Data Digger

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____ __ ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____
( _ \ /__\ (_ _) /__\ ( _ \ (_ _) / __) / __) ( ___) ( _ \
)(_) ) /(__)\ )( /(__)\ )(_) ) _)(_ ( (_-. ( (_-. )__) ) /
(____/ (__)(__) (__) (__)(__) (____/ (____) \___/ \___/ (____) (_)\_)


DataDigger version 26 - 19 may 2022 (Iron Man)

- New : Option for abbreviated datatypes in generate temp-table include (Baltazar

- New : Option for abbreviated datatypes in generate active record class
- New : Option to set border color via myDataDigger.p (Johan Geerts)
- New : Automagically complete query with missing quotes #74 (Johan Geerts)

- Solved: Call-stack error on getCursorPos (Jay Farr)

- Solved: Window position not saved on exit (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Shift-del does not work in query editor
- Solved: Generate include fails when all labels are undefined #77 (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Generate include file abbreviates table name when longer than 20 chars
#78 (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: CTRL-A or CTRL-D on empty browse gives error #76
- Solved: Export to 4GL does not escape curly braces #80 (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Data dictionary no longer resizable #81 (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Error when downloading file
- Solved: Error when starting datadigger with UTF-8 and windows username with
special characters #84 (movedoa)
- Solved: Function resolveOsVars is returning invalid values with cpinternal UTF-8
#85 (movedoa)
- Solved: Cannot type umlaut in filter row #83 (movedoa)
- Solved: Inactivated index shows as active #75
- Solved: Active index shown as inactive #86 (Richard Kelters)
- Solved: Failed to start in v10

- Changed: Starting the libraries is simplified, contact me when you have errors
- Changed: When dumping to Excel, assume codepage 1252 when current is ISO8859
- Changed: All widget-id attributes removed from UI elements #82 (Simi Slegian)


DataDigger version 25 - 29 dec 2020 (Rudolf)

- Solved: Error when deleting record while in edit mode (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: User defined color '?' was reset to default value after restart
- Solved: Fixed SonarCube issues marked as 'bug' (Gilles Querret)
- Solved: Timer frozen when computer wakes up from hibernate #40 (Richard Kelters)
- Solved: Character field with format '99999' could not be updated (Damir Pem)
- Solved: UI errors in query tester (Alan Copeland)
- Solved: Compile error on 64bit when prowin32 is not available (Sergejus
- Solved: Frames mixed up when dumping large tables (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Double click on fields excluded from browser gives error (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Characters with format like '9(4)' could not be updated (Damir Pem)
- Solved: Setting ? in a mandatory field will back out the update (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Trying to edit records in -RO mode leads to crash (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Items in context menu on databrowse not disabled in read-only mode
- Solved: Changing format in field browse will reset query and column filters #46
- Solved: Strange behaviour when DataDiggerHelp.ini is missing (Albert Flikkema)
- Solved: Syntax error in generated code for active record class (Steven Peeters)
- Solved: Max 65535 records were exported to Excel (Damir Pen)
- Solved: Error in generated code for temp-tables with index definition
- Solved: Conflict with definitions of getCursorPos in RTB (Jean-Christophe Cardot)
- Solved: Syntax for resulting code not correct #47 (kingOttmar)
- Solved: Error on table browse context menu when no db connected #49 (Sil Boydens)
- Solved: Table browse context menu not updated after connection maintenance
- Solved: Generate Assign statement does not show extent fields (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Quick Data View does not show extent fields (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: When dumping to .d format, fields of type RECID should be skipped (Steven
- Solved: Error when showing value of RECID or ROWID in data browse (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Default width for RECID column is too small (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Errors when compiling in 10.1B (Pieter Datema)
- Solved: CTRL-INS/SHIFT-INS/SHIFT-DEL did not work in where-box (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Filters of field browse were not aligned after double-click (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Warnings when exporting to Excel (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: ADM errors when running DD during session
- Solved: DICTDB alias not set while running DD #51 (Dubravko Labas)
- Solved: Codepage errors on exporting to Excel #52 (Dubravko Labas)
- Solved: Error when changing field format when query was not yet opened (Didier
- Solved: List of tables is refreshed after change in dictionary
- Solved: Drawing error in easter egg
- Solved: Missing level in easter egg
- Solved: HTML dumpfile not properly escaped (Gilles Querret)
- Solved: Username sometimes not retrieved properly #54 (Movedoa)
- Solved: Deprecated option RCODE-INFORMATION on TT definitions removed #53
- Solved: Conversion procedure not found
- Solved: Pingback restriction not always respected
- Solved: Connections not synchronized among multiple windows in one session
- Solved: Cache not invalidated when removing connections

- Change: File description now shows both label and description (Johan Geerts)
- Change: File label shown in title and description as tooltip on file browse (Dirk
- Change: Better naming for connecting db with a name that already is connected
- Change: Save-as Excel file now uses .xlsx format instead of .xls
- Change: Removed unused tracking of DD functions
- Change: Minimum window size much smaller now
- Change: Favourites are now stored db-independent
- Change: No hardcoded limit for maximum window width #55 (Tipe)
- Change: When editing, fields with long data are now not selected for saving

- New : Option to change window title via myDataDigger.p (Johan Geerts)

- New : Generate dump/load: toggle for selected fields only (Dirk Vreken)
- New : Generate dump/load: set delimiter (Dirk Vreken)
- New : Set main BGCOLOR to x via -param "color=x" or "color=r,g,b" (Dirk Vreken)
- New : Extra levels for the easter egg
- New : Option to generate bulk delete routine
- New : Logical fields can be filtered on non-standard format values (Hans Kaman)
- New : More help options
- New : Option to set frame color via myDataDigger.p
- New : Option to turn off filter-as-you-type on tables and fields (Jay Farr)

DataDigger version 24 - 3 oct 2018 (Pure Gold)

- Solved: Auto-connect list gives error on duplicate tables (Peter Frederick)

