F3 English Language Online Lesson 23

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Describe the most enjoyable weekend you have experienced.

Love the sun, the sand, the sea

By the sea with four friends

Trip to the east coast

Free accommodation

Tourists attractions  Beach trip turtle hatchery  Market and local crafts

Most enjoyable weekend you have experienced

Descriptive Essay

1. You are usually asked to describe a person, a place or an event.

2. You should be able to write clear and vivid descriptions to help the reader create a mental
picture of what is being written.

3. Move your reader through space and time chronologically. For instance, you might want to
describe the whole journey.

4. Note anything specific that stands out. Say what you were feeling at that time.

5. Use a then-and-now approach to show decay, change, or improvement. The small town
where you grew up might now be a bustling city. The variations on this strategy are endless.

Descriptive Phrases

State whether the following phrases describe sunrise ( R ) or sunset ( S ) .


 The sun rays glint brightly in the clear waters. ( )

 The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink. ( )
 The sun-lit sky and sea blend perfectly into each other. ( )
 The awe-inspiring sun danced in from the horizon. ( )
 Dews on the blades of grass sparkled in the sunlight. ( )
 The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky. ( )
 A torch of fire started to light up the darkness around us. ( )
 Basking in the golden rays, I hope to have a flattering tan. ( )
 The unending bright sky was glorious luminous blue and pink. ( )
 The sky was overwhelmed by crimson and amber-tinted clouds. ( )
 The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain. ( )
 It was a blindingly hot day and the humidity in the air was stifling. ( )
 The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. ( )
 Palm trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical sunshine. ( )
 The sun and the moon were visible in the clear blue early morning sky. ( )
 The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly. ( )
 Windows threw wide in the hope of tempting in a non-existent breeze. ( )
 A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the dark clouds
away. ( )
 As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned
shimmering gold. ( )
 It was a lovely walk, with the sun setting behind the mountain in a
sea of liquid gold. ( )
 From freezing night, it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed
towards its zenith. ( )



Read the advertisement below. Then, answer questions (a) — (j)



Everyone likes going on the carousel. Ride on a

zebra, an elephant, a lion or even a mythological
creature such as the dragon or a unicorn. Gallop
to the music and have a whale of a time as you
go around in circles on our colourful carousel.

Ghost Train

Jump out of your skin as you go on the scariest

ride of your life. Ride on the best and longest
ghost train. Get ready to be scared out of your
wits! See witches and monsters in the flesh and
get totally spooked! This ride is not meant for
the faint-hearted.

Ferris Wheel

Experience the thrill of soaring nearly 100 feet

in the air and feel the wind in your hair. Get an
aerial view of the town without boarding a
plane. This is the ride you will never want to

High Striker

Step right up and test your strength on the High Striker! Using
the provided mallet, players must hit the base of the tower as
hard as they can to push the metal puck up to the large bell at
the top of the tower. Anyone who wants to test their strength
can play this game!

Be A Clown For A Day

Paint your face, wear a multi-coloured wig, put on a big round red
nose, and don oversized whacky clothes. You might also want to
walk around in those famous big-toed shoes. Tumble, stumble,
somersault and do the cartwheel to your heart's content. Amuse
people with your antics and make them laugh.

Questions (a) — (d):

Based on the advertisement, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) A unicorn is a real creature. ____________________

(b) The Ghost Train ride is supposed to scare you. ____________________

(c) The High Striker is a game only for the boys. ____________________

(d) Only clowns act funny and clumsy. ____________________

Questions (e) — (i):

Based on the advertisement, answer the questions below.

(e) Name a creature that you can find on the carousel.


(f) State a phrase from the advertisement that shows how you feel when you ride on the Ghost

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word or phrase from the advertisement given.

Meaning Word / Phrase

i. 'many colours'

ii. 'do something enjoyable for as long as

you want to do it'

(h) Why do you think the word 'thrill' is used to describe the Ferris Wheel?

(i) What else can we do to spend our free time during the holidays?

(j) You would like to invite your cousin to a fun fair that has just arrived in your town.

In about 80 words, write an e-mail telling him or her about what you like best at the fair.

