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. "-;" "Np.FD.SR-III1-12/2009 -.~


Dated: Lahore, the 29th December, 2023

1. All Administrative Secretaries to Government of the Punjab
2. The Principal Secretary to Governor, Punjab, Lahore
3. The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Punjab, Lahore
4. The Military Secretary to Governor, Punjab, Lahore
5. The Secretary, Punjab Provincial Assembly, Lahore
6. The Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission, Lahore
7. All Heads of Attached Departments in the Punjab
8. All ComItlissioners ill the Punjab.
9. All Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab
10. All District & Sessions Judges In the Punjab
11. The Chief Pilot, VIP Flights, Lahore
12. The Registrar, Lahore High Court, Lahore
13. The Provincial Director, Local Fund Audit, punjab, Lahore
14. The Chief Inspector of Treasuries & Accounts, Lahore

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that the Punjab
~ Government has been pleased to approve Management Pay Scales (M:PS) of Punjab 2023,

~ w.e.f: lO.12.2023as per calculation formula and terms & conditions given below:- .

1\ft~s_~ALCULATION FORMULA . .. . __

.£ Stage 10 of BPS 2022 ofBS-21x4 (per month)

Basic Pay
The same formula, withmaximum l O stages, will be considered at the time
of revision of basic pay scales as and when notified from time to time.
Annual increment ofBS-21 i.e. 7420x4
The same formula, with maximum 10 stages, will be considered at the time
of revision of basic pay scales as and when notified from time to time
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Utilities Rs.19,650 per month
Monetization Rs.95,910 per month
OO(UA) ./
:MPs-;;:Kh:.;:),...--r--"'i II
AD (Admln)
Ad (Acctt)
AD (PlAnning)
Stage 8 of BPS 2022 of BS-20x3(per month)
AD (Audil) Basic Pay The same formula, with maximum 10 stages, will be considered at the time
of revision of basic pay scales as and when notified from time to time.
Annual increment ofBS-20 i.e. 6690x4
5B Increment The same formula, with maximum 10 stages, will be considered at the time
D.lry(rS. . jA~~+='l=-O_~_~ !---=.of:..:r:.. :e.. .:. .vl.=·
piay!.. .s:. .:c:. : a.:. :le:. : .s-=as.: . =an:: d=-w.:. :. ·.:.:he:..:n:..:n::.:o:..:ti=·fi=le-=d-=fr:..:o:..::m~tim~e.. .:. .to.:. . . .;_tim--'-e_. ---I
, House Rent Rs.66,OOOper month
Utilities Rs.8,250 per month
" Monetization Rs.77,430per month
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Stage 10 of BPS 2022 of BS-19x3(per month)

Basic Pay
The same formula, with maximum 10 stages, will be considered at the time
~---------------r-- of revision of basic a scales as and when notified from time to time.
Annual increment ofBS-19 i.e. 4530x5
The same formula, with maximum 10 stages, will be considered at the time
of revision of basic ay scales as and when notified from time to time ..
House Rent Rs.33,000 er month
Utilities Rs~5,775 er month.
Monetization Rs.65,060 er month


Recruitment procedure & terms & conditions have been taken. from Management Positions
. ~
Scales Policy, 2020 issued by the Government of Pakistan CabinetSecretariat Establishment
Division vide Office Memorandum bearing No.l/3/2020-E-6, dated 22nd June, 2020. The main
~ features are as under:

. ~~~r-\
l '. ~
Scales: Description Remuneration / Pay Package
.. ~~~~~~~-----+~-7--~~~----~~~~~~~
1. _ =~an~ge!llent Pay Sc!les I~Si) As determined '& recommended in the light ,'
_c_ _
~. - of aboverefetterciicuktioil-foffilula MPS~~

.:' . ". '~. '." I:: :::!::::: !:~ ~::: ~::~% ~e!n~ "~o.:~~~~~~ft;o~~e ~:~:
06.12.2017 from time to time, with the
approval of the Chief Minister or the other
. ,.. competent authority under relevant
law / rules.