- Solved: Double-click on hidden field does not show the field
- Solved: Setting for 'Show Column For Recid/Rowid' was ignored (Mike
- Solved: Extra filter refused to hide normal tables (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Query fails when search condition contains pipe symbol (Mike
- Solved: Even when set to manual update check updates, remote version was fetched
(Germ Rekker)
- Solved: Table browse shows normal tables when disabled in filter #8 (Edwin
- Solved: Backups not saved with default myDataDigger code #11
- Solved: Setting for backup-on-delete is always set to TRUE #12
- Solved: Cannot filter field name with "name" #10
- Solved: Invalid-handle error on tables with lots of fields #15 (Johan Heling)
- Solved: Clone button active when more than one record is selected #16
- Solved: Character fields limited to current width on editing #17
- Solved: Debug Messages from DataDigger interfere with DWP (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Right click in field browse gives DLL error #22
- Solved: Error when exporting data that does not fit in format #24 (Martin
- Solved: When clearing filter-by-field, colors remain in field browse #25
- Solved: Jumping to/from filter fields jumps to wrong field #27
- Solved: Field names for extents do not sort intuitive #28 (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Change table + immediate RETURN did not open the query
- Solved: Error on opening list editor #29 (Hans Kaman)
- Solved: Error on initializing backup folder #30 (Hans Kaman)
- Solved: Wrong layout for large font in connections screen
- Solved: 'Value 3786382987984 does not fit in long DLL datatype. (13712)' on
- Solved: Error on about-screen when PSTimer does not work
- Solved: ICO file corrupt (Arno van der Ende)
- Solved: Resizing window takes up to 2 seconds
- Solved: Hiding 'Delete record' question prevents deletion of records (Hans Kaman)
- Solved: Recid does not show in large databases (Ren? Postma)
- Solved: Last field in update was not assigned (Steven Peeters)
- Solved: Update cannot be set in DataDigger ini #37 (movedoa)
- Solved: Check for PingBack is wrong #33 (movedoa)
- Solved: Small layout errors on settings screen #35 (movedoa)
- Solved: Saving settings takes relatively long
- Solved: Strange characters on the about-screen
- Solved: Editing favourites selects too many tables
- Solved: Favourites icon below table browse sometimes disabled
- Solved: CTRL-C does not work
- Solved: Settings not saved in settings screen
- Solved: Toggle box not sensitive in edit favourites screen (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: OK button on settings screen fails if you have no backup folder (Mike
- Solved: Wrong tooltips in table filter screen (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Changing tables slow (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Compile error in v11.7 in DataDiggerLib.p (Curtis Schroer)
- Solved: Generate Active Class says .i instead of .cls (Arno van der Ende)
- Solved: Generate Assign statement gives warning on first use (Arno van der Ende)
- Solved: Generate dump/load: toggle for db name not working (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Generate dump/load: saving file saves as .i (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Generate dump/load: load procedure resulted in no code
- Solved: Generate routines: syntax error in header
- Solved: Switching between favourites/tables gives empty fields browse (Mike
- Solved: Starting DD with table name on clipboard did not open query (Jeroen
- Solved: Color 24,25,26 were changed during startup (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: Favourite group could not be renamed or deleted (Mike Raschendorfer)
- Solved: Favourites screen could not be escaped if run from DWP (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Changing tables shows fields/indexes while reading table info (Jeroen
- Solved: Events from DD show up in DWP Debugger (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Focus on wrong window after update with multiple Diggers (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Character extent fields generate error when editing (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Long labels not fully shown in field browse (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Columns in edit window too small
- Solved: Table browse moves selected table to top of browse (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Field browse moves selected field to top after sort (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Empty query saved in query list (Arno van der Ende)
- Solved: Query tester does not show nr of results (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: DD folder contains obsolete files that survived previous versions
- Solved: Query tester window a bit too small
- Solved: Filter buttons on field browse did not move while scrolling
- Solved: Intro for new users too long
- Solved: Upgrade-available-message too wide for frame
- Solved: Cannot start DataDigger without databases (Landry Dubus)
- Solved: On compile error, DataDigger.log cannot be found (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Editing character field with unknown value gives error (Johan Geerts)
- Solved: Small layout issues with red filter lines

- Change: Beta version of DD always checks on new beta version

- Change: Setting for 'Show Column For Recid/Rowid' removed
- Change: Layout fixes for larger fonts on settings screen
- Change: Export to csv now uses field names instead of labels #13
- Change: Tabs on settings page now react to CTRL+PgUp/PgDn #14
- Change: Query Tester can now also handle INDEXED-REPOSITION queries
- Change: Minimum Progress version for DD changed to 10.1C #19
- Change: Removed SHIFT-HOME shortcut in record editor
- Change: On v11, try to compile strict
- Change: Detect when data is changed by other user
- Change: Improved startup time
- Change: Cleaned up context menu on table browse
- Change: Clear table filter now works in two steps
- Change: Option menu is now (an optional) sidebar
- Change: Shortcut keys in option menu changed
- Change: DataDigger phone home now via instead of
- Change: Option to not cache the settings removed #32 (movedoa)
- Change: Usage info is saved to settings but never used.
- Change: Cleaned up images folder
- Change: Favourites view now also respects database filter
- Change: Label <PROGDIR> changed to <WORKDIR>
- Change: Shortcut for query history changed to CTRL-SHIFT-P
- Change: DataDigger phone home now via instead of
- Change: Shortcut for query history changed to CTRL-SHIFT-P
- Change: On new version, user has option to not go to DD website (Johan Geerts)
- Change: Don't save window position when minimized/maximized (Johan Geerts)
- Change: Query tester protects against long running queries
- Change: First start with new version does not open DataDigger blog

- New : Option to set table name as first element in window title #26 (Johan
- New : Option to generate an include file with tt definitions
- New : Option to generate a class for active record pattern
- New : Option to generate a dump/load procedure
- New : Option to dump df of all connected databases #23
- New : Option to reset answers to DataDigger questions
- New : Option to reset to factory settings
- New : Option to generate assign statement
- New : Option 'ShowHints=yes|no' in DataDigger.ini to hide all hints #36
- New : Use CTRL-DOWN / CTRL-UP to expand query editor
- New : Option to use multiple favourites groups (Didier Dujardin)
- New : Option to use other folder as workfolder (movedoa)
- New : F10 can toggle readonly mode back to updatemode (Johan Geerts)
- New : Added foundation for template-based file generation (Jeroen Beugels)


DataDigger version 23 - 15 apr 2017 (Easter Egg)

