DRMG 089 A

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Amitok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-3 Millikan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-12

Beetle, Killer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-3 Naga, Dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-13
Bichir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4 Peltast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-13
Bohun Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-4 . Pitcher Plant, Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-14
Calygraunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-5 Seastar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-14
Cantobele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 Scallion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-15
Corkie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 Shrike, Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-15
Duleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-7 Sind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-16
Explodestool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-7 Star Leviathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-17
Fachan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-8 Utukku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-17
Flailtail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9 Venus Fly-Trap, Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-18
Ghuuna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-9 Vurgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-19
Glasspane Horror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-10 Whale, Killer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-19
Horseshoe Crab, Giant. . . . . . . . . . . ..C-10 Wind Steed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C-20
Ihagnim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-11

Ed Greenwood: Killer Beetle, Giant; Bichir; Bohun Tree; Calygraunt; Cantobele; Duleep;
Flailtail; Horseshoe Crab, Giant; Naga, Dark; Peltast; Scallion; Seastar; Shrike, Giant; Sind;
Vurgen; Wind Steed.
Roger Moore: Amitok; Corkie; Fachan; Ihagnim; Pitcher Plant, Giant; Star Leviathan; Utukku;
Venus Fly -Trap, Giant; Whale, Killer.
Mark Nuiver: Millikan.
Rosemary and Don Webb: Glasspane Horror.
Tomas Willis: Ghuuna.
Alan Zumwalt: Explodestool.

Marsha Kauth: Bohun Tree; Duleep; Flailtail; Pitcher Plant, Giant; Sind.
Dave LaForce: Millikan; Naga, Dark; Scallion; Venus Fly-Trap, Giant.
Bob Maurus: Beetle, Killer; Cantobele; Fachan; Ghuuna; Horseshoe Crab, Giant; Ihagnim.
Roger Raupp: Amitok; Calygraunt; Explodestool; Shrike, Giant; Star Leviathan; Utukku;
Vurgen; Whale, Killer; Wind Steed.
David C. Sutherland III: Bichir; Corkie; Glasspane Horror; Peltast; Seastar.
AMITOK own corruption of the hobgoblin language
FREQUENCY: Rare (understandable to 30% of all hobgoblins).
NO. APPEARING: 3-30 males (if wander- They know no other languages.
ing); 6-60 males (if in lair; see below) Arnitoka worship Cryonax (see the
A R M O R CLASS: 7 FIEND FOLIO® Tome). Each tribe is ruled
MOVE: 12" by a shaman devoted to that deity. An
H I T DICE: 2 + 2 amitok shaman is larger and stronger than
% IN LAIR: 25 % its fellows (equivalent of 18 strength, 8' tall,
TREASURE TYPE: See below 3-6/3-6 damage), and has the abilities of a
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws 2nd- to 5th-level cleric, adding ld4 h p to its
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-5/2-5 base hit points (2 + 2 HD) for every clerical
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise on 1-4; level over the first. Thus, a 4th-level sha-
man has 2 + 2 H D , plus 3d4 hp. For every
shamans use spells
two levels of clerical ability, the shaman will
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Resistance to cold
fight as if one hit dice better on the mon-
and poison sters' "to hit" table in the DMG, so a 4th-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard level or 5th-level shaman will fight as a
INTELLIGENCE: Low 4 H D monster. The male amitok with the
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil greatest number of hit points in the tribe
SIZE: L (7' tall) besides the shaman serves as the shaman's
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil successor, and is able to cast spells as a 1st-
AttackIDefense Modes: Nil level cleric. See the DMG (p. 40) for further
LEVEL/X.P VALUE: III/65 +3/hp '
- information on shamans. Amitok shamans
Level 1-3 shamans: III/80 + 3/hp do not need or use material components for
Level 4-5 shamans: IV/175 + 4/hp any of their spells, and need only meditate
overnight to recover them.
Amitoka (the singular form is amitok) are Treasure is generally not collected or used
also known as snow goblins; they are de- by these beings. Some tribes have found
scended from hobgoblin stock but long ago half as many females as males (females have that a pile of treasure placed near a well-
adapted to arctic and subarctic climates. 2 HD, attack with two claws for 1-4/1-4), used trail tends to draw passersby; am-
Amitoka are very broad in build. Their and twice as many young as the total num- bushes are often arranged at such places.
bodies are covered in light gray or white fur ber of adults (young have 2-7 hp, attack as Aside from worthless items such as old furs,
except for their hairless, pale blue faces and 1- 1 HD monsters for 1-4 damage). Only boots, and broken weapons, such treasure
hands. They are exceptionally strong (16 males go hunting, but females defend the piles may contain a 20% chance each of
strength for adult males, 14 for females), tunnels with great ferocity (getting a +2 to treasure types J (x100), K (x100), L (x50),
but do not use weapons in combat other hit). T h e amitok culture is completely ori- M (x10), and N (x10), as well as the usual
than their claws. ented toward getting food, and all creatures chance for type Q. In addition, there is a
Amitoka are carnivorous and hunt fre- are regarded as potential food sources. 10% chance that the pile will contain a
quently. Their coloration allows them to A thick layer of fat keeps amitoka safe random magic item.
surprise opponents in snowy or icy environ- from normal chilling cold, and also allows Amitoka hate all humans and demihu-
ments on a roll of 1-4 on a six-sided die. them to take half damage from all cold- mans, and dislike all other creatures except
They fear no creature; groups of amitoka based spells or attacks. The fat layer also themselves. They have been known to
have been known to attack even a solitary gives them a +4 bonus on saves vs. poison cooperate at times with quaggoths, and the
frost giant, and they usually win out, even that must penetrate this layer to work, such two creature types are often mistaken for
though many of the group may die in the as poisoned arrows and wyvern stings. one another in arctic terrain. Amitoka are
assault. After a battle, they gather all the Colonies of amitoka are 25 % likely to considered giant class humanoids for pur-
dead (including their own) and bring them have tribal pets that are used in hunting. poses of attacks made against them by
back to their lair for a feast. These pets are 70% likely to be hoar foxes rangers. Some barbarian human tribes who
Amitoka lairs are short tunnel systems and 30% likely to be winter wolves. Those dwell in the polar wastes refer to amitoka as
dug into deep snow, usually with 2-5 large tribes that have winter wolves are able to "demons," which can confuse adventuring
communal rooms for the colony. There are speak the wolves' tongue in addition to their parties as to the creatures' true nature.


Attack/Defense Modes: ABE / FG
FREQUENCY: Rare LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V I I / l 8 0 0 + 12/hp
A R M O R CLASS: 3 Killer beetles, or arathas, are thankfully
M O V E : 11" rare. These tireless hunters inhabit non-
H I T DICE: 9 mountainous warm or temperate regions,
% IN LAIR: Nil avoiding heavily populated areas. Solitary
TREASURE TYPE: Nil by nature, they live on creatures located by
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 clawed tentacles thought and scent; they highly prize brain
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-1 0 (x4) moles, and are also partial to the flesh of
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Psionics; halflings and owlbears. In a pinch they will
multiple attacks eat any meat, and are greatly feared by
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Psionics; immune common folk because of their powers and
to petrification, heat, will-force spells toughness.
MAGIC RESIST4NCE: Standard The massive, curved carapaces of arathas
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high resist squeezing and crushing, and the
ALIGNMENT: Neutral beetles are immune to fire, other heat-
SIZE: L (1 2' long) related attacks, and petrification. They are
also immune to will-force spells (see Players iented, upset, confused, or injured. When with great speed, and can "see" behind
Handbook, p. 11, under Wisdom Table I), an aratha grows old and weak, it seeks out a itself by means of light- and movement-
but otherwise have standard magic resis- powerful enemy and attacks, so that it will sensitive organs (primitive "eyes") located
tance. They attack prey by means of their die in battle. Arathas mate once in life; 2-4 on its belly and back. An aratha has two eye
four fearsome tentacles, and also have ps- months after mating, one of the partners clusters at the front of the carapace, three
ionic powers. bears 1-3 live young, the parent dying legs on each side of its body, and a grinding,
Arathas use the following psionic disci- afterward. irislike mouth at the front underside of its
plines at the 9th level of mastery: animal Killer beetles grasp and hold prey by body. An aratha does not bite opponents,
telepathy, body equilibrium, empathy, means of four 20'-long tenacles. These but merely chews flesh that is torn away
molecular agitation, and suspend anima- tentacles are retractable, collapsing to as and conveyed to the mouth by the tentacles.
tion. They employ these powers habitually small as 8 feet in length. Each tentacle ends An aratha's carapace softens and rots after
to avoid powerful foes (or to assault them in a pincerlike claw that closes with bone- the creature's death, but the claws can be
psionically if cornered), to locate and stalk crushing strength. An aratha can reach in salvaged and fashioned into ever sharp,
victims, and to strike when a victim is disor- any direction (including behind itself) unbreakable arrow and spear points.

MOVE: 5"//14"
H I T DICE: 5-7
% IN LAIR: 40%
S, X (up to 3 types per individual)
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-12 manner of a lizard. When hunting, it moves ones. The bichir is naturally resistant to
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Entangling slowly forward like a snake, freezing mo- spells, but fears magic and will avoid or
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil mentarily to sniff around and then move seek to ambush creatures employing magic
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 60% forward again. Because its eyes are adapted in its vicinity. It does not value treasure,
INTELLIGENCE: Animal for underwater vision, it can see only 2 " and will possess only items swallowed while
ALIGNMENT: Neutral ahead of itself on land (but up to 8" in devouring prey. Its favorite food is said to
SIZE: L (9 '-12' long) water, although muddy conditions lessen be the flesh of lizard men.
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil this range). It has a keen sense of smell that The bichir breeds whenever its swamps
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil works better in the air (9" range) than are flooded (e.g., by spring run-off), males
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: 5 HD, IV/205 + 5/hp underwater (2" range). It can sense under- and females traveling far to seek each other
6 HD, V/350 + 6/hp water vibrations up to half a mile away. out. The female will bear 1-3 newtlike,
7 HD, VI/525 + 8/hp Bichirs prey on worms, frogs, fish, insects feathery-gilled young 3-6 months after
(including giant species), and animals up to mating. These young typically have AC 8,
The bichir inhabits marshes and thickets the size of tall (9') humanoids. A bichir MV 3"//14", 2-3 HD, and bite for 2-4
along lake shores and river banks. Despite prowls whenever it encounters something damage. They can entangle only three
the nickname i t has acquired ("marsh liz- new or unusual, and whenever it is hungry times per day, but possess the same magic
ard"), the bichir is actually a curious crea- It can dart backward almost instantly un- resistance as an adult bichir.
ture related to sharks and fishes. It has both derwater if alarmed. When swimming Bichirs look like long, thick-bodied, pow-
gills and a lunglike swim bladder, and must rapidly (which it can do all day, if need be) erful fish with white-fanged jaws, black
come to the surface and gulp air at least it flattens its fins close to its body and drives pupil-less eyes, and a camouflage brown/
once every turn to survive. Giant bichirs itself through the water with side-to-side cream coloration (in alternate bands on fins
can also "walk" on land, a l t h o u g h t h e y wriggling like that of an eel. and tail, darkening to black with white
must keep their skin moist, and they will The bichir can cast an entangle spell on mottlings on the head). They have flat
never stray far from water. plants (not including intelligent sorts, such heads, smooth scales, a broad tail, a fringe
The bichir gets its nickname from its as shambling mounds) up to 6" away, 6 of joined finlets running along their backs,
strong pectoral fins, which it uses to stand times per day. It can do this in six consecu- and fan-shaped. powerful pectoral fins.
or walk upon (as a seal walks on its flippers, tive rounds if necessary, and will always Bichirs cannot speak, but sometimes emit a
dragging its body behind). Often it will employ the power to escape from powerful breathy, open-mouthed panting noise,
stand immobile with its head raised, in the opponents or to aid in killing formidable presumably to signal or attract prey.

