the contrary is more than often

Like the spiritual mediums in the days before

modern day channelers of UFO entities came about, it was quite easy for
some would-be's to cheat and promote themselves as genuine. Unless you
have the insight and ability to read and judge people very well, there are
those out there who fully understand that pulling the wool over your eyes is
not too difficult a thing to do. There are some very well known psychic
mediums today who have made huge amounts of money from cheating the
public and have gained fame and fortune at their expense. This is a sad fact
of life. It is even sadder, when you appreciate the truth of the matter; that
there are also a lot of genuine mediums and channelers who work in truth
and light in order to help other people with little recognition of the scale
these false celebrities indulge in. I am not saying that all psychics or
channelers who are genuine should not receive any monetary gain from
their involvement, but in all cases the value of those gains must be fair and
honestly arrived at. For instance, I have given demonstrations of my contact
with my guide Sharlek for a number of years now and have often (but not
always) received payment in fees for my time. This has never been
anywhere near the huge amounts that these so-called celebrities demand,
but has been enough from time to time to allow me to publish books like
this one or travel to give lectures on the subject and I see nothing wrong
with that. Just imagine for a moment that you can take two paths to making
contact and starting to develop your communications through channelled
information. One of these paths leads down a route which is lined with
many overhanging trees and on their branches you find small cards tied to
them. You walk a little way and have to reach out towards these branches,
take the card and read it. It tells you something you did not know and then
cryptically clues you to the next card on a branch of another tree further
along the path, and so on. On the second choice path, which winds its way
up a steep hill there are no lines of overhanging trees with cards, just a
straightforward route to the top. You reach the top in no time and find one
solitary tree with a card on it's branch stood alone atop of the hill. The card
has writing on it which says, 'Well done, now you are able to start
communicating with that which you desire...'

Which path do you take? The first one seems a lot of effort and holds no
guarantees to producing anything at all for you, but the second path is a
walk in the park and once you reach the top, you know you have made it
because you are told that you have gained the ability to communicate. I can
guarantee you one thing. If you take the second path, you will be like the
fool on the hill. You will be able to let the ego tell you that you are
something that you are not and you might even begin to believe it. After all,
you have the card from the top of the hill that tells you who you are and
what you can do. But, what did you do to get there? A lot of effort in
journeying up the hill, but very little happening along the way that would
lead you to confirmation of the fact that you have changed at all.
The first path allows somethings to happen which the second path cannot.
You have to take your time because there are points along the route in
which you must stop and reflect upon the information given you on the
cards. You cannot move on to the next position along the route until you
work out and understand what you need to know in order to do so. There
are no short cuts and you soon see that you have to put in some effort to
ever get to the end of the journey. Yet, even after collecting all of those
cards, the end seems nowhere in sight. Do you give up or do you reflect
upon that which you have learned so far? You will soon realise that the
journey itself is actually that which allows you to understand everything
much better and because you have gained a genuine sense of this, you will
view your Self not from the ego, but from that part of you which grew
alongside you throughout the journey.

When I first began to channel three decades ago, I sought out book after
book in order to try find out as much as possible about developing myself
as a psychic. I thought that this would be the best way to change me from
the person I knew I was (one who knew very little about anything psychic)
to someone who would be able to fully understand the secrets of the
mystics. I dabbled in all kinds of magik conundrums, sat staring at crystal
balls for hours on end and sent myself on astral journeys nearly every night!
A few odd things happened while I was living out these strange activities,
but before and after I seemed to remain the person I had always been. At
best my obsession brought about nothing more than a brain full of occult
information which I didn't know quite what to do with and at worse eye
strain from too much peering into that crystal ball. I had it in my head that
nobody could ever elevate themselves to a position of being a genuine
contactee, someone truly able to communicate with our friends in the
UFOs, unless they were prepared to spend hours cross-legged up on the top
of a desolate hill like some holy guru. You see, until I really encompassed
the truth of the matter I was in fact the fool on the hill.
NOTE: Write down on the 10 cards at the back of the book, what you think
are the essential steps you need to take to develop yourself as a genuine
contactee. Try to put these in order of importance to you.

Fig 1. Contact being requested by the author in 2014 with the emergence
from cloud cover of two types of ET craft: Pleiadian and Arcturian.
Fig 2. The author's wife Helen standing alongside two beings of the Greys
classification in background.

Fig 3. The head of a being with large dark eyes begins to emerge from the
matter of the woodland energies.

Fig 4. Intelligent light forms appear at the time of contact being made.
Fig 5. Sometimes a portal opening appears in the sky before contact begins.
This one caught on camera in 2013.

Fig 6. Requesting communication in 2014, a golden humanoid peeps his

head around the branches of trees.
Fig 7. Who affectionately became known to us as the 'baby alien', in truth a
small hooded Grey type is photographed again peeping from behind a tree
trunk in 2013.

Channelling On Contact
Greetings dearest reader. I am the Celestial
Guide Sharlek and I am honoured to be in your presence as you read these
words. I understand that you wish to know more about us and the ways in
which we can direct you towards more enlightenment concerning contact
with the enlightened ones and others like us. There are many different
procedures for this but I will share with you further advice which we feel
will compliment your own approaches after reading this book. I bring all of
this to you in Truth, Wisdom & Light.

W e have guided the author in writing this explanatory manual using his
mind and his words in order to simplify the knowledge that we hold about
making contact with the observed light-forms you have seen manoeuvring
in your skies and connecting with the terrestrial on your world. When your
people have sighted these light-forms in the past they have projected
thoughts towards them in order to rationalise them in a human context.
These thoughts were then received by the conscious mind of the projector
and would be accepted as objects that could be understood within the
conscientious of society at any given time in your history. Times have been
many in which living beings from other worlds apart from your home
planet have mistakenly been identified as spacecraft in the loose term you
use; UFOs. To know our true form in the basic manner of things would still
be too difficult for the manifest human mind to process. We understand this,
so we have for a very long time let your people decide on who we are, or
should I say what we are. We see that evolution of the light within all
humans has now brought you to a point that this is no longer necessary and
the brotherhood of the sacred living beings welcomes you into our realm of
awareness and understanding of the All. This will be a new and exciting
time for humankind. We remember fondly a time in our own crystalline
records where the emergence of the vibration of Truth (explains to me this
is the super-consciousness that connects everything and everyone) allowed
my peoples to grasp at the fundamental reality that was until that time only
a notion held by the few. This is happening again, here, on your world as it
has in so many others we observe. This realisation is an obvious part of the
evolution of all higher life-forms no matter where they originate.

