Beyond Operation Chameleon

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Beyond Operation Chameleon - The International Network in the Trade of Reptiles and Wildlife

"I can get anything from anywhere. It only depends on how

Operation Chameleon (1996-1998) Ass oc iate
Operation Cobra (1987)
Operation Chameleon was a highly successful long-term
Michael Van Nostrand
M i ke V an N os tran d Ass oc iate
Ass oc iate
much certain people get paid.Tell me what you want, I will Operation Cobra was an investigation into Mario Tabraue's exotic animal
undercover investigation of several international live reptile
smuggling rings. These investigations were conducted
C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n
Wi ld lif e C ri me s
Ass oc iate Rian Gittman
De erfi eld B each, F lorid a
Underground Reptiles
10 7 N . P ow erli ne R oa d Bogus Operation
weigh up the risks , and tell you how much it'll set you back." business that served as a useful front for his drug dealing. Tabraue's ring
allegedly smuggled thousands of tons of marijuana and hundreds of pounds
Randy Chatfield Operation Cobra 1987 Eduardo Fernandez USA De erfi eld B each, F lorid a
Fake Captive Breeding Business of cocaine into the U.S. and was said to have made $75 million in a decade.
by special agents from the Branch of Special Operations, Garrick Wales C a se : O p erati on C o bra
Drug Importation C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra M urdered Wi ld lif e Im porte r USA
Dubai - United Arab Emirates Wong Keng Liang (Anson's quote to US Agents during Operation Chameleon)
Division of Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
U ni te d Ki ng do m USA
Orlando Cicilia USA
USA 95 4-42 88 -4 34
The syndicate was also involved in wildlife smuggling.
D ecea se d Drug s/Wild li fe Traff ick in g C a se : O p erati on C o bra Drug Traf ficki ng - M urde r Wi ld li fe Im port / E xp ort Investigation revealed Flower Shop
assisted by regional agents principally assigned in Florida As sociat e USA Philip Epstein M urdered U n it ed A ra b E mi ra te s

and California. Traded a Blac k Drug s/Wild li fe Traff ick in g

C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra
Sam e Addres s In 1987, Tabraue was arrested and charged in a federal racketeering
Ass oc iate
Miguel Ramirez Murder D irec tor
Mamba into U K Drug s/Wild li fe Traff ick in g C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra
Larry Nash Aztec Reptiles indictment that included murder, drug trafficking, corruption and obstruction
W ales D ied From Naturerep Reptile Products
Reptiles, including tortoises, turtles, snakes, and lizards Snak ebit e in 2004
F at her USA
C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra Ass oc iate U n it 2, Lo w er M i ll S t ree t
C h el te nh am , E n gl an d of justice. His case went to trial 2 years later. Tabraue was described by a
Drug Traf ficki ng - M urde r
USA Wildlife Business C h el te nha m, E n gl an d

from Africa, Asia, and South America, are much in demand Guillermo Tabraue Euan Edwards U n it ed Ki ng do m
U ni te d Ki ng do m
Jeff Ooi Miami prosecutor as the "Chairman of the Board" of a drug ring, recognized
C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra
F e de ra l A TF I nfo rm an t
A u st ra li a Vietnam sa le s@na tu rerep .com M al a y s ia

by U.S. herpetologists, and international smuggling rings USA Antonio Munio M urdered
A us tral ia n V ie tn am
0 12 42 5 13 92 6
University of Hawaii Yoneo Sagawa P e na ng C h ie f M in is ter C hie f of S t af f as one of South Florida's most prolific and violent.
P rof es so r
Drug T ra ffi ck in g C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra Wi ld lif e C ri me s M anager
track circuitous routes around the globe to supply the U.S. and other world markets with F at her Ass oc iate
M urdered
Re pt il e S mu gg le r Link ed

