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1. What type of social group whose members share personal and lasting
relationships? Primary Group

2. What type of group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity?

Secondary Group

3. What is the most important primary group in the society that first
experiences in life by an individual? Family

4. What is this type of social group that which a member feels respect and
loyalty? In-Group

5. What is this group to which people feel they do not belong and most of the
members are treated "others"? Out- Group

6. What is this social group where a group of people use a standard in

evaluating or understanding themselves, their attitudes and their behavior?
Secondary Group

7. Which of the following is not a primary group? Political Party

8. What is this Non-State Institution which is a financial intermediary that

creates credit by lending money to the borrower? Banks

9. What is the other term for political family? Political Dynasty

10. Which is the structure of family that is composed of parents and children
as well as other kin? Reconstituted Family

11. What do you call the family whose members are separated physically
between two or more nation- states but maintain close ties and relationship?
Transnational Family

12. Which of the following do you think is the reason why reconstituted
families does not increased? The couple loves their children

13. Which of the following is the other term for kinship by marriage? d. Kin of

14. Which of the following is not kinship by blood? Teacher

15. Which of the following that includes multiple husbands/wives? Group


1. What is the most universal and basic of all human relationships and is
based on ties of blood, marriage or adoption? b. Kinship
2. What is this type of kinship relations that shares biological ancestors or
those that are kin by reason of common ancestry? c. Kinship by blood
3. What is this type of kinship relations where two people were bond by
matrimony? a. Kinship by marriage
4. What is this structure of family which is composed of a couple and their
dependent children and also known as the Conjugal family? b. Nuclear Family
5. What is this basic type of marriage where only two people are involved? a.
6. What is the group of countries or political parties that are formally united and
working together because they have similar aims? a. Political Alliance
7. Which of the following is an association that provides services on a non-
profit basis to its members? c. Cooperatives
8. Which group consists of individuals who are united by their similar
characteristics and these characteristics serve as the basis of their constant
interaction? a. Social Groups
9. Which of the following is the best characteristic of a Social Group? a. Group
members interact on a fairly regular basis through communication.
10. Why Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) is an example of
TransferPayments which is one of ways in distributing society's resources? c.
This is to show the citizens that the economy is improving.
11. Which of the following is a form of gift exchange between two parties
wherein return is expected after product or gift giving? c. Redistribution
12. What is this act of government that distribute income from the wealthy
businesses and citizens to the less wealthy? b. Transfer Payments
13. What is this organization that is usually a group of people or a company
authorized by the state to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law
for certain purposes? b. Corporations
14. Which is not a purpose of economy? a. To manage the household
15. Why do they call these entities Non- State institutions like banks,
cooperatives, corporations, trade unions and etc.? b. They helps in the
financial stability of a certain country.


1. It has an approved curriculum, which has the course outline, the prescribed
number of sessions to end the lesson and authentic assessment and output.
A. Formal Education
2. The scenario, Carlo is 18yrs old now. He stopped schooling when he was
8yrs old he may be too old to go back to formal education. What would be your
advice to him to continue his schooling? B. Stay home and play online games
3. It is a broad range of educational approaches emerged, including self-
learning and homeschooling. C. Non formal Education
4. Which of the following is the function of education that transmits culture,
skills and values? B. Manifest
5. The process through which skills, knowledge and values are transmitted
from the teachers to learners. C. Society
6. Which of the following that describes of having a job and allow individuals to
fulfill their duties to pay taxes is an example of most important goals of
education? A. Develop skills

7. Which of the following is the most influential social engineers within the
country? C. Teacher

8. What term that describes the desire for self-fulfillment or the tendency for
him to become everything that is one is capable of becoming? B. Individual

9. The following are examples of non-formal education, EXCEPT? A. Fitness


10. "How can I ever thank you enough for all you've done? I am forever
grateful!" What characteristics of self-actualized people it emphasize? C.
Acceptance and Realism

11.What organization that specialized agency of the United Nations that seeks
to create peace and works in order that each child and citizen has access to
quality education. C. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Culture Organization

12. Bea collaborated with her group mates to make their paper works made
easier. This is an example of what function of education? C. Society 13.Which
of the following is an example of formal education? B. adult education courses
14. Geraldine removed herself from the social world and just enjoying her own
company. Which of the following characteristics of selfactualized people she
belong? C. Autonomy and Solitude15. Which of the following is the agent of
socialization that prepares children for his or her future adult economic roles?
C. Market


