Being Ruthless Myth

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How ruthless are successful business people?

Originally Answered: How ruthless are successful business people ?

This is a popular myth. That to be a successful businessperson you have to:

1. Step on people's toes

2. Rip people off
3. Be ready to sell your mother
4. Be heartless business owners

The truth is a lot simpler:

1. A lot of them are actually honest and work really long hours -
that's how they become successful. They pay a huge price that most people aren't
prepared to pay.
That's why most people are employees and few go into business. It demands a lot
from you.
There are also unscrupulous businessmen of course, just as there are corrupt cops,
bad teachers and ruthless bosses.
But these are in the minority. But not all rich men are dishonest just as not all
poor people are virtuous.

2. Many rich people are actually normal and likable - As hard as it is to believe,
most just do the best they can and some are wildly successful
and prosperous and more than a few are even well-liked. It's easier to believe that
one is rich because one is corrupt or mean.
That's really far from the case (except for a few millionaires and billionaires who
are like this).

3. Few people are willing to pay the price for success - What really separates the
average Joe/Jane from the rich Joes/Janes out there is
hard work and the willingness to do whatever it takes (without hurting others) to
become wealthy.
The thing is, it's easier to buy into these myths than to actually pay the price to
become rich.
Plus it's scary as hell to put everything on the line like walk away from a well-
paying job and take a mortgage on
your house so that you can finance your business idea - not everyone is willing to
do that.
That's why most people simply choose the easier path and stay employed for someone

Remember: No risk, no reward.

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