You might find this difficult to believe, but there have been members of
your animal kingdom in the past who were able to acknowledge what I am
saying here before human beings ever could. Among these animals were the
intelligent dinosaurs, known to your historic fables as dragons. Although
they looked and acted in many ways like the animals you observe on Earth
today, these wonderful reptiles were acute in their intelligence and
possessed a forward psychic ability. Before the previous Ice Age on your
world, this race of upright lizards left it by travelling to other dimensions.
They did not evolve on Earth in the same way that animals have done since.
Theirs was a very different time in which even human traits were lost to
them and that is why the dragon people did not value power, greed or
money. Thus there was no need for them to build at the expense of the
natural environment or work their lives away. The notion that any class
distinctions could ever exist between them was unheard of. They loved each
other equally and were happy to exist and progress in nature, even if they
still had the odd hiss at each other now and again – and they still do in the
dimensions they love to roam! We watched these wonderful dragons in their
time on Earth and they taught many other visitors lessons about the psychic
power of mind direction. Why I am telling you all this about these 'dragon-
like people' is because I want to underline the fact that the notion (which is
current) on your planet that the superior life-form should take the human
aspect in looks and design, is a universally incorrect one. I take on the
human form when I visit this world in my projected consciousness form.
The face that you see as 'Sharlek' is one that I used when I physically
manifested here millions of years back and again around the time of the
landmass you call Atlantis; where I was assisting in the northern healing
temples where you would now call Ireland.

I digress and I apologise for that seeming meandering from the topic at
hand. Yet what I have projected here and has been written by my channel is
so important to the understanding that should you contact or meet with any
other life-forms then you are forewarned that what you 'see or sense' may
not actually be the same at source. You should try to keep all options open.
Even if you observe something that seems ordinary or mundane to you at
the time of the request for contact, do not discount anything that does not fit
in with any preconceived ideas about what we look like. Many of us can use
pranic energy directed from the universal source to manipulate your
environs and all matter-forms within them. We mainly do this for reasons
concerning our protective care of you and would never dream of appearing
suddenly in front of you in our truest form (which as I mentioned would be
very difficult for most humans to comprehend at this current time) causing
alarm and distress of your nervous system, when we can so easily appear at
a distance as something that you can better acknowledge in your mindset.
You will notice that I mention we would never appear close to you for the
reasons given, but there are some races of beings outside of the
Brotherhood of Light which may take a different approach and are granted
permission to do so we it is universally agreed this seemingly more
intrusive method is required. There have been times that world leaders have
been visited in this way by these peoples; to help them directly in times of
international troubles and wars or with advice on the way your world is
progressing. No matter which path they take, the world in which you all live
is always progressing.
When you reach a point where you feel you are ready to request a contact
with us and others like us, or if at any time you would like to summon our
assistance, then you might still be asking how to do this and how will you
know if we are aware of your wishes? Just by the fact that you are reading
these words at this very time, I am aware of your wishes and know the time
when you will desire to undertake them. Others like us are always aware of
your actions and thoughts. Of course there are limits to these mind to mind
observances between all peoples of all cosmic races. In private situations or
embarrassing predicaments (yes, we still have them too from time to time)
it is as if there is an automatic shut off within the universal sea of all
knowing consciousness and no one is allowed by another force higher that
our own, to interfere unless their was a very dire or life-force threatening
situation we were aware of. The main use, which is so natural to us now, is
for preparation of how we will undertake any given situation that we are to
help in.

So there is really no need to make any unnecessary preparations like

burning candles and incense, doing rituals, or facing any particular direction
in order to send out your intentions to us. You can of course, if you really
disagree with the words of my writer channel, do these things if they help
you to focus your intentions of a personal level. They will not change or
better anything other than giving you something to do prior to sending the
actual super-consciousness message to us. Remember, because your
intentions are known to us from the instant they are projected, you are being
watched over by many loving and caring individual beings. Again, there are
those of your race who will ascertain that you need to make sure that you
protect yourself in a spiritual way before attempting any of this. I can assure
you, you have always received the protection on any level you need. The
fact that unfortunate and heart breaking incidents happen to your kind (and
all other life-forms too) causing much misery, disease and death of the
vessel, has nothing to do with you not having been protected from it in the
first place. We can only change actual events through the will of the
universal consciousness as a last resort, which might seem unfair, yet we
long for the time when you will all know in truth that not one of these
aspects of ill-fortune ofttimes happening in your physical life is not valued
as a means to take that energy by your higher self and see these incidents
for what they really are. We understand that it may seem somewhat
opprobrious of me to state that concerning what you call delicate times, so
we do what we can and beam down to you offerings granted with Universal
love in a form that you call healing.

What should be remembered (all humans alive at this time once knew this
before they were incarnated onto Earth from the source energy and lost the
ability to retain it) is that we are all a part of everything. I know that this has
been underlined by my channel writer so forgive me for stating it once
again. I am aware that some humans forget things easily. It is due to this
inter-connectivity of what you call souls (really us as a part of the cosmic
energy) that we can all listen and respond to any thought form intended to
be received by others at any time and retain it forever.

Do not worry that your message of intention concerning contact with us

will pass us by. That, for the reasons given can never ever happen. There
will be those of you who will even question your own sanity after making
such a contact. That again for us is understandable for we know you. For
those who do repeatedly question their own will, we cannot do anything to
intrude and change it. The only time for us to be known to those kinds will
be whenever they have a change of heart about themselves. For that is
where their own avoidance of the truth within them is seated. A wise man
of your peoples once said, 'seek and ye shall find'. To seek is to send out the
intention that you imply you are looking for something, but who amongst
anyone can authorise that which is surely stated you will find something if
you seek it? Your religions will state that it is God that this man implied you
should seek. In a way it is, but not in the manner in which your religions
have implied for thousands of years. God is a man-made notion which
implies a personification. There is no one person, god or goddess
responsible for anything relating to that which is called God. Man-made
religions if anything are an interference obstructing the universal antenna of
God. They lead to confusion concerning mankind's place in reality, his true
potential as a sentient being and at the lowest levels of deprivation, wars
and bloodshed. In modern times in your world the God force has become an
excuse for ego-driven ideals. This is nowhere near what God is about. One
day you will know this.

You are God and everyone and everything is a part of the God that is
universally and dimensionally acknowledged as Love; the highest vibration
of consciousness, even out of reach for many of us to fully understand in
the whole scheme of things. Even our sense of the super-consciousness does
not explain God, so even after all I have stated here my race still yearns to
know God in the same manner you do. So, think about this. How wonderful
that many people like you reading this book at this time see us as your
saviours from the stars due to our high technology, spiritual awareness and
understanding of the conscious and subconscious minds. When in all cases
the truth of the matter is that we are really not too different from you. We
are still evolving, we are still learning and we are still discovering many
different levels of love throughout existence. It is due to this that we can
never look down on your peoples of Earth but we must always show
humility and caring.