BOHUN TREE immune to will-force spells The bohun tree, usually brownish grey or
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard greenish grey, can be distinguished by its
FREQUENCY: Rare INTELLIGENCE: Average massive trunk and unique blossoms.
NO. APPEARING: 1 ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil The bohun tree's branches usually start
ARMOR CLASS: 5 (main trunk) SIZE: L (trunk 30'-60' tall, branches 10 to 12 feet above the ground and spread
MOVE: Nil and roots up to 120' long) out horizontally from the top of the trunk;
H I T DICE: 10 (main trunk)
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil on them hang thick clusters of dark red,
% IN LAIR: 100% luscious fruits. These smooth- and soft-
AttacklDefense Modes: Nil
LEVEL1X.P. VALUE: VII/2850 + 14/hp skinned fruits resemble giant grapes, and if
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1-6 thorn missiles
bruised or cut open, they exude a vapor
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-5 per thorn
The bohun tree, or "tree of death," is within a 60' radius that either induces sleep
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous fruit;
found only in deep woodlands. Such trees (80% chance), paralyzes the lungs and slays
missiles; root drain; multiple attacks are always solitary, but are surrounded by by suffocation (10% ) , or has no effect
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Root system; other varieties of trees on which they feed. (10%) This effect (or lack of one) is deter-
mined separately for each fruit that bursts. uses this eyesight to home in on the targets
A would-be victim is entitled to a save vs. of its thorn attacks and also to locate assail-
poison to avoid either of the damaging ants that it can entrap with its roots. The
effects. The tree will deliberately cause 1 bohun tree can send roots tunneling
fruit to burst every other round if it is at- through the ground, breaking the surface
tacked. The vapor's odor resembles that of' where a target is located and (on a success-
crushed apples or fresh cider. ful "to hit" roll) binding the target's arms
The flesh of the fruit may be fatally poi- or legs (50% chance of either). A target
sonous if ingested (eater must save vs. immobilized in this way is more likely to be
poison at -4), causing painful acidic reac- hit by attacks from the tree's thorns (+4 to
tions within the stomach. A victim will hit vs. any target in range). Only one root
usually go into violent convulsions that will will attach to any target, and a maximum of
continue even after he has fainted from the 5-8 roots will attack in this way during any
pain, lasting 2-8 turns until death occurs. single combat episode. A root is AC 9 and
Ninety percent of all elves, centaurs, and has an effective strength of 17 so that its
satyrs are immune to the effects of the tree's grip can be broken only by a character or
poison. Pixies, treants, stirges, and undead creature with a strength of 18 or greater.
creatures are entirely immune. Each root that attaches to a target will take
Against creatures that approach too 2-7 points of damage (determine separately
closely, a bohun tree directs the thorns that with deadly accuracy and force (as a 10 HD for each root) before being severed.
grow on its branches between fruit clusters. monster hurling missiles) up to 9 ", firing A bohun tree will cease combat when all
These 18-inch-long thorns are flexible, 1-6 per round at targets within range (me- of its thorns are gone or after the loss of all
sharp, and weighted so they will fly true. dium and long range modifiers apply). The of its attacking roots. It can be slain if the
They are fired from the tree by means of thorns do 2-5 points of damage each. main trunk takes damage equal to its hit
sap pressure. A bohun tree has 30-60 thorns The bohun tree has keen eyesight; hun- points (root damage does not count in this
at any time, and can regrow 1-4 per day dreds of compound eyes stud fissures in the total), or by the application of a power word
after some have been fired. It hurls these trunk and grow amid the fruit clusters. It kill spell.
7, n
CALYGRAUNT round, but it may d o so in addition to other M Ib
physical, mental, and magical activity. A
FREQUENCY: Very rare feystag free of confusion or feeblemind will
NO. APPEARING: 1-2 instantly be able to detect all dweomers
A R M O R CLASS: 7 within a 6" radius and rank them according
MOVE: 14" to strength (energy or charges stored or held
H I T DICE: 2 + 4 ready), seeing them as auras of differing
% IN LAIR: 25% luminosity.
TREASURE TYPE: See below A calygraunt may learn enough from
NO. O F ATTACKS: 2 claws or 1 weapon studying a magical item to be able to oper-
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4 or ate it. If the item is activated by command
by weapon type (-1) word only, the calygraunt will speak that
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Control magic items word. If use of the item or power requires
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil somatic gestures, a calygraunt cannot use it,
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 70% but if a n item can be activated by will or
INTELLIGENCE: High mental command, a calygraunt within 2"
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral may activate it. There is a 40% chance that
SIZE: M (4' high a t shoulder) any item can be so activated (providing the
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil calygraunt has successfully identified it);
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil this chance is modified in the same manner
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IV/160 + 3/hp as the chance of identification.
Unless the creature gains physical posses-
T h e calygraunt, or "feystag," is often sion of an item, it will not be able to control
whispered of in taverns where adventurers the direction of the effects, but often the
and miners gather, for it is found only in the manner in which an item (such as a wand
deepest woods, caverns and delvings, and is or ring) is worn or carried will cause it to
a fearsome opponent. harm the bearer or those nearby when
A calygraunt can sense the dweomer "turned on" (e.g., a ring of shooting stars
emanating from enchanted items and can could shoot at the wearer's foot).
identify the type, specific functions, and A calygraunt cannot activate or control
strength (number of charges or spells re- an item it has not identified, nor can it
maining) of an item. This power has a 90% attempt to identify a specific item more than
chance of success, modified as follows: once in any day (assuming the first attempt
-20% if a spell of any type has been cast fails). The bearer of an item can wrest
upon the feystag; -60% if a confusion or control from a feystag operating it from afar
feeblemind has taken effect on the feystag; if the control method is physical (such as the then he must save vs, spells or be confused
or -40% if the creature is under psionic studs upon a rod of lordly might), or by for 1-6 rounds. A calygraunt can never
attack (these debits are not cumulative; speaking the proper command words, but if charm or force its will upon another
choose the greatest loss in any multiple- the item is customarily controlled by mental through this sort of mental contest.
attack situation), and +25% if the caly- force, the bearer's combined intelligence A calygraunt can activate only one item
graunt has observed any magical power or and wisdom must be more than 32 to seize once per round, although items such as a
function of the item under study in use. A control. If the opponent's combined intelli- sword of dancing or certain Quaal's feather
calygraunt may study only 1 item per gence and wisdom scores are less than 29, tokens that operate continuously for more

than a round will do so even after the caly- to slay or drive off intruders. Calygraunts which can awkwardly (-1 to hit and on
graunt, after activation, has turned its will hoard magical items and delight in exercis- damage) wield one-handed weapons. A
to the control of something else A feystag ing control over them. They are (of course) calygraunt can speak its alignment lan-
will not activate items without deliberate interested in acquiring more. (Note: some guage, the common tongue, and the lan-
intent; its mere presence does nothing to artifacts and relics defy identification, or guages of creatures nearby. Rarely will
awaken magical power. lack a dweomer of suficient strength to feystags dwell among men; those who d o
A calygraunt may repeatedly acrivate any allow a calygraunt to successfully learn their often bargain with or sell information they
item that is not designed to operate only powers.) learn from studying items brought to them.
once. One is known to have guarded its lair The calygraunt gets its nickname from In the wild, feystags are solitary but occa-
with a wand of frost wedged between two the staglike, frond-branched horns which sionally a mated pair will be encountered.
rocks so as to command the approach to its adorn its catlike head. It has a coat of dusty Calygraunts are omnivorous, but prefer to
treasure, and activated the item repeatedly brown hair, and has two clawed forearms eat plants, particularly mint and mistletoe.

MOVE: 13"
H I T DICE: 2-4
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 claws, 1 bite,
and 1 tail slap
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 (x6)/2-8/1-6
multiple attacks
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to cold
from view until they are close enough to and eyes which filter out glare, and are
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high
spring onto prey. The name of the creature never blinded or dazzled by snow or bright
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
is derived from the strange, beautiful ring- lights. Their claws and six-legged gait make
SIZE: L (7'-9' long)
ing sound, like a chorus of chiming bells, them sure-footed on the slickest ice, in deep
which the cantobele emits after making a snow, or on tree boughs. Cantobeles hoard
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
kill. victims' treasure for use in bargaining.
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: 2 HD, III/89 + 2/hp
Cantobeles fight with all three of their Cantobeles are large and heavily mus-
3 HD, III/135 + 3/hp
pairs of legs and with their powerful fangs. cled, but sleek in the manner of the great
4 HD, IV/200 + 4/hp
A cantobele's tail can also strike (1-6 dam- cats. A cantobele has a broad tail with very
age), but it is usually used for balance when short fur, ending in a tuft of long black
Cantobeles are weird creatures encoun- the creature uses all its claws. Cantobeles hairs. The rest of the creature's body is
tered in wilderness areas, particularly in prefer to spring upon opponents, knocking covered with thick fur, ranging in color
swamps and forested ravines. A cantobele them flat and raking and biting before the from grey-white to tawny depending on
has a high-pitched, soft, feminine voice, victim can rise to defend itself. habitat and season (colored for camouflage),
and uses it effectively to lure prey and de- A cantobele can cast one misdirection and maturity (darker, more intense colora-
ceive hostile creatures by remaining hidden and two ice storm spells every day, but can tion denotes youth). The long mane of the
in underbrush and employing its voice in take no other action in the round in which cantobele matches its body and tail fur. A
combination with its innate abilities of ESP the spell is cast. Cantobeles suffer no dam- cantobele's eyes are startlinqly human in
(9" range) and tongues. Cantobeles hide age from cold. They have 11" infravision appearance, the pupils hrown or mauve.

CORKIE Corkies are giant rodents that inhabit

hilly regions, so named because they dig
FREQUENCY: Uncommon burrows that descend in corkscrew spirals.
NO. APPEARING: 2-5 The creature has short legs (which can
A R M O R CLASS: 8 move its body at impressive speed above or
MOVE: 15" (3") below ground), a stubby tail, and a head
H I T DICE: 1 + 1 shaped like a groundhog's at the front of its
% IN LAIR: 4 0 % long and heavy body. Two daggerlike
TREASURE TYPE: 10 % chance each spikes, used as goring weapons, project up
of types J-M from the corkie's muzzle between the eyes,
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite or 2 horns pointing left and right. Corkies have light
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 o r 1-3/1-3 brown fur with rust brown stripes. A furrier
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poisonous bite will pay up to 10 gp for a corkie pelt.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil A corkie burrow spirals down from an
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard entranceway usually hidden under an over-
INTELLIGENCE: Animal hanging rock and further concealed with
ALIGNMENT: Neutral sticks and brush, giving would-be intruders
SIZE: S (4' long) only a 1 0 % chance of noticing the entrance.
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil The main entry spiral drops 10' to 30' and
AttackIDefense Modes: Nil then opens into a chamber about 5' high
LEVEL/X. P. VALUE: II/28 + 2/hp and 8' in diameter, from which several other
tunnels may branch off going up, down, or heavier than leather (to avoid becoming move. In addition, those affected by the
straight. All upldown tunnels have the same stuck), and must move on hands and knees poison will go blind 2-8 rounds after being
corkscrew shape. Various chambers may be ( 3 " movement). Abandoned corkie lairs are bitten. The effects of the poison last for 3-12
set off to the side of the entrance spiral or sometimes used by such monsters as giant hours but leave no aftereffects.
other upldown passages; the overall layout ants, small wolves and wild dogs, and giant There is a 10% chance of finding 1-3
of a corkie burrow is rather chaotic, and rats. young corkies (1-4 hp each) in a burrow
mapping one can be difficult. Rooms and Corkies are easily frightened and rarely with the 2-5 adults; they have no effective
chambers may be used for food storage, do harm to any creatures, since they eat attack. The adults, if hard pressed by in-
hibernation rooms, nursery rooms, and so only vegetable matter. However, they will truders, will snatch up the young by the
forth. Tunnels connecting the chambers are defend their lair at all costs, biting (50% scruffs of their necks and flee the burrow by
3' in diameter, and rooms vary in size from chance) or ripping with their two horns an unobstructed exit.
5' to 10' a c r o s s . (50%) in any particular round. Anyone Corkies collect little treasure and are
Abandoned corkie tunnels have been bitten by a corkie must save vs. poison or generally left alone by trappers and hunters.
used at times by small demi-human and suffer the effects of a neurotoxin in the At times, a corkie lair will extend into old
humanoid races, not to mention other sorts creature's saliva (to which corkies are im- cavern or dungeon complexes, and in such
of creatures. Halflings, kobolds, gnomes, mune, though other poisons affect them cases the tunnels are used as unconventional
goblins, and dwarves, being more able to normally). The poison causes temporary entrances and exits by the inhabitants of the
move in such confined spaces, may negoti- damage to the victim's nervous system; complex or by adventurers. Gnomes may
ate corkie tunnels without trouble even if dexterity is lost a t a rate of 1 point per communicate with corkies, as they can with
armored, and may conduct melee normally round after being bitten, until a dexterity all burrowing mammals; corkies will gener-
if weapon length and space permits. All score of 1 is reached, at which time the ally not attack gnomes and may even allow
races larger than these take a -2 penalty on character bitten is seized by uncontrollable them to pass through or stay in their bur-
"to hit" rolls, cannot use shields or armor shaking and twitching, unable to attack or rows for a short while.

