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he existence of a fanzine like thonahexus is always

T questioned when you consider the environment in which

it exists. The Hârn community is full of people produc-
ing their own high-quality stu≠, publishing it on their own web
site: some write about inns, others about religion and a third one
draws maps. So where does thonahexus fit in all this? What’s its
Editor: Lucas Magnusson raison d’être?
I have come to the conclusion that thonahexus should be the
Lonely Planet of Kethira — your guide to the back streets of Hârn;
the filling in the cracks; the basil in the stew… It opens the doors
no one else walks through, looks under the carpet for traces in the
dust, unlocks the small boxes in the attic and samples the strange-
The Swamp Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 looking mushrooms in the forest.
Wine in western Lythia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hârn is full of this kind of small stories. Every village has its
share of forbidden love, every shire a very special inn, every forest
The Morsina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
a magical grove, every town an exotic character and every castle a
Saint Abræron’s Chalice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
conspiring jester. These stories are easy to write about, because
Khuzdul Legacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 they don’t contradict the o∞cial Hârn material — but rather they
complement it.
When we’re talking about the rest of Lythia, it’s another matter,
because very little is written about the kingdoms of the east. Here
we can allow ourselves to be both bolder and greater. The stories
may have greater impact on society: instead of writing about the
village fool, we write about the mad prince; instead of telling you

about the dryad grove of the woods we uncover the secrets of the
Mountain People in the Cursed Mountain. But still the stories must
remain small, so they don’t clash with the Great Plan of Columbia
Games’ future releases.
— Lucas Magnusson, Editor

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. ( © 2003, the author/artist. The articles in Thonahexus are derivative works of copyrighted material
published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal use without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. Hârn,
HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status of said trademarks.
T H E S WA MP QUEEN 1 Common Knowledge

∞e Swamp Queen
A Common Knowledge story from the Anoth Delta.
Text: Lucas Magnusson

n the dark corners of the Anoth Delta rules

i the Swamp Queen. She’s a cursed witch from

the black hell of Durakhar. Her hatred for
mankind is endless and she will stop at nothing to
bring terror to the kind people of the Delta. The Queen
dresses in rotting plants and brown mud, shamelessly
displaying her unclean flesh. She carries a stench as that
from decaying corpses and unholy dæmons.
Everywhere she goes she’s followed by her evil serv-
ants, the Green Men. They obey her every whim and
crawl at her feet to get her appreciation. The Green Men
are born from snails and spiders and are hideous to look
upon. Even the bravest warriors have fled in terror
when their gaze has fallen upon the green monsters.
Once every month, when the moon is so small it’s
almost not there, the Queen and her servants leave their
precious swamp and venture into the villages of men.
There they walk in the shadows, in search of an un-
“… and because Liem was such a bad boy the Green Man took him !”
looked door or an open window, so that they can sneak
in and steal a human child. But they only take bad chil-
dren, those who don’t follow their parents wishes. Un- Wreaker of Chaos. This treachery drove the Swamp
seen they return to the swamp, and after sacrificing the Queen mad, but there was nothing she could but trying
child to her evil god she devours its flesh, and throws to please the Dark Lord, keeping him happy so he
the empty bones to the Green Men to fight over. wouldn’t throw her children into the Black Pole.
The Swamp Queen lives in a dark castle covered in Many brave men have tried to find and destroy the
ivy and thorn bush. The walls are dripping from moist Swamp Queen, but no one has ever succeeded. They all
and cold winds blow in the lonely halls. The Green wave their families good bye and walk into the marshes,
Men, and other creatures of the night, guard the Queen’s never to return. If they don’t succumb to the treacher-
chamber. In the courtyard stands an altar where she ous swamp, they will reach the dark castle only to face
worships her god under the full moon, surrounded by the horrible Green Men. And if they manage to survive
the white bones of her victims. this unearthly encounter, they enter the Queen’s cham-
If you travel through the marshes you sometimes ber. There they will be enchanted by the Queen’s magic
hear the cries of the Queen as she mourns her lost hu- power to perceive her as a beautiful woman with long
manity. For she was a beautiful woman once, with a black hair and golden skin. She will invite them to her
family of three healthy children. But the plague came to bed, and they will gladly obey her. As she embraces her
her village and to save her children from certain death would be nemesis, the Queen sucks the soul out of his
she made a pact with the Shadow of Bukrai. The chil- body and sacrifices it to the Shadow of Bukrai. Left in
dren were saved from the plague but were taken by the her arms is the empty skin of a once living man …

