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CHAPTER 5: DATE: 12-14-23


Song Analysis. Analyze and explain the content of the song entitled TANO.

Tano Tano, Tano

Sa gipit mong kalagayan
May isang magsasaka Tano, Tano
Tano ang pangalan Anong kasasapitan
Lupa niyang sinasaka’y
Tanging kayamanan Lumipas ang mga anihang
Minsa’y nagkasakit Sinalanta ng bagyong nagsidaan
Kaisa-isang anak Ang pobreng si Tano’y
Naubos kongting pera’y Nabaon sa utang
Di pa rin lumalakas Hanggang ang lupa niya
Sa asendero ay nangutang Ang naging kabayaran
Isang daang piso lang May utang pa si Tano
Ngunit ito’y madodoble Nakikisaka na lang
Sa anihan babayaran Ilang ang tulad ni Tano
At kapag pumalya Pinahihirapan
Madodoble na naman Sila’y marami pa ngayon
Hangga’t di mabayaran Doon sa kanayunan

What is the message of the song?

The song clearly speaks up of the situation of the farmers here in our country especially
those who are just tenants of the land that they cultivate. Their hardships and how they are
taken advantage by the capitalists. It also emphasizes how the unfortunate ones are
powerless and say ignorant of the law and their rights that’s why it becomes easy for the
wealthy people to degrade and take advantage of them.

Does the song reflect the history of agrarian problem in the country? Justify your answer.

Yes, it does. The agrarian problem in the country demonstrates how the wealthy becomes
wealthier through degrading the poor by stealing their lands. In such form that the poor
have no choice but to give in to their offer due to poverty and for them to sustain their
needs. Just like the situation of Tano wherein his child got sick and needs medication,
however he doesn’t have enough money to pay his child’s bills and the capitalists offer is his
only choice to have money that’s why he gave in until he can’t pay his debt which resulted to
losing his land.

How could the Filipino farmers achieve contentment in their struggle for land?
Filipino farmers face various challenges in their struggle for land, and achieving
contentment in this struggle requires addressing several key areas:

Legal and institutional support: The government should ensure that land tenure laws are
upheld, and provide legal and institutional support to protect farmers' rights to land.
Access to resources: Farmers need access to essential resources such as credit, technology,
and extension services. Market access and fair trade: Farmers should be given
opportunities to access fair markets for their produce. Education and training: Providing
education and training programs for farmers can enhance their agricultural practices,
financial literacy, and business management skills. Community support and solidarity:
Building strong community networks and support systems among farmers can help in
advocating for their rights, sharing knowledge and resources, and collectively addressing
common challenges. Sustainable agricultural practices: Encouraging the adoption of
sustainable agricultural practices can contribute to the long-term well-being of farmers and
the environment. Empowerment and representation: Ensuring that farmers have a voice in
decision-making processes and are represented in policy discussions can help address their
concerns and advocate for policies that support their interests.

By addressing these key areas, Filipino farmers can work towards achieving contentment in
their struggle for land, leading to improved livelihoods, sustainable agriculture, and a
stronger agricultural sector overall.



Go to https://taxcalculator.dof.gov.ph/.
1. Imagine yourself to be employed in a company, public or private earning P24,387
per month. Compute your payable tax.
38,114 pesos

2. Try changing other details, such as the status or the monthly income.
The higher your monthly income the higher tax you need to pay. That’s what I notice

3. In your opinion, is the TRAIN Law helpful for a minimum wage earner? How? Cite a
concrete example of where it is useful.

The effects of the TRAIN Law can vary for someone making minimum wage. It is possible
that certain minimum wage earners will see a minor increase in their take-home pay as a
result of the tax bracket adjustments and lower income tax rates. But the effects of inflation
and rising costs for goods and services could counteract this potential advantage by
decreasing the actual value of their income. Even though the TRAIN Law may give minimum
wage earners some relief in the form of income tax adjustments, its overall effect on their
financial security should be considered in light of more general economic factors like
inflation, the cost of living, and access to necessary services.

4. The TRAIN Law is now on the verge of controversy and detrimental to the poor, that
the poor becomes poorer. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

I do agree with this statement, yes. The cost of living has increased as a result of the tax
reform and growing inflation, which is especially felt by the poor who must spend a large
amount of their income on necessities. The purchasing power of the impoverished could be
negatively impacted by this. The overall economic difficulties that the poor face might
outweigh the advantages of the tax adjustments made possible by the TRAIN Law. They
contend that not enough progress has been made in reducing poverty as a result of the law.
It is argued that any potential negative effects of the law on the poor may not have been
adequately offset by the social safety nets and support systems provided by the

Name: ESPERANZA M. RAMOS Date: 12-14-23

Cut and paste a picture of a tangible cultural heritage in your place. Why do you think is
there a need to preserve such heritage? As a youth, what can you do to help in the
preservation of such?

As a youth, there are several impactful ways to contribute to the preservation of cultural

1. Education and awareness: Educate myself and

others about the significance of cultural heritage.
By understanding the value of traditions, artifacts,
and practices, you can spread awareness and
promote appreciation within your community.

2. Volunteer for cultural preservation initiatives: Get

involved with local heritage organizations,
museums, or community groups focused on
preserving cultural traditions. Volunteer your time
and skills to support their projects and activities.

