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Covese Ouriwe oe Nerisble Techrigues ort normally used to by vepeeseat ae Bese of 1. Lot eer enewn Hrat this defie He symbols ior jE sr ed introduced inte algebea ov analysis mush bi aeSined Sa Aurms of proce slementary guanlihe We pashlake oak te eymbsl “i? hres Sllening proper hac @ behaves cxactly as an edinant algebrasc symbe! is defined +> be egual te -\ and by ahah definition Shoull always be replaced by -| numbers fin eh eguation : _ [eavab = ceid J.-*%- (9 implies jot a= Cand bed iy led and B ba tio real numbers ond let ‘i? be te Fi hile Bis Hh iemaginay ae “Ae cougar ¢that_bdh Kani B ave Hemselvas Real Ration i yon method af det hag / ) Fundamental operations fn alternative definihion is that te compler number Z of ceal numbers of and «an ordeved pair aw [z- @ el This is subject te th following cond Hons Eguihy: Tuo comple qumbus are qual, only Hic cal oad imaginary ports are . agua Ncntuke value or Modulus + Je ovedalas [z|_eb a complex oumbar Zig defined ac: [let = See] feleo t «= er0 & LM ZS Zo 2a tn Zo (Ke Boe) BM Z--2z, hen 29 (-%-@,) BIE 2: 222, Mn Zs (gaya, ota rh 4 Tk findamentel (ows of ol jabra are saks fed one te above operations are defined Qwisin med 2+ (4,8) 2 _— Goenrwicat Represents To Aehaikon of g comple numb at_ex adeved pair eo ceal numbers can how be represented graphically «Ing aD Carhesian # ode system, te Fiest Real numbers eqeatents te Care” ihe di second Real number eas He_geouts (imaginery eis) 7 J, oe r !(2Argéad'Riajeom = te oc of te th | mglilec db He complex number ic te ty above —yecloc hewn in He figure Jeabunie Te ange © made ee wechoe with th n-onis fs He Argument hte complex num ber Te go oni _is Vovginoty ews Mig customers be ¢= ltl and _ Ons ery. Z ao), O54 ver ne set Ae aute 5 7 a ete a @ is mb unigue sinus be “ys ent of O-+ 2nT remains consbart » OTTelh js furefice_olled te Ate prinely | diekeguich i vm oir gorsible arguments: lb alse Solas etyecking te veclr « imaginary anis_tha aq | Tele var can onpress Fm | a 2. : | sentation on te real ond fe_cor aes 2 i cergumet @ os “ample is cated a complex os a — t —$ @£—£§ _ + covespanding value Jor anotir variable wy = us jv en it ad drat wis a Sachin af Zs | Given a fanckon 4 (9) and v(1y) of real vorialgles —]n_anl_y any Gackien that con be expressed in a 4 fb ube y) + pv ug) ic alte g Leach of Z- A Sunken woof he complex variable Z ic said te be single-valved if each valet sf Z determines only one value of! wo + Otte wice, it is enelkiple: valued - Te cencepls of Lints continuity and differentin- ib ar twends as that_ef real vari ables _ _ ok amplix vaciebler ito si hen we Sey thet a variqhle point Z Sixed point 2" Ze, ton Ze = Ae sje rchich means ___ {that x _appraashes aa _ond_y approaches y,(ie X41 Xe ond a | Te 8 vicinity af Zo are alps ined in He cl pint ia te _S [dunction ws = cit JZ in HK § vicisihy of Zo th Allowing celabion exists © | lim $2) = bm FG) = We J- . == 34> ah ad whick te Gadling Fonds as Zp Ze at te 2 plane lac region a%s y= & § 50 that as S—> 0, city will also appa approache Ze - A GY _\s sald 4 be continuous at Zo if for ang Since the Vimit operator