I can confidently channel this to you at this time. Those who exist on other
worlds, in other places and in different forms, will always acknowledge
what I have recounted here. It is part of the Universal Law. They will
happily accept genuine friendship and impart to you information that will
assist and help you to change your world for the better. Not only that they
will help you to know yourself better. They will lead you towards
transformation of the human being through love, awareness, compassion
and understanding. They do not want the peoples of Earth to fear or hate
them, for in time you will see that none of those notions really exist outside
of your ability to create them. Time is coming soon when you will all see
that this really is wasted energy. With that in mind (a mind you now know
in truth is capable of connecting with other minds everywhere) think clearly
and send out your intention, your considerations and your invitation.
e will be listening to you. We love you always........

7. Truth Matters

W hat do you think about coincidental happenings? A classic one is when

the phone rings just as you were thinking about someone and it just
happens to be them on the other end of the line. Is this pure chance? The
statistics for the synchronicity of such occurrences would suggest that there
is something more going on that we are not fully aware of. It is almost as if
certain aspects of our lives are almost predestined to happen.

Do I mean that all events in our lives are set in stone and we cannot do
anything to change them? No, I do not, but we should consider that within
the boundaries of what we perceive as 'living' our lives there are things
happening that are common to us all and they seem to be set at various
points in order to create order in what might otherwise be utter confusion.
For example, we all know that we are born, live to a generally accepted age
(withstanding death by injury or disease) and the die during our existence
here on Earth. That is a fact that happens to everyone, unless of course you
manage to upset that order by discovering the secret of longevity! But you
see my point. There are set patterns in nature as if the world we live in has
an unseen pattern of logic that has to be followed in order for us to make
sense of the duration of time and experience.

This is not the whole story and is the reason why synchronicity works and
nothing is really set in stone. As just mentioned, if someone comes up with
the science to alter the age of death or indeed is able to understand what
death is and change the way we manage our bodies through it, then the set
pattern of how we see and 'know' things in our common expectations, can
be altered. This all derives from us all having free will.
So, taking notice of coincidences in your life will help you to gain pointers
that will expand your consciousness to a point where you will accept that
they are a part of the norm and only a branch off from a life pattern almost
set in stone.

When you start to act upon your desire to communicate with the UFO
beings you will find that many unexpected happenings start to align around
you. Some of this synchronicity will be down to your own efforts through
the principles of cause and effect and even wilful intention and some of
them will be completely out of your hands and anyone else here on this
planet. Let me explain.

When I first experienced my own initial orange ball of

light UFO before I even had any notion that it was even possible to be able
to contact and communicate with the beings responsible for it appearing in
my life, I began to sense that there was something more to the whole
experience, something that I had 'forgotten'. I had no idea what this might
be, but nonetheless it nagged at me for over a year. Towards the end of that
time, after much backing and throwing in my mind about this puzzle and
seemingly getting nowhere or reaching any conclusions, something started
to happen. It was at a point when I simply asked the nothingness in my
mind, 'What is it that I can't remember as I know there is something I
should know'?

Up until this time my question had been misplaced. I had been asking the
same question but in the wrong way. I was asking from the ego, 'Why can't
I remember'? I noticed that that question was flawed because it was
suddenly obvious. I could not remember because I did not know how to
remember that which I sought. I did not have a plan as to how to remember
this in the first place and the nagging in my mind was like a computer loop
going round and round looking for an answer that was not there within the
person that was I at that time.

This process however allowed something to take place, but I only realised it
at first by a run of coincidences and conditioned situations in my life at that
time. Normally a busy person, I was between jobs and so had more time
than I liked on my hands. I used this time to meditate and through this I
began to remember things about the initial UFO experience. This
information did not come to me in the normal way that we remember with
the mind, but was presented to me in a highly unusual manner consisting of
sudden telepathic messages that were channelled to me from two distinct
human characters from our known history. I want to concentrate on the first
of these for the reasons of this book, but more information about the other
spirit guide Hakon the Good who approached me at that time, is detailed in
my previous book 'The Circle & The Sword'.

If you have ever studied Ancient Egypt you may have heard of the so-called
heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten; the father of the famous King Tutankhamen.
Again, I refer you to my previous writings to learn more about who this
person in history was and what kind of impact he had on the ancient world
during the 18th Dynasty. Although this was obviously the spirit of a human
being, Akhenaten's energy is aligned with some of the UFO beings that had
originally contacted me at the time of my sighting. In his life, the king was
known as 'living in truth'. Truth, whatever that was to Akhenaten was
something held with high esteem and became the basis of a new
monotheistic religion that he created during his life, as never seen ever
before on planet Earth. His truth was that there was only one soul god, the
Aten (or sun disk) and any other lesser gods were nothing more than a part
of this god, as was everything else in the Universe. In affect, but in a much
more simply defined way, what Akhenaten was suggesting was that there
was only one creation source and everything else came out of this energy
remaining a part of it forever. If you could connect with the source (i.e. The
godhead) then you could, if you knew how to, access all other knowledge
without limitations. Modern day science is finding something similar but
presents it in the modern language of particles and quantum physics. The
truth that Akhenaten was living and realising everyday was one of a unique
understanding at a level that surpassed anything else at that time. Before we
look at how and why he was able to appreciate things in this way ahead of
his time, we should consider this 'truth' that was associated with his
personage to see how this links with the UFO experience?

The fundamental question is, 'what is truth'? If I was to give you any one
answer then this would be one coming from the ego and probably a
somewhat bias answer pertaining to my own beliefs. Truth like everything
that we try to understand while we live on this planet in the present human
form is a conceptual idea. Some say that there can be no true discernment of
what Truth is because it can mean different things to different people and
that in itself is ironically true. I tend to disagree with this assumption based
on the information about Truth that was granted to me from the soul energy
of Akhenaten through his channelling thirty years ago. I have not found
anything outside of his imparted wisdom to make me change my mind on
this since then. So why would I differ in my approach to what Truth is
generally accepted as, on the assumption that Akhenaten's knowledge is in
fact true itself? To answer that we should first consider Truth from the
scientific approach.

It states that to know what truth is there are really only two ways: personal
experience or someone tells us.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE : Each of us knows many things we learned
on our own through experience in our lives. Let me give you some

Banging your head is painful. Knowledge like this we pick up early in


Getting caught on a speed camera will get you a road traffic fine.

Passing electricity through water produces both hydrogen and oxygen

gases. Perhaps in some science class, you also performed this classic
experiment with a battery, wires, and test tubes.

SOMEONE TELLS US : If you know something and you didn't

experience it yourself, someone had to tell you. Here are a few examples:

The word "alien" is spelled "a-l-i-e-n."

For the most part, education involves someone telling you things,
either orally or in print, media, books, etc.

The speed limit on the motorway is 70 m.p.h. If you don't learn this
from the printed sign, a policeman or judge will be glad to explain it to
you both orally and in print!

Hydrogen is the smallest chemical element because it consists of only

one proton in its nucleus. You and I lack the equipment and knowledge
to determine the truth of this scientific fact, so we have to learn it from
a science book, be told it at a science lecture or watch it on a science
documentary film.

