Practice 3-4-5

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. thank B. throat C. thief D. though
Question 2. A. mistake B. heritage C. music D. hide
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. prefer B. repair C. borrow D. allow
Question 4. A. acknowledge B. concentrate C. contribute D. encourage
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5. UNICEF, _______ on 11 December 1946, provides emergency food and healthcare to
children and mothers in countries that had been devastated by World War II.
A. was founding B. was founded C. founded D. founding
Question 6. Reading a book at the free time is ______ than playing a video game.
A. more educational B. the most educational C. most educational D. as educational
Question 7. _______, we will leave for the conference at the City Hall.
A. As soon as it stops raining B. Once it stopped raining
C. When it had stopped raining D. While it was stopping raining
Question 8. Are you confident _______ what you have said, Trang?
A. with B. of C. at D. in
Question 9. Mr. Smith had to complain to the manager about the poor services he had received,
A. did he B. didn’t he C. wasn’t he D. was he
Question 10. According to FAO, Vietnam is _______ second largest coffee producer in the world after
A. an B. a C. the D. Ø
Question 11. Goodness, economy, and honesty are regarded as some universal _______ a man should
A. habits B. customs C. characters D. virtues
Question 12. I don’t think he will ______ to your requests if you keep pestering him.
A. give in B. stick out C. take in D. pull out
Question 13. We agreed _______ on Thursday to discuss some problems related to school violence in
recent months.
A. meet B. to meeting C. meeting D. to meet
Question 14. He was as sick as a _______ when he learned that he had been passed over for the
A. parrot B. pigeon C. chicken D. duck
Question 15. When you went into the office, Mr. John _______ at the front desk to wait for you.
A. sat B. was sitting C. sit D. sits
Question 16. The police are reconstructing the crime to try to _______ the memory of possible witnesses.
A. walk B. jog C. run D. jot
Question 17. The company hopes that their new product launch _______ by many potential customers.
A. will be attended B. will attend C. was attended D will be attending
Question 18. Many retail outlets emphasize lifestyle themes, such as the outdoors, to increase the
_______ of their products.
A. attract B. attractiveness C. attractive D. attractively
Question 19. My girlfriend and I first met in a basketball ______ when we both came to support our
school team.
A. court B. course C. pitch D. ring
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 20. Paul and Daisy are discussing life in the future.
- Paul: “I believe space travel will become more affordable for many people in the future.”
- Daisy: “_______”
A. It doesn’t matter at all. B. There’s no doubt about that.
C. It is very kind of you to say so. D. I am sorry to hear that.
Question 21. The post man is talking to Tom on the phone.
- Postman: “I will come and give you the package a bit late.”
- Tom: “_______”
A. Thanks anyway. B. Why late? C. No way. D. I don’t agree.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 22. When I was young and naive, I believed it was possible to change the world.
A. applicable B. energetic C. practical D. thoughtless
Question 23. You’d think he would have blown his lid when he realized the chef was downstairs.
A. become tired B. felt happy C. stayed calm D. been furious
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 24. Cows with newly born calves often show a strong urge to protect their helpless young.
A. desire B. reaction C. thought D. decision
Question 25. The chairman's thought-provoking question ignited a lively debate among the participants
in the workshop.
A. triggered. B. defined. C. arose. D. hosted
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 26. It’s mandatory for people to check their temperature before entering the bank.
A. People should check their temperature before entering the bank.
B. People must check their temperature before entering the bank.
C. People can’t check their temperature before entering the bank.
D. People wouldn’t check their temperature before entering the bank.
Question 27.The last time I ate spaghetti was five months ago.
A. I didn’t eat spaghetti five months ago. B. I would eat spaghetti in five months.
C. I have eaten spaghetti for five months. D. I haven’t eaten spaghetti for five months.
Question 28.Our teacher asked us, ‘What are you most worried about?”
A. Our teacher asked us what I was most worried about
B. Our teacher asked us what were we most worried about
C. Our teacher asked us what we are most worried about
D. Our teacher asked us what we were most worried about
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 29. She has disappeared three days ago, and they are still looking for her now.
A. has disappeared B. and C. are still D. for her
Question 30. Ozone has his origin in a number of sources, a prime one being the automobile engine.