DULEEP Duleep may also fire a miniature light-

ning bolt (2" range, 3-12 damage) u p to
FREQUENCY: Very rare twice per turn; one with less than 9 hit
NO. APPEARING: 1-8 points (or one that has been reduced to 9 hp
A R M O R CLASS: 9 or less) can only unleash one bolt per turn.
MOVE: 6" A11 duleep fragments have this ability, so a
H I T DICE: ½ -6 duleep separated into two smaller ones may
% I N LAIR: Nil unleash two such attacks. Note that separa-
TREASURE TYPE: Nil ... .. tion occurs only as a result of an opponent's
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 shock Duleeps seem to flow over surfaces, mov- attack or physical situation - a duleep
DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below ing like caterpillars on millions of tiny fila- cannot deliberately split into smaller wisps.
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Lightning bolt ments, and may fuse together into larger Duleeps absorb all electrical energy, magical
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Many immunities creatures. They are unaffected by fire, or natural, and will permanently gain one
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard water, heat, or cold attacks. Blows from extra hit die for every 8 hp of electrical
INTELLIGENCE: Semi- edged weapons d o full damage to these energy they absorb (the hit points gained
ALIGNMENT: Neutral creatures, but when hit they will split into from the new hit die are randomly deter-
SIZE: S (varies) two smaller wisps, each of which will con- mined), causing them to grow visibly. Du-
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil tinue to advance upon prey (count each leeps move and act independently, but they
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil duleep "fragment" as having half the "par- can sense the direction and size of other
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: II to V/34 + l/hp ent's" remaining hit points, rounding frac- duleeps within 8", and one will attempt to
to 425 + 6/hp tions up). Duleeps attack instinctively and join with another wisp if the former is re-
cannot be subdued or repelled by fear, duced to 8 hp or less (adding its hit points
Duleeps are small, amorphous creatures repulsion, or similar spells. Blunt weapons and hit dice to those of the larger creature,
that resemble thick grey sheets, wisps, and do half damage to duleeps; the filaments of up to a 6 H D maximum).
filaments of dusty cobwebs. They are no- their bodies stretch and yield to absorb Duleeps may climb the walls and ceilings
madic omnivores found in subterranean some of the shock of the blow. of any material and texture; they never slip,
and wilderness areas, preferring stony Duleeps convert ingested matter into and may grasp a surface so strongly that
surroundings such as caverns or ruins. electrical energy, which they use to aid them they cannot be removed by any physical or
They can sense the presence of other du- in movement and to stun or slay prey, such magical attack that fails to slay the creature.
leeps, vibrations, and variations in the heat as small rodents. The touch of a duleep is Duleeps have no visible sensory organs or
of their surroundings very keenly to a maxi- like a shocking grasp - the electrical shock specialized body parts and appear to consist
mum range of 8". A duleep spends its life in does at least 1-4 points of damage per round of colonies of microscopic, identical cells
an endless hunt for plant life, carrion, and (1-6 if the d u l e e p is of 3-5 H D , and 2-8 with limited sentience, highly developed
live prey. It will wait motionless to drop damage for a 6 H D type) to any creature locomotive and sensory faculties, and the
onto or be blundered into by creatures it whose bare skin or conductive armor or ability to convert organic matter to electri-
senses nearby. weaponry comes into contact with a duleep. cal energy.

EXPLODESTOOL NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 explosion Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

NO. APPEARING: 10-100 SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil Explodestools appear to be normal, edible
ARMOR CLASS: 10 MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard mushrooms, and are only discernible for
MOVE: Nil INTELLIGENCE: Non- what they are by a ranger or druid of 5th
H I T DICE: 1 hit point ALIGNMENT: Neutral level or higher, or by a sage who has studied
% IN LAIR: 100% SIZE: S (1 inch high, 2 inch diameter) plants and fungi. They are 50% likely to be
TREASURE TYPE: Nil PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil found with normal mushrooms, and they
grow anywhere above or below ground without setting them off, but any attack
where other fungi grow. involving physical contact with a ripe ex-
If a ripe explodestool is touched, it will -
plodestool will cause it to burst including
explode like a firecracker, doing 1-2 hp a real blow from a weapon such as a frost
damage to the disturber and 1 hp damage to brand or flame tongue sword. However,
all others within a 10' radius of it. All these weapons will kill an explodestool if
beings within 10' will be deafened for 1 they are held near it without touching it.
turn if they fail a saving throw vs, paralyza- When an explodestool bursts, it scatters
tion. The deafening causes a ringing sound spores in a 50' radius if there is no wind, or
in the victim's ears. This ringing has a up to 200' away in the direction of the wind
chance of ruining a spell that the victim is current if one exists. These spores can be
trying to cast if the spell has a verbal com- collected and stored in a dry container for
ponent (because the ability to hear has a up to a month without losing their potency.
great effect on the quality of one's speech). It takes four days for an explodestool to
The chance of failure is 50 % minus 1% per become fully grown from a spore and able
level of the caster, plus 1 % per level of the to explode. Most explodestool colonies have
spell. Thus, a 12th-level magic-user trying immature specimens growing on the edge of
to cast a cloudkill spell has a 43 % chance the colony, so adventurers will usually have
(50% -12 % +5% ) of havin g the spell ruined trouble identifying an explodestool colony
if he is deafened before the casting ends. untd they are in the middle of the group.
A bursting explodestool has a 90 % Some castle owners plant explodestools
chance to set off any other explodestool throw vs. deafness must be attempted for (often mixed with normal mushrooms, so
within a 10' radius of it. This phenomenon every explodestool that is set off within 10' the enemy won't know where it's safe to
can cause a chain reaction that can be dev- of a potential victim.) Explodestools can be step) around the structure's outer walls as a
astating to a group. (A separate saving destroyed by fire or cold-based attacks warning and protection device.

FACHAN exceptional strength (roll percentage ran-

FREQUENCY: Very rare domly for each individual). They move
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 about with a sort of hopping run and are
ARMOR CLASS: 4 quite agile. They can make great leaps of as
much as 10' in distance and can clear a
MOVE: 12"
H I T DICE: 6 + 3 6'-tall hurdle from a standing start. If
% IN LAIR: 20 % unarmed, a fachan may kick or stomp
TREASURE TYPE: D creatures of 6' height or less, doing 2-12
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 kick or 1 weapon points of damage on each successful hit.
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 2-12 o r by weapon Fachans weigh between 550 and 1,000 lbs.,
depending on their size, but despite this
type (plus strength bonuses) bulk can leap from a prone to a standing
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Hurling rocks position in one segment.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only Humans and demi-humans hate fachans,
on a 1 mainly because the creatures share the same
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard dietary preferences for dwarven, elven, and
INTELLIGENCE: Low halfling flesh that normal ogres have. Most
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil other humanoid creatures cannot stand
SIZE: L (9'-11' tall)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
them either, since fachans are prone to
exceptionally cruel behavior which they will
direct against anyone nearby. Only orcs and
& j --
each rock that hits its target. However, the
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/475 + 8/hp ogres have made any attempt to get along fachan's body structure and lack of depth
with fachans, and some orcish tribes have perception (because of the single eye) cause
The fachan is an unusual creature that succeeded in getting fachans to serve as the creature to take a -2 penalty "to hit" on
lives in rocky, unforested hills and rough scouts and guards. Fachans have exception- a rock throw out to any range (cumulative
terrain. It is vaguely humanoid in appear- ally acute hearing, enabling them to pick up with the -2 medium range and -5 long range
ance, but has only one arm, one leg, and the sound of approaching horsemen from penalties normally assessed). Medium range
one eye (set in the center of its face like that u p to five miles away. They can only be for a fachan's rock throw starts at 20 yards,
of a cyclops). The leg is attached to a special surprised on a roll of 1 on a six-sided die. and long range is anything from 40 to 60
joint in the center of its pelvis, and the arm In combat, fachans will usually use clubs yards.
is joined to a socket set in the middle of its or morning stars as weapons, though some Though fachans are technically giant-
chest. In many other respects the fachan can be induced to use axes or swords. Be- class humanoids, their weird body arrange-
looks like an ogre; indeed, one birth in cause they have only one hand, they cannot ment causes a ranger to receive only
every 400 among ogrekind produces a fa- use missile weapons or polearms, but they one-half (round fractions down) of the
chan. Fachans are found with 5 % of all can (because of their great strength) use normal damage bonus thet members of that
ogre tribes, and in 1 % of all orc lairs. swords of up to bastard size, and they get class getagainst such creatures. Dwarves
Fachans have dark grey-brown skin and the full "two-handed" damage results from and gnomes cannot evade fachans as they
thick, wiry, blue-black hair. Their eyes are the latter (2-8/2-16). While a fachan can use can ogres and giants, and fachans have
purple with white pupils, like those of ogres. a shield to defend itself, it would be unable normal chances to strike these smaller folk.
They have a life span of approximately 90 to hold a shield and make any attack other Alchemists and magic-users have found
years and speak the tongues of ogres, trolls, than by kicking or stomping; this would be that the hearing organs of a fachan may be
and orcs. a n extremely rare situation. used to make potions of clairaudience, It is
The musculature of the fachan's two Fachans can hurl rocks weighing up to 40 also known that the hide of a fachan's hand,
limbs is exceptional; the arm has the grip- lbs. apiece to a maximum range of 60 properly treated and enchanted, may be
ping and striking power of a fighter with yards, causing 4-10 points of damage for made into a single glove or gauntlet for
either a right or left hand, depending on the each other's effects. The user gains all bo- the gauntlet. The gauntlet may be used by
handedness of the fachan from which the nuses to grip and use a weapon in that hand dwarves in conjunction with a girdle o f
hide was taken (50% chance for either (+3 to hit, +6 to damage); however, he may giant strength and a +3 dwarven thrower
result). This gauntlet o f fachan power will not lift weights that his body could not warhammer, just as if using gauntlets of
impart 18/00 strength to the wearer's arm, normally support, since the glove only ogre power, but humans may not use such a
hand, and shoulder. Only one such glove strengthens the limb on which it is worn. glove with a hammer o f thunderbolts be-
may be worn by a person at one time; two The user gets a strength bonus for hurled cause the weapon is too large to use one-
of them worn simultaneously will negate weapons thrown by the hand wearing handed.

