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The School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener project aims
to create an Arduino-based system that improves the air quality in classrooms in a highly
effective and efficient manner. This ground-breaking and innovative system will diligently
monitor the air quality levels, ensuring that students and teachers are provided with an
environment that is both healthy and conducive to learning. In order to achieve this, the system
will release invigorating and refreshing fragrances when the need arises, creating a pleasant and
invigorating atmosphere. (Brinch, 2022) (Sokienah, 2023) (Wagner et al., 2021)

Our project focuses on developing a state-of-the-art School of Computer Studies and

Engineering Classroom Air Freshener system using cutting-edge Arduino technology. The
primary goal of this innovative and groundbreaking system is to significantly enhance the air
quality within the classroom environment, thereby creating a more conducive, comfortable, and
ultimately productive learning atmosphere for students. Through the incorporation of a highly
advanced programmable air freshener, we aim to provide an effective and efficient solution to
combat any potential unpleasant odors that may arise in the classroom, ensuring a fresh and
pleasant environment for everyone involved in the educational process. By harnessing the full
potential of Arduino technology, our system not only demonstrates its practical utilization but
also addresses the critical need for a healthier and more comfortable learning environment for
both students and teachers alike, laying the foundation for an improved educational experience.
With the implementation of this advanced system, students will have the unprecedented
opportunity to breathe in exceptionally fresh and clean air, allowing them to remain focused,
alert, and fully engaged in their educational endeavors. Moreover, the programmable features of
the air freshener offer unparalleled levels of customization options, tailoring the experience to
individual preferences and specific odor control requirements. The versatility and flexibility of
our system guarantee utmost efficiency and reliability in maintaining an optimum and refreshing
atmosphere within the classroom throughout the entire learning process. (Nsubuga, 2022)

Furthermore, the potential for future developments and enhancements is immense. By
integrating cutting-edge air quality sensors and employing advanced data analysis capabilities,
we can further optimize the overall classroom environment, ensuring optimal air conditions at all
times. This forward-thinking project not only enhances the current learning experience but also
paves the way for continuous improvements and opens up a vast array of possibilities for future
advancements in educational settings. Our School of Computer Studies and Engineering
Classroom Air Freshener system using Arduino technology is at the forefront of innovation,
laying the groundwork for a new era of educational excellence. Through the creation and
implementation of the state-of-the-art School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom
Air Freshener system, we are not only revolutionizing the learning experience but also making
significant contributions towards the creation of a healthier, more comfortable, and ultimately
more productive educational environment. This groundbreaking system serves as a testament to
our unwavering commitment to utilizing the latest technological advancements to revolutionize
the quality of education, ultimately shaping a brighter future for students across the globe,
empowering them to reach their full potential and excel in their academic journey. With our
cutting-edge Arduino technology, we are paving the way for a new era of educational excellence,
where students can thrive in a fresh and conducive learning environment, fostering their growth
and enabling them to become the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. The impact of this system
extends far beyond the confines of a single classroom, as its implementation has the potential to
transform the educational landscape on a global scale. (Sokienah, 2023)

In addition to its immediate benefits, our system also holds great potential for future
development and improvement. By integrating cutting-edge air quality sensors, we can
continuously monitor and adjust the indoor air conditions, ensuring the utmost comfort and well-
being of students and teachers alike. Furthermore, the implementation of advanced data analysis
capabilities enables us to gain valuable insights into air quality patterns and trends, helping us
make data-driven decisions to further enhance the educational experience. Within the realm of
education, our School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener system
represents a significant leap forward. By addressing the often-overlooked factor of air quality, we
aim to create an environment that fosters academic excellence and promotes overall well-being.
This system not only serves as a testament to the power of technology but also emphasizes the
importance of holistic approaches to education. Through our innovative implementation of

Arduino technology, we hope to inspire other educational institutions to prioritize the health and
comfort of their students, ultimately creating a domino effect that revolutionizes the educational
landscape worldwide. In summary, this project aims to revolutionize the learning experience by
developing a cutting-edge School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener system. This advanced system harnesses the power of Arduino technology to
significantly enhance air quality, creating a more conducive, comfortable, and ultimately
productive educational environment. The programmable features and future development
potential of our system ensure optimum performance and customization, catering to the unique
needs of each learner. With our unwavering commitment to innovation, we are laying the
groundwork for a fresh era of educational excellence that empowers students to excel and
become the leaders of tomorrow. (Som and Rana2020)


The main problem addressed by the "School of Computer Studies and Engineering
Classroom Air Freshener: An Arduino System" is the inadequate air quality within classrooms.
Existing air fresheners are often static and do not provide real-time monitoring and control.
Additionally, they may contain harmful chemicals or rely on manual intervention. This
innovative system aims to overcome these limitations by incorporating advanced Arduino
technology to continuously monitor and efficiently adjust the air quality based on predefined
thresholds. By doing so, it ensures a consistently fresh and comfortable environment for students
and teachers alike, thereby promoting significantly improved learning outcomes and overall
well-being. With its cutting-edge features and state-of-the-art sensors, this Arduino-based system
offers unparalleled precision and efficiency. Not only does it effectively detect and analyze air
pollutants, but it also intelligently regulates airflow to optimize the classroom atmosphere. This
comprehensive solution eliminates the need for ineffective and outdated air fresheners,
revolutionizing the way schools combat poor air quality. By seamlessly integrating into existing
infrastructure, the system effortlessly becomes an indispensable part of the classroom

