The Passives

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Tenses Active Structure Passive

The Present Cont.T. He is washing the car. am/is/are +being +V3 The car is being washed.
The Simple Present T. He washes the car. Am/is/are +V3 The car is washed.
The Past Continuous T. He was washing the car. was/were + being +V3 The car was being washed.
The Simple Past T. He washed the car. Was/were +V3 The car was washed.
The Present Perfect T. He has washed the car. have/has +been +V3 The car has been washed.
The Past Perfect T. He had washed the car. had +been +V3 The car had been washed.
He will wash the car. will/shall +be +V3 The car will be washed.
The Future T.
He is going to wash the car. be going to +be +V3 The car is going to be washed.

Modals(Present) He can wash the car. can +be +V3 The car can be washed.
Modals (Past) He must have washed car. must +have +been +V3 The car must have been washed.

Etken bir fiilin (active), edilgen bir fiile Bu fiiller çoğunluklabir edat ile birlikte
(passive) dönüştürebilmemiz için o fiilin geçişli kullanılırlar.
olması gerekir. Yani o fiilin bir nesnesinin → I’m interested in folk music.
olması gerekir. → She is married to an American.
1) Forming the passive
Active: He(Özne) is washing(Fiil) the car(Nesne). 4) The Passive with “Get”
Bazı sıfatları “get” ile kullanarak onları durum
Passive: The car(Özne) is being washed (Fiil) by bildiren bir yapıdan eylem bildiren bir yapıya
him(nesne). dönüştürebiliriz.
Passive’lerde dikkat edilecekler ! : → My jeans were wet.
a) Cümlede “by” kelimesinin olup My jeans got wet.
b) Zaman zarflarına, * “annoy, please, surprise, frighten” gibi fiillerin
c) Özne ile fiil arasındaki ilişkiye dikkat aktif biçimleri “kızdırmak, memnun etmek,
edilecek. şaşırtmak, korkutmak” tır. Eğer bunları
“kızmak, memnun olmak, şaşırmak, korkmak
2) Indirect Objects As Passive Subjects anlamında, kullanmak isitiyorsak
Bazı fiiller iki nesne alırlar. Bunlar; “be + past participle (V3)” ya da
1)Indirect Objects(IO), 2) Direct “get + past participle (V3) yapısıyla
Objects(DO)’dir. kullanmamız gerekir.
→ Act: My father gave me(IO) some
money(DO). By phrase or another prepositions
My father gave some money(DO) to me(IO). Bazu cümlelerde eylemi yapan kişinin yanı
Pass1: I was given some money by my father. sıra, eylemin hangi araçla yapıldığını da ifade
Pass2: Some money was given to me by my etmek isteriz. Eylemi yapan kişiyi “by” ifade
father. ederiz. Eylemi yapmak için kullanılan aracı ise
* bu iki passive cümlenin anlamları aynıdır. “with, in, on” gibi o sözcüğün kendine özgü
edatı ile ifade ederiz.
3) Stative Passive → Act: He chopped the wood with an axe.
İngilizce’de fiillerin 3. halleri bazı cümlelerde Pass: The wood was chopped with an axe by
sıfat gibi işlev görürler. Bu cümleler yapı olarak him.
passive olmalarına rağmen kullanılan Past
Participle (V3) eylemin nasıl yapıldığını ya da 5) Passive with Gerunds
kim tarafından yapıldığını ifade etmez. → Act: I hate someone laughing at me.
Yalnızca bir ismi tanımlarlar. Yani bir nesnenin Pass: I hate being laughed at.
ya da kişinin durumunu ifade ederler. → Act: They don’t allow the students to take
books out from the library.
→ The door is white. Pass: They don’t allow books to be taken out
The door is broken. from the library.
6) It is said that … / He is said to
Stative Passive with Prepositions
* Bu kalıplarda altı çizili olan kısımlar sabit Pass2: The rate of exchange is expected to go
olup, asla değişmemektedirler ve her zaman down soon.
cümlede bulunurlar. Geri kalan kısımlar özneye
gore değişiklik gösterebilir. I) Present Passive
→ Act: People say that a lot of electrical
a) Present “be” (am, is, are) appliances are stolen.
→ Act: People say that the man upstairs is a Pass1: It is said that a lot of electrical
thief. appliances are stolen.
Pass1: It is said that the manuscripts is a thief. Pass2: a lot of electrical appliances are said to
Pass2: The man upstairs is said to be a thief. be stolen everyday.

b) Simple Present i) Past Passive

→ Act: People say that that Mary lives in → Act: They report that two people were killed
Malatya. in the explosion.
Pass1: It is said that Mary lives in Malatya. Pass1: It is reported that two people were
Pass2: Mary is said to live in Malatya. killed in the explosion.
Pass2: Two people are reported to have been
c) Past (be) “was/were” killed in the explosion.
→ Act: They claim that he was very rich in the
Pass1: It is claimed that he was very rich in the
Pass2: He is claimed to have been very rich in
the past.

d) Simple Past
→Act: They claim that she left the country two
weeks ago.
Pass1: It is claimed that she left the country
two weeks ago.
Pass2: She is claimed to have left the country
two weeks ago.

e) Present Perfect
→Act: People think that he has deserted his
family for two weeks.
Pass1: It is thought that he has deserted his
family for two weeks.
Pass2: He is though to have deserted his
family for two weeks.

f) Present Continuous
→Act: We think that she is waiting there now.
Pass1: It is thought that she is waiting there
Pass2: She is thought to be waiting there now.

g) Past Continuous
→Act: People say that he was working very
Pass1: It is said that he was working very hard.
Pass2: He is said to have been working very

h) Future Tense
→ Act: People expect that the rate of
exchange will go down soon.
Pass1: It is expect that the rate of exchange
will go down soon.

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