Compilation of Sample Problems in Linkage and Population Genetics

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Compilation of Sample Problems in

Linkage and Population Genetics

BIO 140
Midyear, A.Y. 2020-2021
CHELSEA NICOLE BAGNI Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Complete Dominance)
AL-SAPPHIRA BARROGA Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
RICHAEL KYLE BASTIAN Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
AARON JOHN CORPUZ Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
MARIA TERESA CORPUZ Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
RALPH LANCHELO DASALLA Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Complete Dominance)
MARC DENNIS DELA MERCED Linkage (Gene Mapping, Three point test cross)
TROY JANUS DELOS SANTOS Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Codominance)
JOSE ELMER GUEVARA Linkage (Gene Mapping, Three point test cross)
GIO ANGELO IDOS Linkage (Gene Mapping, Three point test cross)
ROGER LEGASPI Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two Genes)
JOANNE MARI MADRID Linkage (Gene Mapping)
SHEENA RAIN MADRID Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, X-linked)
PRINCESS KATE PANTIG Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
JULES FARLEY RAPOSAS Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Multiple Alleles)
MAELYN NICOLE ROMIN Linkage (Gene mapping, Two genes)
MARY KATHLEEN TRONCO Linkage (Gene Mapping)
HENRY III TUMANENG Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Complete Dominance)
KYLA MAE USA Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, X-linked)
ELOISE MYRA UYAO Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
GERMAN VEROSIL Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Dihybrid Cross)
DEBBIE NICOLE YEE Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)

Topics may range from:

● Linkage (Gene Mapping, Three point test cross)
● Linkage (Gene Mapping, Two genes)
● Linkage (Gene Mapping)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Complete Dominance)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Codominance)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Multiple Allelism)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, X-linked)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Sex-influenced)
● Pop Gen (Hardy Weinberg, Dihybrid Cross)
Sample Problem:
A population of dogs can be either black or white. The black allele (B) has complete
dominance over the white allele. Given a dog population of 1,000 where 840 are black and 160
are white, determine the frequency of recessive alleles, dominant alleles, homozygous
recessive genotype, homozygous dominant genotype, heterozygous genotype, and the number
of individuals per genotype.

Sample Problem:
In pea plants, genes for pollen shape and flower color are on the same chromosome,
hence, they are linked. Long pollen is dominant over round pollen while purple flower color is
dominant over red. These genes are 12 map units from each other. If the cis female parent who
is heterozygous for both genes is test crossed, what would be the phenotypic ratio of the

❖ Long pollen > Round pollen
❖ Purple flower > Red flower
❖ Cis arrangement
❖ Da-b = 12 mu / 0.12 M
❖ Cross: doubly heterozygous (female) test crossed
❖ What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
Sample Problem:
The genes for seed color and seed shape in corn plants are linked with 28%
recombination. Colored seeds are dominant over colorless seeds while full seeds are dominant
over shrunken seeds. Two test crosses were done with two different corn plants (cis alelle
arrangement). The first test cross with a colored full seed resulted with an F1 generation
consisting of 99 colored full seeds, 102 colorless shrunken seeds, 30 colored shrunken seeds,
and 24 colorless full seeds. The other test cross with another colored full seed resulted in an F1
generation consisting of 34 colored full seeds, 30 colorless shrunken seeds, 13 colored
shrunken seeds, and 8 colorless full seeds.
a. Determine the genotype of the two corn plants
b. If these two corn plants were crossed. What would be the phenotypes and proportion of
the F1 generation?

Sample Problem:
In humans, the genes responsible for hair color and eye color are said to be linked.
Brown hair is dominant over blonde hair whereas brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. The
distance between the two genes is 13 map units. What is the phenotypic ratio if one of the
parents who is heterozygous and trans for the 2 genes is test crossed?

● Brown hair > Blonde hair
● Brown eyes > Blue eyes
● Trans arrangement
● Da-b= 13mu or 0.13 Morgan
● Cross: Doubly heterozygous test crossed
● Phenotypic ratio of offspring?
Let A= Brown hair a= Blonde hair; B= Brown eyes b= Blue eyes
Sample Problem:
In tomatoes, genes for stem color and leaf shape are linked. Purple stem color is
dominant over green stem, and cut is dominant over potato leaf. The cross between a
heterozygous plant with purple stem, cut leaf and green stem, potato leaf produced the following
Purple stem, cut leaf 404

Purple stem, potato leaf 94

Green stem, cut leaf 105

Green stem, potato leaf 387

(a) What is the parental and recombinant frequency of these genes?

(b) What is the arrangement of the genes?