In your e-mail:

 invite him or her to join you for the fun fair

 give reasons to support your choice






Describe the most enjoyable weekend you have experienced.

Love the sun, the sand, the sea

By the sea with four friends

Trip to the east coast

Free accommodation

Tourists attractions  Beach trip turtle hatchery  Market and local crafts

Most enjoyable weekend you have experienced

Descriptive Essay

1. You are usually asked to describe a person, a place or an event.

2. You should be able to write clear and vivid descriptions to help the reader create a mental
picture of what is being written.

3. Move your reader through space and time chronologically. For instance, you might want to
describe the whole journey.

4. Note anything specific that stands out. Say what you were feeling at that time.

5. Use a then-and-now approach to show decay, change, or improvement. The small town
where you grew up might now be a bustling city. The variations on this strategy are endless.

Descriptive Phrases

State whether the following phrases describe sunrise ( R ) or sunset ( S ) .


 The sun rays glint brightly in the clear waters. ( R )

 The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink. ( S )
 The sun-lit sky and sea blend perfectly into each other. ( R )
 The awe-inspiring sun danced in from the horizon. ( R )
 Dews on the blades of grass sparkled in the sunlight. ( R )
 The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky. ( R )
 A torch of fire started to light up the darkness around us. ( R )
 Basking in the golden rays, I hope to have a flattering tan. ( R )
 The unending bright sky was glorious luminous blue and pink. ( R )
 The sky was overwhelmed by crimson and amber-tinted clouds. ( S )
 The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain. ( R )
 It was a blindingly hot day and the humidity in the air was stifling. ( R )
 The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. ( R )
 Palm trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical sunshine. ( R )
 The sun and the moon were visible in the clear blue early morning sky. ( R )
 The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly. ( R )
 Windows threw wide in the hope of tempting in a non-existent breeze. ( R )
 A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the dark clouds
away. ( R )
 As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned
shimmering gold. ( S )
 It was a lovely walk, with the sun setting behind the mountain in a
sea of liquid gold. ( S )
 From freezing night, it turned to scorching day as the sun climbed
towards its zenith. ( R )

Tina's aunt's house was a stone's throw away from the beach. The moment we reached

the house, we flung our bags down and headed for the beach.

It was spectacular. The sea seemed luminous. It was so early in the morning that there

was no one else there. The beach seemed to have been washed clean by the tide and no one

had walked on it except the little crabs and the gulls.

After the incessant noise of the city and the overnight trip on the train, the silence was

utter bliss. Enjoying the warmth of the sun, both of us just sat on the sand and watched the

waves roll gently on the shore. Far out on the distant horizon were some fishing boats. It

really was the perfect start for the weekend. Tina waded into the shimmering blue and green

sea, jumping to avoid the foam breaking on to the shore. I ran on the wet sand, enjoying the

feel of it under my bare feet. 'Coee!' I answered the gulls and did a cartwheel in sheer joy.

Auntie Lis was waiting for us with freshly cooked nasi dagang. The aroma welcomed us as

we stepped into the house. After the scrumptious brunch, Auntie Lis said it was time to paint

the town red. The first stop was the Kuala Terengganu market. It was fun exploring floor after

floor of local delicacies and crafts. There was keropok lekor that we sampled at the food

court. We drooled over the hand-painted batik fabric and bought colourful batik pants and T-

shirts. Of course Aunt Lis bought packets and packets of dried fish and keropok for us to bring

home with. The wet market on the ground floor had an intriguing array of fruits and

vegetables in all shapes and colours that we had never seen before. The best part was the

duku langsat. There were mountains of them and I had never tasted such big, succulent and

sweet duku langsat before. Auntie Lis had to put a stop to our fruit tasting. 'Enough! Your

stomachs will burst soon. Keep some place for other local delicacies.’

Our next stop was Kak Yah's where we sat down for plates of their famous keropok and

tea. It was wonderful. Auntie Lis had to drag us out of the shop to a batik factory. There we

tried our hands at batik painting and created our own masterpieces. We also saw songket

weaving and appreciated the fine craftsmanship.

