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Discuss the NoSQL data stores and their characteristic features (10 Marks)
2. Illustrate the key value pairs in data architectural patterns with an example
3. Discuss the functions of MangoDB query language and database commands
4. Illustrate the CQL commands and their functionality
5. Describe the MapReduce execution steps with neat diagram
6. Discuss the functions of Group By, partitioning and combining using one example for each
7. List and compare the features of Big Table, RC, ORC and Paraquet data stores.
8. With example explain key value store.
9. Discuss the usage of MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, Oracle NoSQL, and Riak
10. List the Pros and Cons of distribution using sharding.
11. Give the comparision between NoSQL and SQL/RDBMS
12. How node failure can be handled in Hadoop? Discuss
13. Explain about NoSQL datastore and its characteristics.
14. Describe the principle of working of the CAP theorem.
15. Demonstrate any 6 Hbase commands with output.

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