MOVE: //6" (//18" maximum; see below)
H I T DICE: 3 + 3
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite and 1 tail slap
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Stunning tail slap
SIZE: M (up to 5 ' diam.) 6 hp of damage in a single round to the usually solitary, but sometimes gather in
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil flailtail, or roll his own strength or less on a groups on sandy beds in large lakes. They
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil d20 (one attempt allowed per round. in are intelligent and will cooperate with other
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/85 + 4/hp addition to any attacks), to break free of the creatures to improve their own chances of
mouth's grip. The mouthtube is located in obtaining food or surviving. Flailtail young
Flailtails inhabit freshwater marshes and the center of a flailtail's underside, and can are born live; miniature versions of their
shorelines, and resemble large greenish swivel or lunge with great agility to strike parents, they are very timid and flighty,
brown lilypads or patches of pond scum prey in the water. have 1+1 HD, do half damage on attacks,
when floating in still waters. Upon closer Flailtails fight and knock prey down into but have the same armor class and move-
inspection the flailtail resembles a large the reach of their mouths with great slap- ment abilities as adults.
manta ray, but its tail is usually hidden ping blows of their tails (hence their name). Flailtails must stay near water, but can
beneath the water. Omnivorous, the flailtail A blow from one of these massive append- survive for up to 2 turns without being
floats motionless for long periods of time ages does 1-12 points of damage to small or immersed, and can cross short stretches of
while many small wormlike appendages on man-sized targets, or 1-8 to larger victims. dry land by flailing their tails constantly
its underside comb the water for micro- If a tail strikes a small or man-sized target (maximum movement on land: 6"). They
scopic life and carrion. These highly dex- for more than 4 points of damage, there is a are highly vulnerable when out of water or
trous feelers grow to be up to one foot in 30% chance that the victim will be physi- when thrashing about from place to place
length, and can acutely sense the direction cally stunned. After such a severe jolt, the on dry land (equivalent to AC 10 in such
and magnitude of vibrations in the water up victim must make a system shock check, or cases), and will flee from any combat until
to 14" away. else all his muscles will convulse and seize they reach the safety of a watery environ-
Flailtails have been known to devour up into rigid immobility for 1-3 rounds ment. They will not pursue prey or adver-
creatures as large as the catoblepas, and thereafter. saries onto dry land, and cannot be driven
often hunt man. These larger prey are eaten The creature's massive, flattened tail can out of the water against their will. They will
with a tubelike, extendable sucking mouth propel a fleeing or pursuing flailtail at ter- only voluntarily leave the water when they
ringed with toothed ridges of bone. This rific speeds when necessary (up to 18 " for as are seeking another body of water to in-
mouth does 1-4 hp damage per round long as 1 turn continuously, but no more habit, and then only if they d o not sense
Once bitten, a victim must do more than often than once every hour). Flailtails are any impending danger.


ALIGNMENT Chaotic evil
' FREQUENCY: Very rare SIZE: L (8' tall)
A R M O R CLASS: 4 AttackIDefense Modes: Nil
MOVE: 12" LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI/600 + 8/hp
H I T DICE: 6 + 6
% IN LAIR: 15 % Ghuuna (the form is singular and plural)
TREASURE TYPE: B, Q (x2) are related to gnolls in much the same way
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite or 1 weapon that lycanthropes are related to humans.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 or by However, ghuuna are the result of a special
weapon type quasi-lycanthropy created by Yeenoghu that
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Diseased bite affects only gnolls, causing them to shape-
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Cold iron or magic change into a hyaenodon form. Ghuuna are
weapons needed to hit (immune to affected by stress and the phases of the
silver); surprised only on a 1 moon in much the same manner that lycan-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard thropes are.

I n their normal (unchanged) form, chances to be surprised. powers to quest ghuuna for one day. T h e
ghuuna appear to be large gnolls. In this Each ghuuna can command and control shaman's chance for succcss is equal to the
form they shun armor and usually carry 2-8 hyenas or 1-4 hyaenodons, although chance of a cleric of equal level trying to
swords as weapons. In hyaenodon form, they cannot summon them from afar. Any turn wraiths. Each time this power is suc-
ghuuna can deliver a crushing bite for 4-16 ghuuna encountered is 8 0 % likely to be cessfully used, 1-6 ghuuna are affected.
points. In addition, their bite will inflict accompanied by 2 hyenas (70%) o r 1 hy- Gnoll shamans may use this power once per
"ghuunism" among gnolls in the same aenodon (30%) being kept as pets o r day for each level of clerical experience they
manner that lycanthropy i s spread by regu- guards. have.
lar were-creatures; humans, demi-humans, For every 10 gnolls in a gnoll band there G h u u n a may communicate with hyenas
and humanoids (other than gnolls) who are is a 5% chance for 2-5 ghuuna to be and hyaenodons, and can speak the usual
bitten must save vs. poison or be affected as present, acting as leaders and protectors. languages a gnoll may know. G h u u n a keep
if by a cause disease spell, which can be Only gnoll shamans a n d strong chieftains slaves as gnolls do. G h u u n a may not be-
cured by a cure disease spell or similar have more "push" in a gnoll band than come shamans or witch doctors. They
magic. In both forms, ghuuna have 90' ghuuna do. Female ghuuna are nearly the rarely intentionally spread "ghuunism"
infravision and acute senses of hearing and only respected females in a gnoll band. among gnolls, preferring to he "the few and
smell that act together to reduce their Gnoll shamans are able to use their the proud."

GLASSPANE HORROR create sunburst, as per a wand of illurnina-

rion; and continual light. In this form it can
FREQUENCY: Very rare attack with powerful fists that inflict 2-20
N O . APPEARING: 1 (5% chance of 1-6) points of damage. T h e humanoid form is
A R M O R CLASS: 2 subject to spell attacks, except that a color
MOVE: 9"/36" spray or lightning bolt will ricochet off its
H I T DICE: 8 body in a random direction without harrn-
% I N LAIR: 95% ing the creature.
T R E A S U R E T Y P E : Nil T h e third form of the glarspane horror is
N O . OF ATTACKS: 1 punch a clump or cloud of glistening sand. This
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-20 form, similar to that of an air elemental,
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blinding: spell use can flow across a solid surface at 36" per
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Transparency; round or can form into a whirlwind (retain-
dazzling; spell immunities ing its volume of 100 cubic feet in whatever
M A G I C RESISTANCE: Standard shape it chooses). The whirlwind causes
I N T E L L I G E N C E : Average 2-16 points of damage to any creature it
A L I G N M E N T : Lawful neutral encounters (if its roll "to hit" succeeds),
SIZE: L (see below) and any creature caught in the whirlwind
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil but has a tensile strength equivalent to that must save vs. spells or be blinded by the
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil of iron. Its presence can be detected the stinging sands for 2-8 turns thercaftcr.
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII/1350 + 10/hp same way that an invisible object can be, Although the glasspane horror is a loyal
but obviously only if the searcher is actively creature and can't be bribed, i t is not will-
T h e glasspane horror is much sought seeking to determine the presence of a n ing to sacrifice its life for its benefactor's
after as a treasure guard. If offered a place unseen object. goods If severely injured - brought down
to rest and an occasional gem, this strange T h e 'horror will notice if a creature ap- to a tenth of its hit points- it will howl
creature will gladly follow simple orders proaches within 60' from any direction, away to alert its master before seeking
(notify these guards at once if someone except that it cannot sense invisible, ethe- safety. If its master is killed, the glasspane
attacks, defend this hallway, e t c . ) . T h e real, or out-of-phase creatures. Once horror will seek revenge on the perpetra-
glasspane horror communicates by a limited alerted, the glasspane horror can transform tors, but not at the risk of its own life.
form of telepathy, being able to "speak" into either of its other forms at will; the After each engagement in which it is
only with those creatures in the same imme- transformation requires one segment. wounded, the glasspane horror will claim as
diate vicinity (60' radius). Its second form is a roughly hewn, man- its own any gems possessed by its foes - it
T h e glasspane horror has three basic shaped figure, approximately 15' tall, made can sense the presence of gems within a 1 "
forms, each with its own abilities and vul- of scintillating gemlike material. l i g h t radius. If there are none, it will expect some
nerabilities. T h e inactive form, from which glistening off its facets dazzles anyone recompense from its benefactor. T h e crea-
the creature takes its name, is a sheet of within 10' of it, forcing attackers to take a ture takes the gems in its humanoid hand,
crystalline substance 10' by 1 0 ' by 1 ' ( o r -2 penalty "to hit" (save vs. spells negates crushes them, and then absorbs the powder
any similar size with the same volume and a this effect, as does a darkness spell). This into its whirlwind body. This heals the
minimum dimension of 1 '). I t commonly form also has three magical attacks, each creature at the rate of 1 h p per 50 gp worth
rests in a doorway, hallway, window, or usable three times each day: crystalbrittle of gems so absorbed. T h e creature can also
similar space. T h e creature is transparent by touch (see D R A G O N ® Magazine # 68): heal naturallv with rest and time.


SPECIAL DEFENSES: I m m u n e to will-
FREQUENCY: Rare force spells, cold, electricity; reflects
N O . A P P E A R I N G : 1-10 psionic attacks; surprised only on a 1
A R M O R CLASS: 3 (top) / 6 ( u n d e r s i d e ) M A G I C RESISTANCE: Standard
MOVE: 11"//18" (6") I N T E L L I G E N C E : Animal
H I T DICE: 6 + 6 A L I G N M E N T : Neutral
% I N LAIR: Nil SIZE: L (up to 25 ' long)
T R E A S U R E T Y P E : Nil P S I O N I C ABILITY: Nil
N O . O F ATTACKS: 2 claws a n d 1 bite Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/see below
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 -4/1-4/3-12 LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V1/650 + 8/hp
These armored predators roam coastal and break up food; the last pair sport leaf- (treat larvae as having 1-4 HD, with attacks
waters and beaches, feeding on mollusks, like "wings" which aid in swimming and of 1-2/1-2/1-6).
worms, plants, carrion, and anything else clear away mud when the crab is burrow- Giant horseshoe crabs differ from their
they can catch. The giant horseshoe crab ing. If a crab loses its claws, the foremost smaller cousins in having magical powers.
looks formidable, with its dark brown seg- pair of legs will serve as weapons instead Chonts are immune to all mind-control
mented carapace, fearsome-looking tail, and (same damage figures). spells and all cold and electrical attacks, and
large compound eyes. The tail, in fact, is Behind these, under the second segment are able to reflect back all psionic attacks
never used for fighting and can be safely of the carapace, are five pairs of gills with upon the attacker (but otherwise exhibit no
grasped. It is powerful and highly mobile long flaps that keep water moving over the psionic powers). They have the ability to
and is used as a prow when burrowing gill membranes and aid in swimming. cast one shocking grasp spell at will by
through sand and to right an overturned Horseshoe crabs have three pairs of eyes: touch every 10 turns, and the power to cast
crab. one set on the underside of its front rim, a one 4d6 lightning bolt every 25 turns (range
O n its underside the crab has a sucking large pair on the carapace, and a small and other statistics as per the spell).
mouth flanked by two crablike claws. Be- hidden pair atop the abdomen. Thus, they Chonts will always defend their smaller
hind this are bony, grinding ridges that can see the approach of creatures out to a brethren if the latter are attacked nearby.
crush food; all that a crab seizes is passed 9" range (or the limit of sight in the sur- Sailors report that these normally placid
here by its claws and then transferred for- rounding waters, if less), and are rarely creatures occasionally attack and smash
ward into the mouth, which will regurgitate surprised. These eyes can distinguish move- small craft, attacking in a group by ram-
undigestible material. (The crushing noise ment and masses of color, but not images. ming the boat with their armored snouts
the crab makes while eating has earned it Huge numbers of horseshoe crabs come and then seizing creatures in the water.
the nickname "chont.") Behind these are ashore on certain beaches at certain times to An undamaged horseshoe crab brain is
five pairs of legs. The first four can be used mate. The eggs they lay then hatch into an ingredient in the magical inks for writing
as pincers and have spurlike spikes to grip marine larvae that slowly grow to full size shocking grasp and lightning bolt spells.

