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aw D
>I00 UOEDflijSU

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Parts of your sewing machine

100 Carcing handle

101 Hinged lop cover
102 Hand wheel
103 Stop motion knob
1 04 Master switch

1zz 105
Finger-tip stitch buttons
Stitch length control
Detachable work support with
accessorY box and comøartment
j!l 108 Needle piate
llJt!i1iiij 1 09 Sewing foot holder with sewing
17— foot
110 Needle threader
111 Bobbin thread indicator light
11 2 ‘Needle down” button
11 3 “Sew slow” button
1 1 Presser bar lift
11 5 “Basting stitcn” outton
116 Needle holder with retaining screw
11 7 Reverse-feed control
118 Stitch program chart
11 9 Bobbin winder
1 20 Base plate
121 Free arm cover enclosing sewing
1 22 Free arm
1 23 Threading slots
118 1 24 Needle thread tension
1 25 Bobbin winder thread guide
I Ufl[I H1H I H 1
Take-up lever
Bobbin winder thread guide

_z pcAFc
4 1 28
1 29
1 30
1 32
1 33
Spool holder with unreeling disc
Sewing spool holder (swing up)
Dual fabric feed with thread cutter
Presser bar
Compartment for border-stitch table
Fancy-stitch thumb wheel (1171)


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Extienda esta hoja
Bu sayfayi diaryi ‘!oru k-”n
Opno I pessa sIou (it

Some safety rules DIN (Alman Endüstri Normu) 57730

a) Tae care to avoid njury to your fin Kisim 2C’ye gore evde kullaralan diki
gers by the needle during sewing. makinalari icin guvenhik talimatlan
b> Be sure to unplug the power cord a) Makinayi kullanan kimsenin, yukariya
whenever you leave the machine or ye asaya doru hareket eden ne
wish to clean it, oil it or change dolayinyla, yeteri kadar dikkatlt day
mechanical and accessory parts. ranmasi ye caItma esnasmda dikig
c) Be sure to use only a 15watt light yerini devamh olarak gOzlemesi gerekir.
bulb in the sewing lamp. b) Makinanin terkedilmesi esnasinda,
bakim ileri esnannda veya parca
For safety rules applicable to the UK lannin veya ildve parçalann dejitiriI
please see page 56. mesi sirasinda makinanin fidini prizden
cikarmak suretiyle, ceryanin kesilmesi
Normas de seguridad para máquinas gerekir.
de coser domésticas segün DIN c> Ldmbanin rnUsaade olunan azami gdcu
57730, parte 2 C 15 Vattir.
a> Debido al movmiento vertical de Ia
aguja, el usuarlo deberd tener todo el Nokkrar OryggisrOstafanir
cuidado posible durante ci trabajo y or a) Gti5 >ess aS fingur verSi ekki fyrir
deberd apartar a vista de Ia zona de ndlinni, )egar sauma5 er
costura. b) GenS )a5 aS venju ySar aS taka vélina
b) Al cambiar Ia aguja, el pie prensatelas, ür samoandi, )egar skipta )sarf um ndl,
Ia canilla o Ia placa de aguja, lo mismo saumfOt, eSa )egar ér eruS aS
que al limpiar, enyrasar o reparar Ia hreinsa og smyrja vélina.
maquina, o siempre que no Ia use, c) Aldrei ma vera sterkari pera vélinni
deberá desconectarla eldctricamente, en 15W
es decir dehera sacar el enchufe de a
c) La potencia mdx admisible de Ia bom
billa es de 15 W

Contents on page 65 Icindekiler Sayfa 69

Indce: Dag. 67 Efnisyfirlit er a bls, 71
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Machine connection


Elektrik balantisi
Tasma koLru P’aya dor i

Tenging vélarinnar
LeggO harctar-cn0 pOur

Lift ff tre cover

Saque a maleta funda.

canta Kapagnl ko)dinruz

Lydia Ickiru

Tilt cover 1 0 1 hacwards

Abra a taco supehor 101.

Acilir kaoanr kapai 101) acinz.

OpniO lelhokiO 101.


i _—>i j

Plug in the machine.


Conecte ci cable a a red y a a mac;u Pa.

Ceryan kabiosunu balaytniz.

TengiO véiina viO rafmagn.

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power lead Out of the foot

Saque el cable del pedal.

Kabloyu martan danya doru cekinz.

TogO eOsluna Ur rnOtstoOunn.

a a mdquina y


Push master switch 104; the sewing light
goes on.

pg La lám

Ana saltere (104) basnz bu arada dik

hryshOaaOalrofann 104 og urn eiO kviknar,J


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4 4 Bobbin winding preparations: Reach



pigi masurayu s<JHuanIn flazirlanrnasi:
j Di ydzeyinin atm ttunuz ye bunu so
doru cevirerek inrdnüz

Undirbuiôspoun: Gr cO undir corOO og



/J Kapak klapesini (121) aaya doru agmniz

OpniO ok 21 nOuravO

iselatchNand pull Out the bobbin

N N y saque Ia capsula

N kiapesin yukarmya kaldrmnmz ye rnekijm

I disariya doru cekmniz

Oi loku N. og taOsoOluhdsiO ür.

R&ease latch N and take out the


Suelte a bisagrita N y saque a canilla


N kiepesmni serbest brakniz ye masuraym


SleppiO loku N og a dePur spOlan ür.


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119, making
Place a bobbin on spindle
o sure pin A enter s slot B.
nador 119
Coloque Ia canilla sobre ci deva
Ia espig a N enca je en a
de forma que
N ranura 0.
geciriniz. N

Masurayi sarici (119) üzerine

sinde bulu nmasi
pirninin 0 yarii içeri
Hak N verOur
119 SetjiO spOluna a spdlarann 119.
aO talla i rauf 0.
W -Ul N Disengaging the sewing mec
‘ ( Hold the hand wheel steady and

doru çeviriniz.
O urn hand
Setjiô véfina I Iausagang: HaId
hjOliO og asia skrU fu 103.

holder toward
ing the sewing spool

Eche hacia atrds ci segundo

geriye dorii
Ikinci makara tutucusunu
cevirerek dOndOrü nüzl

YtiO auka ketIispinnanum upp.

thread and small thrust

Push a spool of
collar P onto the holder.
si cairete
ntroduzca en ci porracarretes
pequeño disco P.
Makarayi vu kdcük dbrier oisk
Ozerine sürdnüz.

SetjiO tvnnakefli og litia

skitu P a pinnann.

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l. I

H Ii



Winding the bobbin from a second

N 7 --

Devanado desde un segundo carrete:

spool: tilt spool pin 127 fonvard. PuH the Gire hacia adelante ci guichilos 127. Pase
thread into guide 125 and into gude 127 ci hilo par Ia guia 125 y po a guia 127
as shown n the drawing, making sure coma muestra el dibujo. El hilo debe
that the thread passes between th dO de pasar entre a guia y el muelle tensor N.
and tension spring N. Now wind the Arrolle ahora unas vueltas de hilo en Ia
thread a Few tjrns around the bobuin. oaniila Empule a canilla hacia a derecho.
Push the bobbin to the rignt. Press the Accione Cl pedal para comenzar a deva
foot control to wind the bobbin. P ish the nar. Empuje hacia Ia izquierda a canilla
filled bobbin to the left remove it, pull the llena, saquela. tire del hilo hacia ci frente
thread to the front and cut it in thread y cortelo en a cuchilla 0.
cutter 0.
Nota mportante: En el caso de carretes
Important note: On spools with threac con ranura pare suletar el bib. dicha
retaining slots the slot must face right ranura deberã quedar a a derecha al
when the spool is fitted. introducir el carrete.

