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Name: Surname: Number

A) Uygun yardımcı fiili kullanınız. (4x4=16)

1. I like playing football So…………………
2. I hate eating “bamya” D) Doğru şıkkı seçiniz. (3x5=15)+1
So……………………my friends 1. They __________ doing their
3. I don’t like watching cartoon films. homework.
a) likesb)don’t like c)enjoys d)hates
4. I don’t like driving car .
2. Tom doesn’t like listening to pop
music. Sally doesn’t like,___________.
B) “If” ile başlayan cümlelerin devamında a)don’t she b) too c) either d) neither
gelecek olan seçeneklerden mantıklı olanını 3. __________ he able to drive a car ten
işaretleyiniz. (4x4=16) years ago?
1. If you play computer games too much, a) was b) are c)were d)is
.......................................... 4. The bank is _________ the theatre and
a. your nose get tired the park.
b. your hair get tired a)on b) between c)into d) next to
c. your legs get tired 5. _________ can I get to the cinema?
d. your eyes get tired a) where b)how c)can d)when
2. If you are cold, ...................................
a. turn on the lights. E) Aşağıdaki cümleleri “so” veya
b. open the windows and the doors.
“neither ” kalıplarını kullanarak
c. drink tea. d. close the
windows tamamlayınız. (4x5=20)
3. If you swim in winter, ................................ 1. We don’t enjoy playing volleyball.
a. you get hot b. you get happy _____________ I.
c. You get fat d. you get cold 2. They have done their homework.
4. If you study English, .............................. _______________ we.
a. you can swim well 3. Lisa tidied her room.
b. you can watch TV _______________Maria.
c. you can talk to tourists 4. Jack wrote his composition.
d. you can run very fast. _____________John.
5. David isn’t very careful. __________ I.
C) Aşağıdaki cümleleri parantez içinde
verilen fiili kullanarak “Present Perfect
F) Aşağıdaki cümleleri too veya either
Tense”de yazınız. (4x3=12)
1. I have never ......................... (see) her kelimelerinden uygun olanıyla
before. tamamlayınız. (4x5=20)
2. Have you ever .......................(drink) a 1. They travelled to İzmir last year. We
ananas juice? travelled to İzmir last year , ________
3. We have never ...................... (be) in 2. I like cartoons. My brother likes
Germany. documantaries, __________.
3. She hasn’t been to Moscow. My sister
hasn’t been to Moscow , ________
4. I like pizza.Ayşe likes pizza
5. My friend, Neşe isn’t helpful. Ahmet
isn’t helpful, ______________.

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