their cold-blooded contraband, part of a $6 billion dollar yearly black market in live Drug Traf ficki ng - M urde r
Bus ines s Cotswold Reptile Centre Ty Milsom He bribed police in Miami and Key West and comm itted an execution-style
U n it 2, Lo w er M i ll S t ree t U n it ed Ki ng do m
animals and animal products. M urdered
Ow ner
C h el te nha m, E n gl an d Penang Brid Park murder to protect his smuggling operation. The person killed was a
W ebsite Link D irec tor
Reptile Service U n it ed Ki ng do m
M al ay si a
government informant. At the trial, witnesses described how Tabraue and
Zoological Wildlife Foundation Mario Tabraue Jose Pepe Acosta Murder 01 24 2 51 35 88
Zo o / Bot an ical G a rd en s

The undercover operation and ensuing overt investigation work conducted by the Ray Van Nostrand
1 62 25 S W 17 2 A v en ue
C a se : O p erati on C o bra C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra
Maria Tabraue
De erfi eld B each, F lorid a
D irec tor
Student M ent or
As sociat e
an associate dismembered the informant's body using a circular saw, after
C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra

agents resulted in the successful prosecution of about two dozen smugglers and reptile USA M i am i, F l orid a
78 6-42 3-8 56 4
Drug T ra ffi ck in g - M urde r
C a se : O pe rat io n C o bra Ye ar E s ta bl ish ed : 1 99 4
Choosit Nivesanon Suchino Corp Supplier
Owner finding that a machete wouldn't do the job. They then placed it in a horse

dealers in three countries.

Wi ld lif e C ri me s
Wi ld lif e Tra de r
Ex Manager
in fo @zo ol ogi ca lw i ld lif efo un dat io
Drug Traf ficki ng - M urde r
Wi ld li fe Im port / E xp ort T ha i la nd T ha il an d Supplier D irec tor
National Orchid Society Owner trough and burned it using charcoal and lighter fluid.
Owner D irec tor
US Departm ent of Justice - Environment and Natural Heritage Website Drug Traf ficke r Firs t W if e - (M urdered)
8 00 -3 00 6-54 2 of Malaysia
Ow ner Owner
w w w . zo olo gi cal w i ld lif ef oun da ti on. co m
D irec tor C urrent Spous e D irec tor Supplier
M al ay si a
Gino Ooi Tabraue was found guilty of 61 acts of racketeering. He was cleared of
Operation Chameleon - Anson Wong Network
Zo ol og ical G a rd en s Brothers M al ay si a

Maria Tabraue Komain Nukulphanitwipat Siam Farm Tropifauna Farms Vice Pres ident only one charge — complicity in the murder of his estranged wife, Maria,
A reptile smuggling ring operated largely at the direction of Keng Liang “Anson” Wong, a Stephanie Gonzalez Employ ee USA
Supplier (Albino Burm es e Pyt hons )
D a ng T ha i la nd Bi rm in gh am an d C h elt en ha m, E n gl an d President Lim Guan Eng who was shot 10 times. The two were getting a divorce, and according to
M al ay si a
Malaysian citizen, in selling wildlife (highly endangered plowshare tortoise and the Komodo USA 78 6-42 3-80 99 T ha il an d U ni te d Ki ng do m
01 24 2 51 35 88 Michael Ooi Federation of Malaya P e na ng C h ie f M in is te r testimony, Maria had threatened to expose her husband's drug dealings.
dragon) through an im port/export business known as “Sungai Rusa Wildlife.” Employ ee Employee Penny Crutchfield D irec tor
M al ay si a
Orchid Society The jury could not agree on his guilt in this murder.
C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n D irec tor M al ay si a
Zoological Imports 2000 Morgan Simpson USA Owner
With associates in the United States and USA USA
Spous e Wi ld lif e C ri me s
D irec tor
Denny Wong China Wild Animal Trading Supplier D irec tor
Teng Chang Yeow
Jorge L. Gonzalez 18 00 -3 00 6-54 2 D irec tor Director Scales and Tails Wildlife H on g Ko ng H on g Ko ng
Hong Kong, Wong was charged with USA
3 05 -9 69 3-69 6
Employee Ass oc iate H on g Ko ng
M al ay si a