- Solved: Query-open errors were not shown in tooltip of query fill-in

- Solved: High nr of decimals on non-decimal fields could cause errors. See PKB
- Solved: Errors on SQL Server dataserver tables (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Interface errors when using larger fonts
- Solved: Fields with % or # in their name cannot be dumped as XML (Damir Pem)
- Solved: Curly brace could break query
- Solved: Resize error in large window with resize bar
- Solved: Check on updates reports new BETA although set to check on STABLE
- Solved: Filter window looks weird with large font
- Solved: Query result always shows that query is incomplete (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: First hint on upgrading does not show
- Solved: Obsolete images of v18 and older were not cleaned up
- Solved: Version upgrade logic does not run on new beta version
- Solved: Custom hook customFormat did not fire
- Solved: Data Administration accessible in readonly mode (Curtis Schroer)
- Solved: About-window not accessible without timer (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Several shortcuts conflicted (Frans Hoekstra)
- Solved: Window title not cleared after resetting filter (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Check on new version is done on each start, now once a day
- Solved: Availability of a new version is shown on each start (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Dumping data from VST tables result in unknown dump file name (Edwin
- Solved: Dumping data with non-existing code page results in crash (Edwin
- Solved: Edit window closes when it loses focus (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error when updating record when no fields are visible (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Field visibility for RECID / ROWID fields was not preserved (Edwin
- Solved: Error when opening DD with data on clipboard and database filled in in
- Solved: Error message when running DD on a machine where PSTIMER is not
- Solved: error when clearing data filters from data context menu (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: dictionary not resizable anymore (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: timer not functioning at all

- New : Multi-sort on data columns now possible

- New : Row coloring now depending on chosen sort
- New : Right-click on data browse now shows total, min, max, avg of selected
- New : set physical database name in title (Edwin Schutten)
- New : toggle selection of all fields in edit window
- New : optional pingback of DataDigger


DataDigger version 22 - 20 feb 2017 (Titanium)

- Solved: Compilation errors on Progress 10.1B (Cherian George)


DataDigger version 21 - 8 nov 2016 (US Election Day Edition)

- Solved: Nr of selected rows not cleared on table change (Mike Derrick)

- Solved: Error when using fields that end in 'by' in the where-box (Andrew Fornek)
- Solved: Error when started with relative path (Mike Raschendorfer)
- Solved: Settings screen still refered to OEHive (Marius Fiere)
- Solved: Error when started without timer OCX (Annamarie Fortgens)
- Solved: When large font is used, feedback text in lower right corner is truncated
- Solved: Fields browse is not cleared when advanced filtering yields no results
- Solved: Filter values disappear when query is reopened (Rob Willoughby)

- Change: Backup is turned on by default for updates and deletes

- Change: OFF-HOME in data browse no longer sets focus to filter fields (Edwin

- New : The check on new versions of DataDigger is back.


DataDigger version 20 - 29 september 2016 (Coffee Version)

- Solved: Error on closing last DD window (Han Leentvaar)

- Solved: Fav-image wrong when unfavouring a table in favourites tab
- Solved: Misplaced label in filter window (Luis Santos)
- Solved: Double slashes in backup names (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Could not start upload window in readonly mode
- Solved: Could not start when launched with forward slashes (Han Leentvaar)
- Solved: Right-click on field to use its value doesn't work after switching tables
(Mike Derrick)
- Solved: User query was ignored (Alex Leenstra)
- Solved: Setting to show hidden tables was not used in filter (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Double-click on record counter results in error (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Field browse holds data when table browse is empty due to filtering
- Solved: Large decimal values not always stored correctly (Richard Kelters)
- Solved: text-Button for new DataDigger window did not work (Richard Kelters)
- Solved: Select table with cursor keys + immediate ENTER results in error
- Solved: Newly added favourites disappear when clear table filter is used
- Solved: Dumping to 4GL program in program folder could lead to compile errors
- Solved: Save / Load buttons did not work (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Save-as window flashed before opening
- Solved: Mismatched parameter when a database change was detected
- Solved: Formatting error when field format begins with extra characters (Peter
- Solved: Dump df file could not generate file if folder did not exist
- Solved: Import window did not respond to F2
- Solved: Tab images look weird (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Query reposition error after data load
- Solved: Copy value to clipboard on databrowse copies wrong field if browse is
scrolled horizontally
- Solved: Complain about CRC changes in the database when security list is changed
(Albert Flikkema)
- Solved: Issues with reading additional spaces in the settings file (Thomas Bl?
- Solved: Settings for caching Fields and Tables were mixed up (Albert Flikkema)
- Solved: Invalid handle error when table contains more fields than are shown (Alex
- Solved: Sort on extent fields resulted in query error
- Solved: Resize of extent fields was not saved
- Solved: Edit window: strange behavior when editing field value (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Context menu choices on data browse failed for RECID/ROWID fields (Dirk
- Solved: Buttons do not fit on the screen (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Cannot filter on values that start with a space (Dirk Vreken)
- Solved: Error when starting without source files in a FULL Progress version
(Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: Error adding table to favourites when table name occurs more than once
(Albert Flikkema)
- Solved: Error when trying to delete records in RUN-TIME on table with _valexp
(Martin Zantingh)
- Solved: Error on mouse-double-click on a table with same name as currently
selecte (Scott Dulecki)
- Solved: Error when metaschema is changed during run of DD.
- Solved: Flashing of main window on startup
- Solved: New fields appear at the top of the table browse (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: Errors when starting with an empty database (Istvan Hollo)
- Solved: Auto-set fonts in settings do not override fonts if they are set by the
- Solved: Can not run both DataReader and DataDigger in the same Progress Session
(Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: View record that contains a decimal with time-format gives error

- Change: Cursor-up / down can also navigate between user queries

- Change: Where-button moved to the right of where-fill-in
- Change: Navigate query buttons re-introduced (Rob Willoughby)
- Change: Removed auto-refresh widgets
- Change: INI file is sorted when saved (Jeroen Beugels)
- Change: Query is not opened when WHERE-phrase contains an error (Mike
- Change: Changed the tool menu, some buttons moved to this menu
- Change: Digger now always starts with Fieldbrowse
- Change: Shortcuts for dumping and loading changed to CTRL-S and CTRL-L
- Change: Open procedure editor shortcut changed from CTRL-SHIFT-E to SHIFT-F3
- Change: DELETE triggers are enabled by default (Mike Raschendorfer)
- Change: Auto-update function removed since it was not working consistently
- Change: View record also shows RECID and ROWID values
- Change: Removed Filter buttons on fields- index- and data browse (Jeroen

