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Special Issue: Zoonoses of people and pets in the USA

Lyme borreliosis in dogs and humans

in the USA
Susan E. Little1, Stephanie R. Heise1, Byron L. Blagburn2, Steven M. Callister3 and
Paul S. Mead4
Center for Veterinary Health Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA
College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 86849, USA
Infectious Diseases Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Gundersen Lutheran Health System, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA
Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA

Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto is the only established focuses on Lyme borreliosis, the tick-borne disease most
etiologic agent of Lyme borreliosis in dogs and in commonly recognized in humans and dogs in the USA.
humans in North America. Lyme borreliosis differs in
dogs and humans in terms of clinical outcome following Natural history – source of infection
infection, diagnostic approaches, prevention strategies Borrelia burgdorferi is transmitted to a variety of mam-
and treatment recommendations. Nonetheless, serolo- mals by certain Ixodes spp. ticks (Figure 1); I. scapularis
gic evidence of exposure of dogs to B. burgdorferi (commonly known as the deer tick) and I. pacificus (Wes-
agrees with the geographical distribution of autochtho- tern black-legged tick) are the primary vectors in the
nous transmission of the agent of Lyme borreliosis, and eastern and western USA, respectively. Both tick species
continued monitoring of exposure rates in dogs might employ three-host life cycles, and nymphs, infected as
allow early recognition of geographic expansion of larvae during acquisition of bloodmeal from infected reser-
endemic areas as well as identify hyperendemic areas voir hosts, are the most important stage for B. burgdorferi
where both humans and dogs are at increased risk of transmission to humans [16]. By contrast, dogs are con-
infection. sidered to be infected primarily via adult ticks. Although
the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) has long
Humans, dogs and Borrelia burgdorferi been considered a primary reservoir host in the eastern
Humans and dogs are susceptible to illness from many of the USA, recent data suggest that other small mammals, such
same tick-borne pathogens, including Borrelia burgdorferi as shrews (Blarina brevicauda and Sorex cinereus) and
sensu stricto (hereafter referred to as B. burgdorferi), the chipmunks (Tamias striatus), are also important sources of
causative agent of Lyme borreliosis in the USA (Table 1). infection [17].
Although they may occasionally infect ticks, domestic dogs, Along the West Coast, the distribution of I. pacificus
like other wild carnivores such as skunks and raccoons, are correlates closely with cases of Lyme borreliosis in humans
not important reservoir hosts for B. burgdorferi [1,2]. and dogs [18], and there is a similarly close correlation with
Rather, dogs and humans both become infected through the distribution of I. scapularis and Lyme borreliosis cases
the bite of a vector tick infected as a larva or nymph while in the upper midwestern and northeastern states. How-
feeding on a wildlife reservoir host (Figure 1). Because of ever, cases of Lyme borreliosis are rarely reported in the
their lifestyle and contact with large numbers of ticks, dogs Southeast, despite the presence of I. scapularis ticks
are more likely to be exposed to B. burgdorferi, and canine throughout the region. The timing of activity and behavior
exposure may therefore serve as a marker for the risk for of I. scapularis nymphs differs in the southern part of its
human exposure. Several studies have successfully used range, where this stage is much less active in the summer
dogs to identify or confirm endemic foci of B. burgdorferi months [16]. In addition, the immature stages of I. scapu-
and other tick-borne disease agents [3–9], although discrete laris in the Southeast more commonly feed on lizards,
surveys, particularly during early invasion, may not be which are less competent hosts of B. burgdorferi [19]. Thus,
sensitive enough to detect local activity [10]. although B. burgdorferi has been isolated from ticks and
The geographic distribution of tick-borne diseases var- rodents in the southern USA, transmission to humans or
ies markedly within the USA, with Lyme disease and dogs is significantly diminished by the feeding habits of the
anaplasmosis more common in the Northeast, upper Mid- immature I. scapularis [19,20]. In fact, autochthonous
west and West Coast states, ehrlichiosis more common in human and canine infections with B. burgdorferi in states
the South, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) most south of Maryland and Virginia are rare [5,11].
common in the south-central and mid-Atlantic states [11–
13]. Expansions in tick populations may introduce disease
Clinical Lyme borreliosis in humans and dogs
agents to new geographical areas [14,15]. This summary
Lyme borreliosis, caused by infection with the spirochete
Corresponding author: Little, S.E. ( Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most commonly reported
1471-4922/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/ Available online 6 March 2010 213
Review Trends in Parasitology Vol.26 No.4

Table 1. Key clinical features of Lyme borreliosis in dogs and humans.