Although both sets of points here are in a common sense truths they rely on
a set of values that are missing from their equations. Yes, banging your head
is painful and we quickly learn to try avoid this situation, but no matter how
many times we 'know this' does it stop us from ever banging out heads
again? How many times have you banged your head getting out of the car?
Getting caught on the speed camera is a sure way to end up with a fine? Not
always, there have been cases of speeding motorists not being fined because
they were in a life or death situation having to hurry someone to hospital. In
the case of passing an electric current through water, then unless some kind
of electrolyte is included nothing will happen, so the truth of the matter in
this sense is that pure water cannot produce these gasses. You can see that
the Truth often depends on the amount of information we pick up through
experience and not just the experience itself no matter how many times it is

In my view, the second scientific approach is completely flawed. The

spelling of the word 'alien' by using letters from the English language is
correct and thus true but only in the context of that language. So this is not a
complete truth. Education also teaches anyone that spelling words depends
on the language used and the sounds of those letters and words. A more
complete truth about how 'alien' is spelled would take as long a book as this
one and we would still be no nearer the actual truth of the matter because
the act of spelling is in itself just a human conceptual idea. This second
category depends on the individual mind being educated in order to form a
basis for truths. The problem really is education itself and the way that it
has always been delivered is flawed. After all, we all know that black is the
darkest colour and white is lightest. The truth is, outside of education, black
is made up of many elements of shades of white or light!

You can see that the appreciation of truth comes about on a very individual
basis depending on situations and perceptions. But, is this actually truth that
we have been considering here or is it belief? My truth is that Belief and
Truth are fundamentally different and that this allows there to be an
existence of actual Truth (or maybe we can call this the Ultimate Truth) – a
singularity on its own.
To know something completely is to know the Truth. As we have seen
science tells us that our human mind fails to comprehend what Truth really
is and lends suppositions of belief through experience and education to
support the notion of what Truth is. The key words here are 'human mind'
with which we are unable to determine this, but what if we are able to
communicate and receive the wisdom of Ultimate Truth from 'none-human
minds'? If this was possible do you think that you would be able to
understand what is being imparted to you, or do you think it would still be
incomprehensible a thing for the human mind to evaluate correctly between
that truth and our own beliefs?

This was the channelled lesson that King Akhenaten brought to me all those
years ago. It was a deeper understanding of what Truth is; something that is
outside of our human comprehension (at this time in our evolution I must
add) and something that is vital to knowing how to connect with none
human beings. It was also a test for me. Did I believe that Akhenaten was
actually communicating with me, or did I 'know' in truth that he was. This
knowing of something when taken apart from believing in something (for
which there still remains a degree of doubt no matter how small) adds a
level of respect to the communications and that is considered a wonderful
thing by our UFO friends.

NOTE: Make your own lists of what you think are Truths and Beliefs. Why
are they different from each other or are they sometimes the same?

Which personage (still alive or passed over) would you consider as a good
guide to teach you about Truth?

8. Clean Up Our Act

did not mention two particular UFO entity race types in an earlier chapter
I of this book in case anyone decided to read only a short way and decide to
shortcut parts or the rest of the book in order to try out their own requests
for communication alongside reading the rest. There are types of entity that
I am aware of that do not often take on the human form (which is better to
start with) and prefer to appear in their true physical bodies or maybe some
kind of animal or mythical form. There are reasons why they do this and we
will come to this presently.

The Greys and the Reptilian races need a good level of understanding
before I would advise anyone to try contacting them. They are not
inherently bad, evil or dark, but they can often associate themselves with
lower energy dimensional states and as such can be sensed by human beings
in this reality are being very different to us, with different motives and
seemingly ego-based agendas. Like the other entity types I have already
described, I will present each of these from the current commonly held
point of view. However, you will see that I do not agree with everything
that has been written about them and I say why at the relevant places.

The Greys

Without a shadow of doubt the Alien Grey has become the iconic symbol of
the kinds of beings that are said to be operating UFOs and visiting us today.
They have had some bad press to be honest as they are equally regarded as
the race responsible for human abductions, experimentation and animal
mutilations. In truth, there is very little evidence to state that this is so and
we do not really know who or what is responsible for these acts. The Greys
get connected with them because they are 'flavour of the month' in terms of
the alleged typical alien motif, just as the robotic forms of the 1960's and
the humanoid saviours from the stars were similarly connected with UFO
events during the days of the 1950s contactees. Don't you find it odd that
the Greys only supposedly started to abduct people when our own
expectations of what these kinds of aliens were supposed to be like emerged
tentatively during the 1970's after the Betty and Barney Hill encounters,
growing steadily to a frenzy of experiences around the launch of the TV
series, 'The X Files'. Yet, it is said that forty-three percent of all alien
encounters describe these guys. I am aware that there were certainly
sightings of Grey-like entities made before these times, but they are
recorded few and far between and in early accounts are not ever associated
with abductions outside of our own science fiction stories.

The Extraterrestrial Greys or Zeta Reticulans are named after the colour of
their skin and the location of their home world. They are described as
small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head
and large black eyes. There are variants to the actual colour of the skin like
the duller yellow and orange or blue and grey tones that have been reported.
I have channelled a race of Greys that had speckled skin colouring which
looked like egg shell made up of light and dark patches, but apart from that
was visibly the same as most people's ideas of what a Grey should look
like. Due to their ability to suddenly appear out of thin air and manifest as
other life form shapes, I feel that these Greys are capable of inter-
dimensional travel. It feels at times that they are almost like projections, so
it may be equally possible that some Greys have been sent to Earth through
particle beams or with some other as yet unknown device. Many cases have
the Greys appearing through solid bedroom walls then becoming solid or
semi-solid enough to be able to move and manipulate other physical objects
and people in the room. This would suggest that some kind of matter
manipulation is being achieved which is far ahead of our own time. It has
been noted by witnesses to Greys encounters that these beings move and act
in an almost robotic way. It has been said that they lack free will and are
being controlled in the business they do by superior beings elsewhere and
they have little choice but to act out per-programmed agendas. I can vouch
myself that this does not apply for all Grey entity races. In the summer of
2014 my wife Helen and I were visited by a small child-like Grey that had
been stranded on Earth close to the site of a portal in Yorkshire. We caught
glimpses of this being, a typical Grey to look at, but seemingly very young
compared to adults of this race. Eventually, after seeking further
appearances of this Grey within the local woodlands - which wore a bright
blue hooded cape over his head - I managed to capture a photograph of him,
just as he peeped around the corner of a nearby tree trunk!

After that, a contact was made with this 'baby alien' (as we came to call
him) and through ongoing communications, we discovered that he had been
left behind at the portal by mistake several years ago by others like him
visiting the Earth. He seemed confused and unable to find the way back –
literally like a lost child and in an almost identical E.T (the film) fashion .
We sought and are still seeking a way, a method to try help him be reunited
with his peoples and that is a responsibility that is ongoing. The opportunity
to have been able to make contact in what was an unfortunate circumstance
brought about a fuller appreciation of what this particular Grey was like. I
certainly did not get the impression that he was any kind of threat to any of
us and was always ready to assist in our communicating. He showed the
same awareness and consideration as ourselves but did act at times as if he
was one or two steps ahead of the game at times, knowing what we were
thinking before we could respond. Again, there did not seem to be any
obvious signs that this particular Grey was acting on automatic pilot
without a will of its own.

