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Uzbekistan Tours Covid-19


Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Samarkand - The Capital of Tamerlane

Samarkand is situated in the valley of the river
Zerafshan. It is the second largest city of Uzbekistan
and is of the same age as the city of Babylon or

The history of Samarkand is about 2,750 years old

and has witnessed many upheavals during the times
of Alexander the Great, the Arabic Conquest,
Genghis-Khan Conquest and lastly Tamerlane's.
Hence, the culture of Samarkand was developed and
mixed together with the Iranian, Indian, Mongolian
and a bit of the Western and Eastern cultures.

Majestic and beautiful city Samarkand has a

marvelous and attractive power. Poets and historians
of the past called it "Rome of the East, The beauty of
sublunary countries, The pearl of the Eastern Muslim
World". Its advantageous geographical position in the
Zarafshan valley puts Samarkand to the !rst place
among cities of Central Asia.

Over the history this legendary city on the Silk Road

went through growths and decays, su"ered from
destroying invasions of foreign rulers and again
revived, becoming more beautiful. Trade routes to
the west, to Persia, to the east, to China, to the south,
to India, intersected here and formed intersections
of the Silk Road.

Today Samarkand is the treasure of unique antiquity

spirit. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage
List due to the abundance of material and spiritual
values. Unique monuments of ancient architecture,
heritage of scienti!c and arts schools, artisans
workshops are well-known around the world.

Samarkand Pictures

Mausoleum of Gur-Emir

Sherdor Madrasah

Bibi Khanum Mosque

More pictures of Samarkand

Samarkand History
Samarkand is one of the most ancient cities in the
world. As other !rst centers of human civilization -
Babylon and Memphis, Athens and Rome, Alexandria
and Byzantium - Samarkand was intended to go
through many events and shakes.

History of Samarkand goes back in remote days.

Archeological !nds and chronicle records of
eyewitnesses and ancient historians allowed to
establish with full reliability that a man lived on the
territory of modern city many centuries before the
Common Era.
More on history of Samarkand >>

Samarkand Links
Samarkand Hotels - Review and reserve hotels in
Malika Samarkand - part of Malika Hotels Group

Bibi Hanim Mosque
Gur-Emir Mausoleum
Hazrat Hyzr Mosque
Khodja Akhrar Ensemble
Madrasah Tilla-Kori
Mausoleum Ishratkhana
Mausoleum of Imam al-Moturidi
Mausoleum of Khoja Abdi Darunee
Mausoleum of St. Daniel
Observatory of Ulugbek
Registan Square
Rukhabad Mausoleum
Settlement of Afrasiab
Shakhi Zinda Necropolis
Sher-Dor Madrasah
Siab Bazaar

Chor-Chinor Garden
Hazrat Daud Cave
Mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari
Meros Paper Mill

Afrasiab Museum
Aysel Art Gallery
Chorsu Art Gallery
Happy Bird Art Gallery
Memorial Museum of Mirzo Ulugbek
Museum of Culture History
Museum of Winemaking
Valentina Romanenko Art Workshop

Restaurants and Cafes

Landmarks and Attractions
Samarkand Museums
Samarkand Railway Station
Silk carpet factory
Vegetarian food

Samarkand Hotels

Samarkand Tours

Samarkand Flights

Samarkand Trains

Airport Transfers

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