Dogs Humans
Clinical outcome b Majority (95%) of exposed dogs remain b Majority of exposed humans develop clinical signs
following infection clinically normal
b If become ill, arthritis, fever, anorexia, b Erythema migrans and flu-like illness most common
lymphadenopathy most common
b Glomerulonephritis may develop b Arthritis, carditis, neurologic disease may develop
Diagnostic approaches b Clinical signs consistent with Lyme b Clinical signs consistent with Lyme borreliosis and a
borreliosis and a history of exposure history of exposure in an area where disease is endemic
in an area where disease is endemic
b Specific serologic test (C6) b Patients with EM and a history of exposure in an
area where disease is endemic may be diagnosed
without laboratory confirmation; laboratory testing
recommended for all other manifestations.
b Quantitative C6-based assays available Recommended
to evaluate response to treatment b Serologic testing using whole cell antigen or C6
based assay followed by Western blotting of
specimens that test positive or indeterminate
b C6 assay preferred for patients with exposure
to European strains
Not Recommended
b Positive IgM test result alone for determining active
disease in patients with illness of greater than
1 month’s duration due to likelihood of a
false-positive result
b Urine antigen tests, immunofluorescent staining
for cell wall-deficient forms of B. burgdorferi,
lymphocyte transformation tests, PCR tests on
inappropriate specimens such as blood and urine,
Western blot assays interpreted using alternate criteria
Prevention strategies b Routine vaccination in endemic areas b Avoid tick-infested areas
b Routine use of persistent acaricides b Routine use of repellents
b Avoid tick-infested areas b Habitat management around the home (exclude
wildlife, remove vegetative cover)
b Habitat management around the home b Frequent tick checks and prompt removal of
(exclude wildlife, remove vegetative cover) attached ticks
b Frequent tick checks and prompt removal
of attached ticks
Treatment Arthritis: doxycycline, 10 mg per kg q24h Erythema migrans (adults): doxycycline, 100 mg
recommendations PO for one month q12h PO for 10–21d; amoxicillin, 500 mg q8h PO
for 14–21d; or cefuroxime axetil, 500 mg q12h
PO for 14–21d
Nephropathy: doxycycline, 10 mg per kg q24h Early neurologic Lyme disease (adults): ceftriaxone,
PO for one month or longer depending on severity 2g q 24h IV for 10–28d; or doxycycline 100–200 mg
PO q12h for 10–28d
Arthritis (adults): doxycycline, 100 mg q12h PO;
amoxicillin, 500 mg q8h PO; or cefuroxime axetil,
500 mg q12h PO for 28d

tick-borne disease in humans in North America [11,21] and but dogs that develop nephropathy associated with B.
approximately 20,000 human cases of Lyme borreliosis are burgdorferi infection do not respond well to treatment,
reported in the USA each year [21]. The majority of cases and such cases are usually fatal [23].
occur in the Northeast, upper Midwest and West Coast;
93% of cases are reported from 10 northeastern and mid- Effective diagnostic strategies for Lyme borreliosis
western states [22]. The hallmark of human infection is The diagnostic approach for a tick-borne disease, as for any
erythema migrans (Figure 2), a characteristic rash that infectious disease, is dependent on the biology of the
develops at the tick bite site in approximately 70–80% of organism(s) in the host, the timing of clinical disease
cases and is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms [22]. relative to the infection and the immunological responses
Left untreated, the spirochetes can then disseminate and during infection. For example, detecting organisms in
cause additional complications, such as arthritis, carditis blood smears or by PCR of whole blood can reliably confirm
or neurologic disease [11]. By contrast, erythema migrans infection with other tick-borne disease agents such as
is not known to occur in dogs. Rather, the illness often does Ehrlichia spp. or Anaplasma spp., but these methods
not become apparent until after the spirochetes have dis- are insensitive and inappropriate for diagnosing Lyme
seminated and caused a combination of polyarthritis, borreliosis [25–27]. Spirochetes can be recovered by culture
fever, anorexia and/or lymphadenopathy. In addition, from skin biopsies or other connective tissue; however,
chronically infected dogs may develop a glomerulonephri- detection can be difficult and is therefore not a requirement
tis syndrome referred to as ‘Lyme nephropathy’ [23]. The for instituting antibiotic therapy [27]. Consequently, ser-
pathogenesis of this syndrome remains controversial [24], odiagnosis remains the mainstay of laboratory confir-