illegally smuggling more than 300 reptiles Wi ld lif e I mp ort / E xport CornUtopia Glades Herpetoculture S t at e Tou ri sm De v e lop me nt
The Taiping Four Incident
Wi ld li fe Im port / E xp ort
Owner an d E n v i ron me nt C o mm it te e Nigerian Professional Services
USA USA Director Ass oc iate Support Karpal Singh 4 Baby Gorillas Im ported M al ay si a
worth nearly half a million dollars into the Jose I. Caballero Bukit Jambul Orchid,
C o mm it te e C ha irma n
M al a y s ia
Under Suspicious Circumstances
Employee Nora Dietlein Stephen Keszey D irec tor
M em be r P a rl ia me nt
Re cruit me nt fo r N ig eri an s

US using human couriers, Federal Express USA

D irec tor C o-Ac cused Hibiscus and Reptile Garden Support Bu ki t G el ug or C o ns tit ue ncy 18 Jan 2002 Supplied
Dr Quek Avifauna M al a y s ia Kevin Lazarus
shipments with false invoices and shipping Yuk Wah Shiu S in ga po re S in ga po re Zo o / Bot an ical G a rd en s Transf er Anim als M al ay si a
Oscar To rres - Lara Employ ee Employee D irec tor
documents, and the concealm ent of illegal USA Employ ee Rob Roy MacInnes Sam Floyd H on g Ko ng F orced Clos ure Ta ip in g Zo o
USA USA O s ca r D irec tor Supplier J une 2007 Support D irecto r D irec tor
anim als within larger shipments of legal Albert Murphy
C h in a
Employee Exotic Skins and Alives
anim als. Reb ecca Torres - Lara
Nicholas S. Tabraue
USA D irec tor
Pattie Haryn
Kathy Love Wi ld li fe C ri me s
M al ay si a Kim Pryce Authoris at ion
Cons ult on Tiger Supplied
Enclos ure Gorillas
Plo wshare Tortise USA
Ye ar E s ta bl ish ed : 1 98 0 U ni te d Ki ng do m
Identified Persons: Ass oc iate Wi ld lif e I mp ort / E xport Penang Developm ent Sivananthan Elagupillay Flora and Fauna Village Taiping Zoo Abduljubreel B. Odukoya
Employ ee M al ay si a M al ay si a Ju bree l B. O d uk oy a
Wong Keng "Anson" Liang Beau Lee Lewis Jeffrey Charles Miller Spouse Corporation (PDC) Project
P e rh ili tan Law E n force men t D iv isi on Di recto r Zo ol ogi ca l G ard en s N i ge ri a
M al ay si a Te lu k B ah ang F orest R ese rv e
James Michael Burroughs Yuk Wah Shiu Ass oc iate Ass oc iate Glades Herp Inc. M al ay si a
42 58 S . W. 5 2nd T errace
Ex -Employee D irec tor Zo o / B ot ani cal G ard en s N o Perm it I ss ued Of fered Anim als
US Departm ent of Justice - Environment and Natural Heritage Website Co-C onspirat ors Support
Roland Werner Frank Lehmeyer Employee
Bu sh nel l, F lorid a
Bus ines s As sociat e P riv ate P roj ect Taiping F our
C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n U SA
Part ner William Love Herpetafauna Inc. Authorisat ion
G erm a ny G erm a ny 35 2-56 8-17 13 B il l Lo v e D irec tor USA Joint-Vent ure Joint-Vent ure
Operation Chameleon - Tom Crutchfield Network Wi ld li fe C ri me s Wi ld lif e C ri me s USA