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SpóIaô af tvinnakefli:
( Ikinci bir makaradan ipIii
SmeWO st’nngu 127 tram a viO.
ann st’rin gu 125. og ems og
PrOiO tvinn
myndmn synir
Sarici-iplik kavuzunu (127) one vi aO hann rOist
dürü nUz. lpli i, kav uz 125 styr:ngu 127, en gtiO aâ
qevrirerek dOn SnumO siOan Mnnanum
gibi, ki)avuz ‘mndir spennif)oôur N.
icerisine ye 9ekiide gdrOldüO um kringum spOl una.
a pliin, kila nokkrum smnn
127 icerisine cekiniz; bu arad
vuz ye gerilim yayi (N) aras ina gelmesi YtiO nO spOlaranum Ill hgri.
masuraya O a spóluna.
gerekir. Simdi ipli i birka c data ShgiO nO a motstóOuna 09 sooh
bastiriniz. er henn i 9ff til vmnstri, hOn
sanniz. Masurayi saa doru Pegar spOlan er full
uraya nn meâ hnifnum 0
Mari çaIitiriniz ye iplii mas ‘ekmn at, 09 tvinn mnn er skon
sola doru
sariniz. Dolmus olan masurayi st9rmngu 127.
ipi one dor u ceki scm eru meO
bastiriniz, cikar iniz, AnOandi er aO au tvmnnakefli,
niz ye 0 kesicisinde kesin iz. ann ig a pmn nann aO raufin

(kertiifli( skOraut, sOu sett
Onemli: plik tutamak yariini .‘ism lii hgn.
in sOru lmesi
haiz makaralarda, makaran
i) esn asin da, yar nin , yini kertiin
sada bulunmasi gerekir.



///,./ // / / ./ .1/’
7 — Engaging the sewing mec
hanism :N
and turn disk
Hold the hand wheel firmly
towa rd the back, then turn the hand
1 03
until it sna ps in.
vheel forward again
de costura:
ConexiOn dcl mecanismo
disco 103 bc
.7 S:ete el volante y cira el
7 // LmQ , 1)0 000 l rei)LJ
010 .

hasta qua encaje.

stirilmasi: F
D)frs mekanizma’nnmn coli
(103i g)m
carkmni sikica tutunuz ye 010Km

Daha sonr a el carkmni,

doru çeviriniz.
doru cevirm
yerine oturuncaya kadar One

ér nO attur. Hald
Gangverk vélarmnnar tengiO
skru fu 103. SnOO
om handhjOliO oa ‘estmO
ns ‘ram a via. ar til )er bevm 0
nandhlolinu aOem
sma smell.
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H -.

rItl ‘1’
1i —f




aguja: Alce el
/ Devanado a través de a
ugh the needle eye (0) pronsatelas y eleve a aguji.
Cooque ic
Winding thro
Rais e the sewi ng foot. Tne neeole must el dev ana dor 119. Desco
bobbin on canuiia snore
he in its ‘up’ position. Place a necte ci necinismo de cos
tura. Paso ci
eng age the sewing prensotelas,
spin dle 119. Dis
thread under hilo superior uor debajo dei
mechanismDraw the needle guia 127 (vease
gui de 127 haca a derecha, y por Ia
the sewing foot, up and into lle one s vue ltas cc hilo en Ia
ad aro uno tue dbujo). Arro
(see drawin g Win d the thre Ic dere cr-a.
canilla y empujela hacia
h the bobbn . Empuje Ia
hoobin a few times and pus Aco:ore el pedal para devaiar
foot control sequoia,
toward the right. Press the caniila lena hacia la izqu
erd a,
. Push the full elo en Ia
cede! and wind the boboin tire del h o hac a ci rect e y cOrt
bobbin toward the left and take
it Out,
cuchula N.
ad cutter.
pulling the thread nto thre
Reengage the sewing mec


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Ine vasitastyla iplii masuraya sar Spólaà gegnum náina:
ma k Fotlyftir og nOl efstu stoOu. Setpô sijOiu 0
Dki ayani yukarya kaldiriniz. lnenin spOlarann 119. takiO gangverkO Or sambandi
durumu: yukarida. Masurayl, sarici (119) DragiO tvinnann undir saurnfOt:nn ‘gra meg-
dzerine takiniz Dikis mekanizmasini in. og siOan i stringu 127 ems og myndin
apatiniz. Dikis ayai altindaki dst iplii, snir. Snuiâ Ivinnanurn nokkrum sinnum kring
saa doru ye kiiavuz 127’den gecirmek urn spOluna, og tiO henri siOan nI hgn. Stig
suretiyie cekiniz (sekle hakiniz). Ipiii bir
ô nO a rnOtstoOuna og spoO a spOiuna. egar
kac defa masuraya sariniz ye masurayt
spOian er full er henri tt hI vinstr’ hOn ‘ekin af
saa doru bastr’niz. Mari calitinniz ye
ipj masuraya sanniz. Doimu olan og tvinninn or skonnn meO hnifnurn N
masurayt sola doru bastiriniz, cikariniz,
pii one doru çekiniz ye “N” kesicisinde


Engaging the sewing mechanism:
Hold the hand wheel firmly and turn disk
103 toward the back, then turn the hand
wheel forward again until it snaps n.
Conexión del mecanismo de costura:
Sujete el ,ulante y gire ci disco 103 hacia
atrOs. Gre luego ci volante hacia ci frente
hasta que encaje.
Diki mekanizmasinin çalttirilmast: El
çarkini sikica tiitunuz ye diski (103) geriye
doru çe i:in: jdna sonra ci parkini,
verne Qtjrui” kadar One doru ceviri
Ii Z.
Gangverk velarinnar tengiO er nu aftur. Hald
O urn ‘/e’IO og tes: 6 skruIu 03 SnOlO
cIinu ai3eins tram a v6 ba ér hevriO
ama sm”I. /
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4 44 Inserting the bobbin

(N), with the thread

unreeling toward the bacL Draw the

thread into Slot 0 cod into eve P.

FeOl ri
pr a ranura 0 hasta salir

Masuray yerIetirmek N plik arkaya
doru). Iplii 0 yartna ye P detjine
kadar çekiniz.

Spélan sett I. Tvinninn a aO renna aftur

spOlunni N. brOiO tvinnann siOan i rauf
undir fjdOrina og üt urn op P.

Checking the bobbin thread tensi

With a brief, sharp upward movement of
your hand, the bobbin must gradually
downwards. (Turn screw 0 countercl
wise for a weaker tension, or clock
for a tighter tension.)
Comprobacián de Ia tension del
inferior: Suspendiendo Ia cápsula con
canilla de su propio hilo, a cdpsula
deberd deslizarse más que a) dar tiron
tos del hilo (girando el torni
llo regulador
hacia Ia izquierda, Ia tensiOn disminuy
girandolo hacia Ia derecha, a tensiOn
Alt p11k gerginIiinin kontrol edilmesi:
Mekii, hafifce aniden yukanya doru
hareket ettiriniz. Mekiin kademeli olara
agaiya inmesi gerekir. )Ayar vida Q’yu,
sole geviriniz = daha gevek, saga çeviri
niz = daha siki).
Rétt undirspenna: LOtiO spOluhOsiO
niOur, rjkkiâ lauslega i tvinnann og
— á a aO aO

renna aOeins niOur (StilliskrOta 0 = vinstri

snOningur losar. hgri snOningur herOir
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lnseing the bobbin case: Raise latch N

and push the bobbin case onto stud 0 as
far as it will go, making sure cutout P
points upwards.

/7 / o ‘
i Cotocacián tie Ia cápsula con a canilla:
7/ ‘/
0 Levante Ia bisagrita N e introduzca a cap
sula en a espiga 0 hasta el tope. La
o muesca P tiene que mirar hacia

Mekii tskmak N klapesni kaldinnz ye

mekii dayanaa kadar 0 pimi dzerine
sürdnüz. Bu sirada P kesiminin yukanya
doru ydnelmi olmasi gerekir.


7) \

I Placing spo& of thread :n n: Ha:e

large unreeling disc R in front of large

s\’,” 1)1))’
ColocaciOn de los carretes de hilo: Para
carretes pequeños coloque el disco
pequeno o mediano de forma que quede

döner rondeayiQbüyükrnakar&ann

\, Tvinnakeflin sefl a: Fyrir litil kefli er litla skifan I..

0 sett fyrir framan kefllO en skifa R rir srri



: ‘‘-r’n
.4 .
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Upper threading: \lVoh th needle paso
toned at the top, raise tao sewing aot.
Drn :e thread into slot N to the left
past gude from below into slot 0 and
N - take-un lever 1 26 (see arrows), then back
sn: 0 und intO tho af tn:ea jiac

the needle holder

Press button B (see page 21).

