Recall 2

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My Recalls’ 2013 Pls.

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1. 300 ug = 30 ml whole blood

2. Increase anion gap seen in metabolic acidosis
3. Know how to compute corrected WBC
4. Know how to compute for how many units of compatible blood to transfuse
5. What is CD4? Inducer cells
6. CD8
7. With 10 % Blast seen in CML
8. Study how to identify enterobacteria
- Study the flash cards that’s simple to understand
9. Normal TIBC, Inc. Ferritin seen in sideroblastic anemia
10. Effect of refrigeration in cold agglutinin
11. PCR requirements
12. Steps in iron measurement
13. To whom to give medical report? My answer: dentist requesting the exam
14. Presence of oval fat bodies seen in Nephrotic syndrome
- Study also lab findings in glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis
15. Oliguria
16. + strip test, - in clinites in baby urine? Galactose
17. When to examine semen? Liquefaction within 30 mins
18. Increase in phosphatidyl glycerol
- Fetal lung maturity
19. Appearance of specimen with increase amylase and lipase
20. Croprecipitate
- Pooled within 4 hours
- My answer to be given before x-ray of the pt.
21. Anti SM -------SLE
- Study ANA test
22. 10% sodium hypochlorite-------- for surface disinfection
23. Dilution on the 6th tube
- 0.1 serum and 0.9 solvent in the 1st tube, 0.5 serum and 0.5 solvent 2nd tube and so on
- My answer 1:320
24. Study blood panel
25. Study blood discrepancy
26. Study MI
- Troponin
27. Liver enzymes
- they asked me questions on this 2 enzymes, read their importance
28. Bone marrow picture
29. Cause of rouleux in blood smear
30. 3 days ---- max interval wlc a recipient sample can be used for xmatching
31. Destroy by enzyme? M N S Duffy
- Study also enhance by enzyme
32. Metabolite of cocaine? Benzoylecgonine
33. Veilonella -------bacteria after jaw surgery
34. Ingestion of moth balls? See Heinz bodie
35. Read on acute pancreatitis
36. What is measured in BUN urease? NAD
37. Study principle in Coefficient variation
38. Cystic fibrosis ----- Burkholderia cepacia
39. Infectious mononucleosis
- Blood picture of crenated vacuolated granulocytes
40. Hemolytic anemia ---------- dec. haptoglobin
41. 10% metamyelocytes ---------CML
42. Acantamoeba ------- infection in cases with contact lenses
43. Gentamycin resistant -------- enterococcus
- Know also other organism that cause this
44. Know th HACEK group
45. Virulence factor of N. gnorrhrea -------- capsule
46. What is affected in lysed specimen?
47. Study weak D
48. Study Interlaboratory policy
49. HbA1c --------- decrease in hemolytic anemia
50. What is the accurate parameter for maturation of cells?
- My answer is absence of nucleoli ------ I’m not sure
51. In LAP score don’t include eosinophil
52. CSF with extra band ---------------------report as normal
53. Hgb will appear in the urine if ---------Haptoglobin is depleted
54. Binding site of antibody------- look for the answer
- My answer -----1 light chain and 1 heavy chain
55. React leas with ant-H -----------A1
56. Normal CK, Inc. troponin ---------MI
57. Picture of tear drop cell, where do u see this?
- Multiple myeloma
58. Apheresis -------- need 6 to 8 units
59. Lectin
60. Wht is hh? Null Bombay
61. Know the warm and colg agglutinin
62. Study DAT
63. Study how to compute Rhogam
64. Blood products storage
65. What causes false(+) to HIV
66. Anamnestic ----- delayed rxn
67. Bronchiolitis in children-------- RSV
68. Mycobacterium that causes TB in HIV ? look for the answer
69. QC for indole test
70. Vi Antigen ------ virulence factor for Salonella
71. Emphysema ----- decrease alpha antitrypsin
72. TSH result in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid

Try to look for the answers for other questions

Study very well on this topics:
- liver enzymes
- MI enzymes
- Acid base balance
- Tumors marker
- ANA Test
- Blood discrepancies
- Blood panel
- Electrophoresis pictures
- Hepatitis B
- Cortisol
- Serial Dilution
- Computation on: anion gap, LDL ,computed osmolality, corrected WBC,
Computation for compatible blood and computation for frequency,
Creatinine clearance,
V1C1 = V2C2
- Leukemias:
AML - Sudan Black (+), CAE (+), peroxidase (+)
Auer rods

ALL - PAS (+), Oil red O (+)


CML - Low LAP score

10% blasts in the BM, plenty of tear drop cells

CLL - presence of smudge cells

- Pictures of abnormal inclusions in RBC
- Platelet disorder
- Lots of Question on ISE
- Read on synovial fluid------- what causes turbidity?
- Read on Clinitest
- READ on principle of instrumentations:
Coulometry and others

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