Director bi ll @b lu echam el eo n. org Ass oc iate

In the fall of 1997, a Florida federal grand jury in Orlando returned an indictment charging Ass oc iate
2 39 -6 91 4-41 4
Signed Perm it s
D irec tor

six individuals, including Tom my Crutchfield, owner of Tom Crutchfield’s Reptile Enterprises, As sociat e
Matthew Lerer Tim Smith Robbie Keszey Employee R eptiles
Misliah Mohamad Basir State Forestry Ministry Sam sudin Salleh Khairiah Mohd. Sharif Odukoya and Associates
USA USA M al ay si a N ig eria
Inc., formerly one of the country’s largest commercial reptile dealers, with conspiracy, Ass oc iate F l orid a M al ay si a
Malaysia M al ay si a
M a la y s ia n C IT E S U ni t
Olaf Strohmann C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n Ass oc iate ansonw@pc.jaring.m y P e rh ili ta n Law E n fo rce me nt De put y Director G ene ra l
M al a y s ia
S t at e F ores try De pa rtm en t o f Wil dli fe an d N at ion al P a rk s
smuggling, money laundering, and Lacey Act violations. C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n U SA
D irec tor
D irecto r H e ad M al ay s ia n C IT E S U ni t
Ass oc iate Wi ld lif e C ri me s
G erm a ny
Robert Harding Pos t ed
Wi ld li fe C ri me s Ass oc iate Ass oc iate Blue Chameleon Ventures USA
Perm iss ion I nitially Given (Educ ation)
Shameem Abdul Rahman
Charges involved the alleged sm uggling M ad ig as ca r Revoked Under Media Press ure
Wong Keng Liang
The [wildlife] trade ... is often closely
M al a y s ia
Enrico Joseph Truant F ree T ra de We bs it e
of endangered Madagascan tree boas, C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n As sociat e Tom Edward Crutchfield A ns on Won g Wi ld li fe Trad e P os te d M edia M anager

ground boas, radiated tortoises, and spider C an a da C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n

tied to organized crime and the

D irec tor
Wi ld lif e C ri me s Simon David Harris Wolfgang Michael Kloe U SA D irec tor M al ay si a
tortoises, as well as undersized Indonesian C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n to mcru tch fi el d1 @ao l. co m
Ass oc iate Ass oc iate Wi ld lif e C ri me s

Fly-River turtles and snake-neck turtles. Employee S ou th A frica G erma ny 23 9-64 5-96 61 C on sp iracy
Pet Safari Tiger Cubs on Show

clandestine smuggling routes used

Wi ld lif e C ri me s Wi ld lif e C ri me s S m ug gl in g
Wi ld lif e C ri me s M al ay si a
Tony Cruz M o ne y La un de ri ng Owner in Malaysian Pet Store
30 5-24 7-54 80 Crutchfield-Stephenson, Inc. Ow ner F a ls e S t at em en t 60 3-77 22 -2 57 8
Violation of Wildlife Laws
Crutchfield was expelled from Belize and USA C o-Ac cused Spous e CBS Wildlife Bing Shee P e t S t ore
Beau Lewis Rare Reptiles
by those trafficking in drugs, arms
Supplied M al a y s ia
Kei Tomono 47 80 0 P et al ing J ay a M al a y s ia
returned to the U.S. and plead guilty to 7 R eptiles Robert Lawracy Owner Identif ied C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n
USA Malays ian Permits t o S e la ng or D aru l E h sa n
P e mb ro ke P i ne s, F l orid a Wi ld li fe Im port / E xp ort Supply Tiger
felony counts. On April 16, 1999, he was J ap an M al ay si a
Lim Eu Keong
and people.
C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n 1998 Lee Hong Lim
sentenced to 30 months imprisonm ent and Supplied Dwayne Cunningham USA
Wi ld lif e C ri me s
H on g Li m Le e
Boon Seong Yeap
C o-Ac c us ed E u Ke on g Li m
R eptiles
We st P alm B each, F lorid a
Wi ld lif e C ri me s Beau Lee Lewis M al a y s ia M al ay si a
150 hours of community service. His wife, Madagaskar Tree Boas C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n
Di v e M as te r Business As sociat e D irec tor Es tablish
Bu ck ey e, A riz on a D irec tor Alias
Cheah Yew Keat
M al a y s ia

Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking (CAWT) Press Release 2007

Penny, also a fugitive recently surrendered to U.S. authorities in Belize and was expelled.
U ndercover
C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n
D us ti n C h ea h
Radziwill bin Moham ed
Wi ld lif e C ri me s U SA M al ay si a
Operat ion Y ew K ea t C h ea h
She plead guilty to a felony in Orlando. Dale Marantz O n bo ard E nt ert ai ne r
Siver State Exotics Wi ld lif e C ri me s
Higashi Tsukuba Utopia M al ay si a
USA R en o, N ev ad a
Employ ee Zoological Garden
Wi ld li fe C ri me s U SA
J a pa n
In a related case, Florida resident Matthew Lerer, who entered a guilty plea to conspiracy Supplied Bruce Stephenson Cheah Bing Shee Brother
R eptiles U SA
U S F ish & Wi ldl if e S erv ice
U n de rcov e r O p erati on C ham el eo n
James Michael Burroughs Zo ol og ical G a rd en s
M al ay si a Modern Solution Sdn Bhd
and a violation of the Endangered Species Act, was sentenced to 4 months of home Supplied R are
Ass oc iate
n ew ja ck ecw @ao l. co m Wi ld li fe Trade rs (P O LIC E S TI N G )
S a n F ra ncisco, C a li forni a
R eptiles R eptiles M i tchel l Burrou gh s (513132-D)
detention, three years probation, and 100 hours of community service. Strictly Reptiles Living Art Reptiles Patricia E. Cunningham
75 4-42 3-9 37 1
30 5-24 7-54 80
C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n
Cont ac t Person Director
M al a y s ia

64 50 S t irlin g R oa d P O Bo x 11 2, 45 4 We st P alm B each, F lorid a USA

Smuggled Komodo
Identified persons: H o ll y w oo d, F l orid a M i am i, F l orid a USA Wi ld lif e C ri me s C o-Ac c us ed
Advert is ing Cheah Ewe Beng DIS Technology Holdings Berhad
Dragons in Suitc as e Business Support
US Fish and Wildlife Service M al ay si a 58 -A , Ja la n C an to nm en t
Tom Edward Crutchfield Penny Crutchfield Matthew Lerer USA USA Wi ld lif e C ri me s
W holesale C o-Ac cused
Aerofleet P e na ng
9 54 -9 67 -6 79 6 Li v i ng A rt Re pti le s1 @co mcast .n et D irec tor Operation Chameleon
Dwayne Cunningham Patricia Cunningham Robert Lawracy 9 54 -9 67 -8 31 0 Wi ld lif e Tra de r USA
Quant it ies 2 2b J on es R d 10 1-12 -03 , 04, 0 7 & 0 8, M ena ra P e rd an a
Ja la n G u rd w ara, P en an g Digital Integrated System Sdn Bhd
Wi ld lif e I mp ort / E xport Supplied R are As sociat e Green Animal Shelter G e orge to w n, P en an g
Michael Van Nostrand Enrico Joseph Truant Kei Tomono R eptiles M al ay si a M al ay si a (385791-X)
Troy Winters Jeffrey Charles Miller and Sanctuary 6 04 -2 27 3-39 0 M al a y s ia
US Departm ent of Justice - Environment and Natural Heritage Website Tom Crutchfield's aros y s @g ma il .com
Es tablish USA M e sa , A riz on a GRASS Subsc riber 6 04 -2 28 5-73 3 6 04 -2 27 3-38 7
Reptile Enterprises, Inc Nancy Mott U ndercover Th ef t - Wil dl if e C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n D irec tor M al ay si a 60 12 -4 78 0-85 6
Supplied 3 50 00 S W 21 2T H A V E A ri zo na
Operat ion USA
60 4-22 85 -2 81
Koay Ling Gnoh
W ildlif e USA
Pac Rim M al ay si a
Operation Chameleon - Frank Lehmeyer Network
H o me st ea d, F l orid a W eb Link Wi ld li fe C ri me s
Theft F rei ght T ra nsp ort
Thomas Hough U SA
Wi ld lif e C ri me s S a n F ran ci sco
Pyt hons
P eru USA
The Members of a smuggling ring specializing in exotic to mcru tch fi el d1 @ao l. co m Ass oc iate

