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Here are a few rules I live by as a business man:

#1. You can NOT let people tell you what YOU want.

Often times, people will try to *guilt* you into a decision that works out better
for themselves... and smile after the deal is done behind your back.

This doesn't make them bad or decieving just makes them smarter in
playing the game.

#2. Play The Game.

Don't be afraid to go back and forth when negotating, making cases for WHY they
should take $xxx amount of dollars verses THEIR asking price, and standing your

For example, I came back from looking at a car. The guy wanted xxx amount...I was
only willing to offer xxx. He was so SURE he wasn't going to sell it for lower...

but *I* was more sure that my bottom-line price BEFORE I even went to look at the
car was my limit...and although it was a great car, I could easily find others.

So, I did the famous, "Pull Out The Cash" routine...told him he could hold it...and
talked about how much of a hassle he would have to show the car
to other people, how there are scratches I may want to fix, etc.

And he agreed to the price I was already HAPPY to pay before I saw the car.

You MUST be bullheaded...which leads to the next rules...

#3. Do NOT allow other peoples emotions disrupt what you're willing to give in the

If you come with a PLAN in mind, for example, on how much you want to spend on a
car. You MUST stick to that plan...the other alternative is to
walk the fuck out the dealership.

The social pressure to *follow-through*...the feeling of other people looking at or

judging you for *being a cheap skate* or *tirekicker* must
NOT effect the way you feel.

People will routinely agree to a deal they KNOW is not in their best
save not look cheap, etc.

You can' tgive a damn and you have to get used to *walking away*.

People will tell you all kinds of stories about their personal life to you in the
hopes of getting a better deal. Not ALL the time. Some people are naturally
Usually, you can safely assume their being polite because they want YOU to give
THEM the upperhand.

#4. Plan. Plan. Plan.

You ALWAYS want to come with a plan outlined in your head. I have mines on paper.

#5. It's GOOD for both parties to be happy with the deal. Always come with the
mindset to HELP the other person in a deal...but never settle
for getting less than what you want, too.
This is a weird balance that people allow to overcome them. In your case, being
nice will give you the shit end of the stick...being totally
rutheless will likely weigh on your concious (if you have one) for years...a sense
of guilt that you exploited a group of people.

The trick is to strike a fine balance where you BOTH walk away happier than you
were BEFORE the deal.

This takes practice...and experience.

Shyan the simplest rule is to, be confident, do not worry about how the other
person may feel unnecessarily to the poin where you limit your own gains.

Do not give the slightest thought about what other people may think, whether they
mock you, insult you.
It is not embarrasing to stand your ground without being conqured by social

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