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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett.

(2019), 47(2), 278–288
pISSN 1598-642X eISSN 2234-7305
Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

De-novo Hybrid Protein Design for Biodegradation of

Organophosphate Pesticides
Garima Awasthi, Ruchi Yadav, and Prachi Srivastava*
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow-226028, U.P., India

Received: March 11, 2019 / Revised: April 3, 2019 / Accepted: April 12, 2019

In the present investigation, we attempted to design a protocol to develop a hybrid protein with better
bioremediation capacity. Using in silico approaches, a Hybrid Open Reading Frame (Hybrid ORF) is devel-
oped targeting the genes of microorganisms known for degradation of organophosphates. Out of 21 genes
identified through BLAST search, 8 structurally similar genes (opdA, opd, opaA, pte RO, pdeA, parC, mpd
and phnE) involved in biodegradation were screened. Gene conservational analysis categorizes these
organophosphates degrading 8 genes into 4 super families i.e., Metallo-dependent hydrolases, Lactamase B,
MPP and TM_PBP2 superfamily. Hybrid protein structure was modeled using multi-template homology
modeling (3S07_A; 99%, 1P9E_A; 98%, 2ZO9_B; 33%, 2DXL_A; 33%) by Schrödinger software suit version
10.4.018. Structural verification of protein models was done using Ramachandran plot, it was showing
96.0% residue in the favored region, which was verified using RAMPAGE. The phosphotriesterase protein
was showing the highest structural similarity with hybrid protein having raw score 984. The 5 binding sites
of hybrid protein were identified through binding site prediction. The docking study shows that hybrid
protein potentially interacts with 10 different organophosphates. The study results indicate that the
hybrid protein designed has the capability of degrading a wide range of organophosphate compounds.

Keywords: Homology modeling, organophosphate degradation, hybrid ORF, bioremediation

Introduction degradation is not so effective, due to the toxicity of mix-

ture of organic pollutants. This limitation leads to
Organophosphates (OP) are highly toxic pesticides develop concepts and protocols for genetically engi-
and insecticides, used in different practices such as agri- neered microorganisms (GEMs) for biodegradation of
culture, gardens, and veterinary practices. The toxicity wide range of toxic compounds, as they contain artifi-
of these compounds affects environment, ecosystem and cially designed catabolic pathways [3].
health of living beings. Biodegradation is found to be the GEMs have been reported as a potential source for bio-
most authentic and applicable technique used for such degradation, which enhance degrading capabilities of a
compounds. Many microorganisms are the established wide range of chemical contaminants [4]. It has been
sources of organophosphate degradation. It is well reported that the genetically engineered bacteria of
reported that mixed microbial population can be more Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida strains were
effective than single micro-organism for the degradation stable and effective for the treatment of waste water [5].
of wide range of toxic compounds [1, 2]. Sometimes bio- The shotgun method was used clone methyl parathion
hydrolase encoding gene (mpd) with cognate regulator of
*Corresponding author a methyl parathion (MP)- degrading strain Pseudomo-
Tel: +91-9453141916, Fax: +91-522-2814080
nas putida DLL-1. Recombinant plasmid pBBR- mpd
© 2019, The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology was produced by using broad-host vector pBBR1MCS-2.
In Silico Designing of Hybrid Protein for Degradation of Organophosphate Compounds 279