● A: Purple stem > Green stem
● B: Cut leaf > Potato leaf
● Cross: Hetero purple-stemmed cut leaf x green-stemmed potato leaf

P AaBb x aabb
Phenotype F1 produced Parental/ Probability Gamete

Purple stem, cut 404 P 0.80


Green stem, 387 P 0.80

potato leaf

Green stem, cut 105 R 0.20


Purple stem, 94 R 0.20

potato leaf


a.Parental phenotype: 80%; Recombinant phenotype: 20%

b. Arrangement: cis (++/ab)
Sample Problem:
Widow’s peak is considered to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. In an
isolated island with a population of 500, only 49 individuals have a straight hairline. Assuming
that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the percentage of the population
that can transmit the recessive allele?

Sample Problem:

Sample Problem:
Sickle-cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder, exhibiting codominance, where
normal homozygous individuals (SS) have normal-shaped blood cells that can be easily infected
with Plasmodium sp. (malarial parasite). Individuals possessing the severe form of the disease
(ss) have all of the red blood cells as sickle-shaped that readily collapse when deoxygenated.
Mortality is common to those afflicted with the severe disease due to shortness of breath and
not necessarily malaria. Individuals with the heterozygous genotype (Ss) for the disease
possess some sickle cells, but not enough to cause mortality. Additionally, the sickle-shaped
cells confer partial immunity from malaria since they cannot survive in such cells. If 17% of an
African population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell anemia, what percentage of the
population will be more resistant to malaria due to their heterozygous genotype for the
sickle-cell gene?


2 2
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is given as: 𝑝 + 2𝑝𝑞 + 𝑞 .

If ss = 17%, then: 𝑞 = 0. 17. We can then get 𝑞 = 0. 17; therefore 𝑞 = 0. 41.

We then use 𝑝 + 𝑞 = 1 to get the value of p. After transformation and substitution, we can
then get: 𝑝 = 1 − 0. 41. Therefore, p = 0.59.

To obtain the percentage of the population possessing Ss genotype, we use 2𝑝𝑞 from the
Hardy-Weinberg equation.

𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 2𝑝𝑞

= 2(0. 59)(0. 41)

= 0. 4838

Therefore, assuming that the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is preserved, we can conclude that
48.38% of the population possesses partial immunity from malaria due to their heterozygous
(Ss) genotype for sickle-cell anemia
A harvest from a pea plantation yielded 250 pods with the following characteristics,

Smooth, green, inflated 105

Smooth, yellow, inflated 2

Smooth, Yellow, constricted 12

wrinkled, Yellow, Inflated 8

Wrinkled, green, constricted 2

Wrinkled, yellow, constricted 102

Wrinkled, green, inflated 10

Smooth, green, constricted 9

Dominant Traits (+) Recessive Traits

smooth wrinkled

green yellow

inflated constricted

Using the data given, create a gene mapping for the harvested pea pods and determine the distance
between their genes.
Sample Problem:
Females of a hypothetical animal heterozygous for three mutations were crossed with
males homozygous for all the mutations. The males exhibit blue fur, blue eyes, and blue teeth.
The progenies’ phenotypes and observed numbers are shown in the table below.
Phenotype Observed number

Wild type 78

Blue teeth 344

Blue eyes, blue teeth 89

Blue fur, blue teeth 2

Blue fur, blue eyes 335

Blue fur, blue eyes, blue teeth 75

Blue eyes 1

Blue fur 91

Construct a genetic linkage map with the correct gene order and determine the distances
between the genes involved.


1. First, we determine the gamete for each phenotype then arrange the progenies from the
highest to the lowest number

Gamete Phenotype Number

++c Blue teeth 344
ab+ Blue fur, blue eyes 335
a++ Blue fur 91
+bc Blue eyes, blue teeth 89
+++ Wild type 78
abc Blue fur, blue eyes, blue teeth 75
a+c Blue fur, blue teeth 2
+b+ Blue eyes 1

2. After arranging, we have now determined which phenotypic classes are the pairs arising from
crossing-over events. We can now determine their respective recombination frequency by
adding the number of progenies and dividing it by the total number of progenies. We can also
now determine the NCO, SCOs, and the DCO based on the frequency with the NCO having the
highest frequency, and the lowest being the DCO.