- New : Drag a parameter file onto DataDigger to connect it

- New : New customization routines, check myDataDigger.txt (Alex Leenstra)
- New : Drag a database onto DataDigger to connect to it
- New : Possibility to dump either table or database definitions
- New : ALT-D to start new instance of DataDigger (John Abdoelrazak)
- New : Option to clone the current database structure
- New : Table filter accepts comma separated list of tables (Peter Florie)
- New : Added sort option to list-editor
- New : Auto-refresh data browse function
- New : Updated edit-window with extra functions in toolbar
- New : Date picker added to edit window
- New : Track database changes and give a warning to restart DataDigger when
schema changes


DataDigger version 19 - 22 jul 2014 (Straight A's)

- Solved: Field browse refreshes when data filters change (Mike Derrick,Tim Lewis)
- Solved: Errors when making window extremely wide (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: SHARE-LOCK on _file table (Peter W. Frees)
- Solved: Error on tables with > 500 columns
- Solved: Filter fields appear above wrong column (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Field columns can be moved between columns that are part of an extent
- Solved: Close DD when focus is on filterfield results in errors
- Solved: Error converting v18-to-v19 saved filter values
- Solved: Select-all toggle box on field browse should only work on visible fields
- Solved: When deleting records, no hourglass was shown
- Solved: Yellow helper not positioned correct (Tim Lewis)
- Solved: Time format resulted in format error (Tim Lewis)
- Solved: Large character values cause errors when editing records (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Empty editor opens after closing DD (Istvan Hollo)
- Solved: CLOB field appears in edit window (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: Edit window does not show extent fields (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: DATETIME-TZ field is not exported to 4GL properly (Istvan Hollo)
- Solved: Dictionary changes result in internal CRC errors
- Solved: Errors when switching to database with same name but different CRC
- Solved: Fieldorder not saved on table change (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: On start, main window starts off-screen (Mike Derrick)
- Solved: Rendering error on startup when starting with index tab
- Solved: Rendering error when moving the resize bar far up
- Solved: Errors when working with SQL views (Peter W. Frees)
- Solved: Error when trying to dump a RECID or ROWID field (Peter W. Frees)
- Solved: Weird tooltip on resize bar
- Solved: Format starting with $ generates error (Peter Frederick)
- Solved: Format change ignored when pressing CTRL-ENTER while changing format
- Solved: SHIFT-DEL in filter field left shadowtext floating around
- Solved: Field browse did not auto refresh on changes in filters
- Solved: Error for PSTimer on closing DD (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: Extent fields show their own name as filter value
- Solved: Flashing scrollbars (Richard Kelters)
- Solved: Format for custom format too short (Jani Gy?rgy)
- Solved: Replace-error when running with codepage other than UTF-8/1252 (Edwin
- Solved: No chance to abort dumping process
- Solved: Error when dumping data to DD-dir and opening dump-dir (Erik Weiffenbach)
- Solved: Error when showing message on the use of -rereadnolock parameter
- Solved: UseSystemColors in settings could not be disabled
- Solved: Table-Field-Filter could not handle negative search (PUG Challenge)
- Solved: Table-Field-Filter is slow. Now near-instant
- Solved: Error when choosing "no" to overwrite-question on dumping data (Scott

- Change: Swapped images for favourite/table view

- Change: Cleanup of messages in datadiggerhelp.ini
- Change: Show a startup-message when starting DataDigger
- Change: When in ReadOnly mode, the OK button in the edit window is disabled
(Peter W. Frees)
- Change: Removed unreachable code (Rob Willoughby)
- Change: Removed obsolete code
- Change: Removed functionality for "Restore Last Used Data Filter"
- Change: Failing queries are no longer saved in the query history (Didier
- Change: Query editor shows error messages in results pane instead of a dialog
- Change: Settings for customFilter removed: no performance impact.
- Change: Inserting RECID or ROWID field now uses appropriate syntax (Tim Lewis)
- Change: Warn when dumping data to DataDigger dir itself
- Change: Extra information written to DataDigger.log
- Change: Extra options in the help button

- New : Expand recid formats to prevent display errors

- New : Possibility to specify max nr of extent fields to show in settings
- New : Red line around data filter to emphasize the use of filters
- New : Show color on filterbutton when filtering on fields within table
- New : Highlight matching fields when filtering on fields within table
- New : Table/field filter now remembers last used filters
- New : Time format HH:MM:SS can also be used on decimals
- New : Added feature to perform actions prior to recompile of DataDigger
- New : New custimization routine customQuery added to myDataDigger.txt
- New : New custimization routine customFormat added to myDataDigger.txt (John
- New : New setting "Automatically set fonts", defaults to YES
- New : Date formats with 2 digits for year are automatically set to 4-digit year
- New : Expand integer and decimal formats to prevent display errors
- New : Table list is cached to improve startup time. Disable via settings.
- New : Table and field definitions are pre-cached in the background. Disable via
- New : History on data filters is now saved. Disable via settings.
- New : Remove obsolete quotes in data filter (Maarten Bril)
- New : Favourites view on table list
- New : Extra columns shown in fields browse
- New : Columns in fields browse can be hidden
- New : Resize the fields/index browse with the drag bar


DataDigger version 18 - 01-06-2013

- Solved: when restoring the DD window, it is places begind the progress editor
window (Dick Knol)
- Solved: Copy-to-clipboard without a databrowse gives query that ends with "WHERE"
- Solved: On first run, the help file could not be found (Jeroen Eeuwes)
- Solved: Record-already-exist-error on cloning records (Jeroen Eeuwes)
- Solved: Export to HTML broken due to characters like < and >
- Solved: Fieldlist is not saved correctly when table contains extent fields (Dick
- Solved: Reset field order gives error when table contains an extent field.
- Solved: When scrolling the data browse horizontally with cursor keys, the filters
don't scroll
- Solved: Errors with non-standard datatypes on some VST tables
- Solved: Dump window closes on F2, but does not dump
- Solved: Mismatched number of parameters error on dumping (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Double backslashes on tag <LASTDIR> when dumping records.
- Solved: Tables added via dictionary are not listed in the table browse
- Solved: When no table is listed due to filter, executing query gives errors
(Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Exclude filter values from cache (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Error "clipboard is empty" on startup (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Error "Cannot reposition query" after adding record (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Error "An open comment string was found but no closing string" on compile
(Peter van den Houdt)
- Solved: Export to 4GL failed on files with long names
- Solved: Table list only showed first 22 characters of file name (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: Errors when switching DB inside dictionary from within DD (Rob
- Solved: Settings windows could not be run if started with wDataDigger.w
- Solved: Field filters fill-ins were not cleaned up properly
- Solved: Field browse not refreshed on switch to table with same name (Jeroen
- Solved: Menu on data browse lacked options to add/clone etc (Edwin Schutten)
- Solved: Compile-time warning on redefine of global preprocessors (Stefan Drissen)
- Solved: Scrollbars on color/font pick windows if run with non standard
- Solved: Startup fail on progress version < 10.1B without clear message (Federico
- Solved: Replace-error when running with UTF-8 codepage (Jos Hennen)
- Solved: Login name containing ".d" gives errors in saving settings (Didier