Moreover, the Arduino platform provides flexibility and adaptability, allowing for future
enhancements and customization as per specific requirements. Its user-friendly interface

empowers teachers to effortlessly manage the air quality settings, ensuring a tailored experience
for each classroom. Students experience the benefits of a clean and refreshing environment,
enabling them to focus better, stay attentive, and ultimately perform at their best. This innovative
Arduino system not only creates a healthier academic space but also promotes sustainability. By
optimizing air quality and reducing energy consumption, it elevates the eco-friendliness of
schools and supports their commitment to environmental consciousness. The "School of
Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener: An Arduino System" is a
groundbreaking solution that prioritizes the health, well-being, and academic success of students,
while also fostering a more environmentally responsible society.


The main goal of this project is to develop a Classroom Air Freshener system, which will
be based on Arduino technology, exclusively for the School of Computer Studies and
Engineering. The researcher’s ultimate objective is to offer a highly effective and programmable
solution that effectively addresses any smell-related problems, thereby creating a more enjoyable
and comfortable learning atmosphere for both students and faculty members. We envision
designing a system that can be effortlessly integrated and tailored to the unique requirements and
personal preferences of various classrooms within the school. Through the utilization of Arduino
technology, the researcher’s aim to provide a versatile and adaptable solution that will greatly
enhance the overall classroom experience. (ROZANI, 2021)


The significance of the "School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener: An Arduino System" is to create a healthier and more comfortable learning
environment for students by addressing the detrimental effects of poor air quality. It is well-
known that inadequate air quality can have a negative impact on students' health and cognitive
abilities, ultimately resulting in decreased productivity and concentration levels. With this in
mind, the primary objective of this innovative system is to constantly monitor the air quality in
real-time, and take immediate action by activating the air freshener dispenser whenever

necessary, ensuring that the air within the classroom remains fresh, clean, and conducive to
learning. (Pulimeno et al.2020)

By implementing this cutting-edge system, the aim is to significantly enhance the overall
air quality within the classroom, thus promoting a better and more enjoyable learning experience
for students. Not only does this help to improve their physical well-being, but it also has a
profound impact on their academic performance. By breathing in clean and fresh air, students are
more likely to be alert, focused, and able to absorb information efficiently. This, in turn, leads to
enhanced concentration levels, increased productivity, and ultimately better academic results.
(Nsubuga, 2022)

Furthermore, by actively addressing the issue of poor air quality, the "School of
Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener: An Arduino System" sets a positive
example and establishes a culture of well-being within the educational institution. Students are
given the opportunity to experience a healthy and comfortable environment firsthand,
highlighting the importance of prioritizing their overall well-being. As a result, students become
more aware of the impact of air quality on their health, and are encouraged to take proactive
measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle both within and outside the classroom. In conclusion, the
implementation of the "School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener:
An Arduino System" is a proactive and innovative solution aimed at creating a healthier and
more comfortable learning environment for students. By monitoring air quality in real-time and
activating the air freshener dispenser when needed, the system ensures that students are able to
learn in an environment that remains fresh, clean, and conducive to academic success. By
promoting better air quality within the classroom, the system ultimately strives to enhance
students' overall well-being and academic performance.



The scope of this project involves the development and implementation of an Arduino-
based system specifically designed for classrooms in the School of Computer Studies and
Engineering. The system will utilize various sensors to collect air quality data and will include
components for data processing, control mechanisms, and alerts. The implementation will cover
aspects such as Arduino programming, circuit design, assembly of hardware components, and
integration of the system. The scope also encompasses testing, evaluation, and data analysis to
assess the system's performance and effectiveness in comparison to existing solutions.
Furthermore, it will involve conducting user surveys and interviews to gather feedback on the
system's usability and functionality. The expanded project will also include the development and
documentation of educational materials and resources for instructors and students to enhance
their understanding and utilize the Arduino-based system effectively. Overall, this expanded
project aims to not only improve air quality monitoring and control in classrooms but also
contribute to the research and development of innovative solutions in the field of environmental
sensing and IoT technology.