2 thonahexus n º 3

The story Arianne

The Swamp Queen is a local story from the Anoth Arianne is now 25 years old. She’s dressed in rags and
Delta. It’s quite new, only ten to fifteen years old. It’s a extremely dirty. Her entire body is covered in mud. Her
popular story among parents who want their children long dark hair is unwashed and tangled. Arianne has
to behave better. Young people tell it to each other as a not spoken to another human being since she was
ghost story, and every time the story’s told the cruelty seven and therefore her language skills are undevel-
of the Queen increases and the Green Men become oped. When she talks she sounds like a child but her
even more horrible. speak doesn’t reflect her intelligence. Arianne is more
used to communicate telepathically. She controls four
Aklashs. Although they feared her at first, they now see
The Truth
her as the group’s legitimate leader.
There’s much truth behind the story of the Swamp
Queen, but also much tragedy. The whole thing started Str 10 Agl 12 Hrg 15 Voi 14 Wil 15 Dge 60
in 694 tr. Zaarli of Hulthard, the lord of Arone, raped End 11 Spd 13 Smt 12 Int 16 Mor 7 Init 63
one of his Jarin slaves, Cacilia. Nine months later the Dex 12 Eye 15 Tch 13 Aur 18 Mob 65 FR 1
woman gave birth to a baby-girl who she named Ari-
anne. The prospect of having a bastard daughter wasn’t Height: 65"
Weight: 105 lbs
very pleasing to Zaarli and so he decided to kill the
Frame: Scant
child. However, Cacilia managed to escape into the Weapons: Unarmed 30
Delta where she carved out a meagre existence for her- Psionic talents: Mental bolt 90, Mind-control 95, Telepathy 95
self and her daughter. It was an endless struggle among
insects, marsh men and starvation.
When Arianne was seven years old (in 702 tr) her
mother died by the hands of an Aklash. The trauma of
her mother’s death triggered Arianne’s great gift — psi- 1) Arianne launches her revenge on the Hulthards.
onics. With a mental bolt she executed her mother’s Members of the clan mysteriously disappears or are
killer, and then she took control over the rest of the found dead. The characters are given the job of in-
Aklash group. They became her servants and provided vestigating the murders and/or protecting Zaarli of
her with food and shelter. They are the Green Men. Hulthard. Will they realize the truth about Zaarli?
As the years went by and Arianne grew older and And what will they do if they eventually oppose
wiser, her use of the Aklash became more elaborate and Arianne?
sinister. She started to raid villages for food, clothes and 2) Relatives of Cacilia have strange but identical vi-
objects and sometimes the raids caused casualties sions. It’s Arianne who unwillingly transmits her
among the villagers. The injustice done to her mother memories to her bloodline. One of Arianne’s young
by Zaarli of Hulthard was a thorn in her heart and she cousins can’t fight the visions and runs into the
made plans for her revenge on the Hulthards. Now, in Delta to free himself from the horrible scenes in his
720 tr, she’s ready to avenge her mother. Remember: head. The characters are hired by the Ivinian lord to
revenge is a dish best served cold, wet and choking … reclaim the valuable slave.
3) In search of Bognor’s tower the characters run into
Valdras and his minions (see hârnlore 11). In the
What’s Not True
heat of battle they are saved by Arianne and her
Arianne has never stolen any children. They are unre- Aklash servants. Arianne wants the characters to
lated incidents but the Swamp Queen has been blamed help her carry out her revenge on Zaarli of Hult-
for many of them. Nor does she live in a dark castle but hard.
in an old wooden hut claimed by her mother all those 4) The character’s caravan is ambushed by the Aklashes
years ago (the hut is located somewhere in the northern and a valuable item under their protection is stolen.
marshes of the Anoth Delta). It’s filled with all the The characters have to reclaim the item and return it
goods Arianne has stolen from the villages but there’s to its rightful owner — Zaarli of Hulthard. m
no gold or jewels.

thonahexus n º 3 3

Wine in Western Lythia

A look at the wine culture and wine business of western Lythia.
Text & Maps: Lucas Magnusson

he art of wine-making in western Lythia summers are warmer and the winters are colder (which

T originated in the ancient Targan River Cul-

ture around 3000 bt when it expanded north
to the more fertile lands on the east coast of the Venar-
equals more sun) — and it’s possible to produce drink-
able to even excellent wine. Finally, in the south of
Trierzon and all around the Venarian Sea, the warm
ian Sea, but it was the Venic Island Culture that spread climate is the natural environment for grapes, which
the knowledge of wine-making to the rest of western makes wine-production an easy task.
Lythia. Since those early days, the growing of grapes Most of the wine in western Lythia is actually quite
and the production of wine has developed di≠erently bad. The common poor judge wine by quantity rather
in di≠erent regions. The result is a multitude of tastes than by quality. Good quality wine requires a skilful
and qualities for the well-informed connoisseur to farmer above all. He or she must know what type of
choose from. grape is appropriate for this particular soil and climate,
how the vines should be pruned, when the grapes must
be picked in order to produce the best possible wine
Wine-Making Regions
and how the grape-juice should be handled after press-
The climate of a region determines where it’s possible ing. Since many wine-growers are simple serfs who
to make drinkable wine. As a general rule grapes need grow wine like they grow turnips, it’s no wonder the
sun, but not necessarily a lot of warmth, to mature. result is disappointing.
This makes it virtually impossible to grow grapes along Wine is a very sensitive product that’s drinkable
the coasts of northwest Lythia, since the maritime cli- only for a short period of time (if it’s contained in bar-
mate produces a lot of fog and clouds. If we move to the rels). If it’s drunk too soon it gives you terrible pains in
southeast and inland the climate is more stable — the the stomach; if the wine is consumed too late it has
turned into vinegar. As a rule wine should be con-
sumed between the age of one and two years. Some
very fine wines are ideal to drink after four years, while
others (especially Trierzi red wines) should mature for
two years before being drunk. Wines stored in bottles
or amphoras are not as sensitive to ageing.

The wine-industry of Shorkyne is centered around the
malniri of Elavona, Hidelin, Kitalin, Montivel, Nistone
and Sabinia. Wine-growing would be impossible in
Shorkyne if it hadn’t been for the North Haonic Cur-
rent and the Shorkyni rivers. The rivers function as a
huge heat reservoir that protects the vines during the
frosty nights in the autumn. The rivers also reflect the
The map shows the regions where wine is produced. sunlight which gives the grapes more time to mature.