is linear, + follows that te __Leoatinsity of a _camplae funckons implies He cantinulhy of fs ceal_and imaginary parts . for if ¢ we uGey) + jv prea: pahich is egal to og Ln He abe agualion Ale = Ree and ETEY Ini pA corhinueas comple Sunchin wd of 4a comple variable p12 nay be geaphically wepresented aca mapping Iyebuenn duo Hest camer spaces Hank MZ planes capechaly aE ais stage voles thie point 00g) in AZ plane dale Ljast one point (4) = plane, Regular Function 1k F © bes single valved function defined in Jolordoin ia fe Z- plane, Yan we. say that FZ) is diflecrbol ok Fa ih fer any Zt te § neighborhood fz, ite Kerk FYFE). G), approaches 4 uniyue Z-%, whener Z epprachan Zo. “Th dicechion of whidh <—- Liteals 4.7% it of no impartonce and hos nv effect © Me fio Lerit Tee vclass of q function af a ompl ' derivatives as d 4 at a a Mongeaic av he hie $ (esha lector a func bile cegular,, ror not renkialele or mal led on IF Ak number aumloer ten fon chi kil A_by isnlating there pints of Singularity - A stagubacty print is a goiok whe ort Function ceases be be regulars Tk ace mast impartaat funckons of complex variables Sor angineerng BR Sanchon w= $@) is said t be cegular or analybc at a print == 2 if thts defined ond stale valued ond has @ derivative at Beery print at and aroyad The points ina cepion where F(2) ceaces 4 be regular ave called Cingular points or Singularth'es Example Felt demhve of w= Ze ue zeae, | Za 2-34 sane. | ~ _ oP = (25 74 R pee gay po IG Sah pie WOON Tene ed i 4 T¥ Je eo Ee ips (== WS KY aqoy >t JODY Be Susy TUT iA hishcthh ceca a sate Eo) poe pits atay eee FE TT aeRO ory oe PP PE TEN LL 5 Cleve apg {+ aor 2 . (4g (may . fpr + >pa Tr. Con = apn i Cr) Chery (0 (Pre + xpayl + Bea- apr IF (6) ce \ Cetera, Te arcxt | Sere ti eG { payee ap ie ryeed wey yr 2 Bf byed mass Poy (ayy 42 yreByur me yeh 2m URE y woifas! ie ot sabeayes pre panes is “prgre ny Cay f 4! i SAMI) raddm xmgWory - = nee OS ~ = Raat O-PS aT RITES (ong terrays Tere] = ; DUPER rE S _ - “a ze) = OF —os “pple xp sap Ate = ‘ eS CET EST SP Cea) vy Coat ay pb aE 2 fs ee a ee aeRO Ra Te OT, Test saps ap or spp Bape ay wH PEAT AL Te poe Boel art Apap aT > ane ae eT Le 4 pip aay w Cugenpe ar sue7— 9 poR IY eRRREG————— See EE Ce Boman Capp Ore BP eypep wT Fae zoe ET Ga ped ya f pe aunpd pT a Ws aE bose oan uaissanda7 > a —— - we fured Pana pv 9 Do aaa AE Fy pose 70 taosPar yp sy SMO ac — Tif = Choe T ATT aa aE Re TET ae} > Paoponeg MH ywE aon Wal pm 2a us y velbs qo ome EH YwsPopE agREP” BI ner fi artes tee - Ef = pap hes wa ane) f aap Faopnoy Wwe per wit y UagR BUTS Sywarap ype {hag Hp GL Tamed = Rap oy as goo Bepursg yp ba paw apisul shanwybas pus aU daw ouE F pur ae jp SUSE SME IG OP YY wee Suet) (Geary pes Cormapn) P= ar Gt q ee sR TaTF GP HGS He HT fpr sap (Oe nie Bree xppetimf = =r uf - sep sep Plex ez cw am (aypam pow Ble 2 =z wsx803M| A) lp Peay 7 =f art 2 Bp (2+ poy redixy pe 1F BAM PAP ong Pa paper vaso Biopunsy ae oS PH vps Siro 1 OF, worsen SP) [o ze (Ot BRED 7D Pensa josey == UE FER GIy 4010 tL 3 Si om IF PO aap Pom | ~ == sitter ey t F a a oe += unp 7 ee poe vapie quid havo ye pepibs TG PH ————+ fre( Sa) teed co = (bem 3 en) Pf ° = ee Re -— OF eo es | a | We Ee, iP eyerbs Teer tip) ap “ump ———— W | Mss wey og f op tT Ue f xavvp 20 (HF | of - 7 2 4 we Ha gywor Paar = papruves are 93~ uaybo ME BSP) preps glued Wap” er apyP —Rirrenvyuas 94 oy ahi pase HDT He poy RESO aE OY 3[ WBA prawn y waster ap UT RHO BH TANT WRU DI YHA PAPE WEBIT By fh Shuped omy FUP 9 RAAT Sy voibax i were fu 2 ef ae Tews ashe TS FL Ta ree jeu 4} Oe eee a= V4 : _ 7 yd %p : Fyn? | 0 OF oF and — SP PRP ORT mF re TT PAP ol, zee F crag ats ge a le paps artes op ge OI - Sp Fey PPO fea MR MEAT ez fv “f a q zP +-r] = aT | 4 magn ge SH my uo yerhyur oy wp ] bez — a - wr) = op CH Pak wars .Byrm) wey sei yl Tp ap pe Zp apa ales p ve ay vt aR eae aq Blame pe EGE vg wae AT Mg RIP FE way ay tare hunks fed smog) eee Geet ow ye stn qe Wu Syl pe 5a yu ee ORE GTZ MUME Ey sbacag yr syaed apse yo Tho pee Pst 4 4 f EY ONE Ch ET 3 taping pans a ay [o seyaqur sy ut yee pn pow gay sib, prsey> vY pronaginr st sag ae ag FF eT “re 4 rhysne) ge pro 7k AM “empap ay g¥om yened Weosin) Shun aa a ap oe cays Oe ee yeny tee 9 wb je om amar bee ar oy @-- ches ee) Mee ® TY wey pe eA TE AN mE IH Oy HT dew Hw TOL S fe jeopendspuy ay rhage yh oH mays FF YWIQIQ 79 yd pHRT Bey py AE Ty VQ OKA Be OW hihy bp Fe RD PT GV Tey cay | mt ET HORT or fren pe we Ta loa nervy Sh (ey Dad AG a @ --~ ar [od- Gn] |e = 7 OF 2 = PD WE G9 = YF ME GLO pwes 50 ae ( FAD MH Uo po ba ur a REV HOGS ap vySr FP] i a a pela 2 ag tap oy oy ee 7 OOF -OF FH | = — == B =v : “CR ery wpe (ed parent ay adovred PHI) RE > G pune yuh Fred Roa ty Sagon pw sy (OF ETAT SH] a ae aay BP Sypap oyfpve ae) ware Ptejs abo ay a Seip iobaqur em : RT Sea en mee Row yg ame (4 TAPESTRY Y Ppreryy vy ae” lopung sy Moue ee SOL SAS po TAPP one $9 wii aE SP aa gemaaR yw Que jew mey ®t eyo oy hou “Cy pers Ay, yy woay eau jpen aM yay } Smpon Roop weg pryords way ured aepsyuy fe ~ ()} pe mv np 242 PP\FD A sm Syrword (3) Myprty oy Og Zo (s) = ‘yor, ———— Pips) 4p frory ap Suen pee Cusnune ay RE 7h a0 bap a pn0994 “apes [bows ve hojd say —— ST suey runy meses 4p Riiry ay v ° Seite ot qumpelo fer xve-anavelas Devt pong, : es . S21¥93 x31 ¢Wo} =. blag Foy poy Se @-z)+(‘2-9) z-4 (aaa aa 2 1 2 chert | pequs tvs (2-2) Fyne L me ay TF : 2-47 fot @-- a -aF § T= st do 94, a2 = 49 some) nips sed 4e VSO sw PHI (ay tape ez que’ wp Rapp Pe a Pp prwqybow ne vy ae sr Cag ped AS Tim amo ed RET aor aa ae pty Pe, An\daoy 8 Sueyway dds Row wy sivag Say Dy Suey poe Daa HH aw 2 aun | ayesha a st a RO ae af eh er (=) -fes) _, otf fe ust if le cine 2) ic b 72 bas ar Pe ae] (2-23 oes ; f = — rj Fes Se lntegral femula aad its darivabves £Ce) je & Py) 2 2 He) PGa)@-e) © fle) a)” Laurent Serres among applications \b is necescany be expand Suachins aeourk peinks at ubich ov in te neghbourherd ef ghidh te Fanching ave pak analytic TA mathol af Tayler sevies tagencion ig sloviously inapplicable in sich cages: fwened That_is whore Na Laweatis gevies_comes ins VF gravides us with a ead preseatatin which is valid in Me anmular cm gis vtbich is valid io We pnmalar cing Jbsunbed ley 0 concerbric cides, provided te Rinckion is analytic wugshve on ond bibwun fe bse cides tu onaulus Lourded by Au civeles Cand Cy with common cine Zp AS shown in figuee @) » The Mion (=) is analyht inside yu qanstar cegion show ener, inside Ha goraller fre may bea cingular print ciccle ge subside He Larger ciecles We can apply Me Cauchy Integral formula to te region which fs “oe! . 