Review Trends in Parasitology Vol.26 No.4

Figure 1. Transmission cycle responsible for maintaining Borrelia burgdorferi in tick populations and allowing infection of humans and dogs. Nymphs are responsible for
transmitting the majority of infections to humans, whereas dogs are thought to be infected primarily via adult ticks.

mation for Lyme borreliosis [27–30]. Because serologic

tests are insensitive early in infections and late manifes-
tations are not pathognomonic, diagnosis of Lyme borre-
liosis relies on integration of clinical findings, sound
epidemiological knowledge of disease distribution and tra-
vel history, and correct use and interpretation of diagnostic
tests [11,23].
Most dogs infected with B. burgdorferi do not develop
clinical abnormalities associated with Lyme borreliosis, so
actively infected seropositive dogs must be discriminated
from dogs seropositive from past exposure by the presence
of appropriate clinical signs of illness [23]. However, dogs
that do develop clinical Lyme borreliosis usually do so
weeks or months after infection, at which time seroconver-
sion is likely and serologic testing is reliable [31]. By
contrast, humans usually develop objective clinical
abnormalities (such as erythema migrans) shortly after
infection and often in advance of seroconversion and, in
Figure 2. Erythema migrans following tick bite. (Photo courtesy of S.E. Little.). these instances, serologic testing can be unreliable.

