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ENGLISH: 1. Fill the given crossword on synonyms and antonyms (on A4

(2) Synonym for start
(5) Antonym for damage
(6) Antonym for truth
(8) Synonym for pretty
(9) Synonym for disaster
(13) Synonym for rich
(14) Antonym for forget
(15) Antonym for rough
(17) Antonym for child
(1)Antonym for lost
(3) Synonym for mistake
(4) Synonym for leave
(7) Antonym of boring
(9) Antonym for brave
(10) Antonym for cheap
(11) Synonym for old
(12) Synonym for angry
(16) Antonym for wild
2. Learn UT-4 syllabus.
3. Read any book of ENID BLYTON and share in the class.

HINDI : 1. चतुर्थ इकाई परीक्षा हेतु निर्धारित पाठ्‌यक्रम याद कीजिए।

2. विद्‌यालय द्वारा आयोजित "विशालगढ़ फार्म हाऊस" में आपको घूमने का
अवसर मिला । आपने वहाँ जाकर किन-किन गतिविधियों में भाग लिया।
अपने अनुभव चित्र सहित A - 4 size शीट पर लिखिए।
नववर्ष - 2024 के आगमन पर एक सुंदर सा कार्ड बनाकर उस पर कोई दो
अच्छी आदतें लिखिए जिन्हें आप अपनाना चाहेंगे
MATHS : (A) See the picture carefully and answer the following

Truss bridges have supporting structures constructed in

triangular shapes.
1. Why are the supporting structures by the bridge triangular
in shape?
2. If the structure is changed, will it affect the bridge? If yes,
3. Create an activity to verify triangular shape is more stable
out of another polygon?
(B) Write any Vedic Mathematics Tricks with examples
(i) Multiplication of 2-digit numbers.
(ii) Multiplication of 3-digit numbers.
(iii) Square of 2-digit numbers.
(iv) Multiplication of any number by 99999….
(v) Cube of 2-digit numbers.
SCIENCE : Q1 Compare the male and female sex ratio of adult population
in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh for the current
decade. In which state is the picture more alarming? Try to
find out at least two valid reasons.
Q2 Goiter is caused by the lack of iodine in our diet. Find out
the percentage of population getting affected by Goiter in
Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Do a comparative study
and find out the reason of the state getting affected more?
Q3 Plan and give an idea for an innovative and working science
model for the coming session.
U.T 4 syllabus
Force and Pressure and Reproduction in animals.
SOCIAL Prepare a mind map on the flora and fauna of Mehaghlya (roll
no 1to 20)
SCIENCE : Prepare a mind map on the flora and fauna of Arunachal
Pradesh (roll no 21 and above)
Learn UT4 syllabus
Geo Ch.-Industries
Geo Ch.-Human Resources
Civics Ch.-Public Facilities
FRENCH : écrivez la recette de plat à l' infinitif .Entourez Les verbes et
changez les à l impèratif par vous (refer page no :107)
GERMAN : Schreiben Sie eine Dialoge über 'Hast du Lust, ins Kino
zu gehen' kapital?

COMPUTER : Create a poster to spread awareness about cyber crime.

Save in. pdf form and mail on the Gmail id
UT-4 Computer Syllabus
Ch : Making decision in Python
Ch : Repetition in Python

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