4 thonahexus n º 3

This is why almost all the vineyards in Shorkyne are

situated on slopes surrounding one of the major rivers.
White wine is more popular in Shorkyne than red Trierzon is one of the great wine-producing regions of
wine, which is considered to be of lesser quality. The Lythia. Trierzon is the origin of a wide range of good
wine produced in Shorkyne is elegant, light, fruity and wines: from the refreshing white wines of the northern
has a high acid content that helps bring out the flavours. parts to the heavy, crimson-coloured beverages of the
This is a result of the northern climate. south. Neither type of wine is considered superior to
Wine-making is big business in Shorkyne, and both the other — the preferred type usually comes down to
feudal lords and the churches of Peoni and Larani are the situation in which it is to be consumed. As a ge-
heavily involved in producing wine. The temples of nerela rule, red wine is often served with meat, while
Peoni have a reputation for making the finest wines. white wine is served with fish, fruit and cheese, or as a
Through the centuries they have systematically refined stand-alone drink.
the growing of grapevines. They studied di≠erent The Areshomes district is the absolute centre of
types of grapes and the e≠ects of soil and weather. the Trierzi wine-industry, thanks to the excellent
They selected the most promising plants for culti- soil quality and fine weather, and a heavy concen-
vation and experimented with pruning, grafting tration of Laranian and Save K’norian monasteries
and production processes. in the area. Wines from this area are among the
The churches value the wine-trade to world’s finest.
such an extent, that wine-growing farm- Trierzon has basically the same in-
ers often are turned into freeholders. dustrial structure as Shorkyne since
Many villages have attained the status both countries are feudal and are
of winaloren under the protection of the strongly influenced by the churches of
churches. The inhabitants of a winaloren Peoni and Larani. Wine-growing is
are usually freeholders with a level of in- more widespread in Trierzon thanks to
dependence uncommon in feudal societies. the more benevolent climate. As a result the
They have the right to bear arms and to sell competition is harder, the prices are lower and
their produce at the market. A winaloren The Kingsblood bottle the overall quality higher.
looks like a small fortified town down by the from Trierzon. Famous wines: If a wine comes from the
river with its back to the vine-fields up on the Areshome district that alone is a seal of qual-
hillside. It’s being managed as a cooperation and pays ity. But even among these fantastic wines there are
tithes to the local abbey. This system has proven to be some that are more popular than others. This is often a
more profitable over the years and to produce wine of matter of fashion among the nobles and the wealthy
much higher quality than that produced by subdued merchants. As of the year 720 tr the Quelymone of the
serfs and incompetent lords. Quelymo Abbey is in high regard after it was served at
Famous wines: From the Finora-Nure district of the royal spring banquet.
Kitalin county comes the popular Lidirio wine. It’s a From the island of Ilona comes the Kingsblood, one of
dry, white wine renowned for its crisp aroma. Twenty the heaviest wines around. Its colour is dark red, almost
leagues upstream one can savour the wonderful Cha- brown — hence its name. Poems have been written in
lapora — a dry white wine with a much heavier body praise of the Kingsblood’s gastronomic virtues. The se-
than the Lidirio. cret behind this unique quality is the use of ceramic
The abbey of Mastyres and its surrounding naloren bottles sealed with cork — a novelty that will revolu-
in Nistone county produce what is said to be the finest tionize the wine-industry in the years to come. This
wines in Shorkyne. They are dry white wines with allows the wine to mature for years and grow rich in
excellent aroma and acid, and are referred to as The taste without turning into vinegar.
Mastyre Sisters, because although they are all from the
same district each wine is very distinct. The Mastyre
Sisters are the result of centuries of research and devel-
opment, something that is reflected in the price. If the Trierzi wine culture seems diverse, then the Az-
A very special wine is the Druberene from the Sheval- eryani one is even more so. The international merchant
Verane district in Montivel county. It’s made from over- houses of Azeryan bring back influences from all over
ripe and rotting grapes that look like raisins. The result- the world, mixing them with their native traditions to
ing wine is intensely sweet and very rich in flavour. form new interesting hybrids.

thonahexus n º 3 5

Azeryani wines tend to be on the sweet side com- inspectors — highly skilled wine-makers — who visit
pared to western wines. The warm and sunny climate the Houses’ estates to insure that a suitable level of qual-
produces sweeter and juicier grapes. Raisins are also ity is maintained.
used for making very sweet wine with a high alcohol It should be noted that the Houses only operate on
content. the national and international wine markets, while
The Azeryani society is more dynamic than the lower quality wine is produced by farmers and sold lo-
feudal societies of Shorkyne and Trierzon. This is also cally. Independent wine-makers who produce high
evident in the wine-industry which is characterized by
numerous large Houses that own vineyards all over
Azeryan. The Houses (the House of Malvasi being the
greatest) are involved in the entire process, from
vine-growing to trade. They even have their own