I want to tell you about a scenario I came across some years ago which
made me think again about the motives behind what we call alien
abductions -many of which are said to be undertaken by Greys. For
personal reasons I cannot name this person that a series of events happened
to, but I can say that he is a well known personality within the UFO field,
has written a best selling book about his encounters with the Greys and
other beings which has been made into a film. Before he started to have a
series of near contacts with what seemed to be intrusive aliens and strange
lights over his home the central witness (there were others with him
sometimes) was successful in his line of work and business. So much so,
that he gave very little time outside of his passion for success and monetary
gain, that he began to neglect the real needs of his wife and family. He
would prefer to spend most of his time living a life in the ego, going to high
level dinners and presentations on his own, speaking down to people trying
themselves to get along in life and glorying in his fame and fortune.

It got to such a level of selfishness on his part that he almost became

another person; greedy and self obsessed. Something had to change because
it was becoming obvious to his wife and friends that the person they had
known years before had somehow been lost in the depths of his own ego.

Then the encounters started. At first he would be out on his own driving and
suddenly catch a glimpse of a strange giant owl-like creature perched on a
passing fence on the roadside. The creature would catch his eye and stare
into his very soul, frightening the wits out of him. Closer intrusions began
at night when he was in bed at home. Groups of Greys would parade around
the bedroom and no matter how hard he tried to fight them off, it seemed as
if everything was out of his own control. Reality had changed.

After several visits by the Greys he was taken. They moved him through
what had been a solid wall and lifted him aloft as if he was no more than a
mere feather. With a sudden and terrifying realisation, he found himself in a
circular room of a craft that was clearly not of this world. On board the craft
with the Greys were other more humanoid looking beings that seemed to be
overlooking what was taking place and offering reassuring words spoken in
English as a way of comforting him.

Without warning, the vile act was performed!

Two of the Greys took a huge tube and inserted it into his naked body
through his anal passage with force. He uttered no screams but something
snapped within him. His anger grew inside to volcanic levels of eruption,
but still no sounds were uttered past his lips. Suddenly, he was back in bed
and unable to lay down for the physical pain that he felt in his bottom. He
checked himself but there was nothing there other than a very small scar
that looked ages old.

The next morning he got up and had nagging thoughts going round in his
head. Something happened to him but he did not remember just what. He
sat at the breakfast table quietly, obvious to his wife that something was
wrong. He went to his place of work and remained quiet and subdued.
Looking around him he saw people living out there daily lives. Some of
them striving to survive on the streets right below where he lived in luxury.
He saw mothers unable to feed their babies due to lack of financial support,
then he saw others throwing away perfectly good half eaten steaks because
their greed had got the better of them. He saw an very unfair and uneven
world around him. He felt different about these situations, but why?

In time people began to see the return of the person that he had once been.
It was as if his ego had been self re-accessed and some miraculous change
had occurred within him, his attitude of mind and his approach to life. He
still had the luxuries of his efforts and fame around him but this did not
matter so much as the love he had regained for his supportive family and
friends. He really was a caring and sharing man who had simply lost his
way as many of us do from time to time. Where those who loved him in
human form could not get through to him previously, it may have been the
case that something else did. Let me explain.

We know that sudden unexpected events in the patterns of life bring about
almost evolutionary changes through adaptation to the new and previously
unknown situations. This is how all humans survive. We have to adapt no
matter how hard or how simple that may be. We have to change from within
in order for the external world to 'agree' with how we see it and what we
want from it. Even though this might sound outlandishly unfair in the
scheme of things, the rape like scenario that our experiencer found himself
in on board the craft was something that, though horrific at the time, did
something to his ego-driven Self. Of course there is nothing more
intrusively terrible than rape of any form and I am certainly not condoning
what happened to him or anyone else, but how do we even now that the act
was actually rape in any kind of reality? Certainly what he remembers took
place in his mind at the time (the memory of it came back to him
eventually) managed to strip away levels of his own egotistic and immoral
viewpoint about life and what is, and is not, important – i.e. love is more
important than money. It seems that this was achieved by removing his self
esteem to such a level that he became like a hollow shell. The indignation
of seemingly being raped by something completely out of his own control
was the thing that really was 'alien' to him. Through that act he became a
nobody in his minds eye and there was only one thing that he could do.
Rebuild that which he had once lost.

So, we can see here in this account that the Greys in their actions can
change people on a very personal level of awareness. How more personal
could that encounter get? What was obvious to most of us as an intrusion of
the darkest level by these beings, may in fact have turned out to be his
saving grace. In the UFO annuls there is a quote from the Greys given to a
channelled source when asked what is their purpose?:

“We recycle souls”

So why the word of warning? Well, we would be naive to think that any of
these UFO entities are just the same as you and me. I have already
explained that for in order to contact and communicate clearly with any of
them, then we need to show a level of considered respect. Nobody on Earth
at this time will know in truth exactly how any of these alien types think (if
indeed they do think as we do?), what motives they have and how we can
evaluate their intentions or desires even if they seem to be, in the main
none-aggressive or ego based. Having said that, there is something that
lingers with me about the Grey beings. The best way I can describe this is
that I regard them as not being able to be complete entities when they visit
and manifest on Earth. I do not think that this is intentional and that they are
hiding something about themselves from us, but might be more about how
this reality affects their bodies and projections of bodies. They always seem
to be 'pushing through'.

They seem to be fighting against something, not being able to relax within
the substance of our environment and repeating a procedure over and over
again in an attempt to realise or fulfill something. I could be wrong here,
but this is how I see it. Like a record playing over and again, they act out a
schedule but it lacks that which they need to make a contact which seems
'normal behaviour' to us and through the utter confusion of it all, these
Greys leave many witnesses equally confused as to what has happened or
changed within their reality when nothing about the encounter seems to
make any sense at all.

I am not saying that it is unwise to try communicate with Greys. Some of

the Grey-Humanoid Hybrids are wonderful and wise 'personages' and hold
many of our own human traits valued as their own, but it would be much
wiser to focus on the classes of beings that we are more easily able to work
with through meditative channelling at first, if not only to be able to receive
and understand information much more clearly.

The Reptilians
Sometimes called Reptoids, Saurians or Draconians, these beings are fully
inter-dimensional and can shape-shift into different forms, even as human
beings. In there preferred state and certainly the one that most witnesses
describe, they look like bi-pedal versions of half human and half reptile
incarnations. The majority of Reptilian types can be viewed as holding what
we would imagine as negative human values. They can manipulate the
mind, appear without prior warning, move objects when unseen, play tricks
and even change environmental conditions to anything they like. There are
a few others within this class of beings who have evolved to higher spiritual
levels and act as equals to us and even hold higher morals and considered
laws. This minority are wonderful beings to work with when they are found
to be trusting and offer much help to many human beings through the
healing energies that they understand.