The study focuses specifically on the application of an Arduino-based air freshener

system in the classrooms of the School of Computer Studies and Engineering. It does not explore
the implementation or effectiveness of the system in other settings or environments. The
limitation of the system encompasses various aspects such as I. Air Quality Parameters: The
study considers a limited set of air quality parameters for determining the activation of the air
freshener. It may focus on factors such as temperature, humidity, and particulate matter levels,
while excluding other potential air quality indicators. II. Sensor Technology: The study assumes
the use of specific types of air quality sensors compatible with the Arduino system. It does not
explore alternative sensor technologies or their potential impact on the system's performance. III.
Customization Options: The study may limit the exploration of customization options for the air
freshener system. It may focus on predefined settings or user preferences within a specific range,
excluding more advanced customization features. IV. Comparative Analysis: The study may not
include a comparative analysis of the Arduino-based air freshener system with other existing air
freshener technologies or systems. It focuses solely on the implementation and evaluation of the
proposed system within the School of Computer Studies and Engineering. V. Long-Term
Evaluation: The study may have a limited duration for evaluating the effectiveness and
performance of the air freshener system. It may not consider long-term effects, maintenance

requirements, or potential challenges that may arise over extended periods of use. VI. Cost
Considerations: The study may not extensively explore the cost implications of implementing
and maintaining the Arduino-based air freshener system. It may focus primarily on the technical
aspects and feasibility within the School of Computer Studies and Engineering. These
delimitations help define the boundaries and limitations of the study, providing clarity on the
specific context and aspects that will be addressed in relation to the School of Computer Studies
and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener: An Arduino System.


The conceptual framework of the study

a. Current air quality PROCESS
b. Intended air quality level OUTPUT
a. Arduino system
c. Requirements for the air
b. Real-time data a. Control And
c. Predetermined settings Regulation of The
d. Sensor data from air
to personalize the Classroom Air
quality sensors
operation of the air Freshener
e. User input for
customisation user input
for customisation

Figure 1.0, The Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the conducted study is shown in the figure above. As
illustrated, the Three (3) Major stages included in the system is defined. These are Input stage,
Process stage, and Output stage. The Input stage refers to the current air quality, intended air
quality level, requirements for the air freshener, sensor data from air quality sensors, user input
for customisation user input for customisation. The process stage handles all transformation such
as Arduino system, real-time data, predetermined settings to personalize the operation of the air
freshener. The Output stage refers to the control and regulation of the classroom air freshener.


The system's input includes factors as current air quality in the learning environment, the
intended air quality level, and certain specific demands or requirements for the air freshener. It
may also contain sensor data from air quality sensors, user input for customisation, and any
established settings or thresholds.


The process includes utilizing the Arduino system to monitor and operate the classroom
air freshener. It involves obtaining real-time data from air quality sensors in order to evaluate the
current level of air quality. The system then compares current air quality to the anticipated level
and calculates if intervention needs to be taken. If the air quality is below the desired level, the
Arduino system activates the air freshener based on the analysis. The system may also take into
account user preferences or predetermined settings to personalize the operation of the air


The control and regulation of the classroom air freshener is the system's output. If the air
quality falls below a certain threshold, the system activates the air freshener to improve it.
Depending on the user's particular requirements or user preferences, the system might alter the
level of fragrance or duration of the air freshener operation. The output can additionally include
real-time monitoring and display of the air quality status, allowing users or administrators to
provide input. In summary, the School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener: An Arduino System input covers components such as current air quality, desired air
quality, and user preferences. Monitoring the air quality, comparing it to the required level, and
managing the air freshener are all part of the entire process.


Arduino System: Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that is based on beginner-level

hardware and software. (
Air Freshener: Air fresheners are products designed to reduce unwanted odors in indoor spaces,
or to introduce pleasant fragrances, or both. (
Air Quality Sensors: Air quality sensing devices monitor noxious gases and particulate
matter. More specifically, they focus on tracking the number, and size, of gaseous or particulate
elements in the air. (
Arduino Programming: Arduino programming is the process of writing code for
microcontrollers that can be used to control sensors, motors, leds, and other devices. Arduino
programming uses the C and C++ programming languages (Embedded C), with a standard API
that is inspired by the Processing language. (
Circuit Design: The process of circuit design can cover systems ranging from complex
electronic systems down to the individual transistors within an integrated circuit.
State-Of-The-Art: belonging or relating to the most recent stage of technological development;
having or using the latest techniques or equipment. (
Invigorating: The meaning of invigorating is having an enlivening or stimulating effect.
Eco-Friendliness: According to Merriam-Webster, the official definition of eco-friendly is: “not
environmentally harmful.” When it comes to products, that means everything from production to
packaging needs to be considered safe for the environment.
Data Analysis: Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. (
Sensor Technology: Sensing technology, simply put, is a technology that uses sensors to acquire
information by detecting the physical, chemical, or biological property quantities and convert
them into readable signal. There are a wide variety of sensors available for practically any
industrial need. ( )
Administrators: An administrator is a person whose job involves helping to organize and
supervise the way that an organization or institution functions. (

9 )
Air Pollutants: The term “air pollutant” means any air pollution agent or combination of such
agents, including any physical, chemical, biological, radioactive (including source material,
special nuclear material, and byproduct material) substance or matter which is emitted into or
otherwise enters the ambient air. (