7 - cat SF as shuwin_ in Rgure (4) region is nea Connected and “is brunded by He curve * iq le 2 where & is fom C and = ts a point inside c! th gap beaten Gant Cy theisk b © Tun te inte long Ca and Cy will Cancel gut each otic — See eee SicecWens «Fader e, He cones brermys G dnd 4 colour becomes & act_einnled in oppasihe i c Hherfore we ave fle) = 1 Lee) ee lhoths Gieed G cre trntverse in te eauster~ Chek fl mise direchon a a Te negation sign was becasse te direckion eb unbageabion oes terre oly (ob Wee eet tate ie eee ete ee pertin: uske a eA “fray ee) (@-n) TE) Sime bie om Gand 2 ie inide Gas shen in Sy 6) | g=zs|- oe n_erpand () -Ey and we have « a 3 dere] ae ea esh L \ ioe tecead integral with + on ¢, wh ot Woe; 1 i 2 4-2 z- Z-tszZewk soca Sistas feny enya] Tet b-2 Z-%0 G7 ae l ihe ani Ue, ¥2 wi, Hay £0 les) + i att bee) a3 end x Pfges)s] =a Te =i f 20 pee + on + [ gig tae ie gwpante tm fe some sey as TC in Au reg expussed ge fC) fstesl +Zaan a ) ieee sia tf fee bye xf i deformaKon i las ab 4. ae 1b deblererbiationst conburs, § — Wien eplace and yon by closed Contour © dhehween Cant Go Tas we on wiite/ behween Ci and GPE) cen be Cronging th value _of AY tnbegeal p be F -—I ee ye and = ve powers &. (2- : _ spieammeyetne sigs: 2 Simeuene Poet a A. singuler peint of a Sunction $0) is a valne of 2 ak which 4+) faile to be analye «IF #6) is anclylie gueegabert in come cegrsa except ot an interior point Z= A we_call_ zee an isolated singulacity of $=) - Fir cvamgle, pt) = An eT on inca stplocty of FE - f 4G) is_epual ty = BL) FO here (2) & ws whe in a region incading 228 ond iF a integer oa FG) Was _an isolated singularihy at zza_ which is called a gale of order o lt nel, Me pele ig_obben coed q_simplt, pole Jf nz a, it is called a dove B(z) = __z nog Her fingulacittes, « pole (e-3y (24) = “of arde 2 or dubs gale ot 229 sod pole of verde | oe ximle pole a 22 oo Egy Cousider te integeal § FO) 32 bee $00) = awelyated cound a claced contour in te Zo plane Hae canhur does not enclose fe erigio Cauchy's Heaven ph fee = 0 + Bub if th Gator dees enclose the origin te cingularthy enust be taken into _seeewet 1 “dt de fee = = ae ie AST enticed nee = Lari we Stakee_on enlarged view ok small ard © a hee ze ety whi ey 1 4 a fas za close tiem e) and in expaneetial stem as zee? a? det ye ae. a i = ari} se = [ive = jar _{ Now using z Yoo, fed ae (Hs mag 20 Oortoconar Systeme Or Pu ction S 1 a _4 Te concept of goomekic vechrs ia to and tree Mowaions, ov tregseel or perpendicular -ceche and He inner cs ast oF hue vedees “Ba been geneeaticed It ig purheetly ex be disk cf n Emclew at 5 veckr « ba coublo® in qathemeti his enamine en inner prodact pat ic dcflecert fom whet we | ed in calealas. s Using Hic name inner praduct, we will define aan_avthogorsl furchion anh set ot orthogonal functions » Has in this section, we! will cee how +e expaal a suitable functor #, fa terms of an infinite