I would not advise anyone to focus on trying to channel with the Reptilians
until you are fully aware of their motives. I have found that listening to
other humanoid types of aliens with their own concerns about these
Reptilians helps matters; they often act as protective barriers when these
lower-energy lifeforms try to break through.

I did not exclude these two types for very good reasons, not just to warn
you about the complications when dealing with them but to ask you to
consider something else and that is all about balance of energy.

Without a shadow of doubt people tend to encounter these latter types when
their own human energy fields are low or depleted. Like attracts like.
Actually, this is not quite the case as with the Reptilians, Light attracts like.
Writers like David Icke have pointed out that these beings in their pure
energy forms are attracted to powerful ego based humans. Often the types
that hold little honest regard for their fellow human beings are the quarry of
the Reptilians. They feed from the dense energy saturation's of blood
lusting and war mongering despots, many of whom are often found in seats
of power here on this planet. To them, these ego-driven individuals are like
beacons of light to such a degree that they are happy to align themselves
with them to share in the 'glories' of death and destruction of the true
human spirit. Remember what we did not learn in school. The darkest black
is made up of many shades of white.

So we need to do another important thing before we ever consider trying

out any kind of requested contact or communication and that is to make
sure that we as living, breathing, considerate human beings allow ourselves
to be not only focused in truth on the task but also to be balanced as
possible in our own body energy fields. Some people I have known have
by-passed this and have taken up methods of spiritual protection through
chants, rituals, etc., but those short cuts, although they do work, can be
likened to someone telling you what to do concerning this. We know now
that if we are told things we will only be able to believe them. What we
want in these circumstances is to know that this protection will work before
we even start. If we know, we can rely on it because it is the truth and the
only way to get that is to experience it ourselves as I said before.

So, by applying consideration and action towards balancing out our own
energies so that it leaves no gaps in our own physical and spiritual
protective shields so to speak, we do this in truth. Nothing can get by the
truth you hold, unless you invite it there yourself. There is no greater
protection from anything untoward greater than this. Know Your Self and
therefor Know the Truth.

NOTE: Think about a time in your life when you overcame a big problem.
It may have been a death of a loved one, a disaster, an illness or maybe
something else.

How did you cope with this? Did you find that you were looking deeper for
answers as to why it happened? Did you feel alone in your thoughts or did
you sense help around you that was unseen?
9. Creating The Channel

y now you should begin to see that in order to attempt contact through
B invitation or polite request a number of predetermined actions and
thoughts should be put in place. These include up to now:

An understanding of where and how UFO beings can be best located.

Who these UFO beings are and what they look like?

Why you want to make contact with UFO beings?

An understanding that it is not enough to believe you can make

contact, but to know it will bring results.

Understanding what Truth is and how it can help you to protect

yourself from unwanted intrusions.

Being able to take these principles on board is the basis for starting to make
your journey towards a friendship with higher intelligence's and superior
loving beings. But like all good and long lasting relationships, you have to
be prepared to put the efforts into them in order to get anything out –
whether that be information, advice or simply the loving healing energies
that these wonderful beings often give so readily.
Story time again... this was one of the first lessons
that my guide Hakon taught me at the start of my own journey and it has
stayed with me ever since. I feel it is so important and central to cementing
those first steps in making actual alien contact and I would like to share this
with you.

'There was a man called Sam who lived on his own in the heart of the
countryside miles away from any towns or villages. He was so isolated that
he was lucky if he saw anyone to talk to once or twice a week.

James, another farmer living quite some distance from Sam, was in a
similar predicament, lonely and spending far too much time in alone in his
own thoughts.

One day, suddenly, when Sam had to travel to hospital for a check up he
met up with James and they found that they just could not stop talking to
each other about all sorts of things associated with their lives on the farms,
nature and animals. It seemed that quite out of the blue an instant friendship
had been born and both knew instinctively that this could be what they both
longed for; companionship and friendship. At the end of the hospital
appointment, they agreed to keep in touch.

The next week James thought he would take a ride over to see Sam at his
farm and arranged this. They had a wonderful time chatting about their
families who they missed greatly as coincidence would have it that both
lived overseas and out of frequent touch. It was good to know that each of
them could offer help if the need was ever there. A couple of weeks passed
and although Sam had told James that he would make the effort and visit
him next week, there was no sign. Worried that something was wrong,
James called Sam only to find the answering machine.

He set off to Sam's farm and when he arrived, he found Sam working alone
in a field. James was now confused as it seemed Sam was once again more
than happy to see him and they had a great time together as before. Sam
promised that he would definitely make the effort and visit James next
week, but the week passed and once again there was no sign of him much to
James' disappointment.

The same thing happened three more times. Sam would promise to make
the effort to repay James for his visits but did not follow up on them and
never travelled off his farm.

In the end, even after James talked to Sam about this, it seemed as if he was
the only one making any kind of effort and in time James began to see their
friendship as lacking mutual respect. At first he did not even notice it
himself, but as the weeks wore on James began to visit Sam less and less.
He felt let down by his new found friend because it seemed that he was
making all the effort to meet up and spend valuable time together with no

Then, out of the blue, James had an idea. He called Sam and told him about
it. The next week the two of them met back at the hospital sitting in the
grounds chatting and sharing coffee. James suddenly understood everything
and this went on for week after week,

A relationship of this kind does not rely on one person making all the
efforts no matter who it is. It relies on mutual respect and equal
considerations. What had happened in the end was that James realised that
there was a way around the dilemma of Sam's reluctance to travel too far
away from his home and that was to meet half way, exactly where the
hospital was located. By doing this they both had the opportunity to show
respect to each other; a willingness to put in equal efforts and to build what
was to become an amazing relationship.'
It is no different with our UFO friends. Like James seemingly doing all the
travelling to meet his friend, they can travel light years if they so desire to
visit the Earth or they can travel unlimited distances in the blink of an eye
through dimensions that we don't even know exist yet. They fully
understand that we as a race of human beings are much more like Sam. We
have limitations that keep us from making similar journeys, yet we possess
something that makes this unimportant to them. If we can show respect,
hold out our hand and know that they will be there at the other side of our
consciousness, they will happily present themselves to us. It is the 'knowing'
we learned about earlier that allows them to overlook our human
limitations. In doing so, by showing in truth our desire to make contact with
them, they respect us for this too. Out of this mutual respect a new and
lasting relationship is born that can last for thousands of years.

NOTE: Set a date and a time for your first initial request for contact and
make sure that in the time before it you allow yourself to reflect on what you
have put in place from the words of this book. Think about your special
place -visit it a few times and try to picture it in your minds eye. See
yourself making contact at this place..

