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Atimonan, QUEZON

Name: JANARIE A. PARAFINA Date: 04/23/23

Course & Year: BSED-ENGLISH-2C Instructor: Dr. Mercado, AP


General Psychology

Instruction. Research the following psychologists lives, theories, and influence in the field. Discuss it briefly and accurately. Be creative in your
work. Do it in a document form and submit it as one by creating a Google Drive. Name your individual file as (Family Name, Initial of Names
and Middle Name in ALL CAPS LOCK, Date and Time of Submission, Ist WW) ex.(Mercado AP, April 23 at 12:00 p.m., 1st WW)

Your output will be graded on the following criteria:

Completeness …..40%
Clarity and Accuracy of content …..25%
Timeliness …..25%
Creativity …..10%
Total 100%

Psychologists Life Theories Influence

born on April 1, 1908 Humanistic Theories His work influenced how we see
in Brooklyn, New York, mental health.
American Psychologist Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs His work continues to
(1908-1970) exert an influence today.
His theories focused on
the positive aspects of
 Hierarchy of needs human nature.
1. Abraham Maslow  Founder of
 Peak experiences
 Self-actualization
Born on January 8, 1902 influenced modern
In Oak Park, Illinois, United States psychotherapy and have
American psychologist directly impacted the field of
(1902-1987) Carl Rogers' Humanistic
mental health.
2. Carl Ransom Rogers
Father of counselling psychology. Theory of Personality influenced by strong religious
one of the founders of Development
humanistic psychology. experiences (both in America
(and client-centered approach) and in China) and his early
in psychology. clinical career in a children's
Born August 16, 1832, Mannheim, Wundt's Theory of Psychology It established the discipline of
Germany psychology from meticulous
German physiologist, philosopher, accounts of experiments that
and professor.
3. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt examined conscious activities
fathers of modern psychology. to measure psychological
founder of experimental processes.
4. Edward Bradford Titchener
5. William James
6. Sigmund Freud
7. Max Wertheimer
8. Kurt Koffka
9. Wolfgang Köhler
10. Ivan Pavlov
11. John B. Watson
12. B. F. Skinner
13. Avram Noam Chomsky
14. Francis Cecil Sumner
15. Erik Homburger Erikson
16. Ulric Richard Gustav Neisser
17. Jean William Fritz Piaget
18. Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky

Based from their contributions, how has this helped you as a future educator? Develop your own theory that you can use in the profession
you have chosen and in your future work.


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