1. The methods of layering of social categories into higher and lower

categories known as acculturation. A. False
2. Which ___________impairment limits the functions of the upper and lower
extremities like the limbs, fine bones and gross motor? D. Physical
3. This act applies to both groups and individuals that move from one status to
anothereither horizontal or vertical is known as social ____________. C.
4. The intellectual _________is widely accepted by many advocates in most
English-speaking countries which formerly termed as mental retardation.A.
5. Which refers to the assessment of status? C. Prestige
6. It is the kind of status that is distinguished by an individual's occupation,
earnings and education. B. Socio-economic
7. Which of the following status is earned by individual either bystruggling or
exerting more effort? A. Achieved
8. The __________inequality is deepening separation in the roles assigned to
men and women pertaining to economic, political and educational aspect. B.
9. Which of the following is assigned by society or group on the basis of fixed
category without regard to personal abilities? B. Ascribed status
10. Determine the assessment of individual role behavior based on the
person's status is called_________. C. Prestige
11. What is the relative position of persons within a social group, category,
geographic region or social unit? D. Stratification
12. This is often established based on characteristics of individual, place of
origin and physical attributes. C. Ethnic inequality
13. It describes the basis of uneven distribution of income or wealth. D. Social
14. Here's a scenario: "You and your friend went to the market. On the way
you pass by an old man sleeping on the street. Your friend told you that the old
man smells stinky and looks aweful. Based on your friend's statement" What
will you do? C. Tell your friend that status is not the way you see it.
15. Which of the following is the implication of a deformity that may be
physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental and may be
present at birth? D. Disability


1. Which of the following is to require and to adhere to a multilayered

procedure adhering to any or all expressed legality? B. Government Programs
2. Which of the following occurs when resources in a given society are
distributed unevenly, typically though norms of allocation that engender
specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons? D.
Social Inequality
3. What is usually described on the basis of the unequal distribution of income
or wealth is a frequently studied type of social inequality? A. Economic
4. Which of the following is the international inequality that refers to economic
differences between countries? C. Globally Inequality
5. Which among them is the result of hierarchical social distinctions between
racial and ethnic categories within society and often established based on
characteristics such as skin color and other physical characteristics or an
individual place of origin or culture. C. Racial Inequality
6. What agency is responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in,
and improving the quality of basic education? A. DepEd
7. It aims is to fill job vacancies through referral and placement, career
counseling, trainings, and seminars and accommodates various individuals
including job seekers, employers, students, out-of-school youth, migratory
workers, and persons with disabilities. B. PESO
8. What Program of government that provides conditional cash grants to the
poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of
children aged 0-18. D.The PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
9. Which of the following is an executive department of the Philippine
Government mandated to formulate policies, implement programs and
services, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive Branch in
the field of labor and employment? D.DOLE

10. Which of the following is NOT belong to the social inequality? D. Financial

11.It is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for

the protection of the social welfare of rights of Filipinos and to promote the
social development. B. DSWD

12. Which is NOT the key to reducing inequality? D. It is higher and broader
economic growth, especially in agriculture

13. Which is NOT a government program? C. Free jobs for person with

14. Which is not a part of our government agencies? C. Department of Service


1. What agency is responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and
improving the quality of basic education? A. DepEd
2. What is usually described on the basis of the unequal distribution of income
or wealth is a frequently studied type of social inequality? A. Economic
3. Which of the following is the international inequality that refers to economic
differences between countries? C. Globally Inequality
4. Which among them is the result of hierarchical social distinctions between
racial and ethnic categories within society and often established based on
characteristics such as skin color and other physical characteristics or an
individual's place of origin or culture . C. Racial Inequality
5. Which of the following is to require and to adhere to a multilayered
procedure adhering to any or all expressed legality? B. Government Programs

6. Which of the following occurs when resources in a given society are

distributed unevenly, typically though norms of allocation that engender
specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons? D.
Social Inequality

7. Which of the following is an executive department of the Philippine

Government mandated to formulate policies, implement programs and
services, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive Branch in
the field of labor and employment? D.DOLE
8. It is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for
the protection of the social welfare of rights of Filipinos and to promote the
social development. B. DSWD

9. What Program of government, that provides conditional cash grants to the

poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition, and the education of
children aged 0-18. D.The PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

10.It aims is to fill job vacancies through referral and placement, career
counseling, trainings, and seminars and accommodates various individuals
including job seekers, employers, students, out-of-school youth, migratory
workers, and persons with disabilities. B. PESO

11. Which is not a part of our government agencies? D. Department of Social

Welfare and Development

12. Which of the following is not belong to the group? D. All of the above

13. It is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for

the protection of the social welfare of rights of Filipinos and to promote the
social development. B. DSWD

14. Which is NOT the key to reducing inequality? D. It in better in socio-


15. Which is NOT a government program? C. Scholarship is offered in the

private school.

1. Kinship

It is the relation that is based on blood that may be close or distant.

Sometimes refer to bond of blood wherein it binds people together in a group.
These relationships are products of social interactions and are recognized by

2. Social Interaction

It is a social structure that is made up of a set of social actors that can be

individuals or organizations. It represents the relationships that flows between
people, groups, and organizations. These relationships of individuals have
respect to common motive and goals, accepted norms and values with
reference to matters relevant to the group.

3. Economic Institutions

It refers to commercial organizations that generate, distribute, and purchase

goods and services. It also refers to any institutions that plays a part in the
economy. These are said to commercial because they are involved in any of
these activities: manufacturing, producing, trading, wholesaling, retailing,
buying and consuming economic items.
4. Non-state Institutions

These institutions are not part of the government wherein people or

organizations participate in international affairs and relations but are not
affiliated with any state or nation. These institutions play important roles in the
economic, social, cultural, and political welfare of nations. They have the
power to influence and cause changes.