Enhebrado del hilo superior: La aquja

debera ester elevada. Levante el pia uren
satelas Conforme a as flechas, pase el
hilo desde el carrete por a erura N, par
Ia izquierda en a gule P haste a palanca
trahilos 126. A cont:nuación, páseio par
t-ij Ii ranura 0 haste engancharlo en i gua
hues derecho del portagujas.

Pulse ci baton s (peg. 22).

Ust ipliin takilmase renin durumu,

yukenda. Diku ayeunu ukanya kaldunnuz.
)p)uOi, ok istikametinde olmak Ozere, N

/8’ ‘eruuna, P kulavuzunun so) tarafundar’

Jecirip, alt taraftan 0 yaruuna, horoz)i26
ucerusune, ger)ye doru 0 yaruuna ye upluk
tutamaunda bu)unan saj ku avuz ucerisune
/./ cekuniz.
8 tusuna basunuz )Say-fa 22).
/ 0 / Prôing: Ndlin I elstu stdOu. FOtur upp
PrOuO ems og brvarnar syna rauf N, v nsra
megun vuO st’nngu P aà neOan I raut 0
raOgjafa 126. aftur raaf 0 og slOan hasgr:
s:vnngu a nalaholdunnu.
Yt6 a takka B Ibis. 23).


Place the needle thread behind hook 0

and hold it there. Pull thread 110 fully
Coloque ci hilo superior detràs del ganc
Tire del enhe brad or 110 hacia
Q y sujételo.
abajo dci todo.
Ust piui acengeim arkesuna yerletirinu

ye tutun uz. iney e ipiik gegiru ciyi (110)

1’ N
tarnamen asauya doru cekiniz.

haidiO i
0 LegguO yfirtvinnann aftur fyrir hak 0 og
110 aiveg
tvinnann. ToguO siOan irOarann

N niOur.
___ _____
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Push the threader foard against the

Gire ci enhebrador haca ci frente hasta

introducrlo en ei ojo de Ia aguja.

geciriciyi, nenin On tarafina

SnuO nO ráaranum anng aO hann tan i

nru rn nIr ntr’

iplii. asadan R cengeline asniz.

tvinnann nO undir krokinn R a raOar


Turn the threader to the left, ethng go of

ho ‘hredd at tne same zme, and allow
I I the threader to move .ipwards. Pull the
thread fully through the needle eye.

Gire ci enhebrador hacia atrás, suelte ci

hilo y eleve el enhebrador. Seguidamente
enhebre ci hilo por ci ojo de Ia aguja.

jneye ipiik gecriciyi arkaya doru getiri

nz, bu arada iplii serbest brakiniz ye
neye ipIik geciriciyi yukariya doru
kaydirtniz, Daha sonra iplii tamamen
ne deliinden geginniz.
/ Lo’O nO prOarann ganga hgt
tl bake, og
I/ alla eO upp. Tvinninn kemur nO scm ykkja I
gegnum nOlaraugaO og ér getO nO dregO ‘c .-

A endannigegn.


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I - --


Hold the needle thread taut. Turn the
/ hand toward you until the nedP
0 /
moves aown ana up again. Pull t’e
bobbin toread uo by puilq on th

/ Sujete el bib

superior. Gire ci


Ust pb i sKIca atunuz El carkini on

/ dogru ceviriniz. Sir batis cnjniz. Ust
iplikle, alt plii yukariya dojru çekiniz

o Haidià yf rtvinnann Sr’GO nandhjó nu ham a

iâ r tb násn hebur fanO niâur og smLr uoo
acu I ogiO unairtvinnann upp.
. ‘ç

(“ac:Dcththads toward the right under

Coboque ambos bibs hacia a derecha

O - -‘‘---. dehajo del prensatelas.


Close the tree arm cover.

Cierre a tapa 121

Kapak klapesini (121) yukariya doru


LokiO okinu 121

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4 4 Swing work support 107 back against the

free arm.

L Acople el suplemento 107 a Ia máquina.

Dmkis ydzeyini (107) makinaya doOru çevi

rerek dOndürünüz.

‘(hO vmnnuborOi 107 aO armmnum


Place fabric under the sewing foot.

Coloque a tela debajo del pie prensatelas.

Kumai diki ayai aItmma koyunuz.

SetiiO efnmO undir fotmrn.

4To insert extra-thick fabric plies raise

ever 1 14
Pare telas muy gruesas, eleve más Ia
palanca 114.
cok kahn ohan kumasharmn yerlestirilmesi
esnasmnda, kolu (ha) daha yukarmya
St tOr eruO rreO mbg bykk efni. a tmO bér
lOthyftinum 114 harra.

don N es para zurcidos).

LI Kuma bastirma kolunu (114) asaiya mdi
\ \__
riniz, (N, örerek tamir etme yama yapma

\ — durumudur).
SetmOfOUyrhrmnn 14 nmOur. StaOa N Cr rjnr

.$ :
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Operating the foot control: The more

you n:ess down hu pedal, the faster thu
rnacnne uns
Accionamiento del pedal: Cud :o
profundo pise el pedal tanto mayor sera Ia
velocidad de costura de a Creatise.
Marsa ayakla basiniz. Marsa nekadar
fazia bir sekilde haslirsa. “ceative” oke
dar sdratli diker.
Stigiô a mótstOuna: Pvi fastarsem érs

Needle thread tension 124
N = Setting mark.

TensiOn del hilo superior 124

N = Marca pare Ia regulaciOn.

Ust iplik gerginlii 124

N = Ayar iaretlemesi.

Yfirspenna 124
N = vOrniOun ,rIr rétta spennu.

Checking the needle thread tension: Comprobación de a tensiOn del hilo

The normal setting is in the white range superior.
between 3 and 5, The higher the La regulacion normal se halla en Ia zona
number, the tighter the tension. To blanca entre 3 y 5. Cuanto más alto sea el
check the tension, set the machine at the ndmero tanto mayor será Ia tensiOn. La
zigzag stitch. comprobacion se hace con puntada zig
Sew a short seam. The threads should zag. Haga una costura corta. Los bibs
interlock in the middle of the material. deberàn quedar anudados dentro del

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p11k gerginliinin kontrol edilmesi.

Rétt sporstillirig:
Normal ayar. beyaz bölgede 3-5 arasinda
Venjulegast er rdtt spenna miOuO viO hvita biliO
bulunmaktadir. Sayi nekadar büyük se,
Ira 3-5. Pvi hrri sem talan er, vi stiiari er
gerginlik okadar sikidir. Kontrol, zikzak
dikile (batisla) vapilmaktadir. spennan. PrdtiO meO breiOu zik zak spori.
Kisa bir diki yapiniz, p11k baslantisi, SaumiO siuttan saum. Hn’tingin a aO vera i
kumaslarin arasinda kalmaktadir. oddum sporanna eOa i mIOju etnlnu.

.co 4.
Raise presser oar lifter 114. Remov e the
fabric by pulling it toward the back.
Alce a palanca alzaprensatelas 114.
Saque a tela hacia atràs.
Kumas bastirma kolunu (114) yukariya
getiriniz. Kumai arka tarafa doOru

LyftiO tOtlyftir 114.
TakiO efniO aftur undan ffinum

Thread cutter N. Draw the threads into

the slot and pull them downwards.

Cortahilos N. Coloque los hilos en Ia

ranura y tire de ellos hacia abao.

Iplik kesicisi N. Ipllkleri yerlestiriniz ye


geriye dooru çekiniz.

Tvinnahnifur N: LeggiO tvinnaendana I rauf

na og toglO beggja megin.

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4 Dual fabric feed
This prevents shifting of the fahn
c plies
against each other
Before engngnr; or disenpcjH
a:se the
presser foot.

g4 Doble arrastre
El doble arrastre evita que as peza
costura so desplacen entre si.
Antes de Ia conexiOn y desconex
que alzar ci pie prensate!as.

cift kuma taimasi.

s do

ión habrá

Bu, kurn as katlannin dikis esrtasnda

rnasn engeller. çaltsttrmadan veys
N\L madan once, dikis ayan ‘ukarya
/ 01

I Efri flytjarinn:
Kemur i veg tynr aO efnn geti rnisfas
rst. Lyftiâ
tsetnum OOur en ér setjiO etri flytjara
nn i sam-
band eOa takiO hann Or samband.