1. Nurul Rifhani binti Rozani (2021). Simulation model of an air fresher flows in a room by an
automatic spray. Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Mechanical Engineering, 12th July 2021.
2. Shaurya, S. Som, & A. Rana (2020). IoT Based Educational Model for Better Teaching Learning
Environment. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and
Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO) Amity University, Noida, India. June 4-
5, 2020.
3. Sokienah Y. (2023). Exploring the integration of IoT systems in interior design and the built
environment: A systematic review. Yarmouk University, Department of Design and Applied
Arts, Irbid, Jordan. May 8, 2023.
4. Bălă, GP., Râjnoveanu, RM., Tudorache, E. et al. Air pollution exposure—the (in)visible risk
factor for respiratory diseases. Environ Sci Pollut Res 28, 19615–19628 (2021).
5. Pulimeno M., Piscitelli P., Colazzo S., Colao A., Miani A. (2020). Indoor air quality at school
and students' performance: Recommendations of the UNESCO Chair on Health Education and
Sustainable Development & the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA). Health
Promot Perspect. 2020 Jul 12;10(3):169-174. doi: 10.34172/hpp.2020.29. PMID: 32802752;
PMCID: PMC7420173.
CLASSROOMS. ASHESI UNIVERSITY B.Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 25th
April 2022.


Air quality in classrooms is of great importance as it directly affects the health and well-
being of students and teachers. Poor air quality can lead to various health issues such as allergies,
asthma, and respiratory infections. Studies have shown that good air quality in classrooms can
improve cognitive performance and academic achievement. Existing air freshener systems,
although effective in some cases, often rely on harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances that
can cause allergies and other health problems. The use of Arduino technology, an open-source
electronic platform, offers a promising solution for creating a safe and efficient classroom air
freshener system. Arduino provides the flexibility to design and customize the system according
to specific requirements. It allows for the integration of various sensors to monitor air quality
parameters such as humidity, temperature, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The
collected data can then be used to control the release of natural and non-toxic fragrances,
ensuring a pleasant and healthy learning environment.
Indoor air quality is of utmost importance in classroom environments as it directly affects
the health and well-being of students and teachers. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various
health issues such as allergies, asthma, respiratory infections, and headaches. Students spend a
significant amount of time in classrooms, and exposure to pollutants and contaminants can have
a negative impact on their cognitive abilities and concentration, ultimately affecting their
academic performance. Additionally, poor air quality can also contribute to absenteeism due to
increased illnesses among students and teachers. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain good indoor
air quality in classrooms to create a conducive learning environment and ensure the health and
productivity of all individuals within the educational setting.
Exposure to poor indoor air quality can have various negative effects on individuals,
particularly in a classroom setting. One of the primary consequences is the potential impact on
respiratory health. Poor air quality can worsen existing respiratory conditions such as asthma and
allergies, leading to increased symptoms and higher rates of absenteeism among students.
Additionally, prolonged exposure to pollutants in the air can cause respiratory irritation,
persistent coughing, and difficulty breathing. These adverse health effects can significantly
impede students' ability to concentrate and learn, ultimately hindering their academic

performance and overall well-being. Moreover, research has shown that poor indoor air quality is
associated with cognitive impairments, including decreased cognitive function, impaired
memory retention, and reduced attention span. These cognitive deficits further undermine
students' ability to actively engage in classroom activities and effectively absorb new
information. As a result, prioritizing and taking proactive measures to address and improve
indoor air quality in classrooms is of paramount importance in fostering a healthy and conducive
learning environment for all students. By optimizing the indoor air quality, educational
institutions can enhance the overall well-being, attendance, and academic success of their student
population. (Bălă et al.2021)


Air Fresheners Arduino-Base System

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that allows for the creation of interactive
projects. It is widely used in various fields, including environmental monitoring and automation.
When it comes to classroom air quality, an Arduino-based system can be utilized to monitor and
control the air freshener system based on specific parameters. Foreign related studies in this area
may focus on the following aspects: 1. Air Quality Monitoring: Researchers may have explored
the use of Arduino-based sensors to measure various air quality parameters such as temperature,
humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulate
matter (PM). These studies may discuss the design, calibration, and accuracy of the sensors used.
2. Indoor Air Quality Assessment: Foreign studies may have investigated the impact of indoor air
quality on student health, comfort, and academic performance. They may have explored the
relationship between air quality parameters and factors such as ventilation, occupancy, and
pollutant sources within classrooms. 3. Arduino-Based Air Freshener Control: Some studies may
have focused on the development of Arduino-based systems for controlling air fresheners in
classrooms. These systems may incorporate sensor data to automatically adjust the intensity or
timing of air freshener release based on predefined thresholds or user preferences. 4. Energy
Efficiency and Sustainability: Foreign studies may have examined the energy consumption and
sustainability aspects of Arduino-based air freshener systems. They may have explored strategies
to optimize energy usage, reduce waste, and ensure the eco-friendliness of the system. To access
specific foreign related studies on this topic, I recommend conducting a comprehensive literature
search using academic databases such as IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar.
Keywords such as "Arduino-based air quality monitoring," "classroom air freshener system," or
"Arduino-based indoor air quality control" can help you find relevant studies conducted by
researchers from different countries. Remember to critically evaluate the studies you find,
considering factors such as the methodology, sample size, and relevance to your specific context.
Sensor Integration

The sensor integration process in the School of Computer Studies and Engineering
Classroom Air Freshener Arduino system involves the incorporation of various sensors to
monitor and measure the air quality. The chosen sensors include a gas sensor to detect the
presence of harmful gases, a temperature and humidity sensor to measure the environmental
conditions, and a particulate matter sensor to assess the concentration of fine particles in the air.
These sensors are connected to the Arduino board, which acts as the central unit for data
collection and processing. Through careful calibration and configuration, the system ensures
accurate and reliable readings from the sensors, allowing for effective control and management
of the classroom's air quality.