This recombinant plasmid pBBR- mpd was transformed allowing Twists) pair wise alignment tool [20].
in Sphingomonas sp. CDS-1 and finally CDS-pBBR- Hybrid protein- ligand interaction study was done
mpd recombinant produced. Sphingomonas sp. DS-1 using docking by Schrödinger software suit. The struc-
was recombinant strain for degradation of Organophos- ture of organophosphate compound was searched from
phate and carbamates. This recombinant organism was the PubChem database (,
having 7 times higher capacity of degrading methyl and the 2D chemical structure of these compounds was
parathione in comparison to wild type strain [6]. The downloaded and saved in SDF file. Library of these
genetically engineered strain Escherichia coli JM109 organophosphate compounds was used for docking study
(pGEX-AZR) have been reported for decolorization of with the hybrid protein by glide dock method. The dock-
C.I. Direct Blue 71 [7]. In silico study has been carried ing step includes ligand preparation, protein prepara-
out for the designing and construction of metal binding tion and binding site prediction by site map tool, grid
hybrid proteins expressed in Escherichia coli for the generation, and glide dock. The Glide dock method gen-
removal of cadmium [8]. Similarly, few more research erated pose viewer file, and this file was used to study
have been carried out regarding the construction of glide score. Protein-ligand interaction was visualized
microbial consortia for the degradation of toxic com- using ligplot tool of Schrödinger software [21−25]. The
pounds such as plastic garbage [9], diesel oil [10] and protein-ligand interaction map was used to study the
various xenobiotics compounds [11]. bond and other interactions between organophosphates
The studies of toxic compounds degrading proteins and hybrid protein.
have been carried out for predicting the possibilities of
biodegradation [12−16]. This study is focused to develop Results and Discussion
a protocol for the construction of hybrid protein for bio-
degradation of wide range of organophosphates. The Blast result of organophosphate degrading gene
hybrid protein will be designed from constructed micro- Organophosphate degrading gene Opd A was identi-
bial gene consortia using homology modeling method. fied in Agrobacterium tumefaciens [26], Opd in Flavo-
bacterium sp. [27], Pseudomonas putida, Brevundimonas
Materials and Methods diminuta, Sphingobium fuliginis, Chryseobacterium bal-
ustinum, PTE-RO in Brevundimonas diminuta [28],
The extensive literature search and data mining opaA in Alteromonas sp. [29], Mpd in Achromobacter sp.
(NCBI genomic databank) were done to collect the iden- mp-2 [30], Plesiomonas sp. M6 and Ochrobactrum sp.
tified genes involved in degradation of organophos- Yw28, pdeA in Delftia acidovorans [31], parC in Pseudo-
phates. The information gathered was in the form of monas aeruginosa [32], and phn E in Escherichia coli
FASTA sequence and functional protein. K-12 [33] by using BLAST tool. The functional protein
A BLAST search was done to identify similar genes. identified were parathion hydrolase, phosphotriesterase,
Total 21 organophosphates degrading genes were identi- organophosphate pesticide hydrolase and partition pro-
fied in different strains of the microorganism. Eight dif- tein C. The 8 different genes were screened and selected
ferent genes (opdA, opd, opaA, pteRO, pdeA, parC, mpd, for the construction of consortium, from the identified 21
and phnE) were selected. organophosphate degrading genes, as detail mentioned
Superfamily (Conserved regions) of these genes was in Table 1.
identified using BLASTp and ScanProsite tool. Func-
tional classification of organophosphates degrading BLASTp result of organophosphate degrading gene
genes was done on the basis of motif and its function. The second screening is based on different superfami-
Homology modeling of the hybrid sequence was done lies. The superfamilies were identified for screened 8
using a multi-template method by Schrödinger software genes, using BLASTp tool. The gene conservational
suit [17−19]. The structure similarity of modeled hybrid analysis shows that four superfamilies of organophas-
protein was analyzed by using FATCAT (Flexible struc- phate degrading genes identified are Metallo-dependent
ture Alignment by Chaining Aligned fragment pairs hydrolases, Lactamase B, MPP (Metallophosphatase)

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280 Awasthi et al.

Table 1. List of Genes degrading Organophosphate and its superfamilies.

S. no Gene Protein Organisms Superfamily Accession no.
1. Opd A Phosphotriesterase A. tumefaciens Metallo-dependent hydrolases superfamily AY043245
(R. radiobacter)
2. Opd Parathion hydrolase Flavobacterium sp. Metallo-dependent hydrolases superfamily M29593.1
3. PTE-RO Phosphotriesterase variant B. diminuta Metallo-dependent hydrolases superfamily KJ680379
4. OpaA Organophosphorus acid Alteromonas sp. Lactamase B superfamily U29240.1
5. Mpd Organophosphate pesticide Achromobacter sp. mp-2 Lactamase B superfamily AY627034.1
6. PdeA Phosphodiesterase D. acidovorans MPP-superfamily superfamily AF548455.1
7. ParC Partition protein C P. aeruginosa No conserved domain have been detected KR106190
till yet
8. Phn E Organophosphate pesticide E. coli K-12 TM_PBP2 superfamily EG11283