FREQUENCY: Rare on Astral Plane;
unknown elsewhere
MOVE: 8" to 16" (see below)
H I T DICE: 8-16
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1-4 tentacles
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Dissolving; bag of
devouring lure; multiple attacks;
"swallowing" whole
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spell and psionic astral creatures (10 yards per round per locations, and as soon as it finds such crea-
immunities; blunt weapons do ½ damage point of intelligence, which in this case tures it will make directly for them to at-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard equates to hit dice). tack. The ihagnim will lash out at its prey
INTELLIGENCE: Average to exceptional There are two major organs within an with 1-4 tentacles each round; a tentacle can
ALIGNMENT: Neutral ihagnim's body; one is the nucleus, contain- reach out to a distance of up to twice as far
SIZE: L (8'-16' diameter) ing the brain and other organs, and the as the ihagnim's body diameter (thus an 8
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil other is the stomach (having a volume of 30 HD monster, 8' across, can reach out to
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil cubic feet). The nucleus is capable of manu- 16'). If a tentacle hits an opponent, it
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII to X/ facturing a special organ that has a trans- wraps around it and pulls it toward the
1975 + l0/hp to 13100 + 20/hp planar link to the stomach; this organ looks monster's body. A victim has a chance of
remarkably like a bag or sack and radiates pulling free from the tentacle equal to his
(Note: See DRAGON ® Magazine #67 for magic if this is checked for. Ihagnim can chance of pulling free of a bag of devouring
more information on the Astral Plane and cause their baglike organs to plane shift (i.e., a 25% base chance, plus 5% for every
the nature of movement and combat in that across to the Prime Material Plane, where point of the figure's strength bonus on
environment). curious humans or other creatures find damage; a man with 18/00 strength has a
Ihagnim are among the very few known them and believe them to be bags of holding 55% chance of pulling free). If the oppo-
creatures that normally inhabit the Astral (since the bag connects directly to the stom- nent pulls away, the ihagnim may roll to
Plane. Being native to this plane, they ach, simulating an extra-dimensional attack the same figure on the next round if
experience normal feelings of hunger (un- space). Some ihagnim have a special lure in that target is still within range. Those who
like visitors from other planes) and have their stomachs that resembles a cluster of are dragged to the ihagnim's body are
developed special talents for getting their beans or a small fuzzy ball, thus causing the transferred to the stomach in the same
food. unwary users of the bag to confuse it with round, where digestion by powerful acids
An ihagnim appears to be a large, plastic other sorts of magical sacks. Those who are begins. A character will be fully digested on
amoeba with a translucent body. It is diffi- familiar with such devices call them bags of the following round, and will not be recov-
cult to see against the background of the devouring, see the description of that item erable by any means.
Astral Plane and sighting distances to it are in the DMG. T h e only way to avoid being digested is
reduced to 10% of the normal range. The Ihagnim reproduce by fission. A newly to expose the stomach lining to some sort of
surface of an ihagnim is generally smooth, created ihagnim has 8 HD and 57 hp, an poison, which (if it doesn't kill the ihagnim)
though it is capable of forming large tenta- intelligence of 8, and a movement allowance will cause it to "spit out" its stomach con-
cles to reach out and catch its prey. An of 8" in astral space (80 yds./round). It is tents immediately. This could only be done
ihagnim moves through astral space by capable of detecting any living creatures on the round in which the ihagnim is trying
mental concentration, like all other within 240 yards and is aware of their exact to digest its meal; if the attempt to intro-
duce poison fails (the character has no smaller ihagnim, each with 8 HD and 57 Anyone entering the Astral Plane in
poison potions or misses a n attack against hp. This process takes 5-10 rounds; the possession of a bag of devouring will attract
the AC 0 stomach wall with a poisoned creature cannot move during that time. the ihagnim who made it within 1-1 2 turns
dagger), the character is lost. Afterward, T h e number of hit dice an ihagnim pos- as an extra encounter. Destroying a bag of
there is a 5 % chance per turn that the sesses is equal to its diameter in feet, its
devouring does no harm to the ihagnim,
ihagnim will "spit out" any nondigestible intelligence score, and its movement rate in
except to cause the nucleus to start manu-
items (armor, weapons, equipment, etc.). tens of yards per round. Thus. a 16 HD
facturing another bag, which will be com-
Ihagnim can eat any number of creatures ihagnim that undergoes fission will produce
two smaller ihagnim that move at half the pleted in 1-4 weeks. An ihagnim may have
at one "sitting," subject to the rules below.
only one such bag at any time.
For every 100 lbs. of living material con- speed of the original one (8" instead of 16").
When encountered, there is a 10%
sumed by an ihagnim, the ihagnim gains 1 The thick, plasticlike bodies of ihagnim
chance that an ihagnim will have various
hit point. For every 8 hp gained, the reduce all damage taken by blunt weapons
treasures contained in its stomach, put there
ihagnim gains another effective hit die to one-half of its original amount; sharp-
by someone on the Prime Material Plane
(57-64 hp = 8 HD, 65-72 hp = 9 HD, and so edged weapons d o normal damage. All
who thinks he or she is filling a bag of hold-
on up to 121-128 h p = 16 HD). Thus, an 8 ihagnim are immune to haste, slow, paraly-
ing. T h e usual amounts of treasure found
H D (57 hp) ihagnim that eats a 112 Ib. sis, hold, or charm attacks. Fire-based spells can be determined as follows:
figure gains a point to 58 hp; after eating a n d o half-damage; cold spells do normal dam- 30% chance of 100-400 gp
88 lb. figure on the following round, it gains age and render the creature unable to attack 40 % chance of 200-800 ep
another point to 59 h p (carrying over the (though it can still move) for 1-4 rounds 50% chance of 200-1200 sp
excess weight amount from the previous thereafter. Psionic attacks do not affect 30% chance of 1-4 jewels
feeding). Once an ihagnim reaches a total of ihagnim, and they cannot communicate 10% chance of 1-2 small magical items
128 hp, it will begin to divide into two with any creature, except each other. (potion, scroll, misc.)

MILLIKAN is the retractable, funnel-like snout in the

center of its body, from which it shoots a
FREQUENCY: Rare gout of flame (powered by methane) once
NO. APPEARING: 2-5 per round, in a cone 10' long with a 10'
ARMOR CLASS: 5 base. This causes 1-8 points of damage, or
MOVE: 3" half that amount if the target saves vs.
H I T DICE: 5 + 1 breath weapon.
% IN LAIR: 75% The second weapon complements the
TREASURE TYPE: See below first. The creature has an extendable tube
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 (see below) that it projects out the top of its body, with
DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below which it can spray two 30' x 10' areas with
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Oil; flamethrower; oil each round (at 30' range). Any creatures
surprises on 1-5 in the area must save vs. breath weapon or
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Camouflage contact the spray. A save vs. wands is then
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard called for to see if the victim is blinded for
INTELLIGENCE: Semi- 1-6 rounds by the oil. In any event, the oil
ALIGNMENT: Neutral will cover the target, dripping off in an
SIZE: S (3' tall) that ignites its flamethrower. Another one hour. During this time, however, the milli-
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil charges up the capacitor (when in battle), kan will attempt to project its flame weapon
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil which takes up a good portion of the milli- at the oil-covered being. This burning oil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/425 + 6/hp kan's cylindrical body. Charged oil droplets will do another 2-16 points of damage the
are released into the capacitor's electric field first round and 2-8 the second (save for half
A millikan looks like a tree stump, about where they are accelerated to high velocity. damage as above). The millikan feeds on a
3' high, with numerous gnarled roots. In These oil drops then enter the periscopelike body it has burned by settling on it and
the center of the cylindrical body, sticking sprayer and are directed out the top at a absorbing nutrients through its rootlike
out horizontal to the ground, is a funnel-like target. legs.
projection (the flamethrower). A ring of tiny The millikan is a semi-intelligent carni- Because of the millikan's appetite for
eyes circles the trunk above the projection. vore. Its preferred habitat is a swampy certain valuable metals, the treasure types
From the top of the "stump" the millikan forest or a cold, damp, subterranean lair, found with it will not conform exactly to
may extend an appendage resembling a thin and it is not always hostile to intruders; in any found on the charts. There will never
periscope, which is its oil sprayer. The fact, it is liable to ignore anyone who is not be any copper, silver, or electrum found in
millikan is a drab and blotchy greenish- threatening it if it is not hungry (50% its lair (unless the party carrying that trea-
brown or grey in color, and has a thick, chance). A good deal of the millikan's inter- sure was slain very recently), nor will any
barklike skin. nal structure is composed of metallic sub- jewelry or magic items composed of these
With its sprayer and flame projector stances. For this reason it hungers for metals survive its appetite. Iron will be
retracted, the millikan is unlikely to be metals (particularly silver and copper), as devoured if the millikan falls upon hard
noted as anything more than a stump. A well as animal flesh needed to provide it times. It cannot dissolve gold or platinum,
druid might (10% chance) find its form with food and fuel for its methane projector and gems and other non-conductors are
peculiar, but would not likely realize that it and oil sprayer (the oil is synthesized inter- useless to it.
was something more than a new species of nally from animal fat). It is capable of dis- T h e following treasure types will appear
tree. For this reason, millikans nearly al- solving metals at its roots and transporting in and around its lair: Type Z for gold,
ways gain surprise when they attack. those nutrients to needed areas of its body. platinum, and magic, and Type Q (x5) for
Internally, the millikan's body is much Millikans are uninterested in gold (they gems. If the D M is generous, a few pieces
like a giant organic electric circuit. O n e of cannot dissolve it) and gems (they are inedi- of gold and platinum jewelry may also
its organs is capable of generating a chemi- ble), and these objects can be found in large appear.
cal potential (like a battery) which can be quantities in their lair. It is not possible to take the valuable
turned on and off voluntarily. O n e of the T h e millikan has a unique form of of- metals out of a slain millikan's body, since
major circuits is responsible for the spark fense. Its first and major offensive weapon the metals are turned into internal "wiring"
with the diameter of human nerve cells. A ued in the making of potions (symbolic of with apologies to R . A. Millikan and his
lengthy (and messy) smelting process could the flow of power) and is occasionally used famous oil-drop experiment of 1909. Milli-
be used, but would result in only a few as a material component for certain electri- kan, using a capacitor and tiny charged
pounds of metal reclaimed per millikan. cal spells. drops of oil, devised an ingenious method to
The batter y organ of the millikan is val- (Author's note: The millikan is created determine the unit of electric charge.)

NAGA, Dark power of' ESP (8" range), and can cast spells
as a 6th-level magic-user (four 1st-level
FREQUENCY: Very rare spells, two 2nd-level spells, and two 3rd-
NO. APPEARING: 1-2 lcvel spells per day). Dark nagas only em-
ARMOR CLASS: 6 ploy spoken magic and are always eager to
MOVE: 13" acquire new spells from any source. Note
H I T DICE: 7-9 that a naga must experiment with and
% IN LAIR: 60% modify spells involving somatic and mate-
TREASURE TYPE: I, Q, T, X rial components to an entirely verbal form
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite and 1 sting (player characters cannot d o this, however).
DAMAGEIATTACK: 1 -4/2-8 This process takes some time; a naga can-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spell use; not cast a spell by reading from a spell
poisonous sting book. However, spell books and spell scrolls
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil may well be hidden in a dark naga's lair,
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard gained from trades, magic-using victims, or
INTELLIGENCE: High the discovery of earlier hoards.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil In battle, a dark naga may use a spell and
SIZE: L (12' long) in the same round strike at an opponent
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil with the poisonous barbed sting in its tail.
AttackIDefense Modes: Nil Its sting does 2-8 hp damage plus poison
LEVEL/X. P. VALUE: 7 HD, VI/700 + 8/hp (save or take 1-2 hp additional damage and
8 HD, VII/1100 + 10/hp fall into a drugged sleep for 1-6 rounds). A
9 HD, VII/1700 + 12/hp dark naga can bite for 1-4 hp if it does not
cast a spell; the naga can use its tail sting
Dark nagas, fey creatures who further the against the same target as its bite only when
ends of evil on the Prime Material Plane, space permits, but in narrow passages it can
dwell in caverns and ruins. They usually fight targets both in front of and behind it,
work with other creatures for mutual gain using its spells (or bite) and its sting sepa-
and/or defense. They have the natural rately against multiple opponents.

