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Please provide details about why you left each of the above secondary/ high schools.

A goal without a plan is just a wish and I don’t consider myself to be a wishful thinker but a
person of practical approach. As a transfer student, it is apparent that I am looking for change
in order to strive and reach unimaginable cause with my journey beginning at Nzvimbo
Secondary School. I began my journey at this school in my zone of comfort close to home and
family. However, I was unmotivated.
I found a number of pragmatic reasons that my school is no longer appropriate for the goals
towards which I am working. It being located in a rural remote area without enough resources,
it could only cater for commercial and arts programs. I wanted something different, that is
science programs.
My motivation to apply to a different school is I realized that I needed to spread my wings and
fly, truly experiencing what the world has to offer and Glenview 1 High School became an
option. Firstly, I chose to transfer to this School because of the values and objectives that are
close to mine. The school encourages students to work harder and cultivates achievers and
further ignites the fire that burns inside. Comparably I am an achiever myself. As a student who
transferred to Glenview 1 High, my values along with the school’s values of achievement,
strategic thinking and communication go hand in hand.

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