10. A New Relationship

Y ou are about to undertake a life changing event. The person that you
thought was yourself will be unrecognisable to you in future days and
you might even struggle to fully understand what is happening to you.
Some call this waking up to the truth of the matter that we are certainly not
alone. In time, I can guarantee that you will never wish to go back to the
person you were before and will see the world, people and everything else
in a whole new light. You will be living in Truth.

So lets look at an imaginary scenario in which you find yourself at your

special location and ready to make that first attempt at contact. This is
typical of how I find myself acting in this situation time and time again and
it may be the same for you or it may be very different. It just depends on
who you are and who they are and the environmental situation it all takes
place in. It might be different for you every time if you visit different
locations or it might be the same. There is no set pattern for how an
encounter of this kind should unfold.

Our consciousness is now ready to make an attempt at creating a connection

between ourselves and the UFO beings. So many people think that if they
send out, even from the heart, thought form messages these beings will stop
everything and focus straight in on them. This is a mistake for a number of
reasons and is why so many do not get the genuine connection that they
seek. In time, once a solid basis for repeated contact is established between
you and your off world friends, you will be able to send out such thought
forms and will know when you receive responses from them. But, this is
very difficult to do at the start. Our human minds acting as a single entity
find the process slow and jumbled through interference of many different
kinds of energies and transmissions that need decoding in the brain and this
can lead to utter confusion or nothing at all. Yet, there is a way.

It is my own assumption that all matter (and that includes you and me as we
have seen) inanimate or living has consciousness. Everything living or
decayed at your special place is awash with its own consciousness and
awareness of the whole and they are all connected to each other through this
and therefor connected in this awareness to you also. Nothing is separate
and all energies interweave between one and another creating something
there which is very helpful to us all in our requests for contact. Depending
who you are and what you already 'know', this consciousness might be
viewed by you as being the spirits of things like the plants, water, air and
the earth. This does not matter. We are talking about the same thing.

At your special place you should have already started to notice that it feels
personal to you, as if there is a familiar connection between you and the
energies of it. This expansion of mutual consciousness can be achieved by
simply taking time to talk (yes, verbally works too) to the plants, the rocks,
the water and of course the animal life. As you do this, move around the
place and touch those plants, those rocks and sense what thoughts come into
your mind. Then, inform the location and all that is in it that you wish to
make contact with alien friends. You can be specific about which types if
you want to. By doing this you are in affect actually asking your own
consciousness to connect with the consciousness of the place which will
expand yours considerably to include the consciousness of everything! How
amazing is that.

You see, as a single entity yourself you no longer need to rely on

transmitting your request through the confusion of the singular human
energy and mindset. Your broadcast is now being magnified many times. It
still will be YOU asking for the contact, but like a radio broadcast to the
Universe and all that is in it, everything, including our UFO friends will be
able to pick it up. This is why it is so important to find a place, a site, a
location that is special to you and resonates well with you. The more you
visit the place and act accordingly, the more your cosmic requests will be

Still, be clear about what your intentions are. You should know for certain
what they are before you even attempt any of this. If not, then this is where
our minds can and will play tricks on us and sometimes lead people into
delusion, thinking they are receiving messages from E.T.'s when in fact it is
an amplification of their own preconceived wishes. Having strong
expectations about what might happen is also a barrier to making clear
contact. Unless you can read the future, you cannot really know in truth
what will happen, so it is a waste of your own energy to speculate. Just go
with the flow of the occasion and see what develops with 'an open mind'
(this is what is meant by an open mind -one which is able to project and
receive information from all sources, not just human ones.) It is a sad fact
that the majority of those who claim UFO contact are really bluffing and
thus being ego driven in their attempts. Trying to make any of this happen
will only bring about a situation in which you will know that you only
fooled yourself.

I would suggest that you sit or lay down somewhere safe at your chosen
location. Make sure you feel and are safe there. If you have niggling
thoughts in the back of your mind wondering if someone is going to creep
up on you, then you certainly need to find another place. The same goes if
there are loud noises or sudden sounds which is common sense really. In the
majority of cases the physical human body is not used to this kind of
activity, one in which there will be noticeable affects on it as we proceed,
but this is not to be confused with meditation (although you can connect
with alien beings through meditation by channelling the sources' energy
communications) so whether you choose to close your eyes or not is up to
the individual. We do not need to go into any kind of deep trance either
because the UFO beings will know that you are attempting to contact them.
They are a part of the consciousness whole too and this is the fastest and
most productive manner to instantly connect.

In the scheme of things the human body and mind are amazing and have so
much potential to evolve to levels already reached by our UFO friends. But,
it is also at this time quite a frail vessel. So we should be careful to
remember this when making contact. I can bare witness to a number of
times in which I have not been feeling particularly well after long sessions
of channelling. The fluid life-force energies of each of us change from
second to second and have an affect on what we call our 'well being'. So, a
word of warning to remember.

Contact is physically demanding (your body may tremble and feel

exhausted afterwards)

You will be highly emotional (take a box of tissues with you to your
special place)

Lastly we need to deal with fear of the unknown. I will not pretend that I do
not fear any of this. I am fortunate to have my celestial guide Sharlek
watching over me but I have suffered fearful attacks while involved with
UFO contacts. I am only human after all. I think?

Anyway, the point is that being somewhat afraid of this is not going to
affect anything. It might make you jump by being startled from time to
time, but that is OK. We have a fight or flight mechanism built into us
which protects from any untoward harm. Maybe, at times, it works a little
too well. We cannot really blame our UFO friends for any sudden or
unexpected 'appearances'. Just appearing is a natural thing to do for them
and is really only a way of travelling through dimensions and light beams. I
am certain that one day our own descendants (who might themselves look
nothing like us due to evolution) will be scaring other races of beings half
witless in a similar way....

What can you expect on your first requested contact? The only true answer
is who knows unless you are the one having the experience! My own
experience has shown me that it is very rare that any alien type will make
full physical contact at the first request. I am sure,depending on the
circumstances, that this has happened somewhere but I would think they are
few and far between. We do not have the luxuries (yet) of being able to
travel through time, space and dimensions in more suitable forms as our
UFO friends do. So in every case when a human meets a human it is
obviously in the physical body. They adapt their-selves depending on how
they wish to travel or move around in any given environment. You might
see what looks like a single light in the sky moving slowly overhead and
think to yourself that it is one of their craft. Test this out. Ask them to do
something that proves this like move in a particular way (zigzagging is hard
for our aircraft to mimic) or maybe ask them to move every time you move
and stop when you stop. This is great fun, I am sure for the E.T's as well.

