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Abdullah Ishaq

(ISL, LGS, TCS) Page 1


Main Theme:

1- The Surah talks about Allah being One who is running the universe
2- “Self-subsisting” identifies that Allah can survive on His own and like humans do not need
external help

3- This Surah also talks about Allah having qualities which are different from humans such as

4- It also tells humans that they can only work through the permission of their God. Every action is
dependent upon the permission of Allah as has been mentioned in Surah Anaam that “No vision
can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision”
5- It also talks about Allah’s quality of being omniscient as only He has the perfect knowledge of

everything in this universe

6- It also identifies that humans have limited knowledge and it will remain as such unless

permitted by Allah
7- It also talks about the omnipresence and omnipotence of Allah as He alone is controlling the
entire universe


1- One should have the sense of tawhid intact and should think of Allah as their Lord and creator
2- Shirk should be avoided in all cases and repentance should be made if one has committed such a
3- Humans should never claim to be powerful enough to control the universe because true power
rests with Allah
4- Pride should not be a trait that humans should acquire as we are because of what our Lord
wanted us to be
5- One should live with the fact that everything good or bad is known by Allah beforehand.
Therefore, one should be hopeful of justice in this world or the next as Allah knows about it. This
has been mentioned in Surah al Anaam in the following words “He has full knowledge of all
6- One should worship Allah and turn towards Him for all the help as everything is under His
Abdullah Ishaq
(ISL, LGS, TCS) Page 2

Main Theme:

1- This Surah identifies that the heavens and earth have been created from point blank

2- It identifies that all the planning of the heavens and earth solely belongs to Allah
3- It shuns the belief of trinity which the Christians have that Hazrat Isa is the son of Allah as has
been mentioned in Surah Ikhlas that “He does not beget nor is He begotten”
4- It talks about Allah’s knowledge of all things that have been created by Him
5- There is a command to turn towards Allah and worship Him as He is the one running this
6- It talks about how humans have limited capability to understand their Lord while also
mentioning how Allah understands them (even though they do not understand Him fully)


1- These teachings emphasize the importance of Tawhid for Muslims as they should believe in One

2- One should not associate any partners with Allah and doing so would constitute as shirk which is

a grave sin
3- It should be the duty of mankind to hold on to worshipping Allah as He alone is their caretaker.
Therefore, Muslims should be grateful to their Lord. This gratefulness can come through
worshipping Allah (Fasting, praying etc.) and sacrificing the wealth He gave in His way
4- One should not doubt the existence of their Lord rather believe in the fact that Allah does exist.
This can be done through looking at the various signs of Allah which He has left in this universe
to explore
5- One should be aware that whatever they are doing Allah is aware. Therefore, having the false
belief that Allah does not know of the ill actions committed will only add towards our sins
Abdullah Ishaq
(ISL, LGS, TCS) Page 3

Main Theme:

1- This Surah tells mankind about the majesty of Allah. The Sun and Moon in themselves are huge
and one can only imagine the majesty of the being which created them. Therefore, this Surah
explains the omnipotence (power) of Allah
2- Allah has put in signs in this universe for humans to get back to Him. These signs can be found

everywhere and it were these signs which brought Hazrat Ibrahim towards the realization that
there is only one Allah

3- Allah has set a cyclical pattern for this universe as night occurs and then the day comes
4- This Surah commands Muslims not to commit Shirk and explains that only the creator should be
worshipped as has been mentioned in Surah Ikhlas that “Say He is Allah, the one and only”
5- This Surah identifies that the best way to please Allah is to worship Him. Worshipping Allah will
be the best form of serving Allah

Importance: Is
1- One should look at the various signs of Allah and return to Allah for worship. These signs can be
can pertain to the different events that one experiences in their lives which clearly show divine
intervention. Allah’s goodwill for His beings should be found in these incidents
2- Following the order of the universe is important if one has to fully believe in Allah. One should
realize that there is a purpose for the creation of day & night, sun & moon, etc.

3- One should learn from the incident of Hazrat Ibrahim where he rejected the sun and moon as
his Lord based upon them setting on their respective times. Therefore, shunning all forms of
idolatry is important as idols depend upon humans for their creation

4- Pleasing Allah should be the main aim of one’s life. This can be done through worshipping,
sacrificing and negating all sorts of Shirk

Main Theme:

1- These verses were revealed when the Quraysh stated that their gods have all the ownership of
what is in the heavens and earth. In response it was said that Allah, alone, has created the
Abdullah Ishaq
(ISL, LGS, TCS) Page 4

heavens and earth while ordaining a measure for them. Moreover, it is also stated that those
gods are nothing in front of Allah as He is the highest, most great
2- This Surah identifies the qualities of Allah being the most powerful; omnipotent, as He controls
the heavens and earth
3- It also highlights that Allah is unlike humans and that He has the highest status of any being
there is
4- It also tells the intricacies of this entire universe and the fashion in which they have been
created for the different creatures
5- The presence of Angels is also discussed about hence making it mandatory for Muslims to
believe in them. Moreover, Angels being deprived of free will is also talked about as they only
pray to their Lord
6- The Surah tells that Allah thinks about the betterment of his people and He understands the

human tilt towards making error. He claims that error can be forgiven if asked for and has even
made it a duty to ask for the forgiveness of mankind as has been mentioned in Surah Fatiha “(He

is) most gracious and most merciful”


1- We as Muslims need to stay true to our Lord Al-Mighty, Allah. We should only worship Him and
act according to whatever He has set for us

2- We need to find out the signs of Allah’s magnificence as that would bring us even closer to Him.
In addition to that we need to understand that Allah has planned out things for us in His fashion;
one which is the best. Therefore, we should be grateful for whatever the circumstances are
3- We as Muslims need to accept the presence of Angels in our life and the many different tasks
they perform. We should be aware that Angels are recording whatever deed we are committing

and this Surah strengthens our faith in the presence of Angels

4- This Surah is a ray of hope for all those people who have sinned but are afraid to turn towards
their Lord for forgiveness. The fact that Allah forgives and has appointed Angels to ask for

forgiveness, give a person all the more reasons to always ask for mercy

Surah 5:

Main Theme:
Abdullah Ishaq
(ISL, LGS, TCS) Page 5

1- This Quranic verse came in as a response to the Jews, when they asked the Holy Prophet to
describe Allah
2- This Quranic verse explains the existence and might of Allah explaining His magnificence
3- The Surah explains the oneness of Allah (Tawheed), implicitly defining how everything is run by
Allah alone
4- It also emphasizes on how Allah is there forever for all His beings while providing for all their
5- It also negates the Christian belief of Trinity, whereby they declare Hazrat Isa as the son of Allah.
This Surah evidently states that Allah is unlike any other being and exists by Himself
6- It is stated in another verse in the Quran that “…..there is no god but I; therefore worship and
serve me”


1- This Surah instills a belief of oneness of Allah in the hearts of the Muslims and makes them aware

that they have to only worship Him
2- It also helps Muslims to not be worried about justice being served as it explains Allah being there
forever. Muslims should therefore, turn towards Allah rather than seeking help from others
3- Muslims in this Surah are advised not to commit any form of Shirk as everything has been created

by Allah and no one can equal Him in any sense whatsoever
4- The Holy Prophet stated that this Surah is 1/3rd of the Holy Quran in its weight. Therefore, regular
recitation of this Surah will help attain blessings of Allah
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