A. his B. prime C. being D. the
Question 31: After going through a protection period that may last from several months to a year, new
recruits will be offered a long-term contract.
A. going through. B. protection. C. last. D. new recruits

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 32.I'd prefer to be out with my friends. I have too much homework now.
A. I wish I had no homework now and can be out with my friends.
B. If only I didn't have too much homework now and could be out with my friends.
C. If I don't have much homework now, I will be out with my friends.
D. Provided I have no homework now, I will be out with my friends.

Question 33. I didn’t recognize my uncle. I did after he raised his voice only.
A.Not until I recognized my uncle did he raise his voice.
B. My uncle raised his voice as soon as I recognized him.
C. Only after my uncle raised his voice did I recognize him.
D.No sooner had I recognized my uncle than he raised his voice.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the

Bali, the fabled "Island of the Gods", has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich cultural
traditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, mist enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakes
down through terraced rice fields to a golden strand lapped by azure waters, every square inch of Bali
offers a fresh and unforgettable image.
No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 million souls whose artistry and piety are recognized
throughout the world Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian cosmology. Tantric Buddhism and
homegrown mythology, is the primary faith of Bali's inhabitants, and so deeply woven into the fabric of
their daily lives that the line between the spiritual and the material is blurry at best.
Those of you keen on delving into the island's fascinating culture will have plenty of opportunities, as
colorful ceremonies and traditional performances occur with regularity of sunrise. Most hotels offer
nightly dance shows of one form or another, tailored to tourist audiences but none the less exquisite. The
hill town of Ubud, the island's premier arts center, also has a full schedule of performance, and the nearby
stone-cutter's village of Batubulan is famed for its Barong lion dances. The shoppers among you will find
Bali a treasure house of handicrafts and fine works of art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted artists and
craftsmen, and their material creations are imbued with the same sense of wonderment with which they
regard their universe. Stone and wood carvings, traditional and modern paintings and intricately designed
jewelry in gold and silver are readily in shops and galleries throughout the island.
As for recreation, there is no shortage of option. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing, even
bungy jumping, and white water rafting await the adventurous here.

Question 34. The topic of the given passage is _______.

A. Balinese life B. Scenery in Bali C. Tourism in Bali D. Bali for recreation
Question 35. The second paragraph of the passage mainly discusses _______.
A. Population of Bali
B. artistry and piety of Bali
C. Balinese religion
D. daily lives of Balinese
Question 36. The word "their" in the second paragraph refers to _______.
A. 2.7 million souls B. Bali's inhabitants
C. daily lives D. the spiritual and the material
Question 37. Which of the following might be a synonym of the word "exquisite" in the third paragraph?
A. skillful B. clever C. spiritual D. material
Question 38. You can find all these recreational activities in Bali EXCEPT _______.
A. horseback riding B. nature walks C. water rafting D. parachute jumping
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each the numbered blanks.
ChatGPT: New AI chatbot has everyone talking to it
A new chatbot has passed one million users in less than a week, the project behind it says.ChatGPT was
publicly released on Wednesday by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research firm (39)_____ founders
included Elon Musk.ChatGPT is the latest in a series of AIs which the firm refers to as GPTs, an acronym
which (40)_____ for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer.To develop the system, an early version was
fine-tuned through conversations with human trainers.The system also learned from access to Twitter
data according to a tweet from Elon Musk who is no longer part of OpenAI's board. The Twitter boss
wrote that he had paused access "for now".The results have impressed (41)_____ who've tried out the
chatbot. OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman revealed the level of interest in the artificial
conversationalist in a tweet.The project says the chat format allows the AI to answer "follow-up
questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests"A journalist
for technology news site Mashable who tried out ChatGPT reported it is hard to provoke the model into
saying offensive things.(42)_____, OpenAI warns that "ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding
but incorrect or nonsensical answers".Training the model to be more cautious, says the firm, causes it to
decline to answer questions that it can answer correctly.Briefly questioned by the BBC for this article,
ChatGPT revealed itself to be a cautious interviewee (43)_____ of expressing itself clearly and accurately
in English.