- Change: New icon set

- Change: Default operator for character fields in queries BEGINS instead of
- Change: Searching with MATCHES does not add extra wildcards to search term
- Change: Option on settings screen "Use MATCHES when filtering data" removed
- Change: Table browse focusses on exact match when filtering (Edwin Schutten)
- Change: Field definitions are cached to improve performance of switching between
- Change: Data browse is created once and not everytime the data query is
- Change: INI file settings are cached to improve performance, see below
- Change: Toggling visibility of all fields now much faster
- Change: Column sort toggles between no sort, ascending, descending
- Change: Better location for table filter window
- Change: Icons are a bit darker now for better viewability (Ronald Zijlstra)
- Change: Custom dump routine moved to myDataDigger.p

- New : Possibility to start own customizations to DD via myDataDigger.p (Dick

- New : Automatic filters (Dick Knol)
- New : You can start a filter with an operator like < = <= ! etc (Dick Knol)
- New : Check on value for -s when starting
- New : KeepAlive function to prevent time-out on your databases (Chris
- New : Option to always start on primary monitor (Rob Willoughby)
- New : Option to enable/disable triggers on edit/delete (Jeroen Eeuwes)
- New : Option to dump data as 4GL code (Jeroen Eeuwes)
- New : Added filter on RECID and ROWID fields (Edwin Schutten)
- New : Added column nr to column label (Edwin Schutten)
- New : Doubleclick on field name will force that column into view (Edwin
- New : Drag and drop of .db / .pf files on connection window
- New : Ability to specify in which section the settings for a connection must be
- New : If text is on the clipboard when DD starts, DD filters tables on that
- New : Specify how column label on data browse should look
- New : Quick-dump of table DF from context menu on table browse
- New : CTRL-ALT-D opens an internal debugger to see what DD is doing
- New : Changes to make DD work on Oracle DataServer (Nelson Alcala)
- New : Right-click on index name inserts "USE-INDEX <indexname>" in query editor
(Nelson Alcala)
- New : On startup, move image files to image-dir when they are in the DD
directory (Rick Taylor)
- New : Option to use DD uncompiled via setting in DataDigger.ini (Stefan
- New : Option to switch off caching via setting in DataDigger.ini
- New : Settings for making backup-on-delete are checked at startup (Jeroen
- New : Guided tour for new users


DataDigger version 17 - 6 sep 2012 (Haiku)

serious data
but with a DataDigger
will it remain the same?

- Solved: When choosing CANCEL on question to overwrite dumpfile, DD continues

write (Chris Knickerbocker)
- Solved: Dump to Excel fails when no path is specified (Stuart Roberts)
- Solved: Settings screen saves Dump&Load settings to wrong section in ini-file
- Solved: dSettings.w was deleted on first DD17 run (obsolete now), but was still
in the zipfile.
- Solved: DD Window is placed behind other windows on resize (Dick Knol)
- Solved: Inconsistent behavior on copying the query
- Solved: When starting, font check failed.
- Solved: Helpfile not available in non-compile environment (Jeroen Beugels)
- Solved: DD does not start on only .r files. Tip: run wDataDigger.r
- Solved: Full path to datadigger.p in
- Solved: Rectangle does not fit in screen for query history (Didier Dujardin)
- Solved: Flashing when scrolling mousewheel on data browse (Dick Knol)
- Solved: Filtering on extent gives query error and no results
- Solved: Clear table filter button gone in index view
- Solved: View record shows all ? when one of the fields is unknown (Albert
- Solved: Removed scrollbars on settings frame when non-standard fonts used
- Solved: 'select all fields' toggle only works on all fields, not restrained by
- Solved: Records with dictionary validation give error 7347. Now deleted with
generated program
- Solved: Bug in dump routine prevented record from being deleted (Rob Willoughby)
- Solved: When a record is deleted but still visible in the browse, double click
gives an error
- Solved: Red rectangle around table browse is positioned wrong when used with non-
standard fonts
- Solved: After changing settings, window would restore to old location on the
- Solved: After changing settings, window would flash
- Solved: Help automatically pops up on every start of DataDigger (Ronald Zijlstra)
- Solved: Table description was not shown anymore (Ronald Zijlstra)
- Solved: Edit window was confused after sorting on columns
- Solved: When started as plugin, the persistent library was not cleaned up (Dick
- Solved: Edit window flashes briefly when opening (Dick Knol)
- Solved: Edit button insensitive after CTRL-A on data browse
- Solved: Edit window allowed only maximum string format of x(256) (Ronald
- Solved: Replication Triggers still fired due to error in Progress docs
- Solved: Min/Max buttons on window missing (Albert Flikkema)

- Change: Disable updates if started without sources (Jeroen Beugels)

- Change: Do not delete object files if started without sources (Jeroen Beugels)
- Change: Added shortcuts in tooltips
- Change: disabled old settings screen, new settings screen is fully functional now
- Change: added Query Tester to tools panel (Marius Fiere)
- Change: When changing tables, the field and index filters are cleared.
- Change: View record shows fields in the same order as in the main window (Albert
- Change: On startup, DD will try to set proper fonts by itself
- Change: Column sort of the Edit window is saved in the settings.
- Change: On startup, check settings and set some defaults instead of nagging
- Change: Do not show individual extents in field combo in query editor
- Change: When sorting/filtering the databrowse, focus tries to remain on the same
- Change: Data Browse uses system color for odd/even rows (Dick Knol)
- Change: Use default values for nr of Columns / query history length-
- Change: CTRL-C in query editor just copies what is selected instead of whole
- Change: Table and field browse are now a bit larger
- Change: Protection against editing of VST files
- Change: CTRL-Enter on data browse refreshes it