worn but sturdy leather. A peltast can

FREQUENCY: Very rare change its shape in 2 rounds to resemble
N O . APPEARING: 1 any leathery item of clothing or accoutre-
ARMOR CLASS: 7 ments worn next to the skin, commonly a
MOVE: 4 " leather boot, belt, thong, wristband, strap,
H I T DICE: 1 + 6 glove, or cap. Quite often, if it sees a suit-
% IN LAIR: Nil able host creature drop such an item, it will
TREASURE TYPE: Nil swiftly move and change form so as to be
NO. O F ATTACKS: See below mistaken for the missing item. A peltast
DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below feels like leather, does not breathe, give off
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise feeding; heat, or make any sound, and is of about
poisons water the same weight as leather (though with no
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to poison odor).
When donned, a peltast exudes a liquid
and blunt weapon attacks; mimicry;
which serves as an anesthetic and a tissue
fire resistance softener; there is only a 1% chance that the
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 7% host will feel something amiss. The peltast
INTELLIGENCE: Average is skilled in its surgery, using this liquid the host (it can do this only once per day)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral with pinpoint precision to open a small A peltast has a slight magic resistance,
SIZE: S (see below) wound in its victim by dissolving the skin in and this protection is extended to its host
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil a small, hidden area. Through this contact, (being added to any natural or magically
AttacklDcfense Modes: Nil/Nil it "feeds" on its victim, absorbing 1 hp of bestowed resistance possessed by the host).
LEVEL/X. P. VALUE: III/81 + 2/hp blood-borne nutrients every day. A healthy A peltast's skin can sense vibrations,
host will likely never notice the slight weak- distinguish scents with acute sensitivity, and
The peltast is a curious creature that can ness this causes, and will never fall ill from can see up to 6 " both with infravision and
exist in symbiosis with a human or human- the peltast's feeding since the body, with normal vision through tiny, flat eyes which
oid creature. Demi-humans, such as elves rest, will recuperate 1 hp cach night. it can conceal entirely within its form or
or dwarves, d o not seem right for its needs, A peltast will leave a diseased host, but reveal through slits when in use. A peltast
and it uses them only as "carriers" to con- while attached it will neutralize any insinu- exudes any waste material from itself when-
vey itself to a more suitable host. ated poisons in the bloodstream, feeding on ever immersed in water (thus staining and
A peltast is a small, amorphous creature the venom itself. The peltast has an interest poisoning the water; anyone who drinks the
without visible organs or limbs, about the in keeping its host alive; should the host be same water must save vs. poison at +2 or
size of three fists in volume. Its skin has a reduced to 1 hp or less and still live, the become nauseated for 2-8 rounds, unable to
textured, mottled brown hue resembling peltast will inject 3-6 hp of energy hack into attack or defend). Peltasts apparently live
for more than sixty years, are asexual, and all saving throws vs. fire and is unaffected walls, ceilings, etc., even when these are
reproduce by dividing into two smaller, by crushing blows or attacks by blunt weap- wet or oily. A peltast will never fight an-
identical creatures, which grow as fast as ons. All edged-weapon cuts d o normal other peltast, nor join a host already carry-
the food supply permits. damage. Peltasts move by creeping, worm- ing one; peltasts can somehow sense each
A peltast's body is resilient; it gains +1 on like, along any surface. They can stick to other from up to 4 " away.

PITCHER PLANT, Giant and drop the prey into the vase. The victim
usually drowns in 3-6 rounds unless it can
FREQUENCY: Uncommon swim; even then, however, the plant re-
NO. APPEARING: 2-8 leases acids into the water which do 1-4
ARMOR CLASS: 6 points of damage per round to the victim
MOVE: Nil until it is eventually killed and dissolved.
H I T DICE: See below The acids are not strong enough to harm
% I N LAIR: 100% metals except over very long periods of
TREASURE TYPE: J , K (10%) time, so a victims' money, armor, and
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 grab weapons will often be found inside the vase.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: See below The plant detects nearby prey through a
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Drowning; series of pressure-sensitive vines buried
dissolving within a 10' radius around it. Only those
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil creatures light enough to be lifted up will be
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard attacked.
INTELLIGENCE: Non- Rescuing victims trapped inside a pitcher
ALIGNMENT: Neutral plant can be difficult. If 12 hp of damage
SIZE: L (5'-8' tall) can be inflicted on the walls of the plant's
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil vase, the acidic water will leak out, but the
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil victim will still not be able to escape, since
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI/638 sharp spines grow along the inside walls of
the plant and prevent all climbing attempts
The most passive of all known carnivo- (unless the victim I S very determined, in
rous plants, the normally small-sized pitcher which case 6-24 points of damage will be
plant has sometimes evolved into a much and the plant is usually half to two-thirds inflicted during the escape attempt, success-
larger and more aggressive creature, though full of rainwater. ful or not). If 48 hp of damage are inflicted
it is still not as dangerous as others of its A whiplike organ, about four inches on the walls of the plant, the vase will fall
kind. The plant is shaped like a giant green thick, extends from the lip of the vase's apart, and the victim may escape easily.
vase made up of toughened base leaves mouth; this whip is 20 feet long and able to The plant has no hit dice as such, but will
tightly woven together with small vines. attack and coil about a creature (rolling to die if 100 hp of damage or more is inflicted
There is an opening at the top of the vase, hit as a 6 HD monster), lift up to 80 lbs., on the vase

SEASTAR fight by fastening themselves to a victim

with their arms and eating away with their
FREQUENCY: Uncommon powerful triple-beaked jaws.
NO. APPEARING: 1-12 Seastars have slimy, mottled green and
ARMOR CLASS: 9 (7 for eyes) brown bodies, three arms, and nine tubu-
MOVE: //10" lar eyes set in rows of three between each
H I T DICE: 1 (eyes' hp are extra) arm, on the edges of the jaws. The eyes
% IN LAIR: Nil (AC 7 ) are easily destroyed, having only 1
TREASURE TYPE: Nil hp each. The seastar can regenerate all
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite parts of its body (1 hp/day), and will flee
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 combat upon the loss of an arm or all three
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil of any row of its eyes.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil When on the bottom, seastars prefer
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard rocky areas with crevices and caves in which
INTELLIGENCE: Low they can conceal themselves from larger
ALIGNMENT: Neutral predators and prey alike. They breed in
SIZE: S (up to 4 ' armspan) undersea caves or in the empty shclls of
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil marine creatures, laying a large, translucent
AttacWDefense Modes: Nil jellylike egg mass for another seastar to
LEVEL1X.P. VAI.UE: I/10 + 1/hp fertilize. A typical egg mass contains 20-200
eggs, of which 40% hatch, and less than
Seastars are small marine and freshwater 10% survive to mature form.
creatures that drift near the surface. feeding Seastars may be solitary, or hunt in
on fish, carrion, and creatures that fall into packs. They may be trained and telepathi-
or float upon the water. Occasionally, a cally controlled by beings with telepathic
seastar will swim to the bottom to take powers who can provide continuing benefit
refuge, breed, or feed on mollusks (which i t to the seastars, but this control does not
can pry open with its powerful arms). Sea- extend to ignoring prey or taking actions
stars often ride on the undersides of ships contrary to the natural behavior of the
and smaller craft, and will drag down some- seastar. It is not known how such training is
one who dangles a limb close to the water or accomplished, but it is said magical arts and
dives or falls overboard. Seastars usually control of the seastars' breeding is involved.
Adult male Adult female Young
FREQUENCY: Very rare Rare Rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 2-12
MOVE: 22" 18" 20 "
H I T DICE: 5+5 6 +6 1+1
% I N LAIR: Nil Nil See below
N O . O F ATTACKS: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
DMG./ATTACK: 5-20 6-48 2-8
SPEC. DEFENSES: See below See below See below
MAGIC RES.: Standard Standard Standard
INTELLIGENCE: Average Average Average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Neutral Neutral
SIZE: L (8' long) L (1 2' + long) S (3' long)
Att/Def Modes: Nil Nil Nil
LVL/X.P. VAL.: V/225 + 6/hp V/350 + 8/hp I/28 + 2/hp
The scallion is a feared and thankfully rare predator of the deeps.
Scallions seldom spawn, but the young, called "biters" by sailors,
remain long with their mother. This large female cruises the deeps,
often venturing close to shore or even up rivers if the water is warm.
When she sights likely prey, she opens her great mouth and from it
speed the razor-toothed young, from 2-12 in number These vora-
cious fish attack in a swarming pack, biting and slashing at prey
with their teeth. T h e mother devours what thcy leave, and comes to
their rescue with her iron jaws and great bulk should they encounter
a strong foe. their way to freedom). These mature young are adults with full hit
Scallions and octopi are deadly enemies, and a scallion's jaws can dice, but having only half the hit points of a full-grown adult. The
sever the tentacles of a n octopus, crush shells and carapaces, and young tend to scatter after slaying their mother. Young do band
breach the hulls of ships with ease. They are rarely so roused, how- together if they become separated from or lose thcir mother before
ever, and usually rely on their progeny to dcal with other creatures. they mature.
Scallions have unusual nervous systems which render them insensi- The male scallion is rarely seen; a silent, solitary ghost who glides
tive to vibration, pain, and all forms of paralysis or mental attack. through uncrowded waters. Black and sharklike, the male is nick-
They hunt by sight and smell rather than by sensing underwater named "the shadow" by the aquatic races, for this is all they nor-
vibrations. mally see of him if they survivc an encounter.
A scallion mother carries her young for 1-6 years or until she is Sharks seldom accompany scallions, for they soon learn that they
slain by disease, foes, o r the young themselves (who upon reaching are regarded as food - and usually end up that way. Scallions never
physical maturity attack her aggressively from within, literally eating swallow prey whole.

SHRIKE, Giant changes to a high, shrill whistle, and it
wings after its quarry. It will attack man-
FREQUENCY: Rare sized or larger creatures of all snrts, and
NO. APPEARING: 1 seldom shows fear. A shrike's talons are too
ARMOR CLASS: 7 feeble to tear its prey and slay it, so a shrike
MOVE: 3"/26" rams and batters with its wings and body
H I T DICE: 3 (1-6 damage per blow), forcing its victim to
% IN LAIR: 25% stop or land and attempt a defense, wherc-
TREASURE TYPE: See below upon it clubs and tears at the victim with its
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 beak and1 slam hooked beak, doing 3-12 points of damage
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-12/1-6 per strike. A hunting shrike is persistent,
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil murderous, and loves to kill; it may slay
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil creatures it has no intention of eating,
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard though it can also store food for later. When
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high a kill is made, the body of thr victim is
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil gathered up and laboriously flown to a lair
SIZE: M (4' long. 9' wingspan) in a thorny tree or bush.
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Shrike lairs are usually in desolate places,
AttackIDefense Modes: Nil so the "butcherbird" can see enemies ap-
LEVELIX. P. VALUE: III/50 + 3/hp proaching. Treasure from slain victims may
be strewn there, but it is not valued or kept
The giant shrike, like its smaller cousin, track of by the shrike (i.e., it is random).
is a demure-looking bird with a pleasant, and a small hooked, notched and toothed Shrikes are solitary creatures and range
low-voiced song of bubbling, chuckling beak, and does not look dangerous at all. A widely, often hunting many miles from t h e i r
noises. It has a white throat and underbelly, shrike can mimic the squeaky call of a baby lairs. Once every six winters, they seek out
a grey body with black marks on its wings, bird in distress to lure other birds and pred- a shrike of the opposite sex and mate in
and a raccoonlike "mask" stripe of black ators near. secluded thickets, making a tidy nest of
about its eyes. It has small but sharp claws When a shrike sights prey, its song woven rootlets, feathers, and grasses. From
1-4 cream-colored eggs are laid. The male shrike. There they grow rapidly to mature gentle swell) while thus floating, but cannot
then leaves the female, who sits on the eggs, size and powers. Shrikes live up to 30 years. swim or dive into water after undersea
starving for a week or more until she can A minor variety called the sea shrike lives creatures. They can take off from water
bear it no longer and takes wing to hunt. in coastal areas, and often wings far out without difficulty, even when heavily laden
She never returns, and 70% of the eggs will over the waves to escape land-based pursu- (i.e., with man-sized prey). Sea shrikes
hatch within days of her departure. ers or to prey on livestock and men on the prize sea turtles, horseshoe crabs, and other
Baby shrikes are AC 9, MV 16", HD decks of ships, sea birds, and the like. A aquatic creatures that come ashore to mate,
1-1, 2 attacks for 1-4/ 1-2, and are as aggres- strong flyer, its wingspan is 2 feet or more attacking them in a frenzy of bloodletting
sive and cunning as their parents. They larger than that of its inland cousin, and sea (although giant crabs often drag down and
fend for themselves, abandoning the nest in shrikes have been known to fly through slay an attacking shrike with their pincer
long flights to seek a territory of their own, fierce storms unscathed. Sea shrikes can claws). Several shrikes may gather at such a
and will not be content until they are in a plop down to rest on the water's surface, feast, but they will ignore each other, hunt-
good hunting area not inhabited by another sculling about (6" move in calm waters or ing on their own for food.

