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ctives are words that tell more about nouns, such as a

py child, a cold day, or a hard problem. Adjectives can tell
many (one airplane) or which one (those shoes).
ctions: The nouns are in bold letters. Circle the adjectives that
cribe the nouns.
mple: Some people have(unusual)pets.

, Some people keep wild animals, like lions and bears.

-hese pets need special care.
ese animals want to be free when they get older.
Even small animals can be difficult if they are wild.
Raccoons and squirrels are not tame pets.
Never touch a wild animal that may be sick.
Complete the story below by writing in your own adjectives. Use
r imagination.
My Cat

cat is a very _____ animal. She has _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ fur. Her favorite toy is a _____ ball.

She has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ claws. She has a ______ tail.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ face and ______ whiskers.

think she is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cat in the world!

Directions: Read the story below, and underline the
adjectives that are used in the story.
The Best Soup I Ever Had
I woke up one cold winter morning and decided to
to make a delicious pot of hot vegetable soup. The first
vegetables I put in the big gray pot were some sweet white onio
Then, I added orange carrots and dark green broccoli. The broc
looked just like tiny trees. Fresh, juicy tomatoes and crisp potato
were added next. I cooked it for a long, long time. This soup turn
out to be the best soup I ever had.

Write two adjectives to describe each of the words below.

cucumber ___l_o_n_g___ peas _ _ _ _ _ __

spinach corn

Now, rewrite two of the sentences from the story. Substitute your
own adjectives for the words you underlined.

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