Question 39: A. where B. which C. who D. whose
Question 40: A. care B. take C. stand D. look
Question 41: A. little B. few C. much D. many
Question 42: A.As a result B. Therefore C. However D.So
Question 43: A. afraid B. fond C. able D. capable
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
Advocates of the laws and journalists who cover the issue often neglect to ask what will replace
plastic bags and what the environmental impact of that replacement will be. People still need bags to
bring home their groceries. And the most common substitute, paper bags, may be just as bad or worse,
depending on the environmental problem you are most concerned about.
That is leading to a split in the anti-bag movement. Some bills, like in Massachusetts, try to reduce
the use of paper bags as well as plastic, but still favour paper. Others, like in New York City, treat all
single-use bags equally. Even then, the question remains as to whether single-use bags are necessarily
always worse than reusable ones.
Studies of bags’ environmental impacts over their life cycle have reached widely varying
conclusions. Some are funded by plastic industry groups, like the ironically named American Progressive
Bag Alliance. Even studies conducted with the puret of intentions depend on any number of assumptions.
How many plastic bags are replaced by one cotton tote bag? If a plastic bag is reused in the home as the
garbage bag in a bathroom waste bin, does that reduce its footprint by eliminating the need for another
small plastic garbage bag?
If your chief concern is climate change, things get even muddier. One of the most comprehensive
research papers on the environmental impact of bags, published in 2007 by an Australian state
government agency, found that paper bags have a higher carbon footprint than plastic. That is primarily
because more energy is required to produce and transport paper bags.
“People look at paper and say it’s degradable, therefore it’s much better for the environment, but it’s
not in terms of climate change impact,” says David Tyler, a professor of chemistry at the University of
Oregon who has examined the research on the environmental impact of bag use. The reasons for paper’s
higher carbon footprint are complex but can mostly be understood as stemming from the fact that paper
bags are much thicker than plastic bags. “Very broadly, carbon footprints are proportional to mass of an
object,” says Tyler. For example, because paper bags take up so much more space, more trucks are
needed to ship paper bags to a store than to ship plastic bags.
(Adapted from
Question 44. Which of the following best serves as the title for the article?
A. Paper bags are a good substitute for plastic ones. B. Is plastic really worse than paper?
C. Activities of American Progressive Bag Alliance D. What people think about paper bags
Question 45. The word “their” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.
A. people B. groceries C. paper bags D. plastic bags
Question 46. American Progressive Bag Alliance is the name of a _______.
A. plastic bag seller B. paper bag company C. law company D. plastic industry group
Question 47. The word “muddier” in paragraph 4 most probably means _______.
A. uglier B. luckier C. rarer D. vaguer
Question 48. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the article?
A. Paper bags can be the substitute for plastic bags.
B. New York City prefers single-use bags.
C. Studies reach the same conclusion on bags’ environmental impacts.
D. Plastic bags have a higher carbon footprint than paper according to research in 2007.
Question 49. The word “stemming” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. looking for B. asking for C. deriving from D. keeping from
Question 50. What can be inferred the reason for paper’s higher carbon footprint?
A. Paper bags are difficult to ship.
B. Paper bags are much thicker than plastic bags.
C. Paper bags take less space.
D. Paper bags are easily torn.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. appreciate B. efficient C. suspicious D. apprentice
Question 2: A. breakfast B. many C. carry D. any
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. confide B. gather C. divide D. maintain
Question 4: A. meaningful B. portable C. historic D. negative
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5.The relics__________include jewellery, seeds, animal bones and pottery like these human
A. found B. to find C. finding D. which found
Question 6.Kate didn't enjoy the roller coaster ride because it was _____ experience of her life.
A. the most terrifying B. the most terrified
C. a most terrified D. far more terrifying
Question 7. They will have finished preparing for the SEA Games ______ .
A. since the opening ceremony took place
B. until the opening ceremony took place
C. by the time the opening ceremony takes place
D. after the opening ceremony had taken place
Question 8. Deforestation _____ devastative floods in many parts of the world.
A. starts out B. makes up C. brings up D. results in
Question 9. They did little to improve their situation, ___________?
A. didn’t they B. haven’t they C. did they D. have they
Question 10. Some people believe that _______Chinese is an easy language to learn.
A. a B. ∅ C. the D. an
Question 11.Fewer than one in five of the schools answering the survey said they had no
academic__________criteria for new students.
A. institutions B. admissions C. majors D. scholarships
Question 12: Don't you think you should apply for the job _____ writing?