Air Fresheners and Indoor Built Environments

Air fresheners are pervasive within indoor built environments, such as workplaces,
schools, housing, transportation, hotels, hospitals, care facilities, and a range of private and
public buildings. Air fresheners are designed to impart an aroma to the air environment or to
mask odors, with the intent of creating a pleasing indoor space. However, despite the intent, air
fresheners can emit and generate a range of potentially hazardous air pollutants that can impair
air quality. Even so-called green and organic air fresheners can emit hazardous air pollutants. Air
freshener ingredients are largely unknown and undisclosed, owing to regulatory protections on
consumer product ingredients and on fragrance formulations. In studies, fewer than ten percent
of all volatile ingredients are typically disclosed on air freshener labels or material safety data
sheets. From an indoor air quality perspective, air fresheners have been indicated as a primary
source of volatile organic compounds within buildings. From a health perspective, air fresheners
have been associated with adverse effects, such as migraine headaches, asthma attacks, mucosal
symptoms, infant illness, and breathing difficulties. This article investigates the seeming paradox
that products designed to improve the indoor environment can pose unintended and unknown
risks. It examines the science, health, and policy perspectives, and provides recommendations
and research directions. (Steinemann, 2016)
Arduino Technology in Air Quality Control
Arduino technology has proven to be a highly valuable and indispensable tool in the field
of air quality control. With its cutting-edge open-source hardware and software platform,
Arduino provides an incredibly affordable and easily accessible solution for not only monitoring
but also managing and maintaining optimal air quality. By seamlessly integrating a wide array of
state-of-the-art sensors, including gas sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and highly
precise particulate matter sensors, into an Arduino system, real-time and highly accurate data on
air quality can be effortlessly collected and continuously analyzed. Such comprehensive and
invaluable data can then be meticulously examined and intelligently utilized to make well-
informed and highly effective decisions specifically catered to the enhancement of air quality

control measures. The remarkable versatility and adaptability of Arduino technology allow for
unparalleled customization and flexibility in effortlessly adapting and fine-tuning the entire
system to suit a vast range of diverse environments and applications.
Furthermore, Arduino's exceptional connectivity options further catapult the capabilities
of the air quality control system, enabling seamless integration and synergy with an extensive
array of other cutting-edge devices and platforms. This seamless integration not only facilitates
enhanced functionality but also encourages the seamless exchange and sharing of crucial data. In
conclusion, Arduino technology emerges as the epitome of a practical, highly robust, and
remarkably efficient solution for constantly monitoring and diligently controlling air quality in a
multitude of settings. It boasts an unparalleled level of accuracy, versatility, and practicality,
making it a perfect fit for ensuring optimal air quality in various environments, ranging from
industrial facilities to commercial spaces, and even in educational settings such as classrooms in
the esteemed School of Computer Studies and Engineering.

Existing Air Freshener Systems

Existing air freshener systems are widely used in various environments, including
classrooms, as they effectively eliminate unpleasant odors. These systems typically employ an
innovative blend of fragrances and chemicals to effectively mask and neutralize undesired
smells. Traditional air freshener systems rely on manual operation, requiring individuals to
manually spray or release the scent as needed. Alternatively, automated air freshener systems are
also available, incorporating timers or motion sensors to release fragrances at regular intervals or
when someone enters the room. However, these systems often lack the desired flexibility in
terms of scent selection and intensity control. Consequently, they may not adequately adapt to
changing environmental conditions or individual preferences. Moreover, certain existing systems
utilize chemicals that can potentially contribute to indoor air pollution, leading to detrimental
effects on occupants' well-being. Consequently, there exists a pressing requirement for a more
advanced and customizable air freshener system specifically designed for classrooms. This
system should efficiently improve air quality, ensuring optimum well-being for all individuals
present in the educational environment.
Arduino System Development
The Arduino System Development section focuses on the development of the Arduino-
based system for the School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener.
This section outlines the specific steps taken to create the system, starting with the selection and
integration of the necessary components. The key components used in the system include sensors
for measuring air quality parameters, an Arduino microcontroller, and a control mechanism. The
sensor integration process involves connecting the sensors to the Arduino board and ensuring
their proper functionality. The control mechanism is designed to regulate the release of the air
freshener based on the readings from the sensors. The development process also includes the

setup of the hardware components, such as wiring and connections, and the software
development, which involves coding and programming the Arduino board. Furthermore, testing
and calibration are conducted to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the system. Overall, this
section provides a detailed account of the entire Arduino system development process for the
Classroom Air Freshener.
Air Quality Measurements
Air quality measurements play an incredibly important role in assessing the cleanliness
and healthiness of the environment in which students, teachers, and other individuals spend a
significant amount of their time. It is crucial to accurately monitor and evaluate the air quality
within the School of Computer Studies and Engineering classroom to ensure the well-being and
productivity of everyone present. To achieve this, our research focuses on collecting specific data
related to particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, and humidity.