and TM_PBP2 (Transmembrane subunit (TM) found in Four templates were selected from the blastp result of
Periplasmic Binding Protein (PBP)). Sequences of these hybrid ORF sequence and the finally selected templates
superfamilies were used for designing of hybrid ORF as were 3S07_A, 1P9E_A, 2ZO9_B, and 2DXL_A, which
shown in Fig. 1. Finally, length of ORFs, start position were showing similarity with the hybrid ORF sequence.
and stop position of ORFs of conserved region of selected The identity% of 3S07_A and 1P9E_A is 99% and 98%
superfamilies were identified as details mentioned in respectively whereas the same of 2ZO9_B, and 2DXL_A
Table 2. The hybrid ORF gene sequence was constructed is 33%. The query position of template 3S07_A and
using identified conserved region of superfamilies and 1P9E_A are from 32 to 360 and from 649 to 979 respec-
length was 3731 bp. tively, where as the query cover of both the template is
26%. Similarly, the query position of 2ZO9_B and
Template identification for homology modeling 2DXL_A are same from 391 to 601 and query cover of
The multi template homology modeling by Schrödinger both the template is 17%. The template 3S07_A belongs
software suit was done to cover the maximum hybrid to phosphotriesterase family which is a binuclear metal-
ORF sequence for designing hybrid protein structure. loenzyme and 1P9E_A belong to Metallo-beta-lactamase
family. The 2ZO9_B and 2DXL_A belong to Calcineurin-
like Phosphoesterase family. These can hydrolyze
organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents, methyl
parathion and phosphoesterase and also capable of
nucleotide binding respectively. All these proteins of the
selected templates are also capable of metal binding.

Homology modeling multi template method by using

Schrödinger software suit
The hybrid protein structure was built by using the
selected four templates as shown in Fig. 2(A) and the
structural prediction was done through Ramachandran
plot [34−37] using Rampage [38] shown in Fig. 2(B). This
result shows stability of hybrid protein, where 96.0%
Fig. 1. Designing of Hybrid ORF degrading organophos- residues in most favored region, 4.0% in allowed region,
phates. and 0% in outlier region, which was above the expected
In Silico Designing of Hybrid Protein for Degradation of Organophosphate Compounds 281

Table 2. Detail of selected four conserved superfamilies and their function.

ORF start ORF stop Length of
S. no Superfamily Sequence Function
position position ORF

90% in the most favored regions. It is expected to have a (favored region) and outer limit (allowed region). The
good quality model, if the most favored regions are over generously allowed regions are located as pale greenish
90%. This Ramachandran plot shows secondary struc- yellowish area. The disallowed regions (white area) gen-
ture like α helix and β sheet in the fully allowed part erally involve steric hindrance between the side chains

Fig. 2. (A) Structure of Hybrid ORF protein designed using multi template homology modeling by Schrödinger software suit.
(B) Ramachandran plot of hybrid protein structure designed, where 96.0% residues in favored region, 4.0% in allowed
region and 0% in outlier region.

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282 Awasthi et al.

Table 3. Comparative study of hybrid protein versus known protein.

UniProt Entry Structure Raw Equivalent
S. no Protein Microorganism PDB ID P-value RMSD gaps
ID similarity score positions
1 Phosphotriesterase Agrobacterium tumefaciens Q93LD7 3SO7 significantly 984 0.00E+00 329 0.00 0
similar (0.00%)
2 Parathion hydrolase Flavobacterium sp. P0A433 1P6C significantly 958.13 0.00E+00 327 0.39 0
similar (0.00%)
3 Phosphotriesterase Brevundimonas diminuta A0A060GYS1 4PCP significantly 955.29 0.00E+00 327 0.46 0
variant PTE-R0 similar (0.00%)
4 Organophosphate Achromobacter sp. mp-2 Q693X3 3T1G significantly 328.72 1.32E-03 246 2.92 82
pesticide hydrolase similar (25.00%)
5 Phosphodiesterase Delftia acidovorans Q8GMW5 1NNW NOT 172.56 1.69e-01 178 3.85 151
significantly similar (45.90%)
6 partition protein C Pseudomonas aeruginosa A0A0H4P9E0 No structure was identified

of one amino acid with the backbone of the succeeding residue, the active binding sites for molecules. The
amino acid. The glycine is an exception, since it lacks the Aspartic acid was major identified amino acid on all the
side chain responsible for the clash and can adopt phi five binding sites. The other identified amino acids were
and psi angles in disallowed region of the Ramachan- Phenylalanine (9), Leucine (8), Arginine (8), Glycine (7),
dran plot, which is acceptable [39]. The multi template Alanine (6), Histidine (5), Serine (5) and Valine (5). The
homology modeling was done to cover the whole hybrid binding sites help in the interaction of protein with the
ORF sequence for the designing hybrid protein structure. ligand.