We went home for dinner after that. Aunty Lis reminded us we would celebrate Earth

Hour by having a barbeque dinner under the stars. It was truly a memorable experience

having dinner underneath thousands of stars, listening to the lapping of the waves and Uncle

Shah’s stories of old Terengganu.

The next morning we set off to the turtle hatchery near Kuantan. We were beside

ourselves with excitement when we were allowed to release little turtle hatchlings into the

sea. It was an incredible experience to watch the week-old hatchlings waddle into the sea. I

held my breath when a huge wave swept the little ones into the sea and whispered a prayer

for their safety.

All too soon it was time to take the train home. On the way home we talked and talked of

our unforgettable weekend in Kuala Terengganu. We had left for Kuala Terengganu

exhausted and burnt out. Now, we left it refreshed and filled with a quiet joy.

Read the advertisement below. Then, answer questions (a) — (j)



Everyone likes going on the carousel. Ride on a

zebra, an elephant, a lion or even a mythological
creature such as the dragon or a unicorn. Gallop
to the music and have a whale of a time as you
go around in circles on our colourful carousel.

Ghost Train

Jump out of your skin as you go on the scariest

ride of your life. Ride on the best and longest
ghost train. Get ready to be scared out of your
wits! See witches and monsters in the flesh and
get totally spooked! This ride is not meant for
the faint-hearted.

Ferris Wheel

Experience the thrill of soaring nearly 100 feet

in the air and feel the wind in your hair. Get an
aerial view of the town without boarding a
plane. This is the ride you will never want to

High Striker

Step right up and test your strength on the High Striker! Using
the provided mallet, players must hit the base of the tower as
hard as they can to push the metal puck up to the large bell at
the top of the tower. Anyone who wants to test their strength
can play this game!

Be A Clown For A Day

Paint your face, wear a multi-coloured wig, put on a big round red
nose, and don oversized whacky clothes. You might also want to
walk around in those famous big-toed shoes. Tumble, stumble,
somersault and do the cartwheel to your heart's content. Amuse
people with your antics and make them laugh.

Questions (a) — (d):

Based on the advertisement, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a) A unicorn is a real creature. FALSE

(b) The Ghost Train ride is supposed to scare you. TRUE

(c) The High Striker is a game only for the boys. FALSE

(d) Only clowns act funny and clumsy. FALSE

Questions (e) — (i):

Based on the advertisement, answer the questions below.

(e) Name a creature that you can find on the carousel.

A zebra / an elephant / a lion / a dragon / a unicorn

f) State a phrase from the advertisement that shows how you feel when you ride on the Ghost
Jump out of your skin / Scared out of your wits / Get totally spooked.

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word or phrase from the advertisement given.

Meaning Word / Phrase

i. 'many colours' multi-coloured

ii. 'do something enjoyable for as long as to your heart’s content

you want to do it'

(h) Why do you think the word 'thrill' is used to describe the Ferris Wheel?
The ride is exciting. / delightful / makes you feel happy.

(i) What else can we do to spend our free time during the holidays?
We can learn a new pastime activity or travel to other countries.

(j) You would like to invite your cousin to a fun fair that has just arrived in your town.

In about 80 words, write an e-mail telling him or her about what you like best at the fair.

In your e-mail:

 invite him or her to join you for the fun fair

 give reasons to support your choice

Dear Rosy,

I would like to invite you to the Royale Fun Fair which has just arrived in town. As you know,
it is temporary with scheduled time lasting from 5 days to several weeks so we have to grab
the opportunity as early as we could. I have checked out the entry ticket price and it is only
RM 2 which is reasonable so it’s on me. I would like to go to the ‘Be a Clown for a Day’ event.
It is something we both have wanted to do ever since we watched the movie, ‘Kit the Clown’
in Year 6. This is our chance to experience being in the clothes and shoes. Moreover, no one
will stop us from doing the cartwheel as many times as we like and we would definitely enjoy
doing it. The venue of the fun fair is just a stone’s throw away from my house so I can request
my father to drive us there. In this way, we can save money spent for transportation and
spend on other expenditures. Write to me soon. See you.




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