By utilizing state-of-the-art sensors capable of measuring these parameters, we aim to

provide real-time and reliable information regarding the air quality, creating a safe, comfortable,
and conducive learning environment for all individuals in the classroom. Through the collection
of this valuable data, we will be able to analyze and compare the measurements with established
air quality standards. This analysis allows us to draw meaningful conclusions and make informed
decisions to address any potential air quality issues that may arise. By identifying and addressing
these issues promptly, we can prevent health hazards and create an environment that fosters
optimal learning and well-being for everyone involved.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that students, teachers, and staff members can thrive in a
classroom setting that prioritizes their health and provides the necessary conditions for academic
success. Moreover, the implementation of a comprehensive air quality monitoring system within
the School of Computer Studies and Engineering classroom will provide long-term benefits. The
collected data will contribute to ongoing research efforts, enabling us to better understand the
patterns, trends, and potential sources of air pollution within educational environments. This
knowledge can inform future preventive measures and policies, improving air quality not only in
our school but also in other educational institutions worldwide.

In conclusion, our research project aims to revolutionize the way air quality is monitored
and evaluated in educational settings. By focusing on specific parameters such as particulate
matter concentration, carbon dioxide levels, and humidity, we can provide real-time and accurate

information that ensures a safe, comfortable, and conducive learning environment. Through
comprehensive data analysis and informed decision-making, we can address any air quality
issues promptly and safeguard the health and well-being of all individuals involved. Ultimately,
we hope that our efforts will contribute to wider research and policy initiatives, leading to
improved air quality standards globally.

Control Mechanism
The control mechanism of the esteemed School of Computer Studies and Engineering
Classroom Air Freshener is meticulously and precisely engineered to conscientiously and
diligently regulate the release of an invigoratingly fresh and revitalizing breeze into the
classroom, based on the impeccably accurate air quality measurements obtained from the
seamlessly integrated sensors. The ingenious and innovative Arduino system astutely and
resourcefully utilizes an ingeniously devised feedback loop that tirelessly and continuously
monitors the intricate and complex air quality parameters such as temperature, humidity, and a
wide range of pernicious air pollutants. This highly advanced and sophisticated feedback loop
effectively compares the meticulously measured values with the meticulously established
predefined thresholds and selectively activates the air freshener only when it is deemed
absolutely necessary and crucial.
In instances where the air quality precipitously and significantly deteriorates or declines,
the control mechanism promptly and swiftly triggers the release of an exquisitely refreshing and
rejuvenating burst of crisp, clean air that emanates from the air freshener, thereby contributing to
a vastly improved and enhanced overall classroom environment. This burst of air creates an
environment that is not only supremely comfortable but also indubitably healthy for the highly
valued students and esteemed teachers. The extraordinary and remarkable Arduino technology
ensures impeccable precision, utmost accuracy, and real-time, prompt control of the air freshener,
thereby tirelessly upholding and steadfastly sustaining a supremely comfortable and indubitably
healthy atmosphere, which is of paramount importance to the well-being and overall welfare of
everyone in the classroom.
Moreover, the control mechanism possesses an exceptional adaptability, unparalleled
versatility, and a user-friendly capacity for easy adjustments and convenient customization,
enabling it to effortlessly and seamlessly cater to the specific requirements, preferences, and
needs of each individual classroom and its occupants. This adaptability and versatility endow the
control mechanism with a truly unparalleled and unmatched flexibility in the realm of air quality
management. With the ability to effortlessly and efficiently adapt and accommodate changing

circumstances and needs, the control mechanism provides a seamless and optimal experience for
both the students and teachers alike.
In conclusion, the School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener's control mechanism is an exemplary and cutting-edge marvel, carefully and
meticulously designed to regulate and enhance the classroom environment to the highest
standards. Through its judicious and precise management of air quality, it ensures that the
classroom remains a supremely comfortable, indubitably healthy, and refreshingly invigorating
space conducive to learning and productivity. With its remarkable adaptability and user-friendly
customization, it epitomizes a new standard of excellence in air quality management, setting the
bar high for future innovations in this domain.