6 thonahexus n º 3

quality wine often have a contract with one or more of tainer of Karejian wines, and as a result Karejian wine
the House, stipulating that the wine produced may is usually very good.
only be sold to the contracted House. Such agreements Karejian wine is sweet. The islands don’t have many
usually run for five years when the contract may be re- trees and the strong winds make it necessary to grow
newed — or not. Independent wine-makers can be- vines close to the rocky ground where the grapes ma-
come very rich if they have a product that’s in great ture much more e∞ciently. The grapes are picked when
demand by more than one of the Houses. they are ripe and spread out on hay carpets for a week
There are two wine centres in Azeryan: one in cen- so the sugar can really concentrate. The wine is almost
tral Azeryan and one around the city of Porosua in the always diluted with sea water and for special occasions
north. From these two regions large quantities of wine di≠erent spices or aromatic substances are added.
is exported every year. Porosua covers the northern Famous wines: The Prumnia, from the island of
parts of Lythia (Quarphor, Lankor, Gothmir, Reksyna, Siminos, is one of the rarest of the Karejian wines.
Altland, the Umelrian League) while central Azeryan When it is produced, only the very ripest grapes are
exports to the rest of the continent. The trade is entirely stapled in such high piles that their own weight forces
in the hands of the Houses: no one else has the logistic out thick drops of a kind of nectar — the grapes are
or monetary resources. never pressed. The sugar content of the Prum-
Centuries ago the Azeryans used am- nia is so high that it doesn’t ferment: it re-
phoras to store wine but as the wine mains a viscous honey-sweet liquid,
trade grew into an industry they renowned for its ability to infuse
were replaced by the more eco- virility in both men and women.
nomic and sturdier barrels.
Amphoras are only used for
quality wines that are sold in
small volumes. The ampho- In Byria wine-making is con-
ras will most likely be re- troller by the state. Huge areas
placed by the new ceramic are assigned to wine-making
bottles from Trierzon. under the control of a major
Famous wines: The Halean landholder. Hundreds or thou-
primate of southern Azeryan has sands of male slaves work the
favoured a local wine for over fif- fields under female supervision.
teen years called Frappina. It’s a red The Byrian wine-makers (all women)
wine with burned resin added which are very skilled and competent. They
gives the wine an intense tarry taste. regularly travel outside of Byria to expand
In the city of Shomiro a wine festival is held every their knowledge and keep up to date with the latest pro-
autumn when the grapes are harvested (the exact date gress. Often several di≠erent types of grapes are grown
varies from year to year). Every vineyard donates a on the same estate and picked at di≠erent times for
small part of its harvest to the festival as an o≠ering to di≠erent products. The quality level is very high and
Halea. All the grapes are then mixed together in huge consistent from year to year.
troughs in the main square and everyone is invited to Byrian wine is rare ouside of Byria. Only a small
help press the grapes with their bare feet. The resulting number of licensed merchants (mostly Karejians) are
wine is called Shomirosa and is usually pink in colour allowed to trade with Byria which limits the volume of
(because of the mix of white and red grapes). To drink wine available on the international market. As a result
the Shomirosa is a surprise every time — no two barrels the prices are very high. Byrian wine is shrouded in
are the same. mystery something that’s encouraged by the merchants:
a wine rumoured to be pressed by specially trained,
young virgins who are then sacrificed to the Byrian
The Karejian Islands
Goddess sells for twenty times the price compared to a
The Karejian wine market is essentially a local one. The regular wine from Azeryan. All wine export is con-
lack of good arable land on the Karejian Islands keeps ducted through the port of Inri in Byria.
wine-making to a minimum — most amphoras never Famous wines: The rarest, and most expensive, of
leave the island where the wine is produced. Thanks to all the world’s wines is the Larathustra (or The Goddess’
the low export amphoras are still the preferred con- Tears). It’s basically the same kind of wine as the Kare-

thonahexus n º 3 7

jian Prumnia but it’s available in much smaller volumes 2) Livio of Maranu, a successful wine-maker in south-
and is a far stronger ’brand’. The myth tells us that the ern Azeryan, has caught the interest of two power-
Goddess blesses the wine with her own tears on the ful Houses. They are both very eager to buy Livio’s
night of the picking which gives the wine the power to vineyard, while Livio prefers to work under con-
heal all wounds and cure all the diseases of the world. tract. What starts out as a business negotiation for
The wine is always sold in small crystal bottles — each Livio soon becomes a matter of life and death as the
containing approximately one glass of wine — for a Houses try to force him from the estate. The charac-
small fortune. ters are either hired by Livio as bodyguards or work
for one of the Houses as ’problem-solvers’. It’s a
dangerous ocean of business deals, politics and vio-
The Hârnic Wine Culture
lence which they have to learn how to navigate if
Most of the wine drunk on Hârn is imported from they want to survive.
Shorkyne. Cherafir, Thay and Aleath are the three ma- 3) A wealthy person on Hârn (perhaps king Miginath
jor import markets. It’s the closest wine-producing re- of Kaldor) is dying from a strange disease. Every
gion and the shorter the trade route the better — there’s possible cure has been tried, but nothing works.
always a risk that the wine will turn into undrinkable Perhaps the legendary Larathustra wine from Byria
vinegar, and minimizing the distance between producer can do the trick? The characters are given the task of
and consumer minimizes that risk. Wine contained in finding a bottle of the Goddess’ Tears. Is there such a
bottles or amphoras only get better over time but are on bottle on Hârn or must they travel all the way to
the other hand much more expensive to make and forbidden Byria to find one?
harder to transport (they take up more space and are 4) Tadrus, a thriving winaloren in Shorkyne, has prob-
more fragile). lems with this year’s harvest. The young grapes are
Hârnians are in general ignorant barbarians when it small and discoloured, and the prospect doesn’t look
comes to wine. They don’t care much for what they good. But no one can understand why this is hap-
drink as long as it gets them drunk. This uncompli- pening: the weather has been good and none of the
cated relationship with wine is evident in the writings other winalorens have the same problem, which
of Lispen of Tashal (a merchant who travelled extensively would indicate some kind of plant disease. The well
in western Lythia in the 670’s), who describes the Tri- has also dried out and all the food in the village has
erzi people as a bunch of wine snobs: a strange taste to it. The village elders suspect witch-
craft and hire the characters to free Tadrus from this
“When they drink, they drink only little at a time. Time and again they mystical curse. m
pause to scrutinize their wine, just as physicians do with a patient’s urine,
and they taste it endlessly, slowly chewing, until the last drop of wine.”

Most inn keepers have no idea where the wine they

serve comes from. They buy whatever their local mer-
chant has to o≠er. Better inns are more aware of the
objective quality of the wine but know next to nothing
about its origin. The true wine connoisseurs of Hârn
are often immigrants from mainland Lythia and they
are found in the best of inns and in the service of
wealthy nobles.

1) The first shipments of wine from Shorkyne have
arrived in Cherafir, and the Trobridge Inn has or-
dered three wagons. The characters are hired to
protect the caravan on its way to Trobridge Inn, de-
fending it both from brigands and thieving coach-
men. Will they get to Trobridge Inn before the wine
turns into vinegar?