A. with B. for C. at D. in
Question 13.Modern invention tend ______ small and portable.
A. to be B. be C. being D. to have been
Question 14.He sent his children to the park so that he could have some ______.
A. fresh and quiet B. quiet and peace C. peace and quiet D. fresh and peace
Question 15.While I was tidying up my room, my father ______ chess with his friends.
A. has played B. will play C. was playing D. is playing
Question 16.You'd better _____ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.
A. promise B. do C. make D. pull
Question 17. The book about artificial intelligence_____ by me by tomorrow, then you can borrow it.
A. will finish B. will be finishing C. will have been finished D. finish
Question 18. One of the popular _______ used in smartphones at present is voice recognition.
A. applicants B. applicable C. applications D. apply
Question 19. She understood the importance of establishing a close _______ with colleagues.
A.impact B. rapport C. media D. difficulty
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 20: Mr. Collin is speaking to his student, Brian.
Mr. Collin: “You've been making very good progress. I’m proud of you!”
Brian: “_______________”
A. No problem B. Don't worry about it!
C. Everything's alright. Thank you. D. I really appreciate you saying that.
Question 21: - A: “Would you like me to send this package for you?” - B: “______”
A. That would be nice. Any problems? B. Yes, please, if you don’t mind.
C. I’m sorry, but here you are. D. No, thanks. I’m really busy.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 22. At first no one believed she was a pilot, but her documents lent colour to her
A. provided evidence for B. got information from
C. borrowed colour from D. gave no proof of
Question 23.Whatever the activity level, all types of hobbies can require high levels of expertise.
A.capability B. incompetence C. expertness D. skillfulness
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 24: Ha Long Bay has attracted millions of visitors who come to enjoy its breathtaking views
and experience other activities.
A. unbreathable B. heartbreaking C. awe-inspiring D. unforgettable
Question 25. The amount spent on defense is in sharp contrast to that spent on housing and health.
A. blare B. flask C. stark D. spark
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 26. It is compulsory for every student in my class to finish their homework before class.
A. Every student in my class could finish their homework before class.
B. Every student in my class can’t finish their homework before class.
C. Every student in my class needn’t finish their homework before class.
D. Every student in my class must finish their homework before class.
Question 27. Tim last attended a live concert three months ago.
A. Tim didn’t attend a live concert three months ago.
B. Tim hasn’t attended a live concert for three months.
C. Tim has three months to attend a live concert.
D. Tim has attended a live concert for three months.
Question 28. “Why does the price of iPhone go up so often?” Mary wondered.
A. Mary wondered why did the price of iPhone go up so often.
B. Mary wondered why the price of iPhone goes up so often.
C. Mary wondered why the price of iPhone went up so often.
D. Mary wondered why does the price of iPhone go up so often.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 29. Some of the tunnels in the cliff are totally natural; some others were built by the soldiers for
defensible purposes.
A. tunnels B. cliff C. natural D. defensible
Question 30. Mickey Mouse gained widespread popularity soon after he appears in a short cartoon
entitled Steamboat Willy.
A. widespread B. after C. appears D. short
Question 31. Australia has their own cultural identity, which is very different from that of Britain.
A. their B. identity C. very D. that
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 32. Jenny wants to join that dancing club. She isn’t old enough.
A. Provided that Jenny is old enough, she can join that dancing club.
B. If only Jenny had been old enough, she couldn’t have joined that dancing club.
C. If Jenny had been old enough, she couldn’t have joined that dancing club.
D. If Jenny were old enough, she could join that dancing club.
Question 33. Lan had some shocking words on her facebook. Then, everyone knew her.
A. Only when Lan had some shocking words on her facebook did everyone know her.
B. Hardly Lan had some shocking words on her facebook than everyone knew her.
C. Only after Lan had some shocking words on her facebook everyone knew her.
D. Until Lan had some shocking words on her facebook did everyone knew her.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each the numbered blanks.
Car makers are spending a lot of money on electric cars. In the future, electric cars will replace petrol
cars. Environmentalists believe this will reduce the amount of CO2 (34) _______ into the atmosphere. A
big problem for electric cars is charging the battery. Some batteries in today's electric cars can take up to
12 hours to charge fully. (35) _______, a company in Israel says it has created a lithium-ion battery that
people can charge in just five minutes. This is the same amount of time it takes to fill a tank of gas with
petrol. The new lithium-ion batteries (36) _______ were developed by the Israeli company StoreDot are
being manufactured by a Chinese company called Eve Energy.
