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1) The diagram shows a type of vision defect.

i) Name the vision defect.

ii) Draw the correction to this defect in the diagram below.

iii) The diagram below shows the eye of Azman who has a normal sight.

If he wears the spectacles in ii) above, where will be the image be formed?
Circle the correct answer.

b) The diagram below shows a germinating seed which shows two types of
tropism, J and K.
State the importance of
J : _____________________________________
K : _____________________________________

2) The diagram below shows a structure in the human lungs.

a) Name structure X.

bi) State the four characteristics of structure X.


ii) State how the characteristics mentioned in bi) enable structure X to

function efficiently.

c) The diagram below shows a process that occurs inside structure X.

Explain the process that occurs based on the diagram above.

3) The diagram below shows the structure of the human heart.
a) Name the following labelled parts.
P : ____________________________
Q : ____________________________
R : ____________________________

b) Complete the table below with the functions of the heart chambers, P and
Q. Justify the differences in the structure of walls of chambers, P and Q.
Heart chamber Function Justify the difference in wall structure

ci) State the function of R.

ii) Predict what will happen if structure R does not exist.

4) The following diagram shows a blast furnace used in the extraction of iron.

a) Name the material X and Y.

X : _____________________________________________
Y : _____________________________________________

b) What is the function of coke in this process?

c) Complete the following word equations for:

i) The reduction of iron oxide to iron by carbon.
Iron (III) oxide + carbon = +

ii) The reduction of iron oxide to iron by carbon monoxide.

Iron (III) oxide + carbon monoxide = +

iii) The production of slag when calcium oxide reacts with silicon dioxide.
Calcium oxide + silicon dioxide =

5) Adam conducted an activity of dissolving ammonium chloride in school.

a) Write the initial and final temperature reading obtained and complete
the following statement.

iii) Based on the initial and final temperature readings that are obtained,
this activity __________________ heat.

b) Is this activity an endothermic or an exothermic reaction?

Tick (√) the correct answer.
Endothermic reaction
Exothermic reaction

c) Adam holds the beaker with his hand.

What does he feel? Explain why.

6) The diagram below shows a fuse box as a safety device at home.

a) What is the importance of a fuse box in homes?

b) State the function of these parts.

i) Main switch

ii) Miniature circuit breaker

c) What is the risk that may be faced if a fuse box is not installed at home?

d) Observe the diagram below.

What is the mistake in the diagram? Explain the danger that may happen.

7a) A machine takes 8 seconds to lift a load of 40 kg to a height of 6 m.
Calculate the power, in W, generated by the machine.

bi) The diagram below shows a compressed spring.

Calculate the elastic potential energy

of the spring.

ii) The diagram below shows the spring is stretched by a force of 40 N

If the elastic potential energy is 0.6 J, calculate the value of x.

8a) The following table shows the initial mass and half-life for two radioactive
Initial mass Half-life
P 512 g 3 minutes

Q 8g 9 minutes

How many minutes required so that the mass of P is equal to mass of Q?

b) Explain the formation of calcium ion with a charge of +2.

[Given : A neutral calcium atom has 20 protons and 20 electrons]

c) The following diagram shows an investigation to study the effect of electric

field on alpha, beta and gamma radiations.

i) Name R.

ii) State the ionising power of P.

9a) The diagram below shows the classification of the layers of the Sun.

X is _____________________________.
Y is _____________________________.

b) The diagram below shows the Earth's magnetosphere.

i) What is represented by P?

ii) What are the contents in P?

iii) State one function of magnetosphere.

10) The following diagram shows two types of telescope.


a) Name the types of telescopes shown in the diagram above.

P : _____________________________________________
Q : _____________________________________________

bi) Which telescope is launched into the outer space?

Tick (√) the correct answer.

ii) Based on your answer in bi), state the energy source of the telescope.

c) State the function of P and Q.

P : _____________________________________________________________
Q : _____________________________________________________________


SUSJICT : Sillffittil LfVfL : F3 *NI-lf"lE LISSSN : 25

DATI : tS rdSV[MBfn 2*?1

3.1 Ths dlagram shcws a type *f vision defect.

#$r,r,sryrr fl.rr{*.ff*,i

i3 l\tr*r*e the visi*n d*fect" Lonq -ciatrtedneLs

ii) *raur the csrrf,cti*n tc this def*ct In the diagrarn bel*w.


iii) The diagram below shows the eye of Azman who has a nsrmal sight.

# fe'e'e

If he wears the spectacles in iilabove, where will be the image be formed?