8 thonahexus n º 3

∞e Morsina
A close look at the Dark Elves of Hârn.
Text: Björn Höglund. Illustrations: Lina Söderberg.

iem created the Sindarin and many other Khuzdul as a threat, and she gathered many others who

S elven people. Aided by Siem, they came to

Hârn and many other worlds circa 10000 bt
and lived in what was, to them, a paradise. Despite the
frowned upon the mountain people. Many Sindarin
found friends among the Khuzdul and they created
great craft and buildings together. At the same time, the
prevailing peace on Kethira in those days, the gods con- big differences between the races and Gwydriel’s words
tinued to fight among themselves as they always had created suspicion and occasionally frosty relations be-
done. Siem’s ally, the then noble and brave god Mor- tween them.
gath, was lost after he had gazed into the Bukrai and The division among the elves continued and in-
used it against his enemies. The battle between the re- creased when the Jarin came to Hârn circa 1300 bt. Af-
maining ten gods became more and more bitter, and the ter the humans swore fealty to the elven king Daelda
darkness and the chaos grew stronger as Morgath star- they lived in peace with the Sindarin, but Gwydriel and
ted to spread his evil. More people were created: the her allies once again raised their voices, saying that this
Gargun, the humans and many other beasts were was the beginning of the end as foreseen by Siem unless
spread across many worlds, among them Kethira. they started to defend their land. Daelda would not
Siem grieved at what he saw: how his world and the hear of this before 900 bt when a new human people,
elves slowly were pushed away by all the new races. who didn’t wish to swear fealty to the elves, invaded
Fighting and death was the last thing he wanted and he Hârn from Lythia.
saw what the future would bring. So, although the Daelda united the Sindarin, the Khuzdul and the
Sindarin of Hârn were living in peace in 7000 bt, he Jarin and defended — at first successfully — Hârn against
started to prepare for his departure. Finally Siem spoke: the invading humans who kept coming in ever greater
“The Eald Forest awaits. My journey continues. Follow me to the western Most of the elves grieved the fighting and the battles.
edge of the world, or stay in these forests until you feel ready to join your Others, like Gwydriel, were filled with anger and ha-
elven relatives. Choose, my children, and may Yael’s light guide you along tred against all humans as more of the usually immortal
your way.” Sindarin were killed. In the summer of 638 bt the
Sindarin su≠ered their greatest casualties although they
Most elves followed Siem but it was at this moment the won the battle. Two thirds of the elves and King Daelda
division among the elves began. Many were afraid of died on the battlefield.
this change and feared they would forever lose the The new king, Aranath, took the throne. After a long
paradise they’d lived in for so long. Some even felt be- deliberation in the blessed Shava Forest the remaining
trayed by Siem and were angered by him for turning his sad elves decided to retreat from Hârn to Evael. Most of
back on them, although they kept this to themselves. the Sindarin accepted and honoured the decision, but
Those who chose to stay on Hârn were ruled by the not everyone. The division among the elves had
wise elven king Daelda. Some time after Siem’s depar- reached its culmination. Gwydriel was the one who
ture the Khuzdul came, a mountain people of dwarves once again spoke out and wished for battle instead of
also created by Siem. They too stayed with the elves. retreat. Aranath didn’t succumb in the hard verbal bat-
Gwydriel, a sorceress more powerful than Daelda tle but travelled to the humans’ negotiation table to
himself, was one of those who saw the immigrated make peace.

thonahexus n º 3 9

Gwydriel left, together with her tribe the Sinan, her

kin once and for all. With eyes black from anger, rage
and hatred against the humans and their own people
who had decided to stay in the Shava Forest, they left
for the highlands of Shava. There they waited for Yael
to darken, because then a portal would open.
On the last night Aranath arrived, begging Gwydriel
to calm down and join him, so everything would go
back to the way it used to be. For a while it seemed as
if Gwydriel would accept with tears in her eyes, but the
rage and the division was too great. Instead she spoke
and said:

“Aranath, you are blind if you can’t see what we are about to lose. Can’t
you see that this is only the beginning? Siem has left us and betrayed us,
we are godless and the weak peoples of the other gods have come to defile
and ruin everything we live for. No, nothing will be as it was unless we
fight. If you are not with us, the Sinan, in this struggle, then never cross
our path because then you are as much against us as the humans we are
sworn to destroy.”

When the eclipse was total the portal in the elven ring
opened and Gwydriel left with the few remaining of
her tribe. This act shattered the last link to Siem and
they were no longer the Sindarin. They wandered for a
long time through darkness and cold and at last they
found a place to stay, on the border between Kethira
and Yashain. On the tree line in the valley between the
mountain peaks Ebon and Niphei they found an ice
cave that became their new home.
They were too few to fight the humans themselves
and as immortals they had time on their side. Gwydriel all kinds of experiments, many of them disgusting,
and her closest took their time to extend their new painful and evil. The Sinan had not only lost their link
home and began to study di≠erent instruments of force to Siem, they had also lost all the values to preserve life
— made from both magic and steel — to drive the hu- which the elves stood for. The few humans who sur-
mans away. vived the experiments became slaves and were used for
After a couple of centuries, circa 100 bt, Gwydriel breeding to create a humble but strong race to serve
made a terrible discovery: they had been wrong to Gwydriel.
think that time was on their side. The people of the Almost at the same time the first kingdom of Meld-
Sinan tribe began to age faster than before and they eryn was proclaimed on Hârn circa year 1. There wasn’t
discovered that the shattered link to Siem had caused much left of the Sinan’s earlier memories and way of
their immortality to weaken. This did not only mani- life. They were indeed a powerful people but lived in
fest itself physically and a majority of the elves who darkness far away from civilisation and struggled to
weren’t of the Sidhe — ’the old blood’ — began to show find a way out. That’s when Sirrith, or Myrvia the Tempt-
di≠erent signs of madness. ress as the humans call her, came before Gwydriel’s
In the following years, the insanity, the fear and the throne. Sirrith is the lieutenant of Morgath’s demigod
despair spread among the Sinan tribe. Their link to Klyss and her task is to recruit souls by o≠ering them
Siem was forever lost and Gwydriel, proud as she was, “eternal life” and “the longings of the heart.”
didn’t attempt to reconcile with her old relatives and Gwydriel was the only emigrant from Evael who
god. As a sorceress Gwydriel tried everything to find a still had memories from when the Sindarin first came
solution by magical means. In desperation they began to Hârn and their life with Siem. She understood in her
to capture Jarin humans to use as laboratory animals for deepest heart how corrupted they had become and she