The new batteries could totally transform driving. They would mean electric cars would be able to
travel as far as petrol cars. (37) _______ people with electric cars today suffer from "range anxiety". This
is stress caused by worrying about the battery running out of electricity. The new batteries would end this
anxiety. A StoreDot spokesperson said: "We're at the point of (38) _______ a revolution in the electric
vehicle charging experience".
(Adapted from
Question 34. A. come B. go C. release D. put
Question 35. A. Thus B. However C. Therefore D. Although
Question 36. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
Question 37. A. Few B. Every C. Many D. No
Question 38. A. achieving B. creating C. making D. taking
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the
Most of us have a sweet tooth. We love to eat a cookie, a donut or a piece of chocolate. But have you
noticed what often happens when you eat one? When we eat or drink sugary foods, the sugar enters our
blood and affects part of our brain. We may feel better, but the good feeling stops and we just want
another one. All tasty foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect. This is why many scientists
believe that our love of sugar might be an addiction. In the body, sugar acts like an addictive drug, one
that doctors recommend we all cut down.
It seems obvious now that too much sugar can harm us, but why is it harmful? In early human
history, the body began storing sugar as fat to use as energy. Our bodies are efficient, so they need very
little sugar. Today, the Western diet has the highest amount of sugar in history. There are also more high
blood pressure and diabetes in the world. Some researchers believe that too much sugar may be the
How do we battle our sweet tooth? Doctors advise us to cut down on sweets. They recommend that
we choose healthy foods for snacks. Nuts, dark chocolate and yogurts are some of them. Yet even healthy
foods can have too much sugar. Yogurts that are advertised as low-fat can have 17 grams, about half the
daily allowance. However, the less sugar you eat, the less you want. Exercise helps, too. Using facilities
such as walking tracks and gymnasiums can help control our desire.
(Adapted from Reading Explorer 2, Paul MacIntyre et al., 2015)
Question 39. What is the main idea of the reading?
A. types of healthy food B. our sugar addiction
C. sugar makes us sick D. what not to eat
Question 40. The word "effect" in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by _______.
A. addiction B. disease C. measure D. influence
Question 41. The word "that” in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. yogurts B. nuts C. sweets D. foods
Question 42. According to paragraph 2, too much sugar can _______.
A. be advantageous to us B. make us gain more energy
C. be detrimental to our health D. help us avoid some diseases
Question 43. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as healthy foods?
A. sweets B. Nuts C. dark chocolate D. yogurts
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the
Photographic evidence suggests that liquid water once existed in great quantity on the surface of
Mars. Two types of flow features are seen: runoff channels and outflow channels. Runoff channels are
found in the southern highlands. These flow features are extensive systems of interconnecting, twisting
channels that seem to merge into larger, wider channels. They bear a strong resemblance to river systems
on Earth, and geologists think that they are dried-up beds of long-gone rivers that once carried rainfall on
Mars from the mountains down into the valleys. Runoff channels on Mars speak of a time 4 billion years
ago, when the atmosphere was thicker, the surface warmer, and liquid water widespread.
Outflow channels are probably relics of catastrophic flooding on Mars long ago. They appear only in
equatorial regions and generally do not form extensive interconnected networks. Instead, they are
probably the paths taken by huge volumes of water draining from the southern highlands into the northern
plains. The onrushing water arising from these flash floods likely also formed the odd teardrop-shaped
"islands" that have been found on the plains close to the ends of the outflow channels. Judging from the
width and depth of the channels, the flow rates must have been truly enormous – perhaps as much as a
hundred times greater than the 105 tons per second carried by the great Amazon River. Flooding shaped
the outflow channels approximately 3 billion years ago, about the same time as the northern volcanic
plains formed.
Some scientists speculate that Mars may have enjoyed an extended early period during which rivers,
lakes, and perhaps even oceans adorned its surface. A 2003 Mars Global Surveyor image shows what
mission specialists think may be a delta – a fan-shaped network of channels and sediments where a river
once flowed into a larger body of water, in this case a lake filling a crater in the southern highlands. Other
researchers go even further, suggesting that the data provide evidence for large open expanses of water on
the early Martian surface. A computer-generated view of the Martian north polar region shows the extent
of what may have been an ancient ocean covering much of the northern lowlands. The Hellas Basin,
which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the
basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.