Comparative study of designed hybrid protein with

known protein
The comparative study of designed hybrid protein was
done with the screened proteins mentioned in Table 1.
To compare the structural similarity of hybrid protein
with the selected known protein was done using FATCAT
pair wise alignment tool. The hybrid protein was show-
ing structural similarity with the screened protein phos-
photriesterase, parathion hydrolase, phosphotriesterase
variant PTE-R0 and organophosphate pesticide hydro-
lase. Phosphodiesterase was showing no similarity with
hybrid protein. No structure was identified for Partition
protein C. The raw score, p value, equivalent position,
RMSD and gaps were analyzed as mentioned in Table 3.
The phosphotriesterase has shown the maximum simi-
larity and raw score 984, with hybrid protein.

Binding site of hybrid protein

The binding sites of hybrid protein are predicted to
increase the docking efficiency. The five binding sites
were identified in structure of hybrid ORF protein,
which can be visualized in Fig. 3. The details of binding
sites are mentioned in Table 4. The highest site score
Fig. 3. Binding sites of hybrid ORF protein by schrödinger
was 1.024 of site 1, having maximum sites and amino software suit, (A) site 1, (B) site 3, (C) site 2, (D) site 4, (E) site
acid residues. The other four sites also have amino acid 5.
In Silico Designing of Hybrid Protein for Degradation of Organophosphate Compounds 283

Table 4. Details of identified binding sites of hybrid ORF protein.

S. Site D Contact Hydro- Hydro- Don/ Fig.
site Size Volume Exposure Enclosure Balance Residues Name
No. score score potential phobic philic acc 13
1 Site 1 1.024 106 0.97 316.246 0.584 0.733 0.911 0.328 1.259 0.261 1.189 Chain A:, His 200, Thr 201, Leu (a)
270, Ser 202, Phe 271, Phe
305, Ala 203, Gly 272, Ser 204,
His 229, Ser 307, Arg 274, Tyr
308, Ile 105, Arg 253, Arg 279,
Tyr 256, His 54, Asp 232, His
56, Trp 130, Phe 131, Asp 132,
Gly 59, Ala 269, Lys 168, Asp
300, Leu 302
2 Site 3 0.883 64 0.604 122.108 0.492 0.742 1.03 0.128 1.821 0.07 0.493 Chain A: Arg 66, Phe 103, Glu (b)
158, Asp 159, Cyc 58, Gly 106,
Arg 107, Asp 108, Val 109, Thr
160, Ser 60, Ser 61, Ala 62, Gly
63, Arg 110, Phe 64, Leu 65
3 Site 2 0.78 55 0.691 127.939 0.601 0.653 0.873 0.251 1.221 0.206 0.914 Chain A: Ala 77, Asn 311, Leu (c)
78, Ile 312, Met 313, Phe 303,
Asp 314, Gly 304, Phe 305,
Asp 317, Val 309, Lys 81, Phe
71, Phe 72, Thr 310
4 Site 4 0.703 36 0.56 93.296 0.625 0.692 0.955 0.196 1.287 0.152 0.907 Chain A: His 88, Asp 322, Ala (d)
89, Trp 301, Gly 323, Leu 302,
Met 313, Met 324, Phe 303,
Ala 325, Asp 317, Lys 81, Arg
84, Gly 85, Asn 320, Pro 321
5 Site 5 0.606 22 0.505 96.04 0.732 0.692 0.983 0.218 1.077 0.203 1.566 Chain A: Val 124, Asp 34, Leu (e)
35, Leu 357, Val 36, Asn 37,
Pro 359, Val 195, Arg 163, Ile
153, Ala 164, Gly 165