3. Document and share stories: Use modern tools such

as social media, blogs, or podcasts to document and
share stories about cultural heritage. Interview
elders, artisans, or community leaders to capture
their experiences and knowledge for future generations.

4. Support cultural events and festivals: Participate in cultural events, festivals, and
performances that celebrate traditional art forms, music, dance, and cuisine. By attending
and supporting these events, you help to sustain and promote cultural practices.

Name: IBANEZ ROLANDO L. Date: 12-14-23

Answer the following questions. Write your answers briefly.

Have you ever been to any of the World Heritage Sites? Share to class the experience.

I have visited the UNESCO-designated Banaue Rice Terraces, which are part of the Rice
Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. As soon as I got to the terraces, I was in awe of this
man-made marvel's enormity and inventiveness. The rice paddies seemed to tumble down
the mountains like giant steps, creating an enthralling pattern that blended into the
surrounding landscape. Local farmers were tending to their crops on the terraces, which
were a hive of activity in this beautiful setting. I had the opportunity to speak with a few of
the nearby farmers, who graciously welcomed me into their community. They told stories of
their ancestors who built and farmed the terraces over 2,000 years ago, transferring
ancient farming techniques from one generation to the next.
If you were to get a tattoo from Apo Whang-Od, what would it look like? Illustrate and

I want this particular tattoo design of her and the famous Sun and Moon tattoo. This
particular design meant strength and sturdiness which I think is what I needed the most in
this lifetime so this tattoo really suits me.

Name: IBANEZ ROLANDO L. Date: 12-14-23

Go back to your own place (province or town). Look for something that can or may be
considered a cultural heritage, tangible or intangible. Take a photo and paste it on the
space below. Explain why it should be considered a cultural heritage.

St. Dominic de Guzman Cathedral in

Bayombong began as an Augustinian mission
church in the 18th century. Fray Juan Crespo
oversaw the construction of the stone church
as well as the octagonal bell tower, convent,
and cemetery. In April 1792, the church was
dedicated to St. Augustine and the first mass
was celebrated there. However, just five
months later, the administration of the parish
was turned over to the Dominicans. Thus, on
September 8, 1792, the church was re-
dedicated to St. Dominic de Guzman.

Further improvements were made over the years. In the 1800s, the original thatched roof
was replaced by galvanized iron, new retablos (altarpieces) were installed, and a fifth level
was added to the bell tower. The church was also repaired after it was damaged by an
earthquake in 1880 and a fire in 1892.

In 1987, both the convent and the church, which by then had already been elevated to the
status of cathedral, were gutted by a fire. The new cathedral and convent were inaugurated
in April and December 1989, respectively. But within months, the great Luzon earthquake
of 1990 destroyed the bell tower and damaged the main church. The reconstruction of the
bell tower and the rehabilitation of the cathedral were completed in 1985.

As a student and part of the youth, how can you help in the protection and conservation of
the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Philippines? Cite specific answers and
elaborate on how you are going to help.

Engage in research projects aimed at conserving and organizing cultural heritage.

Gathering data from customs, speaking with elders, or researching the historical relevance
of cultural artifacts could all be part of this. Donate your time to groups that safeguard
cultural heritage. Give your time and knowledge to local historical preservation initiatives,
museums, and cultural institutions. endeavors to increase cultural sensitivity. Lead
campaigns to increase public awareness of the value of cultural heritage, or get involved in
them. This can entail planning seminars, workshops, or other gatherings that emphasize
the need of maintaining customs, handicrafts, and regional expertise. Accept and
encourage customary crafts and art forms. Pick up crafts like folk dancing, pottery, or
weaving. You can contribute to the preservation and advancement of intangible cultural


A. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct. If the statement is false, underline
the word/s that make/s it incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided for.

T 1. Taxation is a process by which the government raises funds for expenses.

T 2. The taxation system in the Philippines is regressive; the higher the income,
the higher the tax.
F 3. Tax is a voluntary contribution by the citizens.
F 4. The tribute amounts from 20-25 centavos paid to the Spanish Government.
T 5. A cedula is the same as a residence certificate.
F 6. National tax includes business permits for a sari-sari store.
T 7. Local taxes are those being collected by the local government, which includes
personal income tax.
T 8. Excise tax includes taxes on cigarettes and liquor.
T 9. The capacity of an individual to pay taxes depends on the personal tax
F 10. The Department of Finance is in-charge of the collection of taxes.

B. Get a sample of a filled-up form of an income tax return of your parents. If it is not
available, try to get a copy from any individual who has one. Examine carefully what
it contains. Notice the tax exemptions. Answer the following questions:

1. What are tax exemptions? Cite some examples of a tax exemption.

Tax exemptions are specific types of income, businesses, or organizations that are not
taxed. These exemptions, which are provided by tax laws or regulations, are intended to
lessen the tax burden on specific people, groups, or activities for a variety of reasons,
including advancing social welfare, fostering economic growth, or assisting specific
industries. Charitable institutions. If certain conditions are met, they may be eligible for tax
exemption. As a result, they can avoid paying income taxes on their donations and earnings.

2. Why do you think paying income tax is important?

The primary goal of taxation is to raise funds for governments to provide essential public
services. Taxation pays for many of the things that are essential to the functioning of
societies all over the world, such as health care, education, and social services. According to
studies, a country's bare minimum tax revenue should be at least 15% of its GDP in order to
provide basic services to its citizens.

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