Gamete Phenotype Number Frequency

++c Blue teeth 344 679/1015 NCO
ab+ Blue fur, blue eyes 335 = 66.9 % NCO
a++ Blue fur 91 180/1015 SCO
+bc Blue eyes, blue teeth 89 = 17.7 % SCO
+++ Wild type 78 153/1015 SCO
abc Blue fur, blue eyes, blue teeth 75 = 15.1 % SCO
a+c Blue fur, blue teeth 2 3/1015 DCO
+b+ Blue eyes 1 = 0.3 % DCO

3. We now determine the type of arrangement

NCO has trans arrangement

4. We then subject the NCO to DCO to determine the gene order

● Using the a-b-c gene order, we get…

which does not match the DCO

● Using the a-c-b gene order, we get…

which does not match the DCO

● We are left with one gene order combination, the b-a-c, which will give us…

which matches the DCO

This shows that the gene order is b-a-c. We can now rewrite the table with the correct
gene order.
Gamete Number Frequency
++c 344 679/1015 = 66.9 % NCO
ba+ 335 NCO
+a+ 91 180/1015 = 17.7 % SCO
b+c 89 SCO
+++ 78 153/1015 = 15.1 % SCO
bac 75 SCO
+ac 2 3/1015 = 0.3 % DCO
b++ 1 DCO

5. Now, we label the SCOs using the NCO.

a. SCOb-a

b. SCOa-c

6. We now determine the distances and draw the gene map.

= SCOb-a + DCO = SCOa-c + DCO
= 17.7 map units + 0.3 map unit = 15.1 map units + 0.3 map unit
= 18.0 map units = 15.4 map units
Sample Problem:
The gene for Cystic Fibrosis and Williams Syndrome (Williams-Beuren syndrome) are
said to be located on the same chromosome 7. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is expressed as an
autosomal recessive condition by a mutation in the Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
regulator (CFTR) gene that disrupts secretory production of mucus, sweat, and digestive juices.
Although not commonly inherited, Williams syndrome (WBS) is characterized by distinctive
facial inconsistencies as well as growth delays in one lifespan caused by the deletion of 7q11.2
thus considered an autosomal dominant condition upon inheritance. If both genes are said to be
38 mu apart:

(1) What is the phenotypic ratio of a cross between an unaffected carrier for the CFTR
mutated gene and an cis individual with Williams syndrome that is also a carrier for
CFTR mutated gene?
(2) What is the probability for a progeny to have Cystic Fibrosis?
(3) What is the probability for a progeny to have Williams syndrome if both parents had no
deletions in their chromosome 7?

● CFTR Normal (F) > CFTR Mutated (f)
● WBS Deleted Gene (B) > No deleted gene (b)
Sample Problem

The genes coding for seed coat color and seed coat texture in a species of a plant are linked.
Yellow seed coat color is dominant over green seed coat color while the smooth seed coat is
dominant over the rough seed coat. If these genes are 20 mu apart, and a doubly heterozygous
plant is test-crossed with a pure-breeding dominant, prove that the offspring will have 100%
yellow, smooth seed coat color.

P AaBb x AABB → AB / ab x AA / BB

In AaBb:

parental phenotypes: AB, ab

1 - X / 2 = 1 - 0.2 / 2 = 0.4

Recombinant phenotypes: Ab, aB

X / 2 = 0.2 / 2 = 0.1


Only phenotype: AB

Cross: Genotype Phenotype

AB X AB AABB (0.4)(1) = 0.4 yellow smooth

ab X AB AaBb 2(0.4)(1) = 0.8 yellow smooth

Ab X AB AABb 2(0.1)(1) = 0.2 yellow smooth

aB x AB AaBB 2(0.1)(1) = 0.2 yellow smooth

= 100% yellow smooth

Sample Problem:

In a big city, a rare X-linked recessive trait has seemed to affect 0.0125% of the males in
a certain population. The total number of males in that population is said to be 8,000.

Sample Problem:
Working with a specific ant species, you testcrossed a trans doubly heterozygous male
wherein the genes for the size of their eyes and possessing banding patterns are linked. Large
eyes are recessive over small eyes while having banding is dominant over its absence. With this
information, what is the phenotypic ratio of their offspring if these genes are 76 cM apart?

E ← Small eyes > Large eyes
B ← With banding pattern > Absence of banding pattern
Trans arrangement
Da-b= 76 cM or 0.76 morgan [[as 1 map unit = 0.01 morgan = 1 cM]]
Cross: Doubly heterozygous male, female testcrossed
Phenotypic ratio of offspring = ?
Sample Problem:
In a rabbit population located in a pasture, a population geneticist studied the coat colors
of 830 rabbits. The observed frequencies of rabbits with various coat colors were 332 agouti,
249 chinchilla, 166 himalayan, and 83 albino. Assuming that this rabbit population is under
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, find the allele frequencies of agouti (CA), chinchilla (CC), himalayan
(CH), and albino (c) if the hierarchy of dominance is agouti > chinchilla > himalayan > albino.