Review Trends in Parasitology Vol.26 No.4

Human patients with appropriate epidemiological with clinical disease in infected dogs [44] and some have
histories and early manifestations of Lyme disease (e.g. suggested the numbers or spriochetes may have been
erythema migrans) may be diagnosed correctly and treated waning [48]. Additional studies to determine the frequency
without the delay and expense of laboratory testing [11]. of treatment failures remain necessary. Experimental in-
For humans with later stages of Lyme disease (e.g. arthri- fection work with mice has documented PCR evidence of B.
tis), serologic testing is sensitive and specific [32,33]. burgdorferi after antibiotic treatment [49,50], in I. scapu-
In human medicine, a two-tier approach is recommended laris ticks fed on previously treated mice [50] and in SCID
for serologic testing of patients with suspected Lyme disease mice on which those ticks fed [50]. However, spirochetes
[28]. Samples are first tested using whole cell antigen to were not isolated in culture from the mice or ticks, indi-
detect IgM or IgG antibodies; samples that test positive or cating a reduction in either their number or viability
indeterminate are retested by a Western blot in which at [48,50]. Re-infection with B. burgdorferi upon subsequent
least 2 of 3 (IgM) or 5 of 10 (IgG) characteristic bands are exposure to infected ticks also occurs in both dogs and
identified [28]. When used appropriately for patients with humans [51,52].
clinical symptoms and in areas where disease is endemic, A human B. burgdorferi vaccine is not currently avail-
both sensitivity and positive predictive value of this able, but several vaccines are widely used to protect dogs
approach are high [33,34]. A well-established serological from B. burgdorferi. Estimates of efficacy range from 50%
response associated almost exclusively with B. burgdorferi to 85% [23], and the preventable fraction was >90% in one
infection both in dogs and in humans, is the production of field trial [53]. In addition, the vaccines do not induce
antibodies that bind the VlsE protein [35]. Peptides (C6, antibodies that are detected by C6-peptide based tests
IR6) based on a distinct invariable region within VlsE form [54]. However, whole-cell (but not subunit) vaccines induce
the basis for highly specific serodiagnostic tests [32,35–37] antibodies detectable on IFA or whole-cell ELISA that then
and there is evidence that this approach offers sufficient must be distinguished from those generated by natural
sensitivity and specificity to eliminate the necessity of exposure [31]. In addition, vaccinated dogs may still
additional serodiagnostic test procedures [30]. At present, become infected because protection can be incomplete,
the C6-based assay is approved for use in humans as a first- and the protective immune response wanes over time.
tier alternative to whole cell lysate-based assays. Limiting exposure to infected ticks remains a mainstay
In veterinary medicine, a simple, specific (100%; 95% CL for preventing Lyme borreliosis and other tick-borne dis-
98–100%) patient-side C6 peptide-based assay has been in eases. However, avoiding tick-infested areas might not be
widespread use since 2001, largely supplanting the feasible in many settings, particularly when the endemic
traditional two-tier approach for identifying specific anti- focus is immediately adjacent to the home. Therefore, the
bodies to B. burgdorferi [9,38]. Quantitation of this specific Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises
response also is used for evaluating the effectiveness of frequent tick checks to remove crawling and attached ticks;
antibiotic treatment in dogs [37]. Similar tests (C6, IR6) wearing light-colored clothing to facilitate tick detection;
are used in diagnosing human illness [32,33,36] and may appropriate use of repellents containing permethrin or
be useful to evaluate response to treatment in the early DEET; and landscape management to create ‘‘tick-safe
stages of Lyme disease in humans [39], but their ability to zones’’ for recreation (
discriminate active infection, especially during later stages lyme/ld_prevent.htm). The Companion Animal Parasite
of the illness, remains unclear [40]. Council (CAPC) similarly recommends limiting exposure
of dogs to tick-infested areas, managing the habitat around
Treatment and prevention of Lyme borreliosis in the home to exclude wildlife and reduce tick populations,
humans and dogs and routine use of acaricides on dogs (http://www.capcvet.
Doxycycline is the recommended treatment for Lyme bor- org). Routine acaricide use on dogs targets primarily the
reliosis in dogs and for the most common forms of human adult stages of I. scapularis and may protect human health
infection (Table 1); this antibiotic is also effective for treating by reducing the number of reproductively active adult ticks
anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and RMSF [11,23,41,42]. in the environment immediately surrounding the home.
Although doxycycline is not recommended for treating Lyme Although this protective effect has not yet been demon-
disease in young children (<8 years of age), concerns regard- strated for Lyme borreliosis, routine use of insecticides and
ing tooth discoloration should not preclude its use during a acaricides on dogs has been shown to reduce the incidence
severe, potentially fatal illness (e.g. RMSF) [43]. Amoxicillin of visceral leishmaniasis in children in endemic areas [55]
and other beta-lactam antibiotics are also effective for treat- as well as transmission of ehrlichiosis due to E. canis in
ing B. burgdorferi, but penicillin derivatives lack efficacy dogs [56,57].
against the rickettsial pathogens, which may be occasional
co-infections during human and canine Lyme borreliosis. Dogs as sentinels for Lyme borreliosis
Antibiotic treatment is most effective when instituted early Lyme borreliosis continues to impact significantly the
in the course of disease, and a single course of antibiotics is health of humans and dogs in the USA. The illness has
considered adequate in most cases [11,23,42,43]. been historically confined to relatively limited geographi-
Some evidence suggests B. burgdorferi may persist in cal foci, and recent serological results from testing 982,336
some dogs following antibiotic treatment [44–47]. In one dogs confirmed that canine exposure to B. burgdorferi
study, viable spirochetes were recovered in culture from mimics the geographical distribution of reports of the ill-
dogs after either doxycyline or amoxicillin treatment [44], ness in humans [5,9]. For example, in the northeastern
although the presence of organisms was not associated USA, 11.6% of dogs harbored specific antibodies to B.