1___/ To engage: push top feed 130 dow

that it snaps in place. To disengage
n so
: push
top feed lightly down and towards

Para conectarlo: empuje el pie

dor 130 hacia abajo hasta quo enca
Para desconectarlo: empuje liger
ci transportador hacia abajo tire
y de 01
hacia fuera.

çallstrma: Ust tasIytcy (130

l, yerine otu
runcaya kadar asaya doru sOrOn
Kapatma: Hafifçe asaiya doru
arkaya doru cekiniz ye yukariya

Tl aô setja hann i samband ‘tiO

Or enfald
lega 0 yfirflytarann 130 ar Iii hann
smellur i
Til aO taka hann Or sambandi ‘tiâ
ér 0 hann
niOur 0 vO og takiO hann Or rauf
fOtarins urn
leiO. Per hann DO aftur i sina efri stbOu,

All manuals and user guides at

Regulating the stitch length

The numbers on stitch length contro 106
indicate the stitch length in millimeters.
The shtch length range s 0 to 6 mm. Turn
the control to set the number indicating
the stitch length at mark N.
tig 0 (bottom) snows how to set the
s:och length control ‘or sewing stretch
stdches (red stitch symbols on push but

Regulación del argo de puntada

Las cifras sabre ci regulador 106 inaican
ci argo de puntada en mm.
La zona de regulacion va de 0 a 6 mm.
Ore el disco regulador hasta que Ci argo
de ountada deseado concda con a
marca de regulacion N.

La ‘igura 0 (abajo) muestra el ajuste del

regulador de largos de puntada para
coser as purtadas stretch que se hallan
sabre los botones.

\\\\\ Batis uzunluunun ayarlanmasi

Batis uzunluju-ayarlayicisi (106) uzerin
‘\\ deki rakkamlar, mm olarak batis, uzunlu
unu vermektedir.
Ayariama sahasi 0 la 6 mm arasindadir
Arzu adilen batis czunluu, N ayar are
tine gelecek sekilde çevrilir.
Asaidaki 0 Resmi, tuslarda kirmizi olarak
isaretienen esnek batisiari dikmek iGn
batis uzunluu-ayarlcyicisinin ayarini

Sporlengdin stillt:
Thiurnar a sporlengdarcKifunni 106 geta ii
synna sporlengdina iii i.
Hgt em sO stilla ird 0 ti 0mm.
StilliO sporlengaina sen iota a ô met-i N
Mynd 0 her aO neOan snir hvemng stiila a tyrir
teygjanlegan saum. Stretch). Merkt moO
rauOu a valtokkunum

CD -(> U
2c, C)
All manuals and user guides at

-(IC 0)- 0
CD C 0)
- - S. 0-
(C) U
0 CD- ° CD CD
CD (DC 8 0
-o .

o o CD’ COD CD
N -t
U —
0 0
C ;:
0 —J 0
CD’ 0)0-3 P DC) U DO N
U 0 (DO
DC -
0)0 DC
0 CD U N (0
(DO) o U U 0)
0 c 0)
-<U (DO 0 -<
cCD3 (DO 0 (Cc- C
ON DC) 0)
U 0)
All manuals and user guides at

H) 1

-F fol f

Finger-tip controls lClosed overlook stitch

A, B, C: Buttons for buttirheling Joining stitch
Button B is also used as clearing button K Overlock stitch
for rsleasing the pushed buttons and for Shell-edge stitch
setting the left stitch length see page L Feather stitch
27). Elastic decorative stitch
3 Elastic triple zigzag stitch, 2 mm M Honeycomb stitch
2-mm zigzag stitch Elastic stitch
E Elastic triple zigzag stitch, 3.5 mm
On Model 1171 the fancy-stitch thumb
3 5 mm zigzag stich
F Elastic triple zigzag sttch, 5.0 mm wheel has to be disengaged in order to
sew the stitches on the finger-tip butters.
5-mm zigzag stitch
To do so, set the white dot at the setting
C Elastic triple straight stitch
mark, see page 28.
Straight stitch
H Pullover stich A stitch program chart is found on the
Blindstitch inside of the hinged top cover. This chart
is also reproduced on pages 72-75 of
this booklet and shows all sttches and
stitch combinations together with their
possible appiications


All manuals and user guides at

L \\

\\ \b1-


Selecting utility stitches Ajuste de las puntadas utilitarias
(white symbols) (smbolos blancos)
Push the button required and set the Pulse ci botón y ajuste ci argo de pun
stitch length netween 1 and 6. tada deseado entre I y 6.

All zigzag, and utility stircnes jre hal’ied Pulsndo el botOn a a anchura de las
in width when button G is Dressed. puntedas zigzag y utiiitarias quedan redu
cidas a a mitad.

- --__

4Fonksiyonel dikislerin ayarlanmasi


)beyaz sirngeler) (H’h takn
Tusa basin: ye arzu edilen batiq uzunlu encd scm
Y1O a takkann og ‘JeiliO pa eor
unu, 1 ia 6 arasinda oimak dzere, ayar O nota tra 1 ti 6
cer j1


Turn zikzak dikisier ye fonksiyonel dikisler Oil z k zak og nyt)aspor er negt aO rnlokKa
G tuuna iiâveten basmak suretiyle, genis-
I urn helming meO bvi aO yta samtrnls a
ilk itibaryle yariya indirilmis oiur. teeka C

All manuals and user guides at


Selecting stretch stitches / Ajuste de as puntadas elãsticas (stretch)

(red symbols) (simbolos rojos)
Push the button required and turn the Pulse ci botón y gire ci reguiador de iar
stitch length control as far as it wiH go qos de puntada hasta ci tone al sirbolo
(red symbol). rojo

By also pressing button G, all stretch stit Pilsando ci botón G, a anchura de (as
ches can he halved in width. puntadas stretch quedan reducidas a a

7 —

Teygjanlegir saumar:
Esnek dikisierin ayarlanmasi
kirmizi simgeier) RauO takn).
Tusa basiniz ye bati uzuniuu-ayar YtO a takkann eq sti hO sporhengdarstihl rinn
layicisini dayaraa kadac kmizi :saret ems ang eq nann kemst a rajOa svOinu
czerlfle rO;ir:Z
OH teygjaneg spor er hqt sO mjokka um
Tdm esnek dikiler G tuHuna ilHveten bas- he ming me.O vi aO yta samtimls a takka G.
mak suretiyle, genislik itiheriyle yariya
ndirilrnis clue I

All manuals and user guides at


Utility- and srtch stitch corthino

• V

sho’.n tn an the n e jr
hnged ton coer and at the ed o tljs
boo lt on• or wdn sewog trn

V e’’e, von wan 5’ afl


eiastc o plo: cn, pLon bu::;s nd F ‘

V se’ect a sttci: engtn oetweo 1 and t.

Combinaciones de puntadas utilitarias

y puntI crotch
Po’lt0003 oii:r a

se eiicuntrjp an a labIa de cragrarnas

en a tapa ahetbl iS a rnaouira •/ final

de este cuajarno, con ndcac ones oara

a Por eemplo, ci ount e asdco

nvsbe noise al rnis’o tatrnoo hoto os

Eye ayn zamanda baSnz. Bat n uzunlu

equr D n-,aornjr en no Cr •n stn’rns

All manuals and user guides at

2II Lr5R

4 4
PosiciOn de Ta puntada en el punto
Selecting the needle position for
straight stitching
Posic:On izqu:erda: pulse ci bo:On B
Lsft needle posit:on: push SuttOn 3
PosiciOn central: pulse el bothn C
Centrul needle posnion: push button C P
PosiciOn derecha: pulse los botorus H e
PPht needle poshon- øush buttons H an

Duz dikiste bats durumunun ayarlnn Sporlegan stilit via beint spor:
Spohega H v:nstr: = YtiO a takka B
ma s
Spuhega nOu Yt:O h’aka H
Bat:s dururnu soldu: Tus Bye bas:n:z
Cpu: ecu :r ‘:agr: CO :- I
Btis dururnu rtada. Tus G’ye has:ruz
Batis dururnu sada: Tus H’ye ye ‘ye
has: n z

All manuals and user guides at

(A-M 1 Tf1 r r
4 L4Li•LiJ J H j
Thumb wheel for fancy stitches
7/ -
Disco regulador para puntadas de
(Model 1171) adorno )mode(o 1171)
Every fancy stitch is provided with a letter Cada puntada de adorno Ileva as gnada
Select the fancy stitch from the table. Set una letra. Elija (a puntada de adorno en Ia
the co’msoonding letter at mark “0” by tabra. gire el disco regulador “N” has:a
:urnino thumb wheel N. que Ia letra corresoond’ente quede por
For sewing utility stitches, tnumb wheel N debajo de a marca de -egulacion “0
for fancy stitches must be disengaged. To Para coser las ountadas utilitarias, hay
do so. set the white dot at mark “0’. que desconectar a) disco reaulador “N” de
as ountadas de adorno. Para ello gire ai
punto blanco debajo oe (a marca Je req
!acion “0”.

