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Hadith- The Money

1 What was the month in the story, The Money ?

a. January
b. Ramadan
c. April

2. What did Ethem buy in the bakery ?

a. Bread
b. Cake
c. Pastries

3. There was a small queue in front of the bakery.

a. True
b. False

4. When did Ethem's turn came to buy his bread ?

a. Time of Asr
b. Iftar
c. Magrib

5. The Baker was tired and by mistake he gave Ethem______

a. Too much change
b. Less change
c. Correct change

6. What did Ethem do after getting the change

a. He returned the extra money
b. He took the money and ran home
c. None of the above

7. Taking others' money is….

a. Good
b. Bad

8. Our deeds should always be pleasing to_____

a. To Allah swt
b. To our parents
c. To please teacher

9. Which one is the correct hadith ?

a. Sin is the thing which disturbs your heart and the thing you want others to know
about it
b. Sin is the thing which disturbs your heart and the thing you don't want others
to know.
c. Sin is the thing which is fun to do and the thing you want your friends to know.

10. What did Ethem do when he learnt about the hadith ?

a. He cried out and told to his mother
b. He was afraid to give the money back
c. He returned the money and apologized to the shopkeeper

11. Sin is doing something which Allah swt does not like us to do
a. True
b. False

12. What are signs to recognize that we committed an evil deed?

a. By asking to your parents
b. Feeling of heavy heart and not wanting others to know about the action
c. Both a and b

13. What would you do if you recognised that you committed a sin?
a. You should immediately say sorry to Allah swt
b. Promise Allah swt not to repeat that deed again
c. Both a and b


1. What is Salah
a. It is a duty given to a Muslim from Allah swt.
b. We offer salah to please Allah swt.
c. We offer salah 5 times a day.

2. Why do we establish Salah?

a. To connect with Allah swt
b. To stay away from sins
c. Both a and b

3. What should be our intention to perform our salah?

a. Just because our parents said so.
b. Solely for the sake of Allah swt.
c. Just to finish it because it's a duty of a Muslim.

4. Is it okay to offer Salah while you're hungry ?

a. Yes
b. No

5. Which place will be good to offer Salah ?

a. Clean and noise free place
b. Praying in a room full of noisy people
c. Unclean place

6. After playing outside, we can offer our Salah in that same unclean, dirty clothes.
a. Correct
b. Wrong

7. What is obligatory to do before we stand for salah and worship Allah swt ?
a. Intention
b. Ablution/Wudu
c. Prayer rug

8. Salah is not accepted if we are not in a state of wudu.

a. True
b. False

9. The Prophet (SAW) encouraged us to do wudu

a. Before every prayer, even if we are in a state of wudu already.
b. Because Allah swt will reward you
c. Both a and b

10. We should be in the state of Khushoo while offering salah, what is Khushoo?
a. When our heart and minds are thoughtful of Allah swt.
b. Standing with Humility, Respect and Attention.
c. Both a and b

11. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) warned us that shaytan tries to ruin our prayers
a. By stopping us from establishing prayer
b. By distracting us with thoughts of worldly matters.
c. All the above.

12. The reward for our salaah depends upon the level of khushoo
a. The more the level of Khushoo, the more is the reward
b. The lesser the level of Khushoo, the more the reward.
c. Both a and b

13. The Prophet s.a.w said to pray salah as he used to pray.

a. True
b. False
Qualities of Momin-
Love for Prophet

1.Who is a Prophet?
a. An angel chosen by Allah swt
b. A man chosen by Allah swt
c. A woman chosen by Allah swt

2. What is the duty of a Prophet?

a. To convey the words of Allah swt to the people
b. To guide people to worship Allah swt
c. All the above

3. Who is our Prophet?

a. Mohammad s.a.w
b. Ibrahim a.s
c. Isa a.s

4. What should we add to the Prophets?

a. Your highness
b. Peace be upon him
c. Just their name

5. Why should we add ' Peace be upon him ' to the Prophets?
a. Because Allah swt asked us to do
b. To give respect to the Prophets
c. Both a and b

6. What is our duty towards our dear Prophet Muhammad s.a.w?

a. Do whatever he asked us to do
b. Do whatever he asked us not to do
c. Both a and b

7. We should love our Prophet s.a.w above everyone.

a. True
b. False

8. Who should we love above everyone?

a. Parent
b. Allah swt
c. Prophet s.a.w

9. Why should we love our Prophet s.a.w?

a. Because he is loved by Allah swt
b. After Allah swt we should love our Prophet s.a.w
c. Both a and b
10. Loving our Prophet means making him happy by doing what makes him happy.
a. True
b. False

11. Loving our dear Prophet s.a.w means

a. To learn what he asked us to do and what he asked us not to do
b. After learning we should perform those deeds
c. All the above

12. Who would copy everything of our Prophet s.a.w, in the manner he sat, ate, slept,
dressed etc.
a. Abdullah bin Umar r.a
b. Abdullah bin Abbas r.a
c. Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As r.a

13. We can copy and dress up like the Westerners

a. Yes
b. No

14. Some of the things Prophet s.a.w did are

a. Recite the daily duas we learned
b. Show good aqlaq, Not be angry, Always be honest
c. Allah the above

15. We should imitate our Prophet s.a.w alone and no one else.
a. True
b. False


1.For every work there is a

a. A plan
b. A purpose
c. A logic
2. To fulfil a purpose we need to have
a. Idea and experience
b. Interest and hard work to be put in.
c. Just interest
3. Some children pray salah regularly because
a. They have interest to get connected with Allah
b. They want to earn rewards
c. Both the above
4. Purpose tells us
a. Why do we do that work?
b. What are we?
c. How we think?
5. What makes our work better?
a. Plan earlier
b. Interest and hard work
c. Practice
6. In Akhirah, who are accountable for our deeds
a. People around us
b. Our parents and family
c. Ourselves
7. Everything in this life happens with
a. Purpose and will of Allah swt
b. Will of nature
c. According to our will
8. The purpose of our life in this world is
a. A test
b. Collect good deeds and enter Jannah
c. Both the above
9. The undeniable truth is
a. Life,death ,life after death
b. No life after death
c. No death after life
10. If we know the purpose of life then
a. We will utilize our time in collecting good deeds
b. We will have interest in doing good deeds
c. Both the above
11. Interest in purpose will make you
a. Do hard work to achieve purpose
b. Make you smarter
c. Makes you wise and successful
12. Purpose of eating food is
a. To fulfill hunger
b. To be stronger and healthier
c. Both the above
13. If we don't have interest for Jannah,
a. we will waste our time
b. we will spend life meaninglessly
c. Both the above
14. Allah swt has created us with a purpose and has
a. Been revealed to us through Quran and prophet
b. Has been hidden from us
c. Which is unclear to us
15. The life we live in this world is
a. Permanent
b. Temporary
c. Do not know
16. Life with purpose ,interest and hard work to fulfil it makes us
a. Successful in this life and hereafter
b. Only in this life
c. Only in hereafter

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