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Syllabus Class VIII (2023-24)


Literature: (10m)
Ch4: Let’s walk Together
Poem: Warned
Grammar: (6m)
Ch8: Adverbs
Ch15: Prepositions
Ch18: Conjunctions
Writing Skill: (5m)
Notice Writing (Lost & Found)
Integrated Grammar: (2m)
Reading Comprehension: (5m)
Word of the day: (2m)

Total Mark - 30

पा पु तक
पाठ -6 कु संग का वर 2+2+1=5
पाठ- 9-रावण का ानदान 2+2+1=5
सा ािहक श दकोश 3
अथ व वा य रचना
वर संिध (वृि )4
समास ( ं ,ि गु ,त पु ष) 4
िवराम िच ह 4

अप ठत बोध :
अप ठत का ांश 5
कु ल अंक - 30

ाकरण -
संवाद- 5,6,7,8 ( 5)
शद प - बाल, क या,िम , कम् , तत् 3 अ मद् (4)
सं या श द - 31- 50 (3)

द ांजिल - पाठ - 9,10,11, (18)

कु ल अंक (30)


Rational Numbers 6 marks

Exponents & Powers 6 marks
Quadrilaterals 5 marks
Area 7 marks
Graph 7 marks
Algebraic Expression & Identities 10 marks
Factorisation 7 marks
Probability 7 marks
Linear Equation 10 marks
Data Handling 7 marks
Philomath 8 marks


CH 2 Microorganisms:Friend and foe

Deleted portion

Topic: Disease causing microorganisms in plants and animals(pg 45)

Nitrogen cycle (pg47-48)

Marks 10

CH 10 Force and Pressure

Deleted portion-Pneumatic Pressure

Marks - 8

CH 4 Materials: Metals and Nonmetals

Deleted Portion-Uses of Metals and Non Metals

Marks - 12

CH 7 Cell: Structure and Functions

No deletion

Marks - 10

CH 15 Light

Pg 311, pg 320 - visual impairment, pg 321

Marks - 10

Ch-13 Chemical effects of electric current

No deletion

Marks: 10

Ch 9 Reaching the Age of Adolescence

No Deletion

Marks - 12

Ch- 17 Coal and Petroleum

Marks -8

Ch-11-Struggle for Swaraj=10 marks

Ch-12-National Movement (1922-1939)=10 Marks

Ch-5-Human Resource =10 Marks

Total Marks- 30 Marks

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