Sometimes, they might send down orbs of light towards you. The
consciousness of the beings is within these orbs, so pay attention, you might
see a face of one of them projected in it. Use your other senses too. Listen
for any strange whispering sounds or voices. You might suddenly feel
warmer or colder -the change in temperature is a good sign that you have
managed to alter the locations energy fields and they are adapting
themselves in order to assist you in making contact. It will be difficult to
make out what is being said at first, but persevere. Even odd smells can
accompany their visitations. It's just a matter of noting what you sense and
feel around them.

You might find that you have followed everything in this book and you still
cannot make any kind of contact. That is possible for several reasons, but
the good news is that all of these reasons can be overcome with a little
patience and time. These beings will know if you are ready for face to face
contact or not. Because they are connected to the 'everything' in the same
way that you are, they know everything about you. The difference is we do
not know everything about them due to the limitations of processing within
the singular human mind. Get a few of us together connecting with the
whole and sending out the same message, then wow! 'Calling Occupants Of
Interplanetary Craft' by the Carpenters becomes so significant when you
really understand the reasons and the methods of projecting this 'mantra'
into the Universal Consciousness. How does the line go?
'We are your friends....'



U seintentions
the following pages to note down your expectations, feelings and
as prompted at the end of each chapter of this book. I suggest
that you scan or copy these pages to keep a kind of working record.
You will soon be amazed when you look back at what you initially wrote
down. Once you have achieved your contact keep records here of your
experiences. Please use the words in this book and your own thoughts and
ideas to help others make contact too. In doing so, you like thousands of
others will help to reach out in friendship to our cosmic brothers and sisters.

In doing so, you will all have played your part in bringing about full
disclosure regarding the UFO phenomenon. Even more importantly, you
will have full recognition that you are a part of the universal love that
encapsulates us all.
ost of this book, even the parts which have been written in an informative
academic manner came to me like automatic writing and I have no
M doubt that our UFO friends were behind the sudden urge to write it at
this time. The words of the book just seemed to flow out of my mind
and I have not experienced anything like this before.

Readers of my other books will know that I channel information, guidance

and healing from a Celestial guide called Sharlek. The way that this book
came about was very different to the way of channelling I am used to and I
feel that another group of beings may have been responsible. They sure
know how to work one hard though. The book was finished in seven days!
Not an epic tome I agree. But even so.

I am mentioning this for one reason only. It has been my own experience in
the past that when writing is dictated in this manner from unknown sources,
it is usually for good reason. Of course most people who have read the book
to reach this point will have followed each chapter in a linear way, but
something else may be going on here which might make it worthwhile to go
back over the words and sentences again. Some phrases, even words, when
they come from such a source hold a value that is from outside of our own
present understanding. They may help you to see something more clearly or
to think in a different way? You might find confirmation of something else
apart from contact for which you seek answers or maybe (and this is
something which if you need it I pray you will be blessed with) you will
find healing and a sense of not being alone.

Should our UFO friends have used their wisdom to impart any knowledge
or healing in that way, then I will be forever in their debt for being able to
write this book on their behalf.
Apart from that, I hope that you achieve your dream of contact soon.
Remember, just who we are, the goodness, the not so goodness we portray
from time to time, the achievements and the failings, all are known to those
who watch over us. They have expanded their consciousness to a level
where judging others is fruitless. They have their views about us, but they
always uphold respect of every individual life-form on this planet. They
know we are human and that we have a way to go yet along the spiritual
and evolutionary path. They understand our intentions, our desires and our
abilities. They love us and that is a wonderful thing.

Through sharing the knowledge of this book with others, I hope that I have
been able to show you a way to request a UFO contact. This is not the only
way. There are other methods you can try. Some have been around for a
very long time and they work for some people and not for others. This way
(it is not really my way as much of this method was taught to me by those
who you seek) is one that helps you to see yourself, the world that you live
in and the immense possibilities surrounding you in all directions and
dimensions, as being a part of each and everything. The truth of this method
working does not come from the words given here. It is given by way of a
certain truth which cannot fail. You and the many-fold races of beautiful
beings like you are actually in contact all of the time. You have to be
because you and them are a part of the everything; the cosmic
consciousness. And because this is the truth, making actual physical contact
is as simple as saying, 'yes, I know'.
Other books by Nigel Mortimer


Aldebaran 24

Alien Grey 42

Aliens 12

Ancient Egypt 38

Arcturians 24, 25, 26

Beamships 24

Betty Shine 10

Betty and Barney Hill 43

Blue hooded cape 44

Bonnybridge 14

Bootes constellation 24

Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft 58

Cannock Chase 14

Celestial guide 70

Celestials 25

Channelers 28

Channelling 16, 21, 39, 48, 56, 57, 70

Child-like Grey 43

Coincidental happenings 36

Communicate 4, 8, 15, 27, 29, 37, 41, 47, 48

Consciousness 9, 15, 22, 25, 36, 53, 55, 58, 71

Contact keep records here of your experiences 59

Contactees 21, 23, 42

Conversations with God 5

Creating The Channel 51

David Icke 49
Deja Vu 17

Dimensional state 23

Dimensions 23, 24, 53, 57, 71

Dogon Tribes 26

Egyptians 26

E.T. 6, 56

Extraterrestrials 25

First Time 22

Glastonbury 14

Grey 5, 22, 31, 34, 42, 45, 48

Hakon the Good 38

Highly emotional 57

Human DNA 25

Human form 26

Human minds 41, 54

Hydrogen 40

Ilkley Moor 14

Intentions 3, 7, 14, 20, 47, 55, 59, 71

Inter-Dimensional Beings 5

Knowing 9, 18, 20, 41, 44, 53

Light beams 57

Living in Truth 38, 54

Location 3, 13, 17, 43, 54, 55, 56, 58

Love 5, 10, 18, 22, 23, 46, 50, 71

Lyra 26

Mayans, 26

Maria Osric 23

Meier, Billy E. 24

Military 15

Mind Waves 10

Natural Surroundings 13
Neale Donald Walsh 5

New Relationship 54

NSA 15


Pharaoh Akhenaten 38

Physically demanding 57

Pleiadians 23

Portals 14, 15

Preparations 3, 8

Psychically aware 8

Relationship 3, 22, 25, 51, 53, 54

Remote Viewing 15

Rendlesham Forest 14

Reptilians 26, 48, 49

Reptoids, Saurians or Draconians 48

Scientific Approach 40

Self-belief 6
Semjase 24

Shalanaya 22, 23

Sharlek 25, 28, 57, 70

Sirians 23, 25, 26

Synchronicity 36, 37

The Circle & The Sword 38

The X Files 43

Tony Topping 15

Truth 3, 8, 19, 25, 28, 34, 36, 38,47, 53, 56, 71

Tutankhamen 38

UFO beings 9, 14, 16, 37, 38, 51, 56

UFO friends 5, 24, 41, 53, 57, 70

UFO Sites 14

UFO window areas 14

Ultimate Truth 41

Underground Bases 15

Vibration Energy 10
Vril Society 24

War of the Worlds 4

Warminster 14

Woodlands 44

Zeta Reticulans 43

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