Chp4 Crisp and Fuzzy Relation, Membership Functions1

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Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, membership

Composition of Fuzzy Relation

Used to combine fuzzy

relations on different The composition is
product space, having used to determine the
fuzzy relation R(x*y) & relation T(x*z)
Max-Min Composition

R: fuzzy relation defined on X and Y.

S: fuzzy relation defined on Y and Z.

R 。S: the composition of R and S.
A fuzzy relation defined on X an Z.

 R S (x, z ) = max y min (  R ( x, y ), S ( y, z ) )

=  y (  R ( x, y )   S ( y , z ) )

Max-Product Composition

R: fuzzy relation defined on X and Y.

S: fuzzy relation defined on Y and Z.

R。S: the composition of R and S.
A fuzzy relation defined on X an Z.

 R S (x, y ) = max v (  R ( x, v)  S (v, y ) )

Example: (Union and Intersection of Fuzzy Relations)
Consider the following two fuzzy relations

The union of the two relations is formed by taking the maximum of the two grades o
membership for the corresponding elements of the two matrices.

The new relation is defined by

For the intersection, we take the minimum of the two grades of
membership for the corresponding elements of the two matrices.
The new relation is defined by

Fuzzy Composition Example
• Let the two relations R and S be, respectively:
R y1 y2 y3 S z1 z2
x1 0.4 0.6 0 y1 0.5 0.8
x2 0.9 1 0.1 y2 0.1 1
y1 0 0.6

• The goal is to compute RoS using both Max-min and

Max-product composition rules.

MAX-MIN Composition

RoS =

max{min(0.4,0.5), min(0.6, 0.1), min(0, 0)}

= max{ 0.4, 0.1, 0} = 0.4
max{min(0.4,0.8), min(0.6, 1), min(0, 0.6)}
= max{ 0.4, 0.6, 0} = 0.6
max{min(0.9,0.5), min(1, 0.1), min(0.1, 0)}
= max{ 0.5, 0.1, 0} = 0.5
max{min(0.9,0.8), min(1, 1), min(0.1, 0.6)}
= max{ 0.8, 1, 0.1} = 1

MAX-PRODUCT Composition

max{0.40.5, 0.60.1, 00} = max{0.02,0.06,0} = 0.06

max{0.40.8, 0.61, 00.6} = max{0.32, 0.6, 0} = 0.6
max{0.90.5, 10.1, 0.10} = max{0.45, 0.1, 0} = 0.45
max{0.90.8, 11, 0.10.6} = max{0.72, 1, 0.06} = 1

Max-Min and Max Product Example


Max Product
Max-Min and Max Product Example
y1 y2 z1 z2 z3
R= x1 0.7 0.5 S = y1 0.9 0.6 0.2
x2 0.8 0.4 y2 0.1 0.7 0.5

z1 z2 z3
Using max-min, T = x1 0.7 0.6 0.5
x2 0.8 0.6 0.4

z1 z2 z3
Using max-product, T = x1 0.63 0.42 0.25
x2 0.72 0.48 0.20
University Question
The formation of algal solutions in surface water is strongly
dependent on pH of water, temperature and oxygen content.
T is a set of water temperature from a lake given by T={50, 55, 60}
O is oxygen values in water given by O={1, 2, 6}.
The fuzzy set of T is given by {0.7 / 50+0.8 / 55+0.9 / 60} and
fuzzy set of O is given by {0.1 / 1+0.6/ 2+0.8 /6}

• i) Find R=T×O for Given I=(0.5/ 50 +1/ 55+0.7/60}

• ii) Find S=I o R using max- product composition
• iii) Find S= I o R using max-min composition
University Question
Fuzzy set is a set with unsharp boundary. It
allows partial membership

The notion of membership in fuzzy set is a

matter of degree which is a number between

Membership 0 and 1

functions A fuzzy set is characterized by a mapping

from its Universe of discourse into the

Thus mapping is the membership function of

the set and is denoted by µ
Triangular membership function

Trapezoidal membership function

Gaussian membership function

Types of
membership Bell Shaped membership function
functions Sigmoidal membership function

S- membership function

π membership function
Triangular membership function
a, b and c represent the x coordinates of the three vertices of
µA(x) in a fuzzy set A (a: lower boundary and c: upper boundary
where membership degree is zero, b: the centre where
membership degree is 1)


a b c x

Trapezoidal membership function
Gaussian Membership Function

We can control the shape of membership function by adjusting a

parameter σ . A small ‘σ’will generate thin membership function and
big ‘σ’ will generate flat membership function.
Sigmoidal Membership Function
S-membership function
• This function is specified by 2 parameters {a,b}

The membership function is 0 for points below a and 1 for

points above b and 0.5 for mid point between a and b
Π- Membership Function
• This function is specified by 2 parameters {a,b}

This function has a membership value 1 at point a and a

membership value 0.5 for a-b and a+b
Problem: Fuzzy Set A represents real no. close to 5
Consider a=5, b=1 Consider a=5, b=2
3 4 5 6 7 1 3 5 7 9

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