Sus dikipieri cm ayar dürnesi 4 Stillihjol fyrir skrautsauma (Vel 1171)
Hoer srautsaumur re’ur sinn coksar ye’ 1O
Model 1171j
Her batisrna bir hart tekabdl etmekte emnt’em saurn at :crlunni og sculô saa” a:
dir. Sds batisini cetvelder’ seqiniz. “N” ayar njo mu N annmg aâ v Okomandm cckstaur
ddmesi ,le uygun olan “0” ayar garehnin se tyrir neOan still merkmO 0
altina ceviriniz. Pegar her saummO venmu:eaa saurna eOa nyiJa
Fonks)yonel dekislerin dikhnesi ;cn “N” sauna sen eru a a okkur’um verOu at II
ayar dhmesrnin kapanmrg almost gerekir. 0 sO iera jr samoardi Hvitm cun’jjr’rn a
Bunun cm beyaz noktayr 0” ayar isareti njoi nu ‘jerOur P0 sO vera ryrir neOan s’i
altmna cevrrmniz,
rnerk:O. 0

I 4
— T3 -D -TI
CD ‘-:3- -H ‘‘-
CD CD —. 0
CD. < —. a -

3i - - 9: :3 -< CD —
-g -:
C) CD —
g- : C)
CD 6) -<
- C —. 9:CD-0
9: -_.
Iii’ (C• jjI
‘ -<DC
N - CD
CD CD C 3)
D 3)-’Q —-0 3
3)) CD CD 3 •C::
a Fr
- 00
-3D 30
3 CD CD 3)3)
3) C) :3:3
CD 3
CD c: 9: Hilt UI\jllI\_j >—(
•; CD< - Cø *CD I \ lJ I
O-rj CD
D:3 D-
-.‘ O
C CD 3) -9: D_— :3- -n
a 3)
3) 0) CD
7 0) 3) a- III d ik iii Ilikilkilil IliIiI1II
C) C 1i11t “liIIiIt(tijIiPtIiIi “11111 hIIIIttijIIIC
-‘ (1) (C) CD < V Ci) CD (0 0- CT C) 0 0
- 0 9 CD- CD
g 9:0 9: 0 C
CD 3) CD 3) CD :3
03) ‘.4
O CD CD CO ---D CD C) 0
All manuals and user guides at

F) -o CD a
3 9: CD
o -< CD —,
-D —-—

- -
30:3CDo g .
0) - a. C) <
-- \\
1IIII1 1111111 1I!Itt 11111111 IIiI1—
CD -
1-’;:3 9:
33 0 0
- 3)--_C33 (0 —C—i D
—C aaa
‘C CD —3CC) CD C)
CD C;<
-3D -o 0
C cSCD- .2 0(09: QCD a 3
9. 0-C CD mCD CT0 CT
-9:uD o- <CD

CD a o :3 :3
4 a
CD 0 C (1) ‘ CD
CD (D C)
a 0
- :3
CD - 0 :3 CD
CD-CD (>3) (0 CD
All manuals and user guides at

Controls of the electronic system Basting

Press the basting stitch button. The
indicator lamp P lights uo. Drop the
Needle positions “up” and “down” the
machine feed (page 4-) anJ screw on
After sewing the needle is always fabric
darning foot (page 391. Place the
retained at its ‘up” position. When you
under the sewing foot. Each time ‘iou
press the “needle down” button, iadicator l the
light N lights up and the needle remains press and release the foot peda
down in the fabric (for sewing corners machine sews one stitch. Move the
th of
under the sewing foot unt I the leng
end turning the fabric( whenever sewing ing
stitch rertuired is obtained, then hold
is interrupted. When you press the button n the
again, the indicator light goes out, the the fabric in this 05itiOfl, press dow
foot pedal and release it again. Repe
needle moves upwards and is retained in .
this operation for each basting stitch
its “up” position whenever the machine hed basti ng mov e
When you have finis
The button can be pressed during sewi
ng. your foot from the pedal and press
nesting st:tch button again Tne gree
the drop-
indicator lame P goes out. Push
feed control to the left again Close
Electronic top speed selection
arm cover 121.
By pressing the “sew slow” button, the
top speed of your machine can be halv
time indic ator light 0 light s Electronic bobbin thread monitor
At the same d
, the The red signal lamp of bobbin threa
up. When you press this button again bobbin
ine moritor Ill starts to flash when the
indicator light goes off and the mach out
thread is running out. Tne lOmp goes
speed can be varied at will. The full pier sewing
when a full bobbin is inserted and
cing power of the needle remains the
same at any speed. be
Important: Free arm cover 121 must
kept closed.
The Pfaff 1069 has a special bobb
limportan t when re-or derin g(.


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4Reach under the work support and

swn] it Out toward the erz

hacia a zquierda
N izn, ‘c c
soa doru cevrerek dondurundz.

Takiä undir vinnuborOiO og sndiO vi ti vinstri


1— 3Q/7OSH

All manuals and user guides at

Detachab’e work support and o Ordinary sewing foot

accessories: 1 Fancy-stitch foot for top feed
The work support can be lifted out (N). 2 Fancy-stitch foot (without top feed)
Open ts lid and take out accessory box P. 3 Blindstitch and overlock foot
Underneath the box is an accessory com 4 Zip foot
partment 0. Illustration 0 shows how to 5 Buttonhole foot
arrange sewing feet, needles and bobbins 6 Darning foot
in the accessory box. 7 Hemmer
8 Edge guide

Supemento y accesorios o Prensatelas normal
El suplemento se puede quitar del todo 1 Prensatelas para puntada de adorno,
(N). Abra el suplemento y saque a cala de para transporte superior
accesorios P. Debajo de ella hay un corn 2 Prensatelas para puntada de adorno
partimento 0 para accesorios. La figura 0. (sin transporte superior)
muestra cdmo deben colocarse os pies 3 Prensatelas para puntada invisible
prensatelas, as agujas y las canllas. (overlockl
4 Prensatelas para cremalleras
5 Prensatelas para ojales
6 Prensatelas para zurcdos
7 Prensatelas dobladillador
8 Guia

Oeisebi(en (dikilecek seyin üzerine O Normal diki ayai

konduu, kaldirilabilir) dikis yOzeyi ye 1 Ust tasima cm süs dikii ayai
i!âve parcalar: 2 Süs diksi ayai )üst tarnasz(
Dikis ydzeyi dariya ckanlahilir (N). Dikig 3 Kör dikis- ye overlock ayaI
yüzeyini acinz, teferruat (iláve parcalarl 4 Fermuar ayai
kutucuunu (P( disariya cikanniz. Teferruat 5 Ilik ayai
kutucuunun altnda bir lSve parcalar bdl 6 Orerek tamir etme ayai
mesi (0) bulunmaktadr. Resim 0., dikis 7 Etek baski ayai
ayaklannin. inelerin, masuralarin nasl 8 Cetvel
dizilmesi gerektiini gdstermektedir.