Question 44. Which of the following could be the title of the passage?
A. Running Water on Mars? B. Photographic Evidence of a Martian sea
C. Saving Martian Surface Water D. A Mars Global Surveyor
Question 45. The word "merge" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. expand B. separate C. straighten out D. combine
Question 46. The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to _______.
A. channels B. geologists C. systems D. Mars
Question 47. In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that 105 tons of water flow
through the Amazon River per second?
A. To emphasize the great size of the volume of water that seems to have flowed through Mars’
outflow channels
B. To indicate data used by scientists to estimate how long ago Mars’ outflow channels were formed
C. To argue that flash floods on Mars may have been powerful enough to cause tear-shaped "islands"
to form
D.To argue that the force of flood waters on Mars was powerful enough to shape the northern volcanic
Question 48. The word "relics" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. remains B. sites C. requirements D. sources
Question 49. Which of the following questions about geological features on Mars is NOT answered in
paragraph 3?
A. What are some regions of Mars that may have once been covered with an ocean?
B. Where do mission scientists believe that the river forming the delta emptied?
C. Approximately how many craters on Mars do mission scientists believe may once have been lakes
filled with water?
D. During what period of Mars' history do some scientists think it may have had large bodies of water?
Question 50. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about liquid water on Mars?
A. If ancient oceans ever existed on Mars' surface, it is likely that the water in them has evaporated by
B. If there is any liquid water at all on Mars' surface today, its quantity is much smaller than the
amount that likely existed there in the past.
C. Small-scale gullies on Mars provide convincing evidence that liquid water existed on Mars in the
recent past.
D. The small amount of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere suggests that there has never been
liquid water on Mars.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. breathe B. healthy C. weather D. although
Question 2. A. climb B. sit C. hide D. fine
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. believe B. happen C. decide D. attract
Question 4. A. acceptance B. arrival C. inclusion D. musical
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5. With lack of fresh water and poor sanitation, people _______ in this small area face a threat
of developing infectious diseases.
A. living B. lived C. whom live D. to live
Question 6. The meal was a bit _______ than we expected, but it was very nice.
A. most expensive B. expensive C. more expensive D. as expensive
Question 7. She will send me the design of my new house _______.
A. after she had finished it B. while she was finishing it
C. as soon as she has finished it D. before she finished it
Question 8. Tina considers herself lucky when her parents are quite sympathetic _______ her and offer
her valuable advice.
A. about B. to C. in D. with
Question 9. The band isn’t visiting Denmark next May, _______?
A. does it B. will it C. is it D. has it
Question 10. I get quite depressed when thinking about _______ damage we are causing to the
A. a B. the C. an D. Ø (no article)
Question 11. The report assigned the _______ for the accident to inadequate safety regulations.
A. praise B. credit C. blame D. rap
Question 12. As Joe's roommate, I find him a fairly nice fellow, even if at times it is not easy to _______
his noisy behavior.
A. put up with B. look up to C. get on with D. catch up with
Question 13. The enterprise’s management agreed _______ in renewable energy sources to reduce the
company’s carbon footprint.
A. investing B. invest C. to invest D. to investing
Question 14. She dropped a _______ on their first date by telling him that she didn’t like pets.
Unfortunately, he’s always been a real sucker for pets.
A. stone B. tile C. brick D. block
Question 15. We _______ along the coast after dinner when a strange man approached us.
A. walked B. were walking C. had walked D. have walked
Question 16. The government decided to _______ the restrictions on air travel as the pandemic was
basically kept under control in the country.
A. move B. drive C. raise D. lift
Question 17. After the test papers are returned to the students in class tomorrow, the students _______
their next assignment.
A. will be given B. are given C. are giving D. give
Question 18. They had a _______ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.
A. romance B. romantic C. romantically D. romanticize
Question 19. The police are collecting _______ in order to piece together the details of the day she died.
A. tips B. clues C. hints D. signs
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following
Question 20. Nam is talking to his classmate named Minh.
- Nam: “I don’t understand what the teacher has just said.”
