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Choose the correct word for each sentence

bald confident impa ent

blonde elderly independent
careless miserable invisible
cheerful straight unknown

1. She always has a __________ smile on her face, making everyone around her feel happy.
2. Despite being __________, the old man walked with a steady and confident stride.
3. The young actress dyed her hair from brown to __________ for her upcoming role.
4. His __________ behavior resulted in several mistakes in the project.
5. The __________ teenager couldn't wait for the school day to end.
6. The __________ explorer set out on a journey to discover new lands.
7. The abandoned house on the hill was shrouded in an eerie and __________ atmosphere.
8. The __________ woman chose to embrace her baldness and wore colorful scarves to
9. The new employee was very __________ during the orienta on, introducing herself to
10.The teacher encouraged the students to be more __________ in expressing their
11.The mysterious creature remained __________, hidden in the shadows.
12.The __________ boy preferred to wear his hair in a simple, uncomplicated style.
13.Despite facing many challenges, she remained __________ and determined to achieve
her goals.
Choose the correct word for each sentence

amazingly trendy loose-fitting

casual healthily trendy
comfortable politely amazingly
loose-fitting casual healthily
comfortable polit

1. She preferred to wear __________ clothes, especially on weekends when she wanted to
2. The new restaurant in town had a __________ atmosphere, with customers enjoying
their meals in a laid-back environment.
3. Choose __________ shoes for the hike to ensure you have proper support and don't
strain your feet.
4. The fashion-conscious teenager always followed the latest styles and wore __________
ou its.
5. The chef prepared the dish __________, using fresh ingredients and minimal oil.
6. It's important to communicate your ideas and opinions __________ in a team mee ng.
7. He decided to adopt a __________ lifestyle, incorpora ng regular exercise and balanced
meals into his rou ne.
8. The __________ sweater kept him warm on chilly evenings.
9. The party had a __________ dress code, allowing guests to feel relaxed and enjoy the
celebra on.
10.The novel was wri en in a __________ style, making it accessible to a wide range of
11.She greeted her neighbors __________ when they moved in, crea ng a friendly
12.To stay fit, it's essen al to eat __________ and engage in regular physical ac vity.
13.The __________ jeans were perfect for a day of casual errands and relaxa on.
14.The store offers a range of __________ furniture, providing both style and comfort.
Choose the correct word for each sentence.

casual loose-fitting amazingly

be born retire enough
comfortable trendy healthily
get а driving licence vote politely

1. A er working for several decades, he decided it was me to __________ and enjoy his
free me.
2. The fashion industry is always changing, with new and __________ styles emerging each
3. To maintain a balanced lifestyle, it's essen al to eat __________ and engage in regular
physical ac vity.
4. Everyone has the right to __________ in elec ons and have their voice heard in the
democra c process.
5. The doctor advised her to adopt a __________ diet to improve her overall well-being.
6. When you meet someone for the first me, it's important to greet them __________ to
make a good impression.
7. Wearing __________ clothes is perfect for a relaxed day at home or running errands.
8. He had to prac ce driving regularly to __________ and obtain his driving license.
9. The baby is expected to __________ in the next few weeks, bringing joy to the en re
10.The mee ng room wasn't __________ for all the par cipants, so they had to find a
larger space.
11.She couldn't believe how __________ the view was from the mountaintop.
12.To be eligible to __________, you must meet certain age and ci zenship requirements.
Choose the correct word for each sentence

athletics jogging exercise

climbing swimming trainer
gymnastics windsurfing work out

1. She enjoys __________ regularly to stay fit and healthy.

2. The __________ helped her develop flexibility and strength through various rou nes.
3. Many people find __________ to be an effec ve way to improve cardiovascular fitness.
4. __________ is a popular sport that involves scaling mountains and cliffs.
5. The fitness __________ guided her through a personalized workout plan.
6. __________ is a water sport that combines elements of surfing and sailing.
7. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to engage in regular __________.
8. He decided to take up __________ as a way to stay ac ve and enjoy the outdoors.
9. The __________ compe on brought together athletes from various countries.
10.Some individuals prefer __________ in the open air rather than exercising in a gym.

Match the words with correct meanings.

pickpocket rob shopli ing

burglar thief steal
hacker vandal illegal

_____________ a. A person who steals from shops or stores.

_____________ b. Someone who breaks into houses or buildings to steal.
_____________ c. The act of stealing things from people's pockets or bags in public places.
_____________ d. A person who unlawfully enters a computer system to access, steal, or
manipulate data.
_____________ e. The act of stealing goods or property from a place using force or threat.
_____________ f. Someone who steals money or valuable items from a person or place.
_____________ g. Deliberately destroying or damaging property, o en public property.
The Connec on Between Ou its and Personality

Sarah, a cheerful and independent young woman, always believed that the way people
dress reflects their personality. She loved experimen ng with different styles to express
herself, ranging from casual and carefree to more elegant and confident looks.