First, we list down the possible genotypes for all phenotypes. According to the hierarchy
of dominance, each phenotype can contain several genotypes:
● Agouti: CACA, CACC, CACH, CAc
● Chinchilla: CCCC, CCCH, CCc
● Himalayan: CHCH, CHc
● Albino: cc
In constructing the Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equation for the problem, each allele must be
represented by a variable. Since there are 4 alleles involved, we let CA be p, CC be q, CH be r,
and c be s. Thus, the H-W equations would be:
● p+ q + r + s = 1
● (p + q + r + s)2 = p2 + q2 + r2 + s2 + 2pq + 2pr + 2ps + 2qr + 2qs + 2rs = 1
Next, we find the frequencies of each phenotype by dividing the number of each
phenotype frequency to the total number of individuals in the population.
332 4
● 830
= 10
= 0. 4
249 3
● 830
= 10
= 0. 3
166 2
● 830
= 10
= 0. 2
83 1
● 830
= 10
= 0. 1
These phenotype frequencies are crucial for the subsequent calculations. Because the c
allele is recessive, the frequency of rabbits with the phenotype of albino coat color is given by
the proportion of the recessive genotype s2.
● s2 = 0.1
● s = 0. 1
● s = 0.32
We can use s to calculate the allele frequency of the CH allele. Since himalayan rabbits
can have 2 possible genotypes, the CHCH genotype is represented by r2 and the CHc by 2rs.
Combining these, we have the equation:
● r2 + 2rs + s2 = 0.2 + 0.1
By factoring the left side of the equation and taking the sum of the right side, we have:
● (r + s)2 = 0.3
● r + s = 0. 3
● r = 0.55 - s
● r = 0.55 - 0.32
● r = 0.23
Now that we have the values of r and s, we can use these allele frequencies to calculate
the allele frequency of CC. To do this, we have to combine the phenotype frequencies of
chinchilla, himalayan, and albino rabbits because the genotypes of chinchilla rabbits contain the
himalayan and albino alleles. Note that the chinchilla phenotype has 3 possible genotypes,
CCCC can be represented by q2, CCCH by 2qr, and CCc by 2qs. Thus, we have the equation:
● q2 + 2qr + 2qs + r2 + 2rs + s2 = 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.1
● (q + r + s)2 = 0.6
● q + r + s = 0. 6
● q + r + s = 0.77
● q = 0.77 - r - s
● q = 0.77 - 0.23 - 0.32
● q = 0.22
Having the allele frequencies of CC, CH, and c (q, r, and s, respectively), we can now
calculate for the allele frequency of CA (or p). Using the equation:
● p+q+r+s=1
● p=1-q-r-s
● p = 1 - 0.22 - 0.23 - 0.32
● p = 0.23
To summarize, the phenotypic and genotypic frequencies for this rabbit population are
shown in the table below:

Genotype Genotype Frequency Phenotype

CACA p2 = (0.23)2 = 0.05

CACC 2pq = (2)(0.23)(0.22) = 0.10

Agouti 0.4
CACH 2pr = (2)(0.23)(0.23) = 0.11

CAc 2ps = (2)(0.23)(0.32) = 0.15

CCCC q2 = (0.22)2 = 0.05

CCCH 2qr = (2)(0.22)(0.23) = 0.10 Chinchilla 0.3

CCc 2qs = (2)(0.22)(0.32) = 0.14

CHCH r2 = (0.23)2 = 0.05

Himalayan 0.2
CHc 2rs = (2)(0.23)(0.32) = 0.15

cc s2 = (0.32)2 = 0.10 Albino 0.1

Sample Problem:
In cats, fur and eye color are controlled by two different genes. Having colored fur is
dominant over white fur. When the recessive allele is homozygous, it results in white fur. In
addition, the dominant allele, B, gives rise to a blue eye color while the homozygous recessive
allele causes yellow eye color. The following progenies were obtained when a cat with unknown
genotype and phenotype was testcrossed:
a. Determine the genotype of the unknown parent, recombinant frequency, and allele

Black, blue 99

Black, yellow 55

White, blue 30

White, yellow 101

1. Designate alleles
Colored fur > white fur Blue eye color > yellow eye color
A- colored fur B- blue eye color
a- white fur b- yellow eye color

2. Determine the genotype of the unknown parent using the ratio of progenies
Black:white blue:yellow
101+55 : 30+99 101+30 : 55+99
156 :129 131 : 154
1:1 1:1
Since the ratio between black and white and ratio between blue and yellow are both 1:1. We can
assume that the genotype of the unknown parent is AaBb. Based on monohybrid crosses, 1:1
ratio is only possible from a AaBb x aabb cross.