Review Trends in Parasitology Vol.26 No.4

burgdorferi and prevalence was highest (>40%) in the 9 Bowman, D.D. et al. (2009) Prevalence and geographic distribution of
Dirofilaria immitis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis, and
areas where human illness was most common [9]. How-
Anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in the United States: results
ever, endemic areas are likely to change [9,22] as habitat of a national clinic-based serologic survey. Vet. Parasitol. 160, 138–
modifications and climate changes affect distribution of 148
wildlife reservoirs and tick vectors [58]. Studies that 10 Hamer, S.A. et al. (2009) Use of tick surveys and serosurveys to
monitor the distribution of B. burgdorferi-infected ticks evaluate pet dogs as a sentinel species for emerging Lyme disease.
Am. J. Vet. Res. 70, 49–56
by detecting exposure-specific antibody responses in dogs
11 Wormser, G.P. et al. (2006) The clinical assessment, treatment, and
may facilitate recognition of the movement of B. burgdor- prevention of Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and
feri into previously non-endemic regions. babesiosis: clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Diseases
Society of America. Clin. Infect. Dis. 43, 1089–1134
Conclusions 12 McQuiston, J.H. et al. (2003) Ehrlichiosis and related infections. J. Am.
Vet. Med. Assoc. 223, 1750–1756
Ticks transmit a wide array of pathogens, harbor multiple 13 Warner, R.D. and Marsh, W.W. (2002) Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
pathogens simultaneously and commonly transmit agents J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 221, 1413–1417
that may produce long term infections without treatment, or 14 Paddock, C.D. and Yabsley, M.J. (2007) Ecological havoc, the rise of
that may, upon re-exposure, establish new infections [50– white-tailed deer, and the emergence of Amblyomma americanum-
52,59–61]. Primary among these is transmission of B. burg- associated zoonoses in the United States. Curr. Top. Microbiol.
Immunol. 315, 289–324
dorferi to both humans and dogs by the bite of infected Ixodes 15 Paddock, C.D. and Childs, J.E. (2003) Ehrlichia chaffeensis: a
spp. ticks. Prevention strategies, diagnostic approaches, prototypical emerging pathogen. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 16, 37–64
treatment recommendations and clinical outcomes differ 16 Diuk-Wasser, M.A. et al. (2006) Spatiotemporal patterns of host-
between humans and dogs, and veterinarians, physicians seeking Ixodes scapularis nymphs (Acari: Ixodidae) in the United
States. J. Med. Entomol. 43, 166–176
and pet owners should be aware of the significant differ-
17 Brisson, D. et al. (2008) Conspicuous impacts of inconspicuous hosts on
ences. Integrated, collaborative research efforts by those in the Lyme disease epidemic. Proc. Biol. Sci. 275, 227–235
public health and veterinary medicine could facilitate un- 18 Eisen, R.J. et al. (2006) Spatial patterns of Lyme disease risk in
derstanding of Lyme borreliosis and other tick-borne patho- California based on disease incidence data and modeling of vector-
gens that cause disease in both dogs and humans. tick exposure. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 75, 669–676
19 Oliver, J.H., Jr et al. (2003) An enzootic transmission cycle of Lyme
borreliosis spirochetes in the southeastern United States. Proc. Natl.
Acknowledgements Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 100, 11642–11645
This material developed out of a workshop held at the Centers for Disease
20 Lin, T. et al. (2001) Genetic heterogeneity of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu
Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia in 2008 with invited
lato in the Southern United States based on restriction fragment
representatives from the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC),
length polymorphism and sequence analysis. J Clin Micro. 39,
the CDC, the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists and
others. Valuable input and support was received from Byron Blagburn,
21 Bacon, R.M. et al. (2007) Lyme Disease, United States, 2003–2005.
Edward Breitschwerdt, Jennifer McQuiston, William Nicholson, Lonnie
MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 56, 573–576
King, Mary Bartlett and Sonya Hennessey. The authors also thank
22 Bacon, R.M. et al. (2008) Surveillance for Lyme disease–United States,
Blaine Mathison for assistance in creating the life cycle figure, which was
1992–2006. MMWR Surveill. Summ. 57, 1–9
developed by the authors and CDC’s Division of Parasitic Diseases DPDx
23 Littman, M.P. et al. (2006) ACVIM small animal consensus statement
on Lyme disease in dogs: diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. J. Vet.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do
Intern. Med. 20, 422–434
not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease
24 Hutton, T.A. et al. (2008) Search for Borrelia burgdorferi in kidneys
Control and Prevention. of dogs with suspected ‘‘Lyme nephritis.’’. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 22, 860–
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