Vinnubori8 og aukahiutir: o = Venulegur saumfOtur

Hgt er aO taka borOiO at N. OpniO aO og 1 = Utsaumsfótur fynr efri tlytjara
fjar(gO efri hluta P. Undir efri h(utanurn er 2 = Utsaurnsfólur an efri Hytjara
auka geymsluhdlf 0. Mynd 0 snir hvernig 3 = Blindföidunar- og overlockfOtur
fdtum, nálum cg spdlum er haganlegast fromiO = Rennilásafótur
lyrir. 5 = HnappagatafOtur
6 Stoopfotur


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t= f

C:mbio d pr
pae detantera y
prensatelas por su as
ajo. El prensatelas
empüjelo hacia ab
suelta. an
istirmek: D!ks
Diki ayaini de doru
unuz vs asaa
on tarafindan tut
N. an,
r at
) nnisti hrn n nO

ur cc a denL, an



er the
e sewing foot: low
cing th ve the foo t so
ifter and mo
presser bar
into grooves 0
that pins N snap
prensatelas: Baje
Colocación de pie po sic on e al
satelas y
sJ palanca aizapren ma
prensatelas de for
N mismo hempo el las ra nu
s N encajen en
quelos pasadore

mak: Kumas bash
Diki ayaini tak bu ara da aya,
indirin iz vs
kolunu aaya racak
uu iqensine otu
N kOprpcüü 0 ol
ekilde sürinüz.
og tr:O
LkkO fOttyhinnn
Fotur settur a:
Ithr N ah molar 0
totfln ti anng aO

are for secunng ac
\ \I I I J Screws P and Q
ing too t ret ain ing screw.
nes. R is the sew
pa ra fijas guias.
P y 0 sinien prensate
r a! soporte del
R sirve para fija
tar in tespit edilmesi
P ye Q. Have parça r.
cindir . B, diki ay a tutamak vidasd
tum en s og
lesta aukahu
p og 0 eru ti aO

yrr saum
0 festir bOlduna
kantstyr’ngu. R


All manuals and user guides at

4 4 Sewing feet (standard accessories)

0 Ordinan sewing foot
1 Fancy-stitching foot. for top feed
-. 2 Fancy-stitching foot without top feed)
D ‘U
3 Blindstitching or overlock foot
4 Zip- and edge-stitching foot
5 Buttonhole foot
6 Darning foot
7 Hemmer
S Edge guide
386- Si Pies prensatelas (accesorios normales(
0 Prensatelas normal
1 Prensateias para puntada de adorno, pars
transporte superior
2 Prensateas para puntada de adorno
(sin trsnsporte superior)

3 Prensatelas para puntada invisible y overlock
4 Prensatelas pars cremallera y costuras SI
( ( canto
5 Prensatelas oars Olales
6 Prensateias pars zurcidos
7 Prensatelas dobladillador
8 Guis

- --
- Diki syakiari (normal lâve parpalar)
0 Normal dikis ayai
1 Ust tasima cm ads dikisi ayai
2 Sds dikiyi ayai (dst tasimasiz)
3 Kbr diki- ye overlock ayai
S. Fermuar- ‘a kenar ayai
5 (iikayai
6 Orerek tamir etme ayai
7 Etek baski ayai
8 Cetvel
Ftur (scm fylgja vélinni)
S 0 Venjulegur saumfOtur
- • 1 1 UtsaumsfOtur fyrir efri flytjara

/// 4 RennHásaogkantfOtur

6 Stoppfótur

8 Kantstring

- 93-035 960-91

All manuals and user guides at

fl HHf

Q Q p

4Blindstitching and overlock foot 4 Prensat&as para puntada invisible y

8lindstitching (N): turn screw P to set overlock:
guide 0 at the left. The guide is then Costura invisible (N): Girando el tornillo
adjusted according to the needle penetra corra Ia guia 0. hacia Ia izquierda. La guia
tions. The folded edge of the material se regula ahora para (a penetraciOn de Ia
runs along guide edge P. aguja. El borde del doblez superior se
desliza contra el horde R de Ia guia.
0verloc stitching (0). Turn screw P to set
guide 0 to the far right. The fabric runs Costura overlock (0). Con el tornillo gire
along guide edge R. Id gula 0. hacia Ia derecha, hasta ci tope.
La pieza de costura so desliza ahora
contra el borde R de Ia gula.

4 Kör diki ayai ye overlock ayaI:

4 Blindfäldunar og overlockfótur:
Kor bati dikii (NI: P vidasiyla Q kilavu Blindfbldun (NI MeO skrufu P er styring 0
zunu sola getiriniz. Kilavuz daha sonra frO til vinstri. Strgir or siOar frâ til
ine batii igin ayarlanacaktir. Ust kuma )annig aO nalin stingi nOur i faldinn Brot
katlamasi, P kilavuz kenari boyunca yürür. lina faldsins er latin renna eftir stringunni
Overlock dikisi (0): p vidisiyla Q kilavu
zunu dayanaa kadar saga doru geviriniz.
Overlocksaumur 01 MoO skrufu P er styr
Kuma, R kilavuz kenari boyunca yürür.
ng 0 frO til hgr EfniO or sOan atiO
renna meOfram styrngu A.

All manuals and user guides at


I) U
i 1
/ r \

Lc 4
Pie zurcidor: P
one a palanquita
Darning foot: to the Eleve a aguja. Presi ca el pa so
le up. Push bar P . lntroduz
Position the need hacia atrás y sujétela io N, con 0
the pin of the en ci orific
hack and hol d it the re. Fit
k R dor del prensatelas ntr a Ta bar ra
the same time, for R se apoya co
foot in hole N; at que a horquilta pie hasta
pre sse r bar, and push the
del pre ns ate las , y meta ahora el
engages the n en cuyo
of bar which the ci tope. Suelte a
foot fully in. Let go hten scr ew a ci tor nil lo 0.
screw 0. Tig caso Se apoyará co
rests on retaining 0.
Apriete el tor riil lo
the woollen threa
d is s de lana, ci hilo de
For wool darning Para zurcir tejido Ta gui a S.
rlo en
pulled into guide S. habrd que introduci

e ayaI: stöOu.
Orerek tamir etm SetO nátna I efstu fds;u.
a kaldir iniz. P er kolunu P frd yOu r og -naldiO
lneyi yukany uz, YtiO haki R
nniz ye sikica tutun a faNnur n at N
arkaya doru basti qa ’rn z, O hak i
deiii icerisine fotstdngina. Sieppi
Ayain pimini N m u. ju nu tata nu utan urn
s oa str a 0
cu uruua ,uina n a ndlaskrOfun
naa kadar takiniz.
P P. sem eggst no ofa
kavrar. Ayai daya da er i kol ., 0
, bu ara rdd
eri kolunu birakiniz uUarraO er hann
erine gelir. 0 vidasi ni Et stoppaO er ytir
tutamak vidasi Uz
niz . ur cat S a ftinum.
etme esnasinda vdn
Ydn ile örerek tarnir n.
risine çekiImek;n
iplik S kilavuzu ige

) 1.
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Zipper foot (edge sewing foot (N): Prensatelas para cremalleras (pie pare
The zipper toot is secured on the left or bordes) (N):
right, depending on the side of the zip to El prensatelas pare cremalleras se encaja
be sewn (NI a izquierda o derecha, segn si hay que
coser Ia mitad izquierda o denacha (N) de
Edge guide (0): Ia crernallera.
Push the edge guide into hole Q, set the
required edge distance and tighten it
there. Guia marginal (0):
Pase a guia por ci agujero fly después
de ajustarla a Ia distancia deseada, segün
Ia labor, fijela con ci tornillo R


Fermuar ayai (kenar ayai( (N): 4 Rennilasafôtur (kantfotur) (N)

Fermuar aya, bahis konusu olan fermuar
RennIásaftnum er smellt a v.nsra eOa
cm sol veya sa tarafta (N) yerine oturtu
hgra megn alIt ettir hvoru megn er ‘aljO
lace kti r.
hata rennilàsnn N)
Kilavuz cetveli (0):
Cetveli Q delii igerisine sürünüz ye arzu Kantstring (0)
edilen araltin ayarlanmasindan sonra P SetjiO kanstringuna I gat C og eftlr aO hata
vidasini sIk,tInnIz. stillt fjarIgOina. scm ér vIlIlO bata Pa nerOtô
er skrüfu P