- New : Auto-update from

- New : If text is selected when DD starts, DD filters tables on that text
- New : Added keyboard shortcuts for options in the settings frame
- New : Extra startup program DataReader to start DataDigger in read-only mode.
- New : ALT-F and ALT-I will switch screen to Field view / Index view and set
focus on field/index name
- New : Auto-hide of settings frame after 2 seconds, unless mouse is over frame
- New : When you start Data Dictionary, the window is made resizable (Sebastien
- New : During editing, a field can be changed with SHIFT-UP / DOWN / HOME / END
- New : Added DUMPNAME tag as option for FileTemplate, Create/Update/Delete
- New : Added Procedure Editor button to toolbar
- New : SHIFT-INS on databrowse adds a record based on the one that is selected
- New : Default filtering is now MATCHES instead of EQ. Can be changed in
Settings Window
- New : ListEditor for comma separated values added to Edit window
- New : New settings window
- New : Section [DataDigger:fonts] with font definitions
- New : Fonts can be set on the Settings Window
- New : Add records to table via 'Add' button or INS on table/data browse
- New : Edit window also shows order nr of fields
- New : Fields in edit window can be sorted by clicking on header
- New : Record can be backed up on create/update/delete
- New : Added ACTION tag as option for DirTemplate and FileTemplate,
- New : New setting MaxQueryTime to set maximum nr of msec for query to open
- New : Nr of selected records is shown in the right lower corner of the data
- New : Possibility to start data dictionary from tools menu
- New : Encode button in edit window to instantly encode the current value
- New : When changing the order of fields, the data browse is updated immediately
- New : Column widths of data browse is now saved in INI file


DataDigger version 16 - 18 mar 2011 (Sweet-16 edition)

Special thanks to the following people for testing and suggestion. Great job guys!

- Albert Flikkema
- Jeroen Beugels
- Richard Kelters
- Tim Lewis

- Solved: Copy to clipboard could contain double 'where' in query

- Solved: No recompile when old version has been compiled after release date of new
- Solved: Change of database in database combo was not remembered in INI
- Solved: Maximum window size is now same as monitor, was 1680x1200
- Solved: DataDigger looks bad if default font is changed in progress.ini
- Solved: When toggling 'Show Hidden Tables' the table browse is not refreshed, 2nd
- Solved: dump stopped at 2000 records (Tim Lewis)
- Solved: messages about the dumping process showed up in the .d dump file itself
- Solved: wrong file name was written to dumpfile when filename contained an
- Solved: Favourites showed ? when database name was blank
- Solved: Context menu on DataBrowse was killed after sorting columns
- Solved: Displaying records with raw fields shows error
- Solved: On more complex queriy/filter/sort combinations, query errors could occur
- Solved: Fields of type clob/blob/raw should not be shown in the data browse

- Change: Say goodbye Wiki, say hello helpfile

- Change: Reordering of tool buttons
- Change: When dumping to XML format, date and numeric format are fixed
- Change: Database combo is sorted
- Change: Recompile logfile has more informative layout
- Change: DataBrowse is no longer updatable
- Change: Minimum window size is now 650x430, was 790x530
- Change: Expanded query editor is now a popup frame
- Change: Dump data to Excel now applies autofilter to your sheet
- Change: Dump data to Excel or Html now use normal label instead of column-label
- Change: when selecting a field to display (or not) using RETURN, focus moves to
the next row
- Change: when started, the initial focus is on the table filter
- Change: no recompile when the Progress version does not allow it
- Change: editing records now opens a new window and multiple records can be edited
- Change: sorting arrows are set when you define a sorting order in the query

- New : Filter the table list to show only tables that have certain fields
- New : Possibility to start the DWP query editor or DWP debugger together with
the DataDigger
- New : Instant show/hide of columns in the data browse on toggling 'show' in
fields browse
- New : Right-click on databrowse gives option to hide individual columns
- New : Right-click on databrowse gives option to show data value
- New : Possibility to start DataDigger with no databases connected
- New : Added USERID tag as option for DumpFileTemplate: userid of first
connected db
- New : Added TIMESTAMP tag as option for DumpFileTemplate: setting in ini file
- New : Added LASTDIR tag as option for DumpFileTemplate: last used dir for
- New : Added WEEKDAY tag as option for DumpFileTemplate: nr 1-7 from weekday
- New : Added DAYNAME tag as option for DumpFileTemplate: 3 letter name for
- New : Added HH, MM, SS tags as option for DumpFileTemplate, Time portions
- New : When deleting records, a backup will be saved in an XML file
- New : You can specify your own dump program, see CustomDump
- New : DataDigger file date/times are saved in DataDigger.ini
- New : Notify user when an error occurs on recompile of all sources.
- New : DataFilters above data browse to filter query results
- New : Warn when DataDigger is started with non-standard FontSettings
- New : Warn when DataDigger is started without -rereadnolock parameter
- New : View multiple selected records at once.
- New : View selected records as TXT, Excel or HTML
- New : Added context menu to DataBrowse to view, dump or delete records
- New : define your own trigger program for changes/deletes
- New : when dumping in html or excel, you can choose which format to use
- New : Dump data to TXT from DumpAndLoad window
- New : Dumping data can be aborted during dump
- New : Double Click on record shows selected record
- New : fields of type int64 can be shown using time format like normal integers
- New : CTRL-A and CTRL-D select/deselect all records in the data browse


DataDigger version 15 - 18 mar 2010 (Bregje-15 Edition)

- New : A logfile is generated when DataDigger recompiles itself

- New : New ViewRecordDetails window: non-modal, resizable, printable
- New : ViewRecordDetails window shows same fields in the same order as main
- New : ViewRecordDetails window shows values of primary index fields in its
- New : Added Alt-T to jump to table filter
- New : Added Alt-Q to jump to QueryWindow
- New : Possibility to set date and numeric format in DumpAndLoad window
- New : When changing dump type in DumpAndLoad window, only the dump file
extention is changed
- New : Before dumping, a check is done whether the desired output file is valid
and writable
- New : Possibility to edit or delete queries in the QueryWindow
- New : Dump data to HTML from DumpAndLoad window
- New : Dump data to Excel sheet from DumpAndLoad window

- Solved: Navigation between queries was confused after cancelling out of

- Solved: When toggling 'Show Hidden Tables' the table browse is not refreshed
- Solved: When saving changes on an even nr of records, DataBrowse swaps colors


DataDigger version 14 - 03 mar 2010 (Election Day Edition)

