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Effect of Pelleting of Poultry Feed on the Activity of Molds and Mold Inhibitors 1,2


Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650

(Received for publication February 18, 1983)

ABSTRACT Paired samples of mash and pellets made from the mash were taken at feed mills and
compared for their mold count and fungal activity as measured by metabolic CO 2 production.
Four paired samples contained Mold-X, a commercial mold inhibitor, of which the major active
ingredient is propionic acid, and four paired samples did not contain a mold inhibitor. PeIIeting
reduced the mold counts by a factor of about 100 to 10,000, depending upon the sample. In-
cubation of the samples at 29 C after adjusting the water content to 20, 25, or 30% caused an
approximate doubling of the time required for onset of metabolic CO 2 production by the pelleted
feed as compared to the mash. Incorporation of the mold inhibitor into mash appeared to give a
similar lag in onset of CO 2 production. Pellets made from mash containing the mold inhibitor had
an additional doubling in the delay of onset of CO 2 production. In a model system composed of
corn meal to which graded doses of propionic acid were added, the concentration of inhibitor that
provided 50010 inhibition was found to increase with time of incubation. The lag in onset of CO 2
production in this system was found to be 1 or 2 days depending on whether the corn meal was
heated for 5 min at 60 or 70 to 85 C, respectively. Heat and propionic acid also interacted to
reduce the mold count of corn meal in the model system. It would appear that the effectiveness of
propionic acid as a mold inhibitor can -be greatly increased by the pelleting process and that a
decrease in the fungal burden of feed is an attribute of pelleting.
(Key words: mold count, feed, pelleting, CO 2 production, Mold-X, propionic acid, heating)
1984 Poultry Science 63 :70-75

INTRODUCTION poultry salmonellosis (MacKenzie and Bains,

The pelleting of poultry feed has been 1976; Patterson, 1969). An approximate
widely practiced for decades because it in- 1000-fold reduction in the numbers of En-
creases uniformity of feed consumed by the terobacteriaceae during pelleting of feed has
bird and because it improves the digestibility of been reported (Mossel, 1971; Stott et al., 1975;
the feed (Calet, 1965; McEllhiney, 1980). The Tabib et al., 1981). The reduction of the mold
results have been enhanced growth rate and count of feed during the pelleting process has
feed conversion efficiency in segments of the also been reported (Tabib et al., 1981). How-
poultry industry that have adopted the prac- ever, the importance, if any, qf this reduction
tice. Indeed, the usefulness of this practice has in mold count has not been investigated.
The relationship of pelleting to the microbial
rest.:lted in even the starter rations for chickens
status of poultry feed may be doubly im-
being pelleted and then crumbled to a man-
portant, because mold inhibitors such as sorbic
ageable particle size with a consequent de-
and benzoic acids have been reported to in-
creased cost of production of birds (Runnels et
teract with heat to produce a greater killing of
al., 1976). A commonly overlooked aspect of
microorganisms in broth cultures (Beuchat,
the pelleting process is that it influences the
1981a,b; Robinson and Hills, 1959; Shibasaki
microbiological burden of the poultry feed. The
and Tsuchido, 1973). Although there is low
high temperature during the pelleting process
correlation between number of microorganisms
has been important in breaking the cycle of
and their acti~ity in feed and ingredients (Tabib
et al., 1982), the necessity for control of
mycotoxins in the poultry industry suggested
1 Paper No. 8476 of the J oumal Series of the that the effect of pelleting on the activity of
North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, molds and mold inhibitors should be investi-
NC. gated.
2 The use of trade names in this article does not
imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricul-
The present communication reports on the
tural Research Service nor criticism of similar ones microbial status of pelleted and unpelleted feed
not mentioned. as influenced by propionic acid and a com-