The methodology of the School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener: An Arduino System consisted of several key components. In terms of project design,
a (1.1) software design diagram, which represents the flowchart from the initialize component
down to read sensor value to determine if the air quality is low or high to execute the relay/spray.
The hardware design (1.2) consists of LCD, DC motor from auto perfume dispenser, relay,
arduino, LEDs, MQ135 sensor, two 9v battery for the power supply. For the hardware
specifications (1.3) included are the arduino uno (a) is the main controller for the rest of the
component. The MQ135 Air Quality Sensor (b) a semiconductor air quality check sensor suitable
for monitoring applications of air quality. It is highly sensitive to NH3, NOx, CO2, benzene,
smoke, and other dangerous gases in the atmosphere. It is available at a low cost for harmful gas
detection and monitoring applications. As for the LCD 16x2 I2C (c) this component will be
displaying the sensor value from the MQ13. The (d) Relay will let the voltage pass through the
automatic perfume dispenser, causing it to spray. LEDs (e) will be the indicator, for Red LED
the device in ON, for the Green LED the device detects low air quality. The (f) Automatic
perfume dispenser, release fragrance automatically and eliminate odors in the air, light sensor
can sense the light changes and spray interval setting at 8, 15 or 30 minutes, two working model
24h and day can be chosen. The battery 9v (g) to power up the auto. Perfume dispenser’s dc
motor. Whereas the MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module (h) give power supply to the
motor on the automatic perfume dispenser. As well as, (i) 12v power adapter This will be
powering the main Arduino board. The Picture of the prototype (1.4) also provided below. The
software specification (1.5) represents the integrated development environment (IDE) which is
the main code editor for this project.

The methods used in the School of Computer Studies and Engineering Classroom Air
Freshener: An Arduino System included several important aspects. In terms of project design, a
(1.1) software design diagram illustrates the flowchart from initializing the component to reading
the sensor value to decide whether the air quality is low or high before executing the relay/spray.
The hardware design (1.2) includes an LCD, a DC motor from an auto perfume dispenser, a
relay, an Arduino, LEDs, a MQ135 sensor, and two 9V batteries for power supply. A photo of
the prototype (1.4) is also shown below. The software specification (1.5) describes the integrated
development environment (IDE), which serves as the project's primary code editor.

For the hardware specifications (1.3), the Arduino uno (a) serves as the primary
controller for the remaining components. The MQ135 Air Quality Sensor (b) is a semiconductor
air quality check sensor designed for use in air quality monitoring applications. It is extremely
sensitive to NH3, NOx, CO2, benzene, smoke, and other potentially harmful chemicals in the
atmosphere. It is inexpensive for detecting and monitoring hazardous gases. The LCD 16x2 I2C
(c) will display the sensor value from the MQ13. The (d) Relay allows the voltage to travel
through the automatic perfume dispenser, causing it to spray. LEDs (e) will serve as indicators; a
red LED indicates that the device is turned on, while a green LED indicates that the gadget
detects low air quality. The (f) Automatic perfume dispenser releases fragrance automatically
and eliminates odors in the air; a light sensor detects light changes and allows you to set the
spray interval to 8, 15, or 30 minutes; and you can choose between two functioning models: 24
hours or day. The 9v (g) battery powers the auto. The direct current motor for the perfume
dispenser. The MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module (h) provides power to the motor of the
automatic perfume dispenser. Also included is a 12v power adapter, which will be used to power
the main Arduino board.


The research design of the project involves a systematic and meticulous approach to
thoroughly investigate, extensively analyze, and ingeniously develop the School of Computer
Studies and Engineering Classroom Air Freshener using the power and versatility of Arduino.
The design will meticulously follow a well-defined quantitative research methodology that
gracefully incorporates both experimental and descriptive research methods, thereby ensuring a
comprehensive approach that leaves no stone unturned. The experimental research design will be
utilized to meticulously evaluate the performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of the air
freshener system, while the descriptive research design will astutely aid in gathering invaluable
information, insights, and feedback regarding user preferences, desires, and indispensable
requirements. The meticulously crafted research design will also encompass the painstakingly
careful selection of the most suitable and pristine research instruments such as highly tailored
surveys, thought-provoking questionnaires, and astute observations, all of which will effectively
and efficiently facilitate the collection of invaluable data for profound analysis and meticulously
calculated insights. The impeccably thought-out design phase will truly and unwaveringly
guarantee that the cherished and paramount project objectives are brilliantly achieved in a

remarkably structured, methodical, and organized manner, thus leaving no room for error or




a. Arduino UNO
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz ceramic resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0), a USB connection, a power jack,
an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with
an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started (Arduino Uno Rev3, n.d.).
Thousands of projects, ranging from simple household items to intricate scientific
apparatuses, have used Arduino as their brain throughout the years. This open-source
platform has brought together a global community of makers, including professionals,
amateurs, artists, programmers, and students.
This microcontroller will be the main controller for the rest of the component.

b. MQ135 Air Quality Sensor
An MQ135 air quality sensor is one type of MQ gas sensor used to detect,
measure, and monitor a wide range of gases present in air like ammonia, alcohol,
benzene, smoke, carbon dioxide, etc. It operates at a 5V supply with 150mA
consumption. Preheating of 20 seconds is required before the operation, to obtain the
accurate output.
It is a semiconductor air quality check sensor suitable for monitoring applications
of air quality. It is highly sensitive to NH3, NOx, CO2, benzene, smoke, and other
dangerous gases in the atmosphere. It is available at a low cost for harmful gas
detection and monitoring applications.
If the concentration of gases exceeds the threshold limit in the air, then the digital
output pin goes high. The threshold value can be varied by using the potentiometer of
the sensor. The analog output voltage is obtained from the analog pin of the sensor,
which gives the approximate value of the gas level present in the air.