Supplied R are
Wi ld lif e C ri me s 2 39 -6 45 -9 66 1 U S F is h & Wil dli fe S e rv ice
Subsc riber C us t om er Kelly W. Stoops
wildlife found in Madagascar, including Madagascan tree R eptiles
M i ss ion ary - P eru 30 5-24 7-54 80
U n de rcov er O pe rat io n C h am el eo n
Theft U SA
ht tp ://w w w .t om cru tchfi el /
Wi ld lif e Im port / E xp ort (P O LIC E S TI N G )
Pyt hons 604-2285-281 Xie Design Joseph N. Miles Victim s of Wildlife Trafficking - Reptiles Concealed in Baggage
boas and rare radiated and spider tortoises, were Bronx Reptile Wi ld lif e Tra de r
Ass oc iate
Bob Clark Captive William John Buchholz 2 2b J on es R d 17 00 1, 4 30 th A v e nu e D irec tor
convicted in Florida in 1996 for their role in collecting 58 K no w l es S tree t D irec tor
Bred Reptiles, Inc E v ergreen , C ol orad o G eo rg et ow n, P en an g S e go ld B ar, Was hi ng to n

"There is a big demand for wildlife

Yo nk ers, N ew Y ork
Elena Ellard Russian Reptiles
exotic w ildlife through local residents and sm uggled the USA 12 31 6 V a l V e rd e Driv e
Th ef t - Wi ld lif e
M al a y s ia
ht tp ://w w w .xied es ig n. co m
2 P a lle ts - G l ass P laq ue s
M ol do v a
O k la ho ma C it y , O kl ah om a
exotic wildlife by boat from Madagascar, then secreted Supplied
9 14 -9 65 -1 52 5 Address 6 04 -2 28 5-73 3
D ecea se d Spouse D irec tor

but there are very small risks in

Wi ld lif e Tra de r USA
them in airline baggage for the final leg to the U.S. W ildlif e
W ildlif e
Bruce Edelm an b ob @b ob cl ark. co m
6 04 -2 28 -5 28 1
In te ri or D es ig n
U SA 4 05 -7 22 -5 01 7
Ow ner As sociat e
w w w .b ob cl ark. co m Ow ner

terms of penalties. Profit margins

D irec tor
Tree boas and spider tortoises are protected by the Subs criber
Address Burgundy Reptiles Mike Ellard Eric B. Diana
Supplied Albino
Endangered Species Act, the Convention on International Cons pired t o I llegally F ort M e y e rs USA U SA

22B Jones Road

are actually even larger than the
Im port Wildlif e Burmese Pyt hon P . O . B ox 10 19 , E st ero, F l orid a

Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Manuel Frade Bob Clark Georgetown, Penang
Bruce Edelman Reptiles B urgu nd y R ep @a ol .com
(CITES). The ring collected these animals. This cargo V en ez ue la
Im ports and Exports Inc
drug trade. ”
Wi ld li fe C ri me s 2 39 -4 95 -0 03 1

re-supplied unscrupulous reptile dealers in the U.S. who 55 3 N E 2 8t h C t .