10 thonahexus n º 3

also realised how she had betrayed Siem when Myrvia In the past years it’s not only the Sinan and Gwy-
stood in front of her. But how could she turn back now, driel who have been lost in the division that started
after all she had done? She could only continue into the such a long time ago. Sometimes madness has infected
cold arms of Morgath because it was the only place left others who have chosen — or worse: have been ban-
for them. ished by their relatives — to become the ’Wandering
Gwydriel chose to listen to Sirrith, who explained Lost’, the so called Morsindari. These elves shouldn’t be
that they had a common goal to free the world from the confused with the Morsina, because they will never
humans. Morgath had the power to make the Sinan bond with the Bukrai stone. Most people don’t know
tribe immortal once again, and to grant them beauty, that the Morsindari exist.
senses and esoteric powers which they had never had The Morsina have created their home in an aban-
before. The price was not that they would become un- doned Earthmaster site now in the shape of a gigantic
dead. Instead they would stay alive until the day the rock and ice cave in the valley between the steep, high
stone was destroyed or they were slain. Then they’d mountains Ebon and Niphei in the Rayesha Mountains.
become exalted servants of Morgath in the battle of It’s a strong Barasi point that gives the Morsina the abil-
Yashain and other worlds where the gods’ forces fight ity to travel fast through the existing Godstone to differ-
each other. The Sinan saw no other choice — in fact no ent locations on Hârn and also on other worlds like
one but Gwydriel hesitated when they voted in favour Yashain.
of Myrvia the Temptress’ proposition. All the Morsina have their homes in the caves near
On a night when Yael darkened, Myrvia came with the tree line. Outside, a small society of bred change-
the Black Stone. The Sinan gathered and put their lings and slaves has developed, where they grow crops
hands on the stone and swore an unholy oath: and keep animals.
For centuries the Morsina have lived relatively un-
“To own my form and life, when I draw my last breath, disturbed in the high Rayesha Mountains. The ice
I give you my soul.” dragon that lived in the cave was enslaved by Gwydriel
and serve her to this very day. Many of the surrounding
In a last cry for help the elven king Aranath saw this Gargun tribes seem to avoid the valley (understandable
unholy act in a nightmare and in tears he realised that when you think about the dragon) and those few
Gwydriel and the Sinan were forever lost. They had groups who venture there — and other creatures like
become the Morsina — ’the Lost.’ the Ivashu — soon meet with their fate. Because of the
dangerous surroundings none of the enslaved humans
has managed to escape (to the Morsina’s knowledge).
The Morsina’s Home and Lifestyle
The Morsina have regained there immortality as
What little was left of morals and goodness in the Sinan promised and their beauty, although it isn’t character-
disappeared when they embraced the Bukrai and what ised by the youthfulness that’s otherwise so common
remained was what is commonly called dark elves. Few among the Sindarin. Almost all of the Morsina also
people know that the Morsina live in Morgath’s shadow have strong esoteric talents like psionic skills and great
but the peoples of Hârn have legends about them. A prowess in one or several convocations of the Shek-
recurring theme in these legends is that the Morsina
plot and bide their time to reclaim the power over
Hârn. No storyteller can claim to know if these stories
are true, or if the Morsina exist and where they live.
Those few who have met the Morsina don’t even know
that they have or lost their lives in the meeting.
As a matter of fact, the legends have a lot of truth in
them. Gwydriel and her twenty-six remaining Morsina
are the cause of many of the disasters that have hit the
people of Hârn. Through intrigues and machinations
they have created wars, plagues and religious hysteria to
make the humans fight among themselves. Without any
real hope of a final victory the Morsina still rejoice at the
damage they can a±ict the humans for all eternity.