SIND council of elders, but their word is by no

means absolute.
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Marshwiggles will fight to defend them-
NO. APPEARING: 10-100 selves or their fellows, or for a cause or
ARMOR CLASS: 7 being they support, but are not aggressive.
MOVE: 13"//19" A marshwiggle will always have a staff and
HIT DICE: 4 + 4 a dagger when encountered, and may also
% IN LAIR: 80% (20% chance) possess a sword, bow, tri-
TREASURE TYPE: H dent, or spear.
NO. O F ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite, Sind worship Sindar, also called
or 1 weapon "Marshwinter" or "The Tall One. " Sindar
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 -2/1-2/1-4 is a wandering, immortal sind who aids his
or by weapon type people in their need; if a colony of sind is
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Imprisonment threatened, there is a 1 0 % chance he will
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spell immunities; appear, unannounced, to lead them in
poison resistance battle. Sindar will be known upon sight by
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard any sind, even if they have never seen him
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high before, and they will obey him absolutely.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good H e appears as a 20' tall sind, and is AC 0
SIZE: L (6'-10' tall) with 1 1 1 hp, attacks 3-12/3-12/3-24, 35%
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil (30%) acquire as they mature; the power to magic resistance, and is immune to all
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil entomb one creature (cf, the 9th level encuhantment/charm, mind reading,
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IV/210 + 5/hp magic-user spell imprisonment) per day by influence/control spells or psionics. Sindar
"Imprisoners": V/285 + 5/hp touch. No words or knowledge of the tar- speaks common, neutral good, and the
get's name and background are required. tongue of lizard men, and can communicate
Sind, or "marshwiggles," are a humanoid Sind see as well as a human, carrying (by touch) telepathically with any creature.
race who dwell in marshlands in peaceful lanterns at night to light their way (the H e can imprison one creature per round, by
colonies. They speak common as well as the source of many bobbing lights seen deep in touch (use of this power usually takes the
tongue of their alignment, and sometimes marshes), and can detect all creatures up to place of one of his hand attacks). Sind gain
(10 % chance) also that of lizard men. 3 " away by smell. They have tough, horny no spells or clerical abilities from their
Sind work and trade with other beings, skin that is not easily harmed by sharp worship of Sindar - indeed, there is no
but prefer privacy, each dwelling d o n e in a weaponry and surroundings, and they can priesthood or organized worship; each sind
dry, warm straw-lined wigwam built of handle prickly or sharp objects, or scratch- makes his or her own private devotions,
sticks arranged in a conical shape and ing and biting animals, without harm. Sind consisting of prayers, promises, and confes-
sealed with a thick layer of mud. Such have sunken-cheeked, sharp-nosed, grim sions. Sindar has no symbol and no perma-
wigwams are always located within a faces. They gain +3 on all saving throws vs. nent home, although he inhabits the Prime
marsh, where the sind fish for small eels, poison because of their hardy constitutions. Material Plane. He is said to be very dex-
crayfish, frogs, and small fish. Because of They have standard maglc resistance, ex- trous, able to catch and hurl back missiles of
their size, they seldom capture a meal by cept that they are immune to the following all sorts hurled or shot at him in battle.
swimming after it, but prefer to fish with a spells: charm, suggestion, sleep, hold, and Sind and lizard men are sometimes allies
hook and line, a net, or even by snatching slow. against common enemies, being more often
prey from the water with their long, webbed Sind are not avaricious, but value trea- neighbors who coexist peacefully, largely
fingers. sure highly for its bargaining power in ignoring one another. There is seldom strife
Sind tend to be dour, cynical pessimists, obtaining goods (such as clothes and weap- between the two races.
but they are also stubborn, pragmatic, ons, which they seldom make) and services Sind have small torsos but very long arms
good-natured and sensitive. If one is be- (such as leaving the sind alone), and will and legs. Their skin is brown to green, and
friended, he will trust, and can be trusted, collect any they find in the marsh (from they have green-gray, reedlike hair (but no
absolutely. Sind have a dry, slow sense of hoards, burials, or unfortunate intruders). facial hair). Their hands and feet are
humor. When at leisure, they enjoy a good Sind generally mate for life and produce webbed like those of a frog, and they wear
smoke (employing pipes and a tobacco children ("wiggles") once every 3-4 sum- loose, earth-colored clothe s, often with a hat
mixed with marsh-mud, which produces a mers, having 1 or 2 at a time. Such children to help keep the hot sun from drying their
thick, black smoke heavier than air). They are miniature (1 ' tall) replicas of their skin. They can swim very well, can breathe
avoid intoxicating drinks except for special parents (1 H D , attacks 1/1/1-2, powers as water like a fish and walk on water at will,
occasions, for they are easily made tipsy, an adult) and are able to fend for themsel- and prefer to remain still and inconspicuous
and when inebriated they become wildly ves immediately. Normally they remain as much as possible. They do not count as
joyous and reckless. Sind are greatly feared with their parents for 2-6 years, until full humanoids for purposes of ranger attacks
by some for a power that only some sind grown. Sind colonies are loosely ruled by a against them.
,? glow brightly. Each charge will last for four
rounds, fading out at the end of that time.
FREQUENCY: Uncommon on Astral During those four rounds, any non-living
Plane; unknown elsewhere object (missile, weapon, or whatever) hit-
NO. APPEARING: 1-6 ting the star leviathan must make a saving
A R M O R CLASS: 10 throw vs. magical fire, with appropriate
MOVE: 12" to 1 8 " (see below) bonuses for magical enchantments (if any
H I T DICE: 24 are possessed while in astral space) or be
% IN LAIR: Nil disintegrated without damaging the crea-
TREASURE TYPE: Nil ture. Living creatures who directly touch a
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 tail slap star leviathan's energy field or are holding
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 10-40 onto something that is touching a levia-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Telekinesis than's field are also affected, and must save
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Molecular sh vs. spells or take 4-16 points damage (half if
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard the save is made). All items on that person
INTELLIGENCE: Very to genius must also save vs. magical fire or be disinte-
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good grated. If attackers move away when it
SIZE: L (70'-100' long) starts to glow, it will strike at one with its
PSIONIC ABILITY: 220-280 tail to deliver physical damage and the
Attack/Defense Modes: All / all molecular shock charge at the same time. It
LEVEL/X. P. VALUE: X/l3600 + 35/hp takes one full round to charge the molecular
not difficult if one is not surprised. Upon shock field, during which time the star
(Note: See DRAGON ® Magazine #67 for discovering other living creatures in astral leviathan cannot attack or move; any physi-
more information on the Astral Plane and space, star leviathans will use telepathy in cal damage it sustains during that round
the nature of movement and combat in that order to communicate with them. They will will not stop production of the field, how-
environment.) sometimes follow adventurers or other astral ever, which goes into effect at the start of
Now and then come reports from astral travelers for a long time, and will assist the next round.
travelers of what appear to be great whale- them so long as the travelers are friendly If a star leviathan runs out of psionic
like beings "swimming" through astral and do not mind "talking." ability points at any time while on the As-
space. These creatures, called star levia- In addition to telepathy and astral projec- tral Plane, it will disappear (its spirit re-
thans for the sparkling appearance of their tion, star leviathans have the psionic disci- turns to its home plane). T h e D M will need
hides, do not appear to be evil or cruel, and pline of telekinesis and use it at the 24th to keep careful track of a leviathan's psionic
some actually seem friendly to travelers who level of mastery, able to move masses of up ability points, remcrnbering to subtract 10
do not try to attack them. to 9000 gp weight. They are not accus- points from the initially generated score for
A star leviathan resembles a blue whale tomed to using telekinesis to hurl missiles at the astral projection power which is contin-
except that it has a very dark blue, almost opponents, and will not do so even if shown uously maintained; those 10 points cannot
black, color; there are tiny silver and gold how to (they do not have the binocular, be recovered by resting until the leviathan
flecks shot through their skins that produce three-dimensional vision required for this leaves the Astral Plane.
a n appearance like the gemstone lapis la- because of the placement of their eyes). Star leviathans have what is best de-
zuli. When seen, star leviathans each trail a They do, however, know how to catch ob- scribed as a "godlike" personality. They
silver cord, so they are obviously using a jects in their telekinetic grip at ranges out to generally treat other travelers as interesting
form of astral projection to travel through 270 yards, and may pull them in closer for but minor companions, and are experienced
the Astral Plane; no one knows which inspection. If attacked, they have been and knowledgeable about the astral environ-
Prime Material Plane they come from, and known to catch opponents with telekinesis ment. They are playful, and it is difficult to
they have never revealed their home to and hold them while another leviathan convince them to treat any matter seriously;
anyone even under duress or charm. They moves over and smashes them with its tail they seem amused even when confronting
are apparently a race of psionic whales, for 10-40 points of damage. More than one powerful evil opponents. Living in astral
normally ocean-dwelling but capable of opponent, so long as their total mass does space for such prolonged periods has altered
psionic astral projection which they appar- not exceed 900 lbs., can be caught by a their perception of time, and they treat all
ently use for their amusement and curiosity. single star leviathan's telekinesis. Though events as either in the distant, remote past
They can also use one other psionic power they have mouths, star leviathans are not (no mattcr how long ago it was), or in the
while simultaneously using astral projection toothed whales (probably eating plank- immediate present Evil creatures will avoid
in astral space. Star leviathans move at a tonlike creatures on their home world) and them whenever possible, and most good and
rate in tens of yards per round equal to d o not bite in combat. neutral creatures will leave them alone as
their intelligence score, as do all astral Star leviathans have one special defensive well unless there is a need for cooperation,
beings. ability, but will use it only if they are sur- such as teaming up against a massed attack
Because of their great size, star leviathans rounded and hard pressed in close combat, of powerful opponents. Leviathans will
can be seen from a great distance (500-5000 and low on hit points. In one round they allow small beings to "hitch rides" by hang-
yards); they, on the other hand, will not be can charge themselves with a form of molec- ing onto their tails or broad flippers, and
aware of man-sized or smaller creatures ular manipulation (costing 50 psionic ask in return only telepathic conversation.
until they are much closer. Evading them is strength points) which causes their bodies to They do not speak any vocal language.