1. What is education?

Education is the process through which skills, knowledge, and values are
transmitted from teacher to learners.

2. What are the forms of education

The forms of education are formal education and non-formal education.

3. How does manifest function differ from latent function of education? Cite
one example.

Manifest function pertains as the intended goals of a certain action in an

institution. On the contrary, latent function refers to the unintentional

Manifest function
•Intended function
•For socialization
•Transmission of knowledge, skills, culture and values
•Social Control

Latent Function
•Unintended function
•Unconsciously done
•Social Network
•Ability to work in groups

4. What are the three important goals of education?

As for the goals of education, there are three important goals; productive
citizenry, self-actualization, and raise that it is a human right.

5. What are the characteristics of a self-actualized people according to

According to Maslow, there are several characteristics of a self-actualized

•Acceptance and Realism

•Autonomy and Solitude
•Continued Freshness of Appreciation


1. It includes the rights over goods and services, or how much of the resources
of the society are owned by certain individuals.Wealth
2. Implies social judgment that a status or position is more prestigious and
honorable than others, or it also includes the fame one attains upon reaching
a certain degree of prestige.Social Evaluation
3. It is the ability to secure one's ends in life, thedegree to which one directs,
manages, or dominates others.Authority

4. It leads to the behavior expected of a person who occupies a particular

status.Social Class

4. Refers to the level or category where persons have more or less the same
socio- economic privileges in society.Social Role
5. It pertains to the description of government officials who are interrelated by
blood.Political Dynasty
6. This denotes the individual's position ina social structure.Status
7. These statuses are permanent and as an individual you just did nothing to
get them.Ascribed
8. The composition of the elite clan and considered to be highly educated
people.Upper Class
9. These social structures are not stable and an individual have to aspire in
order to earn this status. Achieved

Social (1)Stratification is defined as the (2)arrangement of any social group

or society into a (3) hierarchy of positions that are (4)unequal with regards to
power, property, social (5)evaluation,and/or psychic (6)gratification. Social
stratification is a particular form of social (7)inequality. All societies arrange
their members in terms of (8)superiority, inferiority and equality. Stratification
is a process of interaction or (9)differentiation whereby some people come to
rank (10)higher than others.

INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT I Directions: Read the sentences carefully.

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE, if it is incorrect.
FALSE 1. Power or Authority refers to the rights over goods and services, or
how much of the resources of the society are owned by certain individuals.

TRUE 2. Prestige implies Social judgment that a status or position is more

prestigious and honorable than others.

TRUE 3. Power is the degree to which one directs, manages, or dominates


TRUE 4. Social Role refers to the behavior expected of a person who

occupies a particular status.

FALSE 5. Education refers to the level or category where persons have more
or less the same socio- economic privileges in society.

FALSE 6. Wealth is the main pathway of upward social mobility among the

TRUE 7. Political dynasty means that local officials are often related to each
other by blood.

FALSE 8. Unequal access to good education is the main pathway of upward

social mobility among the poor.

FALSE 9. Stratification is a process of interaction whereby some people rank

according to their socio- economic privileges in society.

TRUE 10. Property refers to the rights over goods and services.

WHAT I HAVE LEARNED Direction: Write your answer on a sheet of paper

1. Differentiate the two types of social mobility

There are two types of social mobility namely vertical mobility and horizontal
mobility. Vertical mobility occurs up and down the social strata. For instance,
moving from middle class to working class as a result of long term
unemployment. Horizontal mobility occurs within the same strata. For instance,
changing careers or positions that offer the same economic or social rewards.

2. Explain the difference between Ascribed and Achieved Statuses Ascribed

status is beyond an individual's control; it is not earned or chosen. Achieved
status is a position that is earned or chosen and reflects a person's skills,
abilities, and efforts.
3. Do you agree that women should always be treated the same way? Explain
I agree that women should always be treated the same way because we are
all equal. For me, all of the gender must be treated equal, and they must have
equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Being equal can prevent
violence to each other. All of us must treated with dignity, respect and
1. This is the individual's position in a social structure.STATUS
2. It is a society's categorization of people into socioeconomic strata based om
income, social status or derived power.SOCIAL STRATIFICATION
3. These are considered the elite families who are the most prolific and
successful in their respective areas.UPPER CLASS
4. These statuses are fixed and you did not do anything to earn
5. It is referred to as number of people who are group collectively having
similar professional statuses, amount of prestige or lifestyle.SOCIAL CLASS

GUIDED ACTIVITY II Directions: Write in three (3) government programs in

the following agencies of the government:
a. Department of Education

•Alternative Learning System-Education Skills and Programs (ALS-EST)

•Special Education (SPED) Program
•Science and Math Equipment (LTE-SME)

b. Department of Health

•Blood Donation Program

•Health and Wellness Program for Senior Citizen
•Measles Elimination Campaign (Ligtas Tigdas)

c. Department of Social Welfare and Development

•Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA)

•Supplemental Feeding Program
•Sustainable Livelihood Program

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