- Solved: Right click on empty line in field or index browse generates errors
- Solved: Message "Only first 500 columns are shown" is placed on top of dump
- Solved: Strange error when expanding empty query editor with UTF-8 (Stefan
- Solved: When using environment vars in DumpDir, these are resolved and then
written back
- Solved: When started from more than 1 environment date-format is saved in INI
file for DumpAndLoad window
- Solved: Starting DataDigger and executing query without changing table causes
- Solved: When scrolling with mouse, field browse filters flash
- Solved: Jumping to the end of a very large table takes (almost) forever
- Solved: "Basedir not found" error when overruling the filename in DumpAndLoad
- Solved: Button 'open dir of last dump' opens dir of current dumpfile instead of
last dumped file

- New : When started, DataDigger checks if at least 1 database is connected

- New : Welcome message can be told to never show up again
- New : Automatically recompile all DataDigger files if needed
- New : Title of DataDigger window is also shown in [[Windows Task Manager]]
- New : Search-as-you-type on tables, fields and indexes filter
- New : Show query execution time together with [[Number Of Records]]
- New : Show index information on executed query
- New : Clear current input with SHIFT-DEL on tables, field and index filter and
query editor
- New : Show date/time of last acces of a table in table browse
- New : Columns in table browse are resizable
- New : Added Year, Month, Day, Progdir to DumpFileTemplate
- New : Added checkboxes to set DumpReadyAction in DumpAndLoad window
- New : Format errors are immediately cleared from ini file
- New : Show progress bar while dumping records
- New : Warn when trying to dump empty browse or empty selection


DataDigger version 13 - 13 jan 2010 (Bad Luck Edition)

Solved: Startup with a lot of database or database with lots of tables takes too
Solved: 'Show hidden tables' (ShowHiddenTables) setting was not saved
Solved: Strange errors when disconnecting a database

Change: Documentation wiki behaves more like a normal wiki showing 1 page at a time
Change: Count button removed. Functionality moved to double click of new record
count field
Change: Double click on database in ConnectionWindow connects or disconnects
Change: Connection of a database in ConnectionWindow does not automatically closes
Change: Button 'Copy to clipboard' or CTRL-C of query editor now copies full query
to clipboard

New: Added [[Query Navigation Buttons]] to jump to previous or next query of this
New: Show (approx) [[Number Of Records]] below DataBrowse.
New: Added 'disconnect' button on ConnectionWindow
New: It is now possible to include OS Environment Variables in the settings
DumpFileTemplate and DumpDir
New: Added possibility to sort connections in ConnectionWindow


DataDigger version 12 - 6 jan 2010

Solved: On startup without .ini file, session crashes.

Solved: If no explicit position is specified in INI, window is located out of sight
Solved: "Table occurs in more than 1 database" error on startup
Solved: Removed debug messages
Solved: When updating a running version of DataDigger, close open windows and
restart library.
Solved: Sometimes CHR(1) characters were not removed from queries that were read
from ini file
Solved: When run as .r without .p startup failed

Change: Buttons 'Yes/No/Cancel' instead of 'OK/Cancel' on delete of record

Change: Database/Table navigation changed to enable listing of all tables
Change: Connect/disconnect/quick connect now available as context menu on table

New: Show number of exectuted queries on a table.

New: Added Alt-w to jump to Where-editor
New: Added Count button to count total number of records of the query


DataDigger version 11 - 12 dec 2009 (Double Dozen Edition)

NOTE: To support multiple history of queries on a table, this version of DataDigger

uses a slightly
different way of saving queries in your settings file. On first start of
build 11, your current
settings file will be automatically converted. An old version of your
settings file will be
saved with the extention .bak. See also QueryWindow

- Solved: Error on lockWindowUpdate when DataDigger was used in combination with

- Solved: Wrong quotation on insertion of linkInfo fields, none on integer, double
on characters
- Solved: Scrollbars appearing on frame
- Solved: Edit panel remains active after db switch althoug databrowse is hidden
- Solved: Flashing on startup

- Change: Removed buttons for navigation: first, prev, next last

- Change: Replaced LockWindowUpdate with RedrawWindow
- Change: Connection numbers for databases in INI file must be sequential.
- Change: Startup is now faster due to limited scanning of connections.
- Change: Save nr of queries on a table, for future use
- Change: Different behavior on table list since this has been changed from
selection-list to browse
- Change: Order of fields is now the sequence number, not the _Order field from the
- Change: Button 'watskeburt' now opens wiki. Right mouse click opens
- Change: Moved all images to separate dir
- Change: Behavior for LinkInfo has been reversed: press ctrl to escape it instead
of using it

- New : DumpAndLoad window for export to .XML / .D (Jeroen Beugels)

- New : Executed queries are saved and can be recalled via pageUp/pageDown on
query editor
- New : QueryWindow to recall executed queries
- New : Maximum nr of queries to save is set via setting MaxQueryHistory. Default
value is 10
- New : Field _Order of field can be changed. If changed, color is red, just like
format field.
- New : New setting DumpReadyAction to specify action to perform after dumping
- New : Added <#> tag as option for DumpFileTemplate
- New : When F1 is pressed, the DataDigger wiki is opened
- New : Added buttons to change order of fields


DataDigger version 10 - 21 oct 2009 (Progression revisited Edition)

- Solved: Error 'subscript 0 is out of range' error when viewing records with
extent fields.

- New : insert and delete key execute corresponding buttons on databrowse

- New : queries are published for use with the query analyzer as: publish 'query'
- New : when query editor is expanded/collapsed, returns are transformed to
spaces and back
- New : A column with the rowid is always added to the DataBrowse
- New : If you specify a time format like HH:MM:SS for an integer field, the
value will be displayed as time
- New : Order of field selection is preserved when a table is selected
- New : Right click on 'Indexes' tab immediately inserts fields + LinkInfo from
primary index in query editor.
- New : Added 'copy to clipboard' button next to query editor
- New : Introduced LinkInfo like Progression in the old days: DataDigger
remembers the values of fields you display.
This value can be reused in other DataDigger instances (in the same
- New : CTRL+right click on field uses LinkInfo
- New : Right click on index or index tab uses LinkInfo
- New : New settings in INI file:
AutoExpandQueryEditor=no : Do not expand query editor on right-click of
index or index-tab
MaxColumns=n : Overrule default Maximum number of columns
of 500
AddDataColumnForRecid=no : Do not add recid column to DataBrowse
AddDataColumnForRowid=no : Do not add rowid column to DataBrowse


DataDigger version 9 - 16 oct 2009 (Revolution nr 9 edition)

NOTE: This version uses a different naming convention for the .ini file.
Rename your .ini file from DataDigger.ini to DataDigger-XXX.ini
where XXX is the name you use to logon to Windows.