3. Arrange phenotype from the highest number → lowest number of F1

Parental AaBb x aabb

Phenotype F1 produced Parental/Recombinant Probability Gamete

aabb 101 parental 0.7 M ab

A_B_ 99 parental 0.7 M AB

A_bb 55 recombinant 0.3 M Ab

aaB_ 30 recombinant 0.3 M aB

Total 285

To get the probability:

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑃 𝑖𝑛 𝐹1 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑅 𝑖𝑛 𝐹1
𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹1
𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐹1

4. Infer arrangement by looking at the parental/recombinant gametes:

Since ab and AB are the parental gametes, then ab/AB or ab/++. Hence, the arrangement is cis.
Sample Problem:
In humans, the genes for our hair and eyes are linked together in a chromosome with a
cis configuration. A biracial woman containing the genes for both black and brown hair, as well
as brown and green eyes but only exhibits black and brown eyes had a baby with a man who
has brown hair and brown eyes. Determine the phenotypic ratio of their offspring assuming that
the father is doubly homozygous for the traits.
Suppose that the genes are 35cM apart and it follows complete dominance.

Sample Problem:
Iridescence, a lustrous rainbow-like play of color caused by different refraction of light, is
exhibited by 148 butterflies. Upon research the rest of butterflies with Purple color exhibits a
complete dominance over the other. Find (A) the frequency of the Homozygous dominant allele
(B) Number of butterflies exhibiting heterozygous genotype.

Sample Problem:
Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disease that affects 1 out of 5,000 males.
Affected individuals exhibit excessive bleeding from minor trauma, surgery, and other
medical procedures, because the blood doesn't clot normally. Suppose that 8% of the
males in a population are affected with Hemophilia A and is in Hardy-Weinberg
a. What proportion of females are hemophiliac?
b. What proportion of females are carriers of the disease?

Sample Problem:
The genes for body color and wing length are linked in fruit flies. Normal wings are
dominant over vestigial wings while gray body is dominant over black. What is the phenotypic
ratio of the offspring if a doubly heterozygous cis female is crossed with a homozygous male
with a black body color and has a vestigial wing considering that the genes are 10 mu apart?

· Normal wings (W)> vestigial wings (w)
· Gray body (G)> black body (g)
· Cis arrangement
· Dw-g : 10 mu apart or .10 M
· Cross: Doubly hetero (female) x homozygous (male)
· Phenotypic ratio: ?

P: WwGg x wwgg => WG/wg x wg/wg kn

Sample Problem:

Suppose that a certain population of mammals possess two distinct traits defined by
distinct genes (Genes C and D) from different loci. The frequency of mammals possessing
unique genotypes are summarized as follows:
CC Cc cc

DD 0.19 0.39 0.06

Dd 0.06 0.09 0.17

dd 0.00 0.02 0.02

a. Determine if each locus is at Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.

b. Is the sample population exhibiting Linkage Equilibrium?


b. No, instead the population has Linkage Disequilibrium, that is to say that there is
non-random association of the present alleles despite originating from different loci.
This is evident from the non-occurrence of a progeny with CCdd genotype heavily
suggesting that non-random association has occurred.

Sample Problem:
Student A found a mutant trait for body color and wings of fly which are both recessive
and linked. On the other hand, Student B knows that the red body phenotype is dominant to the
yellow body and smooth wings are dominant over crinkled wings. The students then cross a
hetero red-bodied, smooth-winged fly with a yellow-bodied, crinkled-winged fly which produced
the following F1:

Red, crinkled 396

Red, smooth 102

Yellow, crinkled 98

Yellow, smooth 404

A. What are the parental and recombinant frequencies of these genes?

B. What is the final arrangement of the genes?


A: Red > yellow

B: Smooth > crinkled

Cross: Hetero red, smooth x yellow, crinkled

P AaBb x aabb -> ++/ab

Phenotype F1 Parental or Probability Gamete


Yellow, smooth 404 P 0.8

Red, crinkled 396 P 0.8

Red, smooth 102 R 0.2

Yellow, crinkled 98 R 0.2


A. Parental phenotype: 80%

Recombinant phenotype: 20%

B. Arrangement: trans (a+/+b)

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