Sm uggled R eptiles
As Fed Ex Employee
M al ay si a w w w . Bu rg un dy R ep ti le Tra de rs .com

can sell the animals for up to a 10,000% m arkup on the Spider and Radiated Tortoises P o mp an o Be ach , F l orid a
Alex Villagane
Wi ld li fe Im port / E xp ort

Mauricio Coronel USA Mark Biancaniello Brian Luebking Robert G. Paluch Crawford Allan of the World Wildlife Fund
price paid to the collectors. Supplier D irec tor A rge nt in a in fo @b ru cee de lm an re pti le s. co m S a n F ra ncisco, C a li forni a A riz on a M e sa , A riz on a New Intramuros Village
Wi ld lif e C ri me s C a se : O pe ra tio n C h am el eo n C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n C a se : O p erat ion C ham el eo n
C onsignor N e w In tram uro s V i ll ag e
5 61 -2 13 -5 22 2
PT Firm a Hasco Mohammed Hardi
Identifed Persons: C o nd et, E ast J aka rt a I nd on es ia
A rachn id E xp ert 9 54 -7 84 -6 90 6 USA U SA
Traded $500K
USA Q ue zo n C i ty
P h il ip pi ne s D irec tor
w w w . brucee de lm anrep ti le s. co m Wi ld lif e C ri me s Wi ld lif e C ri me s Wi ld lif e C ri me s
Frank Lehmeyer Simon David Harris Wolfgang Michael Kloe In do ne si a
Wi ld lif e F an cie r
in Wildlif e F e d E x E mp lo y e e
Wi ld lif e I mp ort / E xport
Roland Werner Olaf Strohmann
Supply W ildlif e C onsignee Fail Produc e Permit
US Departm ent of Justice - Environment and Natural Heritage Website Jessica Love
Sungai Rusa Wildlife Intercepted Consignment Christian Freight USA

"He was a very bad boy, but if we don't give "Reptile smuggling is a lucrative criminal 2 2b J on es R d
G eo rg et ow n, P en an g
M al ay si a
Ninoy Aquino International Airport
(Thai Airways Flight TG- 620)
6 R. V . M arzan C om po und , M I A Rd .
P a ra ña que C it y
P h ili pp ine s

enterprise that truly spans the globe, and 6 04 -2 28 5-73 3 188 Reptiles bound for Malaysia 02 -8 51 -4 98 0 D irec tor

him a license, he would just do it anyway." international cooperation is essential to

6 04 -2 28 5-28 1
Ye ar E s ta bl ish ed : 1 99 9
Wi ld lif e I mp ort / E xport
No DENR Trade (CITES) Permits
16 Mar 2006
Misliah Mohamad Basir - Deputy Director General of Perhilitan Law Enforcement P h il ip pi ne s

(Quote about Anson Wong) stopping it." 1 48 s na ke s

20 cha me le on s
2 0 ig ua na s
Mary Grace Laraño Seizure by Malaysian Wildlife Authorities
P h il ip pi ne s 14 Pythons Strapped to the Body of a Smuggler
Operation Chameleon - Chinese Aligators Operation Chameleon - Komodo Dragon
Service Director Jamie Rappaport Clark US Department of Justice

Analyst: Ash Leber, Visual Analysis Every effort has been made to maintain the accuracy of the chart representation from
the open source inform ation but we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage
This chart has been produced through the application of the international recognised "Over the past decade, reptiles have become increasingly popular as pets
Date: 20th January 2010 intelligence methodology of Anacapa Sciences Inc. and use of the world's standard
Updated: 10th March 2012 (Ash Leber) which may occur from use of the information. data visualisation tool IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook. and as high-priced live 'collectibles'. Rare species are particularly profitable."
Version: Version 1.0.3 Data 2010 Anacapa Sciences provides the technique and framework to provide meaningful data
Visual Analysis does not provide quality control of the external open source information. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Press Release April 22, 1999
Source: Open Source News Archives description and facilitate effective analysis.
The inclusion of any person or business nam e within the chart should not be construed
or assert that any person or organisation depicted are involved with criminal incidents. IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook is the recognised standard investigative tool that allows
analysts and investigators to visualise patterns and trends within data in order to Legend
(c) Visual Analysis 2012 This chart is intended only to visualise connections within the selected data.
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provide actionable intelligence to decision m akers.
Seized - Baby Crocodiles Seized - Turtles Seized - Snake (Boas)

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