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Ajuste para hacer ojales:

uttonhoe setting:
ten Pulse el botOn C. En Ia zona del oal,
Push button C. Set the needle thread rior en 3.
ajuste Ia tensiOn del bib supe
sion at range 3 for buttonhole sewing. Ia den
Coloque el pie para ojales. Regule
Attach the buttonhole foot. Set the stitch ada en Ia zona del ojal N.
in sidad de punt
density at range N. Insert a gimp thread el prensa
as show n in the illus tra Coloque el bib de refuerzo en
the sewing foot chelo en
telas de Ia siguiente forma: engOn
tion: Place the thread over the back ridge. bien tenso, y
el saliente posteriot sujêtebo,
and pull it taut so that it is hold in tab 0 r.
runs engOnchebo en el saliente anterio
at the front. During sewing, arrow P P va des
This is how the butto nhol e Durante Ia costura, Ia flecha se
along scale R. largo de Ia esca la R. Con
plazando a lo
length is determined. a del
ng ello se puede determinar Ia bargur
For sewing buttonholes use light sewi
thread. finos.
Para coser ojales utilicie bibs

lIii ayarlamak:
i Hik YtiO a takka C. ShlIiO yfirtvinnaspennuna 0
C tuuna basniz. Ust iplik gerginliin pagala
si 3’e getirin iz. Hk ayain i takiriiz . N hnappagatasvOi (ca. 3). SetjiO hnao
saha )Ottlei ka sporsin s 0
lik sahasinda, batis sikli ini ayarlay intz. fOtinn 0 ‘iëtna. og siO
Legg:O und:rrO âinn sem her
Pith ipliini (kaba büküm ipgHini) diki stillisvOi N.
ayainda aaida belirtilen sekilde takiniz: seg r
flil arka tirnak üzer:ne kc:niz, 5
ai a:a;i 0 d’tfliOfl.
hakiO 0 A
cekiniz ye on tirnak (0) icinde sikistiriniz. raO:nn og klemmiO hann I fremra
Dikis esnasinda P oku, H taksimati saumaO er fr:st bnn P meOfram
hoyunca yürdr. Bu suretle uk uzunluu rn:istikunni R. :o or pannig
ngt i3
ákvarOa Iengdina a hnaopagatinu.
tespit olunabilir. NotiO
Ilik dikmek icin ince dik iphi kullaniniz. aOens rndg non toinna vO hnap pa
gatasaum Otsaumstvinna).


. i:j
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1 H

rFii \\ \\


4Sewing buttonholes Costura del ojal
el frente
for Empuje Ia pieza corrediza hacia
Pull the bottom of the buttonhole foot
as it will go. hasta el tope.
ward as tar en Ia ar
e the 1 Cosa el primer labio del ojal
1 Sew first buttonhole seam. Rais
gura deseada.

need le alo pul
ck 2 2 Pulse el botOn B y manténg
2 Push button B in until 4 to 6 barta de pre
es are sewn , holding the sado, haga de 4 a 6 puntadas
ing stitch a tela, suelte el botOn
silla, sujetando
workpiece firmly, then release the but ndo
3 Pulse el botón A y cosa el segu
ton. el pri
labio del ojal igual de largo qua
3 Push button A. Sew the second but
tonhole seam the same length as the pul
4 Pulse el botcin B y mantcingalo
first. pre
ck sado, haga de 4 a 6 puntadas de
4 Push button B in until 4 to 6 barta e ci
silla, sujetando Ia tela, y suelt
ng stitches are sewn, holding the
material firmly, then release the but te,
5 Haga varias puntadas de rema
ton. htlo
Retire Ia pieza cia costura, tire del
5 Sew a few tying stitches. Remove the córte lo.
de refuerzo y
fabric, pull the filler cord taut and trim. or
6 Abra ci ojal con el descosed
6 Cut the buttonhole open.

gar Antes de coser los ojales en a

Before sewing buttonholes in the ente un ojal de prue ba.
nded to sew a but haga primeram
ment it is recomme
tonhole as a test.


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nging the needle
(System 130/705 H):
Loosen screw N. Take out the needle.
Pus: th neeci up as
(with its flat side facing toward the back).
Tighten the screw.

Cambio de a aguja
(sistema 130/705 H):
Afioje el tornillo N. Saque a aguja. Intro
duzca Ia aguja nueva (lado piano hacia
atss asta el one Aorete ci orni,o.

‘ neyi deitirmek (Sistem 130/705):

N vidasini gevetiniz. )neyi g:kanniz. Yeni
— ineyi (basik dip kism, arka tarafa doru)
tarnarnen yukanya doru sdrünüz. Vidayt

— Skipt urn nál (Te. 130/705H):
LosO urn skrufu N, og takiO näiina ur SetiO
nyla nái rneO flata ieggrr-n ã yOur og ytmO nenni
ems tt cg hun kerns Fes::O s ruuna ahur

ping the feed dog:

Open free arm cover 121. Push the drop
feed control toward D (feed dog dropped)
or toward 0 (sewing position).

Ocultaciôn del transportador:

) Abra is tapa 121. Corriendo a palanca

hacia queda oculto ci transportador;
cornéndola hacia 0, pasa a is posicion
normal para coser.

Transportöru (tayicl) aaiya doru

Kapak 121’i acmnmz
Aaiya indirme sdrgusünd Pye doru
sürünüz = aaiya inmis durumda; dikmek
cm = Bye doru sdründz,
Fljarinn tekinn ür sarnbandi:
OpniO cK ‘21
YtmO stm!lmnurn aO P og ba er fIytarmnn niOrm
AO 0 og a er hann sarnoandi.

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4 Limpieza y engrase: 4
I C’eaning and oing
Tilt the needle plate up at the hack (N)
and take it out (0). Clean the feed dog
Lava nte ía placa de aguja N y retireia 0.
Limpie ci transportador y ía zone del gar
fio con an pincei. La (impieza del bib infe
and the parts in the sewing hook area
with a soft brush. Clean the bobbin thread rior se efectia conforme a as instruccio
monitor as instructed on page 57. Do not nes de (a pOgina 59. La maquina no nece
oil the machine. Only apply a drop of oil in site engrase. Lo bnico que deberá hacer
the hook raceway (see ill.) occasionaH’ es ponet de vez en cuando, one gota de
aceite en Ia pista del garfio, como se
muestra en ía figure.

Temz(emek ye yalamak: Hreinsun og smurning:

Bati )evhasini arka tarafindan yukariya Lyftiâ stngpldtunn app aO atlan N. og lakiO
kaldir;niz (N) ye dtsariya çikanniz (0). Firça hana at 0 HrensiO flyt(arann og krngurn gria
ile transportdrü (tasiyiciyi) ye kavrayici nm arann maO bursta Hra:O elektrcniska ertir
bulunduu yen temizleyiniz. Alt ip(ik kon h rneO urrdirtvinnarim
trolu, Savf 6t ‘cteki talimatlara core
teniizenecektii. Makinayi yaIamayiniz. Smyrjiô ekki velina hun er sjâlfsmurô.
Resimde göruidüu gibi, sadece arasira Alit sem )Dér urfiO aO gera er aO smyrja bOrn
kavrayicinin bulunduu hareket sahasina hvoru griparann
bir damie ya darnlatiniz.

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fl t,.z:t


4 N
Changing the light bulb: Cambio de Ia bombilla:
Pull out the mains plug. Close the hinged Desenchufe a mãquina de Is red. Cierre Ia
top cover and swing up the carrying tapa abatible y levante el asa. lntroduzca
handle. Insert the edge guide into cutout Ia guia recta entre Ia ranura de Ia tapa
Q, push down the lamp housing and hold frontal y Ia carcasa en Ia escotadura Q.
it there. Turn the light bulb toward N and Con dicha guia, empuje hacia abajo el
take it out. Insert the new bulb so that its portalãmparas y manténgalo sujeto. Gire
pins slide in slots P. Push it up and turn it Ia bombilla hacia N y sáquela. Coloque Ia
toward 0. Pull Out the edge guide. nueva bom bills de forma que las guias
encaen en las ranuras empOjela.hacia
arriba y girds hacia 0 Retire Ia guia

6 Ampul deistirmek:
Ceranin fiini cekiniz. Acilir kapanir
4 Skipt urn peru:
TakiO ratmagnstengilinn jr sarntancli LyftO
kapai kapatiniz ye tasima kolunu yuka handfanginu upp. Setlia kantstrirguna niOur
riya kaldinniz. Kilavuz cetvelini, üst kapak urn raul 0 ofan a vefinni PrSfst a meO string
ye mahfaza arasindan, ayrica Q kesimi unni alan a peruholduna og haldia henni fastri.
arasindan gegiriniz: Ampulü N ydnunde Prstia perunni upp a via og snuia i alt aO N
ceviriniz ye diariya gikartiniz. Yeni TakiO peruna ur og setlia nyla peru annig aâ
ampulü, yataklar P oluklari içerisine gire
hok n a perunni talli i raufar P r’stia a og
cek ekiide sürünüz, yukariya doru
snuia alt aO 0 Losia nu a str ngunni. annig
bastiriniz ye 0 yonünde geviriniz. Cetveli
disanya gikanniz. aa peruhaldan fan attur upp.