- Solved: pressing esc while updating a field in the browse minimize window
- Solved: format for field 'Format' is too small.
- Solved: small annoyances with gray text in filter fields
- Solved: flashing when changing tables or when switching tabs
- Solved: column sort was not saved.
- Solved: a second instance of DataDigger was positioned exactly at the place of
the invoking one.
- Solved: right-click on field selected wrong field when clicked too low
- Solved: sorting DataBrowse sometimes made the background colors flash
- Solved: it is not possible to start more than one extra Digger from one window
- Solved: double-click on table name to execute query ignores changed query but re-
uses previously saved one

- New : Added a 'DataDigger.p' program to launch DataDigger when used outside of

- New : Disconnect button disconnects selected database
- New : A column with the recid is always added to the DataBrowse
- New : flag 'inactive' for inactive indexes
- New : Show inactive indexes in red font
- New : Delay refresh of field and index browse when changing table within 300
- New : Option to specify an extra title element by adding -PARAM "extra title"
to your startup shortcut
- New : Settings file is now personal, based on Windows logon ID
- New : Button to directly edit your settings file.
- New : Only first 500 fields of a table are shown to prevent out-of-memory
- New : When sorting fields, index or DataBrowse, focus remains on the same row
- New : Right-click on index inserts a query that uses all fields of that index.


DataDigger version 8 - 22 sep 2009 (Brand New Day edition)

- Solved: startup error when no .ini file present
- Solved: ini file is not created when not present on startup
- Solved: right click on field does not replace selected text in query editor
- Solved: Browses are built twice on startup

- New : Right-click on field browse repositions cursor and pastes expected field
- New : Icons
- New : Button 'Clear query' also clears query from ini file.


DataDigger version 7 - 18 sep 2009 (Mullerman edition)

- Solved: "Unable to find image" error on startup

- Minor UI changes to connection window
- Aligned button panels at bottom of DataDigger screen
- On table change, remove DataBrowse since it points to another table
- Do not show original format as tooltip anymore
- field browse now also shows array information
- Solved Font errors when starting more than once from pro*tools
- When deleting or changing records, triggers for that table are disabled
- When dumping records, the dump name of the file is used as default
- Some new icons
- Correctly quit session without showing empty editor window
- Added possibility to actually edit and save extent fields
- Use default colours of Progress instead of dynamically changing color 25
- Sorting on extent field in databrowse gave error.
- Added protection against too much (extent) fields in databrowse
- Added sort arrows to databrowse
- Show original format as floating message when it is changed
- Return-key on table name executes query
- Filterbutton reversed sorting direction. Fixed.
- Added favourite connections to "+" button

Known issues:
- View on table _UserLock view data gives "Array subscript 0 is out of range (26)"


DataDigger version 6 - 9 sep 2009 (Triple-9 version)

- Changed format of .INI file. Please throw away old .INI file
- When expanding query editor, check whether window is large enough
- When viewing data, check whether window is large enough
- Window with record details resizes (a bit) to fit data
- Repaired some 'Font 0 not in font set' errors.
- Better handling of query; don't nag if it starts with AND/OR
- Show or hide query editor on alt-cursor-up and down
- Reshuffled query buttons
- Added button to open extra window
- Changed DataDigger text logo to real button
- Added connection favourites
- Added index information in separate browse
- Save/restore active tab, Fields or Indexes
- Save/restore whether or not to show hidden fields
- Count total number of queries served, just for fun
- When changing format of field, show original format in browse tooltip
- Button 'Clear Filters' now resets filterfields to original state
- Remember which version has run and show welcome message when needed
- When the query editor is small, ENTER acts as 'execute query'


DataDigger version 5 - 16 jul 2009 (Bugleman edition)

- 'select all fields' toggle only works on fields currently shown by filter
- Added button to make hide/show extended query options
- Save/restore state of query editor in INI
- Fields with strange labels were sometimes not displayed in list
- Save/restore selected fields in INI


DataDigger version 4 - 14 jul 2009 (France Liberty Edition)

- Jump from field filters to field browse and back

- Execute query on CTRL-ENTER of filterfields
- Disable View button/select all toggle when no fields
- Added DataDigger logo + revision history on doubleclick
- Added DataDigger favicon
- Added table description field :-)
- ESC minimizes the window instead of closing it
- Provided picture for usage in Pro*Tools palette
- Close INI file on close of program to avoid font errors


DataDigger version 3 - 9 jul 2009

- Minor UI changes
- Changed name to DataDigger to avoid confusion with DataHack
- Use default progress.ini
- Added filters to fields browse
- Save/restore column size in INI
- Let column filters adapt to column size
- Save/restore field format in INI
- Save/restore fields sort in INI
- Field Format in red when changed
- Reset 'select all fields' toggle on table change
- Rightclick on field browse inserts fieldname only
- Added 'clear all filters' button
- Save/restore field sort in INI
- Connect/disconnect on + and - key
- Reset color of where-editor on table change
- Added buttons with default text: = <> > < "" TODAY
- Save/restore query in INI
- Put selected text between brackets on click of () button in where-editor
- Replace selected text with buttontext in where-editor
- Jump from table filter field to selection list and back
- Add tooltip to EDITOR if query is invalid


DataDigger version 2 - 6 feb 2009 (Mother-in-law edition)

- Use INI file to save last used db, table and window position
- Rightclick on field browse inserts fieldname + '='
- Added connect and disconnect buttons
- Added 'Clear query' button :-)
- Added buttons with default text (AND OR NOT ())
- Added fields to quickly insert query parts to where-editor
- Added colors to fields browse to indicate primary key :-)
- Added keyboard shortcuts to execute query
- Added table filter field
- Removed table quickselect fill-in


DataDigger version 1 - jan 2009

- Major changes to the internals to clean things up

- Removed all references to Dynamics
- Removed 'Use outer join' toggle
- Removed 'Struct Copy' button
- Removed colors from fields browse
- Removed table description field
- Removed 'Clear query' button
- Made columns of fields browse resizable
- Added _order and _label to fields browse
- Added toggles to select/deselect fields to show
- Where-field changed to editor
- Make WHERE field red on invalid query and reopen without query
- Fields browse is sortable
- Added possibility to change field format


DataDigger version 0 - dec 2008

- Started out with DataHack of Richard Tardivon

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