2.Need assessment:
The identification of need is an essential requirement for hiring of Management Pay
Scales professional and shall be clearly established:
1. The positions / posts against which the Management Pay Scales professionals are
required to be hired from open market should be. identified clearly with. due
justification and expected outcome of hiring requisite human resources from open
ii. - The Finance Secretary, in- consultation with Administrative Departments, shall be
empowered to approve creation of new MPS, position.
iii. The guiding principle for Administrative Department's should be that MPS-I is meant
for top tier, MPS-II for second tier and MPS-ill for third tier of Management Pay
Scales in an orgamzation.
IV. In all cases of all such appointments, specific TORs will be developed by the
Administrative Department's - concerned featuring relevant qualification, experience,
job descriptions with deliverable and timelines etc. keeping in view the. needs,
objectives & goals of the organizations. These TORs shall also be made part of final
recommendations being sent to the appointing authority for making appointments.

, .. Page 2 of5

3.Initial Recruitment: ~:~:{- ;

i. Vacancies shall be widely advertised in the national press, principally appearing in at
least two national dailies, one in English and other in Urdu, indicating the following:
11. The relevant field(s) of qualification and experiences shall be specified by the
concerned Administrative Departments for each position before the advertisement and
shall be mentioned accordingly in the advertisement.
111. This Scrutiny committee shall - scrutinize applications and, based on the advertised
criteria, prepare a list of all eligible candidates for interview by the Selection
Committee. There shall be no short listing of eligible candidates and all candidates
having basic eligibility as per advertised eligibility criteria will be called for interview
by the Selection Committee. - --- ------
IV. The Selection Committee, after conducting the interviews, shall recommend to the
appointing authority a panel of minimum three (03) suitable candidates for each
position, in order of merit, for appointment against the position.
v. While submitting the cas-e to the appointing authority, the necessary documents, e.g.
sanction of post(s), advertisement, list of an eligible candidates duly signed by the
Scrutiny Committee, original score sheet and minutes of the meeting of the Selection
Committee, duly signed shall invariably be annexed with Summary moved for the
VI. The Summary for the Chief Minister in the matter shall invariably be moved through
S&GAD without fail, and in case of submission of an incomplete case, the S&GAD
shall have the powers to return the summary without seeking further orders of the
Chief Minister.
vii. New recruitment I appointment shall be at the initial of MP Scales. However, if
'required, Competent I appointing authority - may under take new recruitment I
appointment upto the maximum of 5th stage of the MP Scales for reasons to be
recorded in writing, with full justification, duly signed and proposed by the
Administrative Secretary concerned.
4. Contract Extension:
1. The appointment in MPS shall initially be for a period of three (03) year which will
be extendable for a further maximum period of two (02) years on annual basis
subject to satisfactory performance evaluation.
11. All Administrative Departments shall invariable initiate cases for extension of the
contract not less than three (03) months before the expiry of contract. The cases
for extension with less than (03) months to the expiry of contract may not be
entertained and the Administrative Departments should initiate the process of
recruitment afresh as per procedure given in Para-3. In such cases; the Administrative
Departments shall ensure the completion of the process before the expiry of the
contract of the incumbent. -
111. The concerned Administrative Departments shall evaluate the performance of the
employees in MPS annually.
IV. These Performance Evaluation Reports shall be furnished to the S&GAD by the
concerned Administrative Department each year and shall also be placed for review I
consideration at the time of contract extension.
5. Terms & Conditions:
Sr.No. Description MPS-I MPS-ll MPS-m
1. Required Ph.D in relevant subject(s) Ph.D in relevant subject(s) Ph.D in relevant subject(s)
Education with 14 years-professional with 10 years post with 06 years post
Qualification experience or 16 years qualification professional qualification professional-
and Experience education in relevant experience in the relevant experience in the relevant