mercial inhibitor, Mold-X, which contains ic Co., Baltimore, MD) using a thermal con-
propionic acid. ductivity detector, a stainless steel column (2 m
X 5.3 mm i.d.) with a packing of Poropak-Q,
MATERIALS AND METHODS and helium as the carrier gas (40 m1!min).
Samples. Paired samples of mash and the Injection port and detector temperatures were
pellets being made from the mash were col- 120 C and the column temperature was 100 C.
lected within 5 min of each other at different Sampling of headspace gas and injection into
feed mills making broiler chicken feed. The the column was accomplished with a dis-
samples were placed in plastic bags and brought posable tuberculin syringe and needle. The
to the laboratory where they were comminuted amount of CO 2 in the sample of headspace gas
in a high speed blender for 3 min prior to was quantitated by the peak height method.
assaying for mold count and fungal activity. Inhibitors. Propionic acid (Fisher Scientific
Four of the paired samples contained Mold-X, a Co., Raleigh, NC) was diluted to 5% in de-
commercial inhibitor, while samples from four ionized water and the amount calculated to
other mills did not contain any added mold yield the desired final concentration was added
inhibitor. to corn meal before final adjustment of the
Mold Counts. One gram of the comminuted moisture content. Mold-X, a commercial mold
feed samples was added to 10 ml of .85% NaCI inhibitor (AgResearch Mfg. Co., Inc., Wheeling,
containing .05% Triton X-100 (Fisher Scientific IL 60050) composed of propionic, acetic,
Co., Raleigh, NC) and shaken for 20 min on a sorbic, and benzoic acids, was purchased by the
wrist action shaker. Further dilutions were integrated broiler operations for their own use
made in .005% Triton X-100 in .85% saline in feed.
after permitting larger particles to settle for 1 Interaction of Inhibitor and Heat. After
min. The high concentration of the nonionic determining gravimetrically the moisture con-
detergent (Triton X-100) in the initial suspen- tent of corn meal from the university feed mill,
sion was required to obtain maximal counts. the moisture content was adjusted to 25% by
The dilution series utilized a lower concen- the addition of a calculated amount of de-
tration for the same reason. The molds were ionized water containing propionic acid to yield
counted in pour plates of Sabouraud's Dextrose a final concentration of 0, .125, .25, .5,1, and
Agar (Difco). The plates were incubated 48 hr 2 mg/g of corn meal. Replicate tubes (8 per
at 29 C before counting on a Quebec colony treatment) were placed in a water bath at 60,
counter (New Brunswick Scientific Co., New 70, or 85 C for 5 min prior to cooling in a
Brunswick, NJ). running tap water bath. After cooling, 4 tubes
Assessment of Fungal Activity. The moisture per treatment were used in determining their
content of the feed and corn meal was de- mold count. The other 4 tubes per treatment
termined gravimetrically by drying overnight at were incubated at 29 C for 6 days and the
110 C. The moisture content was then adjusted concentration of propionic acid that inhibited
to the desired level by the addition of deionized the CO 2 production by the corn meal by
water. There were four replicates per treatment one-half (IC so ) was determined daily by graphi-
and each replicate consisted of 5.5 cm 3 of feed cal estimation.
or corn meal in culture tubes (16 x 150 mm)
which were capped with rubber septa designed RESULTS
for use with serum bottles (Dixon and Hamil- In four paired samples of mash and pellets
ton, 1981). The septa prevented the exchange free of a mold inhibitor and whose moisture
of headspace gas of the tube with the ambient content in subsamples had been adjusted to 20,
atomosphere so that CO 2 produced as a result 25, and 30% water (Fig. 1), the onset of micro-
of microbial metabolism could be assessed in a bial activity as measured by release of metabol-
quantitative fashion. The replicates were ic CO 2 from the feed was dependent on both
incubated at 29 C for 3 days in the case of feed the moisture content and the time of incuba-
samples without Mold-X or for 6 days in the tion. In general, there appeared to be a delay of
case of samples that did contain the mold at least one day in the onset of CO 2 production
inhibitor. The C02 content of the headspace by pellets as compared to the time of onset in
gas was determined daily by gas chromatog- the mash from which the pellets were made.
raphy (Model GC-6AM, Shimadzu Scientif- This delay was generally independent of mois-

ture content. Once CO 2 production by the Reduction in mold count by the pelleting
pellets started, the rate of production roughly process (Table 1) was more dramatic than the
paralleled that obtained with the mash. The decrease in activity as measured by CO 2 pro-
results obtained from samples contammg duction. The presence of Mold-X in the feed
Mold-X are shown in Fig. 2. The onset of CO 2 appeared to have little effect on the reduction
production in mash containing Mold-X was of mold count associated with the pelleting
delayed by approximately one day past the process since mold counts were reduced to
time observed with mash that was free of about 100 cfu/g of pelleted feed, regardless of
Mold-X (Fig. 1). Pelleting of the mash that the presence or absence of inhibitor. The
contained Mold-X caused another lag in the influence of heating to various temperatures on
onset of CO 2 production (Fig. 2). This lag, the IC so of propionic acid in corn meal is
depending upon the sample and moisture shown in Figure 3. This model system, which
content, ranged from 1 to 2 days. In agreement was intended to approximate the heating that
with the results obtained with paired samples occurs during the pelleting process, showed a
free of Mold-X (Fig. 1), once CO 2 production delay of 1 day in the onset of microbial activity
commenced in pelleted material containing
Mold-X, the rate was approximately identical
to that of the untreated material (Fig. 2).