Protein-Ligand interaction study using docking trees and ornamental plants. Chlorpyrifos methyl,
To check the efficiency of hybrid protein, its ligand Monocrotophos and Malathion widely used against pests
interaction studies were done by docking study using on cotton, sugar cane, tobacco, potatoes, peanuts, toma-
Schrödinger software suite. The docking study helps in toes, and ornamentals plants. Malathion is a wide spec-
assessment of the binding affinity of ligand and protein. trum aliphatic organophosphate insecticide. Malathion,
The hybrid ORF protein was constructed for the degra- Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos are widely used for both
dation of organophosphate compounds; therefore, vari- domestic and commercial agricultural purposes. These
ous organophosphate compounds were used as a Ligand. are used to kill mosquitos, cockroaches, fleas, termites,
The most commonly known ten organophosphate com- pet flea, tick collars, ticks on cattle and Mediterranean
pounds were selected randomly as a ligand for docking fruit flies. These are highly toxic compounds; weather
from the literature. These organophosphate compounds inhaled, ingested or absorbed by skin such as Chlor-
were Acephate, Parathion-methyl, Fonofos, Chloropyri- phoxim is toxic when it comes in contact with skin, Bro-
fos-methyl, Diazinon, Bromofos, Chlorphoxim, Monocro- mophos cross the placental barrier. Malathion is toxic to
tophos, Chlorpyrifos and Malathion. These selected aquatic organisms but less toxic for birds and mammals.
organophosphate compounds are used as insecticide and Human exposed to high levels Chlorpyrifos has autoim-
acaricide, they are also cholinesterase inhibitor. Acephate, mune antibodies, which is common in autoimmune dis-
Parathion-methyl and Chlorpyrifos are white crystalline orders also associated with higher risks of lung cancer
solid compound; Fonofos is a light-yellow liquid with a [40, 41].
pungent mercaptan-like odor used in cultivation of corn The docking studies were showing the interaction of
plant. Diazinon is widely used as pesticide for rice, fruit, ligand with the hybrid ORF protein. The highest 10 mol-

June 2019 | Vol. 47 | No. 2

284 Awasthi et al.

Table 5. Details of organophosphate compounds and modeled ORF protein interaction using docking.
S. No Compound name Pubchem ID Glide score Protein-ligand interaction

1. Acephate 319061378 -5.99

2. Parathion-methyl 249980167 -5.2

3. Fonofos 319071828 -5.13

4. Chlorpyrifos-methyl 319077673 -5.04
In Silico Designing of Hybrid Protein for Degradation of Organophosphate Compounds 285

Table 5. Continued.
S. No Compound name Pubchem ID Glide score Protein-ligand interaction

5. Diazinon 319556886 -4.78

6. Bromofos 250121756 -4.67

7. Chlorphoxim 319334751 -4.63

8. Monocrotophos 319302319 -4.51

June 2019 | Vol. 47 | No. 2

286 Awasthi et al.

Table 5. Continued.
S. No Compound name Pubchem ID Glide score Protein-ligand interaction

9. Chloropyrifos 319061835 -4.49

10. Malathion 319556698 -4.01

ecules, which shows the maximum docking score were chain) was observed in acephate (Arg→O), chlorpyrifos-
acephate (-5.987), parathion-methyl (-5.2), fonofos methyl (Arg→O), chlorphoxim (Arg→N and Arg→O),
(-5.125), chlorpyrifos (--5.043), diazinon (--4.775), chlor- chloropyrifos (Arg→N) and diazinon (Arg→N) with argi-
phoxim (-4.625), monocrotophos (-4.509), chloropyrifos nine. Similarly, interaction was also observed in mala-
(-4.491) and malathion (-4.491). These glide score -5.987 thion with tryptophan (Trp→O) and histidine (His→O).
to -4.491 are showing effective interaction between The pi-pi staking interaction mainly occurs with tyro-
ligand and protein. The details of the protein- Ligand sine (Tyr 308), tryptophan (Try 130), phenylalanine (Phe
interaction map are shown in Table 5. 131) and histidine (His 200). The pi-pi staking was
The interaction of hybrid protein with organophos- observed in chlorphoxim, fonofos and parathion-methyl
phates was due to the hydrogen bonds (side chain and with tyrosine (Tyr 308), in parathion-methyl with tryp-
back bone) and Pi-Pi staking. The arginine (253), trypto- tophan (Try 130) and in bromofos, chloropyrifos and
phan (130) and histidine (His 200) were showing interac- chlorphoxim with phenylalanine (Phe 131) amino acid.
tion via hydrogen bond with the ligand. The hydrogen All the organophosphates were showing solvent expo-
(back bone) bond interaction was observed in monocroto- sure on groups like -Br, -Cl, -C and -O- attached at side
phos with Serine (H→Ser307). The hydrogen bond (side chain of aromatic rings. All the interactions were in the
In Silico Designing of Hybrid Protein for Degradation of Organophosphate Compounds 287

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