- Minh: “_______”
A. Me either B. Neither do I. C. Me too. D. So do I.
Question 21. Tom and Jerry are talking about extreme sports.
- Tom: “People should be encouraged to take part in dangerous sports”
- Jerry: “_______. They are prone to both minor and severe injuries.”
A. I completely disagree with you. B. For sure.
C. Come on, that’s surely the case. D. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 22. If you work in a department with an overbearing leader, it is likely that your suggestions
will be rejected.
A. energetic B. dominant C. humble D. innovative
Question 23. Julie’s slimming attempts have been going by fits and starts. She needs to do it
A. slowly B. poorly C. steadily D. flexibly
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 24. Don’t be afraid to talk the problem over with him because he is a very approachable man.
A. rude B. polite C. confident D. friendly
Question 25. The company wouldn’t have seen such a quick turnover of staff had its manager not treated
the employees with utter contempt.
A. sympathy B. approval C. disrespect D. refusal
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 26: It is not necessary for you to wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
A. You shouldn’t wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
B. You would wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
C. You must wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
D. You needn’t wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
Question 27: I last went to the cinema six months ago.
A. I didn’t go to the cinema for six months.
B. I haven’t gone to the cinema for six months.
C. I have gone to the cinema for six months.
D. I went to the cinema for six months.
Question 28: "What time did the bus arrive, Tom?" asked John.
A. John asked Tom what time the bus arrived.
B. John asked Tom what time was the bus arriving.
C. John asked Tom what time the bus had arrived.
D. John asked Tom what time had the bus arrived.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 29.My former friend, together with his wife, pays a visit to my family last Sunday.
A. Sunday B. former C. pays D. with
Question 30. The native teachers used the advanced English vocabulary in his presentation, so students
don’t understand the lesson.
A. lesson B. so C. his D. advanced
Question 31: All complaints about the defective goods should be dealt with in a time manner.
A. complaints B. good C. be dealt D. time manner

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 32.Nam is not here. He can’t give you any advice.
A. If only Nam had been here, he could have given you some advice.
B. If Nam were here, he couldn’t give you some advice.
C. Provided that Nam is here, he can’t give you any advice.
D. If Nam were here, he could give you some advice.
Question 33. John certainly can’t be held responsible for the accident. Whatever happened.
A. Certainly can’t John be held responsible for the accident .
B. In no way can John be held responsible for the accident.
C. For any reason can John not be held responsible for the accident.
D. On no account can John not be held responsible for the accident.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions
Students who stay up all night to cram for an exam are doing themselves more harm than good,
according to research into the link between sleep and memory published yesterday.
Scientists at Harvard Medical School discovered that people who deprive themselves of sleep so that
they can study until the last minute are unlikely to remember anything that would improve their
performance, while suffering the crippling effects of fatigue. The scientists found that the brain needs
good-quality sleep immediately after practicing a task if it is to learn to improve at it. Those who
substitute study for sleep, particularly those who miss deep or “slow-wave” sleep will get little benefit
from their extra effort.
The findings, published in Nature Neuroscience, add to a growing body of evidence that sleep is vital
to the learning process. The results, Professor Stickgold said, suggest that a good night’s sleep
immediately after learning is “absolutely required” to embed new skills in the memory. “We think that the
first night’s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation,” he said. “It seems that memories normally
wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those
things that nails them down.”
(Adapted from Focus on IELTS by Sue O’Connell)
Question 34. What could be the best title for the passage?
A. Tips to Succeed on Exam Day
B. Pressure among Students at School
C. Sleep Better than Midnight Oil on Eve of Exams
D. How to Have a Good Sleep at Night?
Question 35. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. scientists B. people C. effects D. minutes
Question 36. The word ‘fatigue’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. happiness B. sadness C. tiredness D. boredom
Question 37. According to paragraph 2, what did the Harvard Medical School discover?
A. Exhaustion is the biggest reason why students fail their exams.
B. People will have a better memory if they sleep only 3 hours a day.
C. ‘Deep sleep’ is not essential for studying and memory recollection.
D. Those who study instead of sleeping have little chance of passing their exams.
Question 38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned, according to the passage?