Circle the correct answer.

b) The diagram below shows a germinating seed which shows two types of
tropism, J and K.
State the imp*rtance sf
r , ro lef trglrt ervrgg fur
pliosyn_ttqqts * ."_ _ .. _
K: PUEM? irfu the soil
fu Su/olo,t _
?) Th* diagram he*sw shows a structur* i*t the hurr!frn lungs.

Sfrsref*x * H

*) Name strt*cture X. Alveolus

bl) State the toun ehar*cteristics *f stru** X"

3. lttlo* wal I
+. l^ane eudaa aftoL

ii) State how the characteristics mentioned in bi) enable structure X to

function efficiently.
t. facilifu ,qas dffiisiort
z. Jil0m6e tle m/-e 0f ^M,s dtrffiis?art
3. Enable ,ea,s 7b drcolve
Jncrease >he n/e of aas dffiision

c) The diagram below shows a process that occurs inside structure X.

#f,**#,e*prf$ ry

Explain the process that occurs based on the diagram above.

lxwn diffii,res frwn ihe alueo lu: tile blood caPrllry *

whik carboo olrbxide dffiltrcs -lrte blood afrlaE fu
rt ihLqlueotw.Drffithn occurc dw ,b ln Qffi*brt
8,n n fre A/Veo lus ln *ie b/ood aod
lhdf cvncMoo ff cabn dtun4a rh zfie 6/oo catrT/a3l
,d/) n lfie alveo/us- ?
3) The diagram be}*w sh*ws th* structure of the hurna* heart.
al Name the foll*wing labelled parts.
P: Rtqhf vutlnbk
e.: l,eft ve&!< - -
x, Fiqrfpid _valve _ .

b) Complete the table below with the functions of the heart chambers, P and
Q. Justify the differences in the structure of walls of chambers, P and Q.

Hw -llinnu wal I *han & .

P To Pwr)P deo4Ygerded
fuatls(. /he P&rssare of lfie
btod +o lurlgs ' Aop{ ?b lurns rs loWr
Ha lhe fhrW Nal I rb
7o Wp aYi
qygwated w,tls*and hiO/t Prussu{e rf
blood +il Pa'tt bloool ?b a,llforls o{ *rte bqt

ci) Stat* the functi*n of R"

To Prevuof rtte backflout ,f blood.

iiI Predict what wil* happeffi if structure R d*es n*t exlst.

Backflottt of ofitqanaU b/oo, h, and fle
'lmns, ,rtafon ofia,400 ?b c€//,r r
fASOmz?tn rk teduceol -
4) The following diagrarn shows a blast furnace used in the extraction of iron.

ffq:ke + *a:*at*d;*J H + rmmf.*{iag y

a) Name the ffiaterial X arxd Y"

x: lmn orc
Y: LirWstone

h) Whnt is th* functi*n of eoke in this pr*cess?

Anlains carfun h teduce iran r%n //an orz.

c) t*mplete the fcllcwing ward equati*ns f*r:

;) The reduction *f irsn *xide t* iron by earbfin.

Irc:r {Xll} axlde + carh*n * lnrt Carfun dhxr'ole

ii3 The reductlon of *r*n oxide to iron by carhon ffroftsxide.

lran {ll}} *xlde + carbc* moncxide Ito4 Carbon da&

iii) The producti*n cf s$ag wh*n efitciunru *xide reacts with sitri*rln dimxid*"
Calciiln'l oxid* + s*liccn di*xide = Cabfurn ailicate

5) Adam conducted an activity of dissolving ammonium chloride in school.


F&*,ffi#,r$#ffi $,ffiffi*ng*+m *fuf*r#*

-* t,
F* ### -* ti

a) Write the initial and finaltemperature reading obtained and complete

the following statement.
fmf, f, **mp*:r€{Hrel Ff,remf, *m**$ F=rxfidr-

s# s,#

4* 4*
3'* 3*
#*, tr#
'$* 1,,*

,* #

60 'tf- iut
/t 1f,

iii) Based on the initial and final temperature readings that are obtained,
this activity ahwrbs 6"11.

hl Isthis activity an endctherffiic *r an excthermic rsactian?

Tick {d} tt"r* esrr€ct answer.
[*dctherrnic react**n /
fixoth*rffiic reacti*n

c) Adam h*lds the beaker with his hand.

What da*s he feel? txplaln why"
ftdan wiil fi'nd lle beaker rJ cotd. Tlis ri kcause
lhe heat n hk funo( aharbea{ fre
& oltr*on n zhe bea,ter,
5) The diagram below shows a fuse box as a safety device at home.