This component is important as it will be the one to check the air quality in the
c. LCD 16x2 I2C

The LCD 12C 1602 Display can be a reliable solution if you prefer a small-sized
panel. It comes to serve you with a simple and cost-effective solution in the context of
Arduino units. The display allows you to add a 16x2 White on RGB Liquid Crystal
Furthermore, the LCD display features a good blue backlight reflection that
ensures great integrations for Arduino-based projects. The module houses 16
characters by a 2-line display to generate clearer and high-contrast text with blue
lighting in the background. Arduino LCD Display projects will run short of pin
integrations, especially when it collaborates with Arduino UNO.
This component will be displaying the sensor value from the MQ135.

d. Relay

A relay is an electrically operated switch that can be turned on or off, letting the
current go through or not, and can be controlled with low voltages, like the 5V
provided by the Arduino pins.
This relay module has two channels (those blue cubes). This module should be
powered with 5V, which is appropriate to use with an Arduino. There are other relay
modules that are powered using 3.3V, which is ideal for ESP32, ESP8266, and other
This component will let the voltage pass through the automatic perfume
dispenser, causing it to spray.

e. LEDs

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when

current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron
holes, releasing energy in the form of photons. The color of the light (corresponding
to the energy of the photons) is determined by the energy required for electrons to
cross the band gap of the semiconductor. White light is obtained by using multiple
semiconductors or a layer of light-emitting phosphor on the semiconductor device.
This will be the indicator, for Red LED the device in ON, for the Green LED the
device detects low air quality.

f. Automatic perfume dispenser

The Automatic perfume dispenser, can release fragrance automatically and
eliminate odors in the air, Light sensor can sense the light changes and spray interval
setting at 8, 15 or 30 minutes, two working model 24h and day can be chosen.
Given the device has already feature, in this project the developers on require the
motor inside the device, as this will be the one dispensing the perfume.

g. Battery 9v

This will power up the auto. Perfume dispenser’s dc motor.

h. MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module

The MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V/5V securely fits in a

standard 400 or 800 tie points breadboard it also features reverse polarity protection,
the module can take 6.5V to 12V input and can produce 3.3V and +5V. The module
can also output 5V on USB connector or input through USB connector.
This component will give power supply to the motor on the automatic perfume

i. 12v power adapter

One of the most widely used power sources in use today is the 12V power supply,
also known as the 12VDC power supply. Generally, a mixture of transformers,
diodes, and transistors is used to convert a 120VAC or 240VAC input into a 12VDC
output. There are two kinds of 12-volt power supplies: regulated power supplies and
unregulated power supplies. This will be powering the main Arduino board.



a. Arduino IDE

The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-

platform application (for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux) that is written
in the Java programming language. It originated from the IDE for the languages
Processing and Wiring. It includes a code editor with features such as text cutting
and pasting, searching and replacing text, automatic indenting, brace matching,

and syntax highlighting, and provides simple one-click mechanisms to compile
and upload programs to an Arduino board.
This IDE is the main code editor for this project.



The study aimed to investigate the use of an Arduino-based system for improving indoor
air quality in classroom environments through the implementation of a classroom air freshener.
The research design involved collecting data on the importance of indoor air quality and the
effects of poor indoor air quality on students' health and academic performance. Existing
solutions for improving indoor air quality were reviewed, with a focus on Arduino-based
systems. Previous studies on classroom air fresheners were also examined to identify gaps in the
current literature. The methodology included a sampling procedure to select a representative
sample of classrooms, data collection methods such as air quality measurements and surveys,
and data analysis techniques to analyze the collected data. The results and discussion section
provided an overview of the findings, including an analysis of the data and a discussion of the
results. In conclusion, this study provided valuable insights into the potential benefits of using an

Arduino system to improve classroom air quality and highlighted areas for future research in this

In order to further explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of the Arduino-based
Classroom Air Freshener system, future research should focus on several key areas. Firstly,
conducting a larger-scale study across multiple classrooms and schools could provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the system's effectiveness and feasibility. This could involve
assessing the impact of the air freshener on a wider range of student populations and determining
if there are any variations in the system's performance in different school environments.
Additionally, it would be valuable to investigate the long-term effects of using the system, such
as evaluating its impact on students' health and academic performance over an extended period
of time. Furthermore, exploring different types of air fresheners and their compatibility with the
Arduino system could provide insights into the most suitable and effective options for classroom
environments. Lastly, examining the cost-effectiveness and practicality of implementing the
system on a larger scale would be beneficial for education institutions considering its adoption.
By addressing these areas, future research can contribute to the optimization and wider
implementation of the Arduino-based Classroom Air Freshener system.


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