SIZE: L (11''-14' tall)
NO. O F ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite
FREQUENCY: Common on Tarterus; DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16/4-16/3-12 PSIONIC ABILITY: 130-160
very rare elsewhere SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spell use Attack/Defense Modes: BE / FH
NO. APPEARING: 1 SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon LEVEL/X. P. VALUE: VIII/4950 + l4/hp
A R M O R CLASS: -2 needed to hit; spell immunities;
MOVE: 15" poison resistance Utukku (singular and plural forms are
H I T DICE: 10 + 5 MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% identical) inhabit the great ash deserts of the
% IN LAIR: 1 0 % INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional planes of Tarterus and prey upon the
various demons and daemons that pass Utukku have some resistance to certain
through their territories. O n rare occasions magical attack forms, due to the nature of
they will come to the Prime Material Plane, their home environment. They only take
where they make their lairs in caverns or half damage from lightning, fire, or poison-
pits in desolate regions, particularly sandy ous gas if they fail a saving throw against
deserts and areas with volcanic activity. one of those attack forms, and one-quarter
Utukku have many powers that they use damage if the save succeeds. They save vs.
to good effect in combat. At will they may poison at +4. Other attacks function nor-
detect invisible objects, read languages, mally against them. Though they are
know alignment, and detect magic. They psionic, utukku have no major or minor
have infravision to 120' and have a limited disciplines.
form of telepathy allowing them to commu- When found on the Prime Material
nicate with any intelligent creature. Three Plane, utukku will use their powers to
times a day they may teleport without error, spread misery and evil through nearby
carrying up to 5000 gp weight with them, human, demi-human, or humanoid com-
cause fear (as a wand of fear), create dark- munities. They will not attempt to gain any
ness (30' radius), and cast a 12d6 lightning followers or become leaders of humans or
bolt. Once per day, utukku may use a sym- humanoids, prefering to work alone. They
bol of discord and control weather as an attack other creatures from the Outer
18th-level magic-user. Utukku may also Planes on sight, regardless of alignment or
cause disease by touch and polvmorph self plane of origin, unless they are outnum-
into a human or humanoid form for a full bered or weakened.
day, but these two powers are only usable Utukku are roughly humanoid in shapc,
once per week. standing at an average height of 1 2 ' . They
Once every century, an utukku will be have the head of a lion, with long quills
able to plane shift itself to the Prime Mate- radiating out in place of a mane, and a
rial Plane from Tarterus for the purpose of scaled humanoid body. They have great
gathering more treasure; i t will remain on claws on their hands and feet, and use their
the Prime Material plane for only one year, hands to slash at opponents in battle rather
after which time i t automarically shifts back than using a weapon. Though they value
to its home plane, taking up to 40,000 gp magical weapons quite highly, they have
weight of treasure with it. Because of the never been known to use them in battle.
short stay it has on the Prime Material They are a dark brick-red in color over
Plane, any lairs it makes there are likely to much of their bodies, their faces being a
be hastily made, and the defenses will not golden-red and their spines striped black
usually be very tough. O n Tarterus, utukku and white. The claws and teeth are white.
have more and better defenses, since each An utukku's eyes are bright yellow with
creature must protect itself from every other catlike blue pupils. They have a lifespan of
utukku there. several thousand years.

sticking out from the jaws; the jaws imme-

FREQUENCY: Uncommon diately strike out in the direction of the prey
NO. APPEARING: 1 - 4 with the odds "to hit" of a 2 HD monster,
ARMOR CLASS: 5 doing 4-10 hp damage and gripping the
MOVE: Nil prey tightly. Prey up to 4 ' in height and 100
H I T DICE: See below lbs. in weight can be enclosed in a 6' large
% I N LAIR: 100% set of jaws, which will then fill with fluid
TREASURE TYPE: C and drown small-sized victims in 2-8
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3-8 "bites" (only one rounds. The enclosed jaws then fill with a
mild acid that dissolves prey in 7-10 days.
"bite" p e r opponent)
Once "swallowed" by the jaws, a victim
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-1 0 per "bite"
may only attack with claws, teeth, or hand-
held daggers from inside. Each set of jaws
multiple attacks will take 2 HD of damage before being
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Concealment destroyed (roll separately for each set), after
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard which the prey inside can escape. Attacks
INTELLIGENCE: Animal on a set of jaws inflicted from the outside
ALIGNMENT: Neutral while it holds prey will inflict half the dam-
SIZE: L (covers 15' to 20' diameter age on the jaws themselves and the other
area on ground) half on the victim inside. A lost set of jaws
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil will be regenerated by the main body of the
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil plant in two weeks, unless the 6 HD plant
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V/275 + 6/hp for body is also destroyed. One may try to force
body; add 36 + 2/hp per set of jaws the jaws of the plant open, but a strength
roll for bending bars/lifting gates is re-
Looking very much like a normal venus quired and can only be attempted once by a
fly-trap enlarged to twenty times regular single character for a given set of jaws.
size, the giant fly-trap is usually concealed 3-6 feet across and rest on or near the If a set of jaws latches onto a figure larger
in forest undergrowth so well that there is ground. than they can "swallow," the jaws will
only a 20% chance of seeing it before one T h e giant fly-trap is activated by contact, continue to cling to the victim, doing 1-4 hp
walks into it. The plant's 3-8 jaws are each as a creature brushes against the "teeth" damage per round thereafter for 1-6 turns,
and the jaws will then automatically detach is slain, all held victims will be released in fly-traps, or the plants may have been
themselves from the main body of the plant. 2-5 rounds from the jaws still attached to planted over a treasure hoard for protec-
The victim, if still alive, can then be pried the plant. tion. Giant fly-traps take +1 hp per die of
out at leisure. If the main body of the plant Treasure may surround a patch of giant damage done by fire attacks.

F R E Q U E N C Y : Very rare
MOVE: / / 1 6 "
HIT DICE: 7+7 to 9+9
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. O F ATTACKS: 1 bite o r 1 tail slap
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 o r 3-12
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Swallows prey whole
if it hits successfully; dissolving; paralysis
A L I G N M E N T : Neutral in the details of fighting a vurgen, however, swallowed, saliva courses from a gland
SIZE: L (20'-40' long) for if they encounter one, they must tri- behind the brain down into the mouth and
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil umph or die. A vurgen is basically a huge thence down the body to the tail. This saliva
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil pair of jaws, set with tiny but acute eyes is harmless to the vurgen itself, but all
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: (12" infravision plus normal vision to sight creatures it swallows must save vs. poison
7 + 7 HD, VII/l100 + 10/hp limit of waters) attached to a long, expand- o r be paralyzed by it. Digestive juices inter-
8 + 8 HD, VII/1700 + 12hp able bag of a body with a strong swimming act with the saliva to do 4-16 points of cor-
9 + 9 HD, VII/2550 + 14/hp tail. A row of spines on either side of the rosive damage to prcy per round in the
vurgen's body begins at the "neck" and gullet, regardless of whether the prey is
These solitary marine hunters cruise the runs to the tip of the tail. These spines have paralyzed o r not. Active prey can easily cut
deeps endlessly, swallowing anything edible sharp points and edges, like a row of sword or eat its way to freedom if the victim can
that their great jaws can encompass. Loca- blades, and do 1-4 points of damage to any break or fit betwecn the curving, spiny ribs.
thah report that these creatures regard vast creature who comes into contact with them. T h e large jaws of the gulper d o only 2-12
areas of the ocean as their personal territo- A direct blow from a vurgen's tail does 3- 1 2 damage; they are toothless bony ridges
ries in the same way that many land crea- points of damage, for it is stunningly strong designed to clamp down on prey and keep it
tures do, and the rare battles for sovereignty and formed of a pointed, tapered cluster of within the mouth when closed, not to shred
are titanic struggles, dangerous to behold. spines. or chop up food.
Vurgens have no lairs as such, although Vurgens rarely fight, however; they Vurgens are usually a mottled brown in
they often retreat to deep caverns to give merely strike to swallow prey whole (hence color, although olive, russet, white and even
birth or recover from wounds, and will their nickname of the "giant gulper") and purple specimens have been reported.
certainly haunt waters that have yielded then cruise on in search of the next morsel. Vurgens have been known to come u p to
plentiful food in the past T h e great jaws enable a vurgen to gulp prey the surface and hunt in shallows or even in
Most aquatic creatures take interest only of up to large size effortlessly Once prey is harbors.

WHALE, Killer
F R E Q U E N C Y : Common
N O . APPEARING: 5-40 adults (see below)
MOVE: //30"
H I T DICE: 9-12
% I N LAIR: Nil
N O . O F ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-20 (9-10 HD)
o r 6-24(11-12 HD)
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very
A L I G N M E N T : Neutral
SIZE: L (15'-30' long)
Attack/Defense Modes: See below
1900 + 12/hp to 4250 + 16/hp
(add 300- 700 if psionic)
Killer whales dwell in the cold waters of

arctic climates, where they travel in packs steps and the appearance of shadows cast on strength and dexterity scores each round
and hunt other sea creatures for food. They the ice, and a t an opportune moment will until back on land again (reaching zero
can be savage and relentless, driving even charge up with complete surprise and smash points of strength or dexterity means the
great whales before them on the hunt, and the ice under the victim. The victim must character dies). Some 20% of all killer
will attack victims in a very coordinated then make a saving throw by rolling half his whale packs encountered will be hungry;
fashion. They speak their own language dexterity score (dropping fractions) or less the rest will not attack unless provoked.
(which cannot be heard or spoken by most on a 20-sided die. Making the roll means There is a 5 % chance that a killer whale
land-dwelling creatures, since it is super- the victim dodges and escapes. Failing this will possess psionic ability. These whales
sonic in nature) and no other. There is a roll means that the victim has fallen into the will have 61-80 strength points (122-160
25% chance that a group of adults will be water, unable to catch hold of the edge of ability points), with randomly determined
accompanied by 1-8 young killer whales, the ice and pull himself out. The killer attacks and defenses. The following disci-
2-5 H D each, move 15" and doing 2-8 whale will then attack on the following plines will be present, usable at a level of
points of damage per bite. Adults will de- round for the kill; a successful hit means the mastery equal to the whale's hit dice: ani-
fend their young to the death and will simi- victim is pulled under the water and can be mal telepathy, clairvoyance, and telepathy.
larly aid one another if attacked. bitten continuously thereafter without the While these powers will be primarily used
Killer whales possess superb cunning whale needing to roll to hit. In addition to in hunting, some whales might talk rather
and plan their attacks to a great degree. this and the possibility of drowning 2-4 than kill if they contact intelligent beings
They have learned to track walking crea- rounds later, any character immersed in mentally. Whales d o not lie, though they
tures under thin ice from the sound of foot- arctic waters will lose one point off his may not tell everything they know.

WIND STEED penalty of one maneuverability class per

1500 gp of additional weight.
FREQUENCY: Rare Wind steeds must be trained in the man-
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ner of griffons, and can become deeply loyal
ARMOR CLASS: 4 to one master. When so trained, an asperii
MOVE: 22"/46" (MC:A);see below will suffer no one to ride it but its master or
H I T DICE: 4 those it views as friends of its master. Aspe-
% IN LAIR: 22% rii communicate by limited telepathy (6"
TREASURE TYPE: Nil range), and will accept as a master only a
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 hooves and 1 bite character of neutral, lawful neutral, or
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 -8/1-8/1-4 neutral good alignment. Those trained to
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil (nobles take all riders are known as "broken" aspe-
use suggestion) rii; they become cowards and refuse to fight
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to gaze other creatures in the air. Young asperii
attacks and cold bring 4000-6000 gp on the open market
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard (asperii bear live young).
INTELLIGENCE: High to exceptional Asperii have true sight and can see into
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good both the Astral and Ethereal Planes. Their
SIZE: L (horse-sized) vision is so strong and intense that they are
PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil immune to the effects of gaze attacks (such
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil as those of the basilisk and catoblepas).
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/110 + 4/hp Usually white, smoky grey, or dun in color,
(add 25 for nobles) wind steeds suffer no damage from cold-
based attacks. Fire does double damage.
Wind steeds, also known as asperii, are Asperii are omnivorous and especially
highly prized as mounts. These aerial crea- winds, wind walkers, and the buffeting prize mint leaves, fish, and hawk meat.
tures lair in cloud islands or upon the high- attacks of aerial servants). They can break Although they can go for long periods with-
est, most inaccessible mountain peaks. free of the grip of aerial servants with un- out eating, asperii have a seemingly limit-
Asperii are mortal enemies of hippogriffs common ease (40% chance). Wind steeds less appetite when given the chance to gorge
and griffons; they tend to ignore rocs, save can cast up to 4 feather fall spells per day, themselves. In aerial combat asperii lash
for occasional scraps; and they are friendly upon themselves or (by touch) others. out with their front hooves (note that s p e l l s
with pegasi (the two species are often found The most maneuverable of steeds, asperii cannot be cast from the back of an asperii so
together). are of maneuverability class A and remain engaged). They also bite, tending to aim for
The wingless, horselike asperii fly by so until they carry over 1500 gp weight. the wings and faces of opponents.
natural powers of levitation and also possess Thus, they can carry one lightly armored A very rare subspecies known as "noble"
the power to "ride the winds." Strong rider without any penalty in maneuverabil- asperii exists, and are varicolored and iri-
winds of natural or magical origin increase ity - moreover, a lone rider may cast spells descent (like polished abalone shell). They
the speed of an asperii flying with them, 1" from the back of a loyal wind steed (that is, have 9" range telepathy of sufficient mental
for every mile per hour over 20. Asperii spells not requiring the use of a surface for force to exert a suggestion spell on creatures
take no damage from winds of any type writing glyphs, runes, circles, etc.). Asperii of 3 HD or less. These creatures often lead
(including air elemental or djinni whirl- may carry up to 6000 gp weight, at a groups of wild asperii.

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