PV - Agitators and Mixers For Vessels and Tanks

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328 Prossure Vessel Dasign Manual PROCEDURE 6-7 AGITATORS/MIXERS FOR VESSELS AND TANKS Mixing is defined as the intermingling of particles that pro- duce a uniform product. Hydraulically, mixers hehave like pumps. Mixing applications can be either a batch of a con: tinuous process, Although the terms agitation and mixing are often used interchangeably, there is a technical difference between the (wo. Agitation creates a flow or turbulence as follows ‘¢ Mild agitation performs a blending action. ‘¢ Medium agitation involves a turbulence that may permit some gas absorption, ‘¢ Violent agitation creates emulsification Mechanical mixers are sed as follows: ‘To mix two oF more nonhomogeneous materials. To maintain a mixture of materials that would separate if not agitated 4 To increase the rate of heut transfer between materials The mechanical mixer usually consists ofa shaft-mounted Impeller connected to drive unit. Mechanical mixers canbe as inal as % hp or a large as 200hp for some gear-lrven tinit, Power consumption over time determines the ell- tieney and economy of a mixing. proces. Top-mounted miners ‘can be located on center (YOO), off center (WOFC), or angled off center (AOC). Miners on center require bales IF the tio of liquid height to vessel diameter is greater than 1.2, then muliple impellers are recommended. Ratios of 2: and 3:1 are common in certain processes. A common rule of thumb is to use one impeller for exch diameter of Tigi height Miser applications are designed to achieve one of the following ‘© Blending: combines miscible materials to form a homo: geneous mixture, ‘© Dissolving: the dissipation ofa solid invo a liquid. # Dispersion: the mising of (wo or more nonmiseible materials ‘© Solid suspension: suspends insoluble solids within a liquia ‘© Heat exchange: promotes heat transfer through forced convection ¢ Extraction: separation of a component through solvent extraction, ‘Mounting Top-entering units ean generally be used on all applica- tions. Side-entering units are usually used for low spect mild blending, and tank cleaning operations. The most eff jent mounting is angled off center (AOC), ‘Tank Baffles Antiswirl baffles are required in most larger industrial fluid-mixing operations. Baflles are used for center-shatt, top-mounted mixers to prevent vortexing, Baflles also pro- ‘mote top-to-bottom tumover and represent good mixing practice. The most usual arrangement isto have four baffles spaced at 0°. For viscosities up to 500 centipoises, baflles can be mounted directly to the wall, For use in higher-vise sity material or in any mising application where solids ean build up or where other harmfal effects develop when the baffle attaches to the wall, the baffles should be spaced off of the wall. Normal spacing is 25% of the actual baffle width, Above 10,000 P, baffles should be mounted at least 1% in. off the wall, Above 20,000eP, no baffles are typically required. Horizontal tanks do not usually require baffles. Balfles should be selected for the minimum viscosity that will occur during a mixing eyele 4s liquid viscosities go up, the need for baffles—and thus ‘the baflle width—dlecreases, The industrial use of vessels without baflles is limited because unbalfled systems give ‘poor mixing Baffle widths and the wall clearance depend on the viscosity of the liquid being mised Viscosity, €F Battle Wictn, 8 | OM Wall, Be Wiaterine 08D | ~~OoaD 5000 (00560 ooo 10,000 oowo | _oono 20,000 ‘0021 00060

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