set gf orhogsnal functions . Inne Promucl 7 — Yaak Of Gand 7 ae foe vectors in 3- spece, u _prduct (G,¥) is watten (uey) and hac te Kine ens 2 : / - ) cont baat gi Ow) A(a,v) Mls i, (uv) ee thane ant (uv) 70 ib ufo ied (weve) 2 (uod + od : Supp wot fast £, ort Dinchions debe ae inguval Cab]. Since a definite integeal [ab], Ff Yu froduct £0) La), prsseracpropeches ve te qunkoned abave wherever an lategral axists fe inner produc of jum Pangiene ti ord fin ono: estenwl- Lab] ic te number? 4) - Jae AO dx - -- (1) Tos Rnckans fy anh fa ace orthgonal gn an jnterva ¢ a Tabl ot Gb) | feo he de = 0 Leas te Pncbions fi) 2 2% and fo) = 4? ave grtrogo nal on Minterval Lui] cince 7 (Gre aes 2 [ast ' a “I Unlike vector analysis in which He word ‘orthe Synonymous “with “perpendicular” ig this easel context, | He tym Sorthogenat.' ab condition (0 enal’ is b Mrog_na_qeomalic. f sigeiReance A get of teal valued fackions [4,2 BO, yb “call pe octhagenal 10 et inhervat isbl if, fal) AO = [feed thd de = Oa [eng as is men - |e acm, ar length lull sf 8 vector ,G cn be expisstes ip heame ab te inne product Te axprestion (44) = [hall gems fell = Sd, Similarly , Hes yaare gown of 6 fu ma I= (be), be qeneraticad length is [%nll= Se Pa) pewter ic called norm and so the ic called 4 square. nore) and 604 and so th nem or i |n_vttr words, th Square nove nat Ion orthogonal sek_§ Aa) } ace respective “Nyatoll 2 fers ond Ison = alors stagorl ck of Rockin oe a ab] with fu praperty tat ll tatll= 1 fe n= 0,800: orthensrmal, Youn {605 ie eed bo bi oh on ebtegamel sch on Te pe teevale — _ WG 2 . * [Eemamgle: Show teat fa beh A {Nk x cae Yi for togenalion, Me inbtvalo Dome foi) ! { ‘ Sol i Mie moat te identi Reation Bla) {wt much fen show that 2 Il): Ie) de — — — and ree I) do = Oo men, . - EE Bin age ai CAS) 660) = Wy GoGo) Hye) dx ' pt a ] Cosme -cosn de fg SE [esa —— —_——_——. Essay > Find > sade ef cach funthion jn Tl evtingeal : : Test > 13th Tune wh given ia He lov ang 72 Sule en hs ortiagonal sek sk nen 249. Thackong 140, n= 0,424 4 raed 42) made fate on gcthanorenal set by he necen t fitlews frm Ae x ee j is etheneemal iene tat foe SE en a whore) ER] Aiding vaneh Sane Fourrer Seaies Prcredic Funckt ant cent Preguently In engintering ot hoy ui single pectslic | esine ete fe a antes of great get | ms Tar cepettentation tg ke Hnpechance_and_ of ratte walue whtey led to te Fourier seule sects are very paverfl torls iq conse clon wlth various problems invelving gelinory and packal AifhrenBal eguations Te. theeey of Enucter sees 1 colli camplicabed ‘but + akin ie very! simple» Te series ace in a certain sete, | cnete_univertel then Taylors series because mony dircoat pustaltg Steve qe gratMeal twheest cen be Sewlped to Gere hes bak dene_tn Taylors ser a Perodte Functions : KE Sachin FO) sis sald tobe pedodio if His dekaed Deb feeaterssl diate. thve ie 6 yes getaes TT puch Sea NtiiaeTdie 4 te oh ns A Rashida) i Al Prep ee Seb to hg soe cigtha TSE 2 Be GT) = Sey ola 5 ah ite sony Comment emplut sf pede \le Rinchiens are nS RS Lahatton, Th faious teh ib ntkagit « Ine onl cosine Is ory net OTT eT acu_alse

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