25% H2 0 30% H2 0

20% H2 O 25%H 2 O 30% H 2 O ~--q


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E I-- 20 I /
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o 24602460 4

TIME (days)

0 3 0 2 3 0 3 FIG. 2. Comparison of metabolic CO 2 production
TIME (days) by four paired samples (E, F, G, and H) of mash
(0-0) and pellets (e-e) containing Mold-X (1 mg/g).
FIG. 1. Comparison of metabolic CO 2 production Moisture content of the paired samples was adjusted
by four paired samples (A, B, C, and D) of untreated to 20, 25, and 30% moisture content prior to in-
mash (0-0) and pellets (e-e) adjusted to have a mois- cubation at 29 C. The metabolic CO 2 produced was
ture content of 20, 25, and 30% of water. Data measured daily for 6 days. Each data point is the
points are means of four replicates incubated at 29 C mean of four replicates and vertical bars on points
and the CO 2 production was measured daily for are SE. Absence of bars on a point indicates the
3 days. Vertical bars on points are SE; absence of SE was smaller than the space occupied by the data
bars on points indicates the SE was smaller than point. Note that the time scale is twice that of Figure
the space occupied by the data point. 1.

TABLE 1. Reduction of mold counts in chicken in material heated to 60 C for 5 min, a lag
feed by the pelleting process' of 2 days in material heated to 70 C, and a
delay of about 2.5 days in material heated to
Paired Inhibi- 85 C. The IC so in both heated and unheated
samples tor Mash Pellets
corn meal was dependent upon the time of
incubation, and the IC so increased with in-
A 5X 10' 7 X 10 2
B 2 X 10 6 1 X 10 2 creasing time of incubation. Once the microbial
C 8 X 10' .5 X 10 2 activity commenced in the heated material, the
D 4X 10 5 1 X 10 2 rate of increase in the IC so approximately
E + 1X 106 1 X 10 2 paralleled that in the unheated material.
F + 4 X 10 6 .2 X 10 2
2X 105 1 X 10 2
The influence of propionic acid (2 mg/g of
G +
H + 2X 105 1 X 10 2 corn meal) and of heating on the mold count of
corn meal is shown in Table 2. In general, the
'Paired samples of mash and the pellets made higher the moisture content of the corn meal,
from it were collected from feed mills. Tabular values the greater was the effect of the heat exposure
are mold counts per gram feed and are the means in reducing the mold count. The higher the
of duplicate determinations. temperature, the greater was the decrease in
mold count. There was a strong interaction
between temperature and propionic acid in
reducing the mold count. This interaction on
mold count between heat and mold inhibitor
was more readily apparent in the model system
than it was in feed samples taken from the


The pelleting process reduced the mold

count in chicken feed by factors from 100 to
E 10,000 times depending upon the sample
(Table 1). Because a mold count does not
2.0 distinguish spores, sporangia, and hyphal
""0 fragments, a mold count is a count of prop-
u agules or colony forming units that may have
u a very low correlation with total fungal biomass
TABLE 2. Interaction of heat and propionic acid
E on the mold count of corn meal'
85°C Moisture
'" 1.0 Tempera- Propionic
ture acid 15 20 25

(C) (%)
60 8X 105 7 X 10' 2 X 10'
+ 6X 10' 6 X 10 2 2 X 10'
70 2X 10' 1 X 10' 1 X 10 2
+ 1 X 10' <10 <10
85 2 X 10' 2 X 10 2 <10
FIG. 3. Influence of heating on the IC,o of pro- + <10 <10 <10
pionic acid in corn meal. The moisture content of the
meal was adjusted to 25% and after heating 5 min 'Corn meal with a total mold count of 8 X 10s/g
at the indicated temperature the heated (e-e) and was adjusted to the indicated moisture content and
unheated (0-0) replicates were incubated at 29 C. heated in a water bath at the indicated temperature
CO 2 production was measured daily and the IC so for 5 min prior to cooling and plating. Propionic
calculated graphically from the means of four repli- acid concentration was 0 or 2 mg/g of feed. Tabular
cates per treatment. values are means of four replicates.