thonahexus n º 3 11

Pvar. Added to this is the power to call for divine inter- and spread very lethal plagues. Some of the Morsina
vention from Morgath. have managed to find a place for themselves in the hu-
At the same time they’re not diligent worshipers mans’ halls of power where they work to create bloody
even if they feel that their strength increases when they wars. Others try to use spells to enslave people or other
sacrifice to the Bukrai stone. They have no clear clergy creatures and animals that can battle those who the
and it’s still, at least for as long as they live, the powerful Morsina wishes. Some of the Morsina who are the most
sorceress Gwydriel who’s highest in the hierarchy. She skilful in religious rituals are trying to recreate the
is the one who is worshiped like a goddess. Morgath prophet Balsha’s plans to enslave mankind under Mor-
doesn’t disapprove for as long as she is running his er- gath’s rule. Even among the humans there are many
rands and the dark god knows that she will have to who are prepared to pay dearly for immortality or eter-
bow to him one day anyhow. nal youth.
Most of the Morsina don’t remember how they left
the Shava Forest and their former way of life. Instead
‘The Shadow of Yael’
they have recreated their own distorted history about
how they once were supreme among all the creatures This campaign would revolve around the truth behind
created by the gods. Gwydriel who’s of the old blood the legends of the Lost Elves. Few storytellers realise
and a Sidhe, still remembers the occasional image and who much truth there is in the legend ’The Heart that
memory from her former life and she’s often Broods.’ The Morsina have bided their time in
tormented by these meetings with her past. dark remote places on Hârn and between
The Morsina live for power and the the worlds to realise their distorted plan
seduction of mankind, while at the same to reconquer Hârn.
time there is nothing they are more In the campaign, the characters will
afraid of than losing their own immor- cross the Morsina’s attempts to enslave
tality. They train and prepare to survive or kill the humans in order to regain
the hardest battles and trials, but at the their former power. At first in the form
same time they don’t hesitate to run away of minor conspiracies that later expand
when the resistance is too hard and the in scope.
risks too high — time is still on their side. The campaign finale is when the charac-
ters arrive to the real elves in Evael to find more
information about the Morsina. The elves in the Shava
The Dark Plans
Forest prefer to forget and deny the existence of the
In the past years, the Morsina have intrigued and made Lost and do everything to avoid getting involved in
a number of di≠erent plans to extend their power and bloodshed with their former relatives. At the same time
torment mankind. Their small numbers and fear of los- they can’t close their eyes to the fact that the Morsina
ing their immortality makes it hard for them to succeed threaten the balance on Hârn to such an extent that
— despite being a powerful, dangerous and strong peo- even the gods take notice and interfere with what’s hap-
ple. They rarely take part in direct attacks where their pening.
own lives can be threatened. Finally, when the characters have succeeded to gain
As the years have gone by many intrigues have been the trust of the people of the Shava Forest they are as-
executed with mixed results. One way of gaining pres- sisted by the elven king Aranath himself and Prince
tige and respect among the Morsina is to carry through Nimfalas of Ulfshafen. The characters are guided to the
and succeed with di≠erent activities that bring the same Barasi point — in the shape of a sacred grove (the
Morsina closer to their goal to remove the humans from ’Taur-im Aina’) in the Shava highlands — as the sorceress
Hârn or at least enslave them under the Morsina’s rule. Gwydriel and her company used when they left their
Gwydriel supports most plans even though she people. For a brief moment a shortcut opens, leading to
rarely participates herself. Instead she’s searching for the home of the Morsina on the snow-covered slopes of
means to reach her goals by trying to understand the the high mountain Niphei in the Rayesha Mountains.
Earthmasters, finding allies in other worlds and collect- When the Bukrai stone — given to Gwydriel by Mor-
ing powerful objects. gath’s servant Myrvia — is destroyed, the Morsina lose
In 720 tr the evil deeds of the Morsina are culminat- their false prolonged lives and become shadows forced
ing. Several plans are at work to achieve their goal. to live in Morgath’s vicinity. The threat against Hârn is
Among the dominating activities are attempts to create gone, at least temporarily. m

12 thonahexus n º 3

Saint Abræron’s Chalice

Text: Lucas Magnusson

his is an adventure seed involving the abbey

 of Bromeleon in Kaldor. Suggested reading is
the k aldor kingdom module and the arti-
cles on Peoni and Larani in gods of hârn. The abbey
The Theft
Saint Abræron’s chalice has been stolen! The theft was
discovered when the chalice was taken out to be trans-
of Bromeleon is near Jedes in southwestern Kaldor. ported to the abbey of Ledyne for the celebration of
Saint Ambrathas. The chalice was stored in a locked
chest in the Avasana’s room. Since there was no sign of
The Chalice
force on the co∞n the Avasana — Mydiel of Husere — is
Abræron of Misha lived alone as a Pelnala of the Peonian the prime suspect of the theft, because he is the only
church in the abbey of Bromeleon already in the first one who has a key to the co∞n.
century tr. He lived a quiet life until the battle of Lareb
Hill in 187 tr. When King Torbet died after several days
The Plot
of fighting against the Kath a group of Laranian knights
fled to the — at the time — small abbey of Bromeleon, The real thief is actually a young boy called Mouser, who
followed by the blood-thirsty Kath. The knights fought stayed in the abbey’s shelter two nights ago. Mouser is
off the barbarians attempt to destroy the abbey for three an extraordinarily skilled kleptomaniac who can enter
days, before they realised that the situation was hope- most rooms unnoticed and open most locks without a
less and decided to try to break through the siege. key. He is a member of a group of thespians travelling
Abræron blessed the remaining fourteen knights, from Tharda to Qualdris, where they are to perform
who were filled with a divine calmness and all their during the festivities of the Feast of Saint Ambrathas.
wounds healed miraculously. The knights burst out Mouser keeps the chalice in a bag with the rest of his
through the temple gates to face the hundred barbari- personal belongings.
ans. The battle waged back and forth from “the golden Other guests still staying at the shelter have also lost
dawn” to “the crimson sunset.” By then only one knight some of their possessions — even some that were left in
was alive: the hundred barbarians was slain to the last locked chests. This would indicate that there’s a thief
man, as was thirteen warriors. Abræron was killed running around. One guest recalls Mouser’s ability to
while protecting a severely wounded knight with only climb trees and enter a room without making a noise. It
his body. happened more than once that Mouser used this skill to
The surviving knight buried Abræron together with scare people half to death, just for fun.
the thirteen knights and took the chalice with him. By the time the characters think that Mouser is the
Abræron was later canonized by a joint decision from culprit, the thespians have reached Qualdris. The col-
the two churches, and the chalice was returned to the ourful and noisy group will not be hard to find, but
abbey as a holy relic. It is said that the chalice has the Mouser always stays in the background and the rest of
power to heal anyone who drinks from it. the thespians will do almost anything to protect him.
Today the chalice is a relic to both churches, and it’s Mouser has no intention to sell the chalice.
always part of the celebration of Saint Ambrathas on The abbey is satisfied with the return of the chalice.
the seventeenth of Larane at the abbey of Ledyne. The As forgiving Peonians they have no need to punish the
chalice is a tin cup adorned with a single small ruby. young boy for his crime. m

thonahexus n º 3 13

Khuzdul Legacy
A guided tour of the Khuzdul statues in the Ulmirien River valley.
By Justin Howe (text) and Eun Jin Lee (illustrations).

here are few relics of the time commonly carved from granite originally mined in the Anadel

T referred to as the Codominium. Present day

inhabitants of Hârn think of this period in
mythical terms, having little to no contact with the
highlands. Others may exist in the Highlands away
from civilization.