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anging the fuse Carnbio del fusible:

Pull out the mains plug. Turn fuse holder Censenchufe a máquina de Ia red. Con un
N left a quarter turn with a screwdrivec destornillador, gire el portafusbles N un
release it and take it out. Pull out fuse B. cuarto de vuelta hacia Ia izquieraa y
insert a new fuse in the hoidet replace retirelo. Saque ahora el fusible 0. Coloque
the holdec push it in with the screwdrivet un nuevo fusble en ci portafusibles.
then turn it clockwise a quarter turn. lntroduzca el portafusibles, presiOnelo
(The fuse is type F2A.) 110-volt machines hacia atrãs con el destornillador y asegU
have no fuse. relo, giràndolo un cuarto de vuelta hacia
Ia derecha. (Fusible del tipo F2A(.
Las máquinas para 110 V no Ilevan fusible.

Sigortayt deitirrnek: Skipt urn Oryggi:
Ceryan fiini çekiniz. N sigorta mesnedim TakiO vetna ur sambandi vO veggtenqu MeO
bir tornavidayla ddrtte birlik bir döndürme srndpen:ng cOo skrOfjárni losO Or urn orygg
ile sole doru cevirip serbest birakiniz ye shdiduna N meO vi aO snda henni ti vins!ri
dsariya çikannz. 0 sigortasni disanya TauO ho t;OO, ur og skiptiO urn cryggiO 0
cekniz. Yeni sigortayl mesnet icerisne SetjiO siOan holduna aftur i, ‘tiO lauslega a
sürünüz, Mesnedi yerletiriniz, tornavi hana, og snLiO LI hgri.
dayla arkaya doru bastinniz ye ddrtte Oryggi at styrkleika F2A fãiO ér há Pfatf
birlik bir döndürme ile saga doru sikntz. urnboOiru I velurn ‘yrr 110 loll or ekkert
(Sigorta gücü F2A).
110 V makinalarda sigorta yoktur.

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Needle chart
Using the adequate needle guarantee
s a better

Fabnc weight: Fabric weight: Fabric weight:

light medium heavy
Needle size: Needle size Needle size.

80,90 100,110,120

Needle points

System & No. Profile Point & eye Suitable for

Light ball point Universal needle for fine-meshed
70, 80 L
: ‘—rjj
synthetics, fine linen, chiffon, batiste,
organdy, woolens, velvet fancy seam
and embroidery work.
130/705 H-SUK
Medium Coarse knitted fabrics, Lastex, double
70, 110 .crEEEE ball point jersey facrics, Quiana and Simplex.

130/705 H-PS ‘
Medium Stretch-fabric needle developed
I 75, 90 —
ball point especially for Pfatf. Particularly suita

for delicate stretch and knitted fabrics.
130/705 H-SKF

70, 110 Wide-meshed corsetry, Lycra, Simplex

ball point and Lastex.

130/705 H-J I Acute Twill, workwear, heavy linen, blue jeans

round point and light canvas.

130/705 H-LR
Narrow Leather, suede, calf and goatskin
, 70—120
twist point leathers.

130/705 H-PCL I Narrow wedge

80—110 Imitation leathers, plastic materials.
point with plastic sheeting and oilcloth.
left-twist groove
I 130 H-N
Light ball point,
70—110 Seams topstitched with buttonhole silk

long eye or No. 30/3 synthetic thread.

130/705 H-WING —
Hemstitching Attractive bemstitching on heavily
C point dressed materials, organdy and
glass cambnc.
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INeeaIe cnart

Stitch width Needle Suitable for

System & No. Stitch length
p Medium-wide
2.5mm 1.6mm
130/705H-ZWI -

2.0mm cording
— 80 2.5mm —

130/705 H-ZWI Wide cording

2.5mm 2.5mm
80 -

Extra wide cording

2.5 mm 3.0 mm
90 Extra-wide cording
3.0mm 4.0 mm
100 —

Decorative designs sewn with twin needles

to make sure the needles stitch into the
Before you start sewing, turn the handwheel and check
proper ly. In this way, needle breaka ge can be largely avoided.

H Decorative and zigzag patterns

130/705H-ZWI Ornamentations

0.5—15mm wide 1.6 mm

80 Ornamentations
0.5—1.5mm narrow 2.0mm
l 80 Ornamentations
0.5—1.5mm narrow 2.5mm
jl 80

Special hemstitching twin needle

I i 130/705
H-ZW[-Ho Decorative hem
80 2.0—3.0 mm very narrow —

very narrow stitching effect.

iL 100 2.0-3.0mm —

Heavily dressed
fabrics are par
iiIl I ticularly suitable.


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Fault finding

Cause: Remed.

Pusn naeuie up as fa u- I go. its flat

Neadi a nt nsert ad cur r.ctl ..

shank aide facing toward thu hack

Wrong needle used. Insert system 130/705 H needle.

Needle bent or blunt lnst’ur ‘r,’j n’pdlp

Machine threaded ‘:cutiocti. Check threading.

Needle too th n for thread used Select needle according :o Needle and
Thread Chart.

2. Needle thread breaks

For any of the above reasons. See par. 1 above.

Threaa tension too strong. Regulate thread tensions.

Poor-quality or knotty thread used, Used only good-quality thread.

or thread that has become too dry
by excessive storage.

3. Needle breaks
Needle not pushed up as far as it Insert new needle and push it up as far as
will go. it will go.

Needle bent. Insert new needle.

Needle too thin or too thick. See Needle and Thread Chart.

Needle bent and strikes needle plate Allow machine feed the work alone.
because work is pushed or pulled. Only guide the material lightly.

Bobbin case improperly inserted. When inserting the bobbin case, push
it in as for as it will go.

4. Seam is not uniform

Tension out of adjustment. Check upper and lower tensions.

Thread too thick, knotty or hard. Use first-class thread only.

Bobbin thread wound unevenly. During bobbin winding, do not hold

thread in hand, but pass it through the
bobbin tenSiOn stud.

Kinks appear on top and bottom of Thread machine properly and check
material both tensions.

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ly or not all out lint.
feeds irregular plate and clean
5. Machine Remove needle
lated between
Lint has accumu
rows of feed do
g. control at left.
control Set drop-feed
ed. (Drop-fed
Feed dog dropp
is at right.)
ns with difficu
lty drop of oil
6. Machine ru ends and put a
Remove thread
hook raceway into hook racew
Thread ends in
on the push-b
do es no t se w the stitches white dot.
7. The machine
(1171) -wheel: set at
ga ge d Disengage thumb
mb-wheel is en
Fancy-stitch thu el 1069)
t work (on Mod
re ad monitor does no ecial
8. Electronic bo bb in th ends and dirt. Sp
cte d in Remove thread the are a round
d dirt ha ve co lle tak en in
Thread ends an care should be
r over the indica
tor icator lamp.
the free arm cove bo bb in the second ind
racew ay , in the
lamp, in the hook second
hook and on the
case, behind the ht be hin d the
the rig
indicator lamp to
t run.
achine does no
g Ta mp lig ht s up. but the m
9. The sewin Insert new fuse.
Fuse is faulty.
te: ing
10. Important no nc under the sew
un les s the re is a piece of fab to sw itc h
ded machine while, be sure
Never run a threa the ma ch ine , even for a short ren are aro un d.
to leave nt when ch ild
foot. If you have rticularly importa
itch. This is pa
off the master sw

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Questa macchina e corre

data d SALVADITO a
norma delle ,igentI leggi
dovrà effettuare 1 mon
tagglo deli’acceSSOrIO
consegna al

Iechfl,SChC Anderufl’efl ,orbefl&tOfl

Gedruckt n DeutsChafld
SubeCt o aiteratOflS n des
Prmted n WestGermaflV
fmatoflS e000 qes.
Sofls owe mserve de mod
monme n R F A.
Con rmerva di moddiche
für HaushaltnähmaSChiflefl m.b.H. W1Q8

7500 Karisruhe 41

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