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C hildren,

B A ll have
elieve on the
obey your parents sinned and fall
Lord Jesus Christ
in the Lord for this short of the glory
and you will be
Ephesians 6:1
is right. Acts 16:31 Romans 3:23
of God.

F E D elight
ear not for I ven a child yourself in the
am with you. is known by his Lord and He will
Isaiah 43:5 doings. give the desires
Proverbs 20:11
of yourPsalm
I H eaven and
earth will pass
away but My
G od so loved the
world that He gave His
only Son that whosoever
believes in Him should
n the beginning, words will not not perish but have
God created the pass away. everlasting life.
heavens and the
earth. Genesis 1:1 Matthew 24:35 John 3:16

L ove the Lord,

your God with all of
your heart, with all
of your soul, and
K eep your
J esus said,
with all of your tongue from evil "I am the way,
strength. and your lips the truth, and
from speaking the life.
John 14:6
Deuteronomy 6:5 Psalm 34:13
O N M y help
, give ever will I comes from the
thanks to the leave you, never Lord, the Maker
Lord for He is will I forsake you. of heaven and
1 Chronicles 16:34 Hebrew 13:5 Psalm 121:2

R Q P raise the Lord!

emember uench not How good it is to
the Sabbath day the1Spirit .
Thessalonians sing praises to our
to keep 20:8
it holy. 5:19 God. How pleasant
and fitting to praise
Psalm 147:1
U T rust in the
Lord with all your
heart and lean
S eek the Lord
while He may be
found. Call upon
nto us a
not to your own Him while He is
child is born,
understanding. near.
unto us a Son is
given. Isaiah 9:6 Proverbs 3:5 Isaiah 55:6

X W hile we
were yet
V erily, verily
E ceedingly sinners, Christ I say unto you,
great and precious died for us. he that believes
promises are
in Me has
given to2us.
Peter 1:4 Romans 5:8
Z ion heard
and was glad.
Y our word
have I hidden in
my heart that I
Psalm 97:8
might not sin
against 119:11

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