One day, Sarah no ced an elderly woman, Mrs. Thompson, at the local cafe. Despite her
age, Mrs. Thompson had a remarkably a rac ve and elegant sense of style. Her choice of
ou its, whether a colorful dress or a well-coordinated pantsuit, always made her stand out.
The elderly woman's a re seemed to defy the stereotype of conven onal ou its for
someone of her age, showcasing her independent spirit.

In contrast, Sarah's friend, Jake, was known for his straigh orward and impa ent
personality. Jake, who was bald and always in a hurry, preferred prac cal and comfortable
ou its that required li le thought. His wardrobe mainly consisted of simple jeans and plain
T-shirts, reflec ng his no-nonsense and down-to-earth approach to life.

Sarah also observed a mysterious stranger in the park. This person, whose iden ty
remained unknown, had a penchant for invisibly blending into the surroundings. Always
wearing neutral and almost invisible ou its, this individual seemed to prefer staying
unno ced and maintaining an air of mystery.

As Sarah con nued to explore the connec on between ou its and personality, she realized
that people's clothing choices o en conveyed more than just a fashion statement. It was a
way for individuals to express their inner selves, whether through vibrant and a rac ve
styles, prac cal and straigh orward choices, or even the desire to remain unknown.
Mul ple Choices

How does Sarah express her personality through her ou its?

a. By always wearing neutral colors
b. Through experimen ng with different styles
c. By s cking to prac cal and comfortable clothing

Describe Mrs. Thompson's sense of style and its impact on her personality.
a. Conven onal and age-appropriate
b. A rac ve and elegant, showcasing independence
c. No par cular style observed

How does Jake's choice of clothing reflect his personality?

a. Vibrant and experimental
b. Prac cal and comfortable, reflec ng straigh orwardness
c. Always in formal a re

What is noteworthy about the mysterious stranger's ou its, and what might it reveal
about their personality?
a. Bright and a en on-grabbing
b. Neutral and almost invisible, preferring to stay unno ced
c. Always in formal wear, showcasing elegance

In your opinion, how does your choice of ou it reflect your personality?

a. I prefer a en on-grabbing and vibrant styles.
b. I lean towards prac cal and comfortable choices.
c. I like to maintain an air of mystery with neutral ou its.
The Exci ng Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are a big celebra on where athletes from all over the world come
together to show their skills in different sports. Some sports like running, jumping, and pole
vaul ng are part of athle cs. In athle cs, athletes compete on a special track, showing how
fast and strong they are.

Gymnas cs is another exci ng sport in the Olympics. Athletes in gymnas cs do amazing

things like flipping in the air and balancing on a beam. It's like watching a dance, but in the
air and on the ground!

Swimming events happen in big pools at the Olympics. Swimmers use different styles like
freestyle and backstroke to race and set new records. The pool becomes a place where
swimmers show how good they are in the water.

Not all sports in the Olympics happen inside. Climbing and windsurfing are two examples of
sports that take place outdoors. Climbers climb walls, and windsurfers ride boards with a
sail on open water. It's exci ng to see them face challenges in nature!

Even though jogging is not in the Olympics, athletes s ll jog to get ready for their sports.
Jogging helps them become strong and healthy, improving their heart and endurance.

Trainers play an important role in helping athletes get ready for the big day. They make
exercise plans, teach athletes about healthy food, and make sure they are in great shape for
the Games. Athletes and trainers work together to achieve success in sports.

The Olympic Games bring people from all around the world together to celebrate exercise,
compe on, and unity. It's a reminder of how amazing athletes are and how sports can
inspire and unite people everywhere.
Mul ple Choices

What is athle cs in the Olympics, and where do athletes compete?

a. Running, jumping, and pole vaul ng; on a special track
b. Flipping and balancing; in the air and on the ground
c. Climbing walls and riding boards; outdoors

What do athletes in gymnas cs do to showcase their skills?

a. Swim in big pools
b. Flip in the air and balance on a beam
c. Run on a special track

Where do swimming events take place, and what styles do swimmers use?
a. In big pools; climbing and windsurfing
b. In open water; freestyle and backstroke
c. On a special track; pole vaul ng and jumping

Why do athletes jog, even though it's not an Olympic event?

a. To become strong and healthy
b. To set new records in swimming
c. For a dance compe on

What is the role of trainers in helping athletes prepare for the Olympics?
a. Climbing walls and riding boards
b. Making exercise plans, teaching about healthy food, and ensuring athletes are in great
c. Flipping in the air and balancing on a beam

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