Eofth Leokagc Circuit Bt{.,,ker (ELCI)

S,r$rr*i**.**r*f re*-:**l
#rec*,*r,f&.$t#j &f,s:* s ryffr-*

ffi-K#-, -€a'ffi

fj.Yf &J*{&

a) What ls the imp*rtance *f a fus* b*x in hcm*s?

Olscon lr
eleclric suppl when zhae k oY@scive
oleclttc cttnenf f/ows
b) State the fur*cti*n *f these parts.
il I\*ain switch
Conn drbonned lhe declncr

ii} Mi*lature circuit hreaker

Coft-/trk zfre a{noru+ atnen

flot,'s thWh rt.
c) What is the risk that may be faced if a fuse box is not installed at home?

circurl ma 0r Cau€ danAq e *o

'igtr;W k ovrloaol '€cT?/c cu, firo
Ittt( Mnpq qwrfern af hcne,
d) observe th i"* iag}6 m bel*w.
What is the mistake in the diagram? Explain the danger that may happen.

7 aockef ts unoecled * zao nngr

eleq?la/ ao , , ns twul ca*tse
owload f eleclr'c atrrerrf +o +il<
Power ooure artd /Ao( zb siloi

7a) A machine takes I seconds to lift a load of 40 kg to a height of 6 m.
Calculate the power, in W, generated by the machine.

P: ry,'Ufu
4orIox 6

bi) The diagrarn heX*w sh*ws fi ror,fipr*ssed spriftg.

Calculate the eXastic potential energy

of the spring.

=LlL *ry
: Q- 2,tJ

ii) The diagram below shows the spring is stretched by a force of 40 N

If the elastic pstentiatr energy is fi.$ J, catrculate the value *f x.

rPE = *r*
o'6 =ix+oxx-
d= o,0s rT)
*?9 .- * *BF 7
lL- &F
i -i t-sJ"ffi = Fli$g*

w a

tu+#.!1.3 ff+
e *F

a t-
s"g E *
Ess .lt *
f*i{.sr$fs glst'
f &g *,.sr#.V
8a) The following table shows the initial mass and half-life for two radioactive

3 minutes

S minutes

How many minutes required so that the mass of P is equalto mass of Q?

€ a a 3 E
F; ttry + 660-+ tW -, {U jtP E(9S t6sg ...3

b) Explain the formation of calcium ion with a charge af +2.

[Given : A neutral calcium atom has 20 protons and 20 electrons]

ff calciun ahm /ues *w elecfioos .

This uases lhe calaum hn zb have J0 fratons

md B elecfuns.
zlr nwn bsr o e,/ec{runs
c) Th* f*trI*wing diagram shsws an invsstigation to study th* eff*ct *f e[mctric
field sr:I alpha, h*ta arud garfirrla rmd iati*ns"

w :{e: $ Eut*to

H,ad!*aq.tit'* pubsgam*e
r*,- ..p<.=:+al i

$ *\*-/
i) Narne R. alpha mdialfon
ii) State the ionising power of P.

7fu hnisinq Dner df P is lawer -llta,n R arv(

$a) The diagrarx bel*w sh*ws the slassificatisn *f the I ay*rs *f the Sun.
#*g * # gr;r,,g .ff{ #
s f;.€*a#r- d:ry*.*x I
i 4ry t*rxe.x+*:fd rt ###*e?
f f

f t*
\* H
t*:x.,ffir"*'qf-f #.5 r+ {

$* {.lg,rw'.r+{r
I i
t drr*+*rxp*#r€ {I

Xis il#r{
Y is chronosphl,rc . .

b) The diagram belcw shaws the Earth's ryragnet*sphere"

ii what is represented by P? Solar Wind

ii) What are the contents in P?

furlicles rn ema Buclt as elaltons e

alpha Darh'des Jhaf eupf fu ilp 8w-

iii) State #ne functioru *f rnagnetssphere"
Eto* chaTaul rurtcles ruacki,, lhe furlh.

t*) Tfie foll*win$ diagram sh*w$ tw* types cf telescspe.

a) Name the types of telescopes shown in the diagrarn above.

*" Rndio */esa

hi) which tefesc*pe is launched Int* the *uter spa**?

Tick {v'} the e*rrect finswer.

a V

ii) Based on your answer in bi), state the energy source of the telescope.
Solar q)ea t
cl Stat* the functi*n *f F *nd Q.
p: To dM ano/ callecl the radlo N^/(; {"zrrt
ifie outer 6tM.e,
c4 and guol


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