Page 3 of5
subject(s) with 18 years field or 16 y~rs .education field or 16 yea'rs
post qualification injrelevant %bject(s) with education in relevant
experience in the 14 years post qualification subject(s) with 10 years
relevant field experience in the relevant post qualification
field experience in the relevant
2. Tenure of Initially for a period of Initially for a period of three Initially for a period of
contract three (03) years further (03) years further extendable three (03) years further
extendable for a further for a further maximum extendable for a further
maximum period of two period of two (02) years on
maximum period of two
(02) years on annual annual (yearly) basis subject
(yearly) basis subject to to (02) years on annual
satisfactory satisfactory performance (yearly) basis subject to
performance satisfactory performance
3. Termination of On completion of tenure or On completion of tenure or On completion of tenure
contract one month's notice from one month's notice from or one month's notice
either side. In case of either side. In case of notice from either side. In case of
notice by the concerned by the concerned
Administrative notice by the concerned
Administrative Departments.
Departments it shall be it shall be after approval of Administrative
after approval of the the appointing authority. Departments it shall be
appointing authority. after approval of the'
appointing authority.
4. Leave The incumbent shall earn The incumbent shall earn The incumbent shall earn
leave on full pay @ 3-days leave on full pay @3-days leave on full pay @ 3days
per month on annual basis per month on annual basis per month on annual basis
and the leaves earned shall and the leaves earned shall and the leaves earned shall
be. availed during the be availed during. the be availed during the
rcurrency of the service currency of the service year currency-of- the service
year rendered. Title of rendered. Title of Leave will year rendered. Title of
Leave will neither be neither be carried over to the Leave . will neither be
carried over to the . next next year of service in case carried over to the next
year of service in case of of non-availing nor will it be year of service in case of
nonavailing nor will it be encashed. non-availing nor will it be
encashed. encashed.
S. Discipline As applicable in case of As applicable in case of As applicable in case of
contract employees contract employees contract employees
6. Appointing Chief Minister on the Chief Minister on the Chief Minister on the
Authority recommendations of the recommendations of the recommendations of the
Selection Board. Annual Selection Board. Annual Selection Board. Annual
extension in contract will extension in contract will extension in contract will
also be given by Chief also be. given by Chief also be given by Chief
Minister . on Minister on Minister on
recommendations of recommendations of recommendations of
Performance Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation
Evaluation Committee on Committee on existing Committee on existing
existing Terms & Terms & Terms & Conditions
Conditions Conditions

6. Miscellaneous:
1. Unless any other law/rules, for the time being in force, provide otherwise, regular Civil
Servant / Government Servants, shall not be substantively posted against MPS.
11. Civil Servants or Government Servants may, however, subject to eligibility, apply for
these positions, through proper channel.
111. Subject to provision of (i) above, in case a Civil Servant / Government Servant is
selected through competitive process, he/she shall either resign from Government

Page 4 ofS
Service or seek early retirement, serving his / he[:ColJ).ection / lien ~th their p-~nt
cadre before joining the MP Scale Position. ,,-
The persons being employed under MPS shall submit to the Government an affidavit
declaring their non-involvement in any other relevant business / job which may
tantamount to conflict of interest.
v. Existing MP Scales notified vide circular No.FD.SR-Wl-12/2009, dated 20.10.2017 are'
hereby repealed.
vi. Existing settled terms & conditions of MP Scales, will remain continue till the
completion of tenure of the respective contract period.
- vn. These MPS Punjab, 2023 shall not be granted automatically>
a. Through extension of existing contractual appointments on MP Scales. These new
scales shall be granted by advertising' the posts for recruitments, by completing all
procedure of recruitment & terms and conditions.
b. To those contractual appointments whose recruitment process has been completed
and appointment orders are issued, but terms & conditions are yet to be settled in
the light of circular No.FD.SR-Wl-12/2009, dated 20.10.2017. Such appointments
will complete contractual period as per previous Management Positions Scales till
the completion of the contract period mentioned therein. Once .the said contract
period is completed, then may proceed as per provision ofvii(a) above.

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No. & Date Even.

A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to:

" '_. ,I '_.'

1. , The Accountant General, Punjab, Lahore

2. ' All the District Accounts,
in the Punjab
'. ' ":'

3. All Additional Secretaries of Finance Department

4. All Section Officers, Finance Department
5. The Treasury Officer, Lahore .- _,
,I .•.•• ·f j ..
" ,.-'"

.•.. ~ .' .'

No. )J3-- 5t / Acctts-02 Dated Faisalabad, the, q ~" 1 r', ~ ~.

. Copy to the all .chief/p~inciPal ~cientist and ~e,ads ~f ,

is _ atAA,HI,
Faisalabad and out stations for information and nece~~~/. ., .

Assistant Director (Accounts)

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