Elder folk. However, in a few areas on the Island their

work may still be seen. Wherever these relics are en-
countered they enter into the mythology of the com- The names are primarily a tradition, and no one can
mon folk. quite recall who named them first. It’s commonly be-
One place where their touch may still be seen is in lieved that Genin named them. Whatever names they
the Ulmirien River valley. The remnants of this age may have had originally, if any, remains unknown.
stand in the form of spirit guardians; stone statues
carved by the Khuzdul. Largely ignored by the gentry, Ruthrin [1]
the statues have entered into the mythology of the rural This statue is located near the center of the village of
population. Genilden along the Genin trail. Genilden is the first or
There are eight carved statues in Chybisa. Almost all last settlement encountered in Chybisa along the Genin
are free standing and about four feet in height. They are trail. Ruthrin stands three and a half feet tall, and is the

Ruhtrin Ulmer

14 thonahexus n º 3

Hopp Thuvin

only statue that appears bearded. The beard is braided Hopp |4]
in Khuzdul fashion winding down from the chin and Hopp forms the cornerstone of a wall along the trail
around the body once. The eyes are large and bulbous. between Wynere and Brigmer. It might possibly be the
It also appears to be wearing a helmet or skull cap of ugliest of the statues. The eyes appear to roll in their
some kind. Local crafts people normally arrange them- socket, and the lower lip protrudes giving it an expres-
selves around the statue, selling their wares to passing sion both menacing and comical. Also over the years
caravans. the statue has begun to lean forward. The statue stands
three feet tall. Last winter a man was found stabbed to
Doliver [2] death beneath Hopp. It was later discovered that he
This statue stands in the fields south of Dynain Manor. was a missing cottar from Docialon. The man’s death
It is the most weather-worn of the group, with almost remains unsolved and his killer at large.
smooth features. Doliver stands four feet tall and ap-
pears to be wearing a robe and crown of some kind. Nain [5]
Serfs normally meet beside Doliver to assign tasks and Just outside of Brigasel is a small roadside shrine dedi-
gossip during the day. In the summer, villagers garland cated to Peoni. It is little more than a three walled shack
the statue with flowers. around a stone altar and the statue of Nain. Carved in a
di≠erent style than the others, this statue is smooth
Ulmer [3] featured and smiling. It is only two feet tall. Bowls of
Ulmer stands beside the barge dock of Feryce in a stand vegetables and small gifts are normally left before the
of trees. It has prominent eyes and a wide grinning statue after the harvest. It is common for villagers to
mouth, facing away from the river and looking inland. pray to Nain in times of sickness. An itinerant priest
Weathering has smoothed most of the features and visits the shrine twice a month, doing her best to main-
blurred their contours. Ulmer is the tallest of the stat- tain the structure.
ues, measuring just over four feet in height. An old
beggar woman makes her home beside Ulmer, and is Kettle [6]
known as Ulmer’s Wife. She mostly survives on the Located in the fields north of Onden, on a back trail to
charity of the community. During the day she sits be- Andgan manor. This grotesque statue stands two feet
neath the trees, talking to herself and her ‘husband.’ high. It has a broad face with large eyes, bulbous nose,
and frowning mouth. A peaked cap sits atop its head,

thonahexus n º 3 15

Jero [8]
Jero stands at the entrance to Gallar, one of the ruined
manors west of Lerenil. Over the years the statue has
become almost entirely submerged beneath creeping ivy.
It stands three feet tall, and has a look of curious surprise
on its face. The statue is located in what was once the
wall of the manor orchard. Serfs from Leriel and Jerg-
rayn occasionally scavenge around Gallar, searching for
building materials.

Some Truth
During the Codominium the area which was to become
Chybisa was largely uninhabited. However, the Khuzdul
maintained several mining operations to the east in the
Anadel Highlands. Caravans regularly traveled between
the mines and the homes of the Elder races along the same
route which was to become the Genin trail. Like all good
crafts people, the Khuzdul often mixed their work and
their recreation. It became common for the miners that
wintered in the valley to set themselves some task to pass
the time. The statues are the remains of one such task.
lopsided from weathering. Locals say Kettle has the Sculpted by a mason of Clan Orinain, the statues
unpleasant habit of laughing at lone travelers that pass show a dazzling display of craftsmanship and wit. Some
in the night. The fact that these travelers are normally of the figures are caricatures of people long dead (Do-
to some degree inebriated only goes to show the fine liver is a caricature of Daelda; Ruthrin a self-portrait).
caliber of Kettle’s humor. Others are little more than flights of fancy. All have a
haunting presence, which may account for some of the
Thuvin [7] reverence the rural population gives to these idols.
Thuvin stands beneath an oak tree at the crossroads of Members of Clan Orinain remember the work of
the Ilaon-Fifen, Babray-Onden trails. Like most things their ancestor. They try to see the statues once in their
associated with crossroads, the statue has a bad reputa- life, though few actually make the trip. Hazmaral, the
tion. It is just over three feet tall, with the bulbous eyes Khuzdul mason which built Burzyn Castle, did not do
and nose common to the others The mouth however is much to advertise the kingdom to his kin. It is possible
more subdued, spreading into a slight grin. Thuvin has that he was the last clan member to see the statues. Two
weathered the least of the statues, and this life like qual- hundred years have passed since then, and a new gen-
ity makes most people uneasy. It is whispered that some eration of masons may be curious enough to see what
nights it is not safe to stray to close to the statue. time has changed. m


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���� The numbers show the locations of

the statues: [1] Ruthrin; [2] Doliver;
THE ULMERIEN RIVER VALLEY [3] Ulmer; [4] Hopp; [5] Nain;
[6] Kettle; [7] Thuvin; and [8] Jero.

16 thonahexus n º 3

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