(Tabib et al., 1982). More important than this preformed precursors which would occur only
dramatic reduction in mold count was the in minute quantities. Hence, the delayed onset
decrease in fungal activity of the pelleted of respiratory CO 2 production associated with
feed (Fig. 1). The pelleting process caused a the use of mold inhibitors clearly suggests
delay of about 1 day in the onset of fungal freedom from mycotoxin production during
metabolic activity under the conditions tested. the lag period. Once respiration commences,
A comparison of the results obtained with the effect of the mold inh"ibitor lessens and the
the mash samples in Figure 1 with those of the freedom from mycoto~in production would be
mash samples in Figure 2 may not be valid a matter of degree. On a practical basis, freedom
because they are not paired samples; never- from mycotoxin production could be assured
theless, it is interesting that the onset of CO 2 by 1) increased concentration of inhibitor (Fig.
production was delayed approximately 1 day 3), 2) decreased moisture content (Fig. 1
by the addition of inhibitor. This suggested that and 2), 3) decreased time between production
the inhibitor was effective in inhibiting fungal and consumption (Fig. 1 and 2), 4) increased
activity. The combination of mold inhibitor heat exposure during pelleting (Fig. 3), and 5)
plus pelleting resulted in an even greater delay as seems likely, a combination of these prac-
in the onset of microbial activity (Fig. 2). These tices.
results, which were confirmed in a model in In the highly competitive poultry industry,
vitro system (Fig. 3 and Table 2), suggest that managers examine all feed ingredients to try to
1) reduction of the fungal burden may be eliminate every unnecessary expense. All too
added to the list of positive attributes of the frequently, economizing has resulted in the
pelleting process, 2) there is a synergistIc elimination of mold inhibitors from the feed
interaction between organic acid mold in- because evidence of a beneficial effect was
hibitors and heat in feed, and 3) a large part of presumably lacking. The present results would
the apparent effectiveness of organic acids as appear to offer proof that organic acid mold
mold inhibitors resides in the fact that they inhibitors have a detectable beneficial effect
interact with heat during the pelleting process. under commonly used or attainable conditions
Interaction between heat and organic acid when included in feed. A final proof would be
inhibitors has previously been reported in to document under field conditions the findings
broth cultures offungi (Beuchat, 1981a,b). elucidated here. Despite these promising results,
Another interesting aspect of the present it should not be forgotten that a low mold
results was that the primary effect of mold count does not make feed immune to fungal
inhibitors and pelleting was a time lag before attack. Pelleting as it is normally practiced
the onset of activity. Once microbial activity results III net addition of water to feed and
began in treated samples, the activity approxi- makes it more easily spoiled (Tabib et al.,
mately paralleled that observed in untreated 1981).
samples. One explanation for this apparent
disappearance of the inhibitory activity would ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
be disappearance of the inhibitor itself as a
We thank Scott Johnson and Nancy Bailey
result of microbial metabolism. Such metab-
for technical assistance. This work was sup-
olism of antifungal agents and consequent relief
ported in part by the AgResearch Mfg. Co.,
of inhibition has been reported for gentian
Inc., Wheeling, IL 60090, whose help is greatly
violet (Hall and Hamilton, 1981), sorbic acid
(Doyle and Marth, 1975), ammonia (Lancaster
and Bothast, 1976), and propionic acid (Burrell
et al., 1973).
A practical yet fundamental question is Beuchat, L. R., 1981a. Effects of potassium sorbate
and sodium benzoate on inactivating yeasts
whether the reduction in fungal metabolic
heated in broth containing sodium chloride and
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less production of mycotoxins and a conse- Beuchat, L. R., 1981b. Synergistic. effects of potas-
quent lessened deleterious effect in poultry. sium sorbate and sodium benzoate on thermal
Certainly, there can be no formation of my- inactivation of yeasts. J. Food Sci. 46:771-777.
Burrell, N. J., Z. Kozakiewicz, D. M. Armitage, and J.
cotoxins in the absence of respiration with the H. Clarke, 1973. Some experiments on the
possible exception of a theoretical nonoxida- treatment of damp maize with propionic acid.
tive and noncarboxylative transformation of Ann. Techno!. Agric. 22: 595-603.

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Dixon, R. C., and P. B. Hamilton, 1981. Evaluation of poultry, poultry plant cooling waters and ef-
some organic acids as mold inhibitors by mea- fluent, and animal feeding stuffs. J. Appl. Bac-
suring CO 2 production from feed and ingredients. teriol. 32: 329-337.
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Doyle, M. P., and E. H. Marth, 1975. Thermal in- fruit products by sodium sorbate and mild heat.
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