A. Sleep is the only thing that can help a learner process new information.
B. It’s not a good idea for students to stay up late to study for their exams instead of sleeping.
C. Sleep kickstarts a process of memory retention.
D. A good night’s sleep is vital if a person wants to improve their memory.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each the numbered blanks.
An endangered species is a type of organism (39)_____ is threatened by extinction. Species become
endangered for the main reason: loss of habitat.A loss of habitat can happen naturally. Dinosaurs,
(40)_____, lost their habitat about 65 million years ago. The hot, dry climate of the Cretaceous
period changed very quickly, most likely because of an asteroid (41)_____ the Earth. The impact of
the asteroid forced debris into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of heat and light that reached Earth’s
surface. The dinosaurs were unable to adapt to this new, cooler habitat. Dinosaurs became endangered,
then extinct.
Human activity can also contribute to a loss of habitat. Development for housing, industry,
and agriculture reduces the habitat of native organisms. This can happen in (42)_____ different ways.
Development can eliminate habitat and native species directly. In the Amazon rain forest of South
America, developers have cleared hundreds of thousands of acres. To “clear” a piece of land is to remove
all trees and (43)_____ from it. The Amazon rain forest is cleared for cattle ranches, logging, and
urban use.
Adapted from
Question 39: A.when B.where C. who D. that
Question 40: B.however C. for instance D. such as
Question 41: A.making B.taking C. getting D. striking
Question 42: A.each of B. amount of C. a number of D.a great deal of
Question 43: A.variety B. vegetations C.vegetarian D. vegetation

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
A poll of more than 850 primary, secondary and further education staff by the Association of Teachers
and Lecturers (ATL) found that while boys' behaviour at school remains more challenging than girls, both
have got worse over the past five years, according to more than half of respondents.
In the survey, a primary school teacher from Bedfordshire said: "Boys are generally more physical and
their behaviour is more noticeable. Girls are often sneakier about misbehaving, they often say nasty
things which end up disrupting the lesson just as much as the boys, as other children get upset and can’t
focus on their work. They are usually the ones who refuse to comply with instructions." In schools that
have excluded pupils, 57 per cent of education staff said that more boys have been excluded for
challenging behaviour.
Among both sexes, low-level disruption such as talking and not paying attention was the most
problematic behaviour for 70 per cent of respondents. For girls, most staff said bullying such as
spreading rumours was the biggest problem. Among boys the most challenging behaviour was physical
aggression. Staff thought the main reasons for challenging behaviour within their schools and colleges
were family breakdowns, followed by a lack of positive role models and poor emotional health. ATL
general secretary Dr Mary Bousted said: "The behaviour of both boys and girls can pose huge challenges
for those working in schools and colleges. Staff get ground down daily by the chatting and messing
around, which disrupts lessons for other pupils and takes the pleasure out of teaching. "Even more
worrying is the physical aggression, most often among boys but also among some girls, which puts other
pupils and staff at risk.
Schools need to have firm and consistent discipline policies and work with parents to keep schools and
colleges safe places for pupils and staff alike."
(Adapted from
Question 44. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Education among Boys and Girls
B. Worsening School Students’ Behaviour
C. A Bias against Girls in Class
D. Students Suffer from Bullying at School

Question 45. According to paragraph 1, what was the finding of the ATL’s survey?
A. Boy’s behaviour at school remains unchanged.
B. Both boys and girls show improved behaviour.
C. Girls are naturally talkative than boys.
D. Students’ behaviour, irrespective of sex, has got worse.
Question 46. The word ‘noticeable’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. clear B. gentle C. bad D. effective
Question 47. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. lessons B. boys C. girls D. teachers
Question 48. The word ‘problematic’ in paragraph 3 mostly means ______.
A. easy to notice B. difficult to deal with
C. interesting to study D. happy to get
Question 49. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. Boys’ misbehaviour is easier to recognise.
B. Other students can’t concentrate on the lessons because of some students’ unpleasant behaviour.
C. Only boys have been expelled from school due to their misbehaviour.
D. Spreading rumours is one of the commonest bullying behaviours among girls.
Question 50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Education staff find that low-level disruption can be dealt with easily.
B. There are many factors that lead to unacceptable behaviour among school students.
C. School and university staff are most affected by challenging behaviour of boys and girls.
D. Many discipline policies have been adopted to deal with the problem of bullying at school.

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