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-a form of “leadership that creates visionary scenarios that are used to assemble and mobilize a
‘supporting cast’ of participants who become committed by the vision to the discovery and
exploitation of strategic value creation”.

Characteristics of EL:

-resembles the new psychology leadership in the need to adhere to principles:

-leaders must be seen as “one of us”

-“do it for us”

-“craft a sense to us”, and

-“make us matter”

Leadership of conscious influence

Characteristics of new style of EL:

 public interests are above all

 social identity of leader
 conscious perception of goals and means of achieving them
 ability to work in a team
 ability to demonstrate leadership qualities
 ability to evaluate actions according to ethics and morality
 initiative and activity
 innovation and creativity
 volunteering
 strategic vision
 a broad worldview of social and ecological direction
 ability to see business opportunities

EL’s Tasks

 entrepreneurial firm – to inculcate organization-wide reliance on entrepreneurial behaviors

 entrepreneurial people

5 key essentials for EL to flourish

 vision and dissatisfaction with the present

 knowing and taking advantage of your unfair advantage
Managers of tech startup:

How to develop :

1) Vision : We need to relate back to what the startup’s solution and values to problems and try
to find and envision long-term targets/goals

2) Mission :

3) Core values :

5 stages of team development

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