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Muigai Cathrine

NAME Cathrine Muigai

ADM NO. 19/05988


Assume you are the manager of your organization, what use would you put Information
Technology, especially in managing organizational change and interdependencies?


As the manager of the organization this is how i would use IT to manage and organize change
and interdependencies.

 I would implement an interconnected system where by different entities in different

departments would work together to manage workflow within the organization. i would
implement either a client server or peer to peer system depending on the structure of
my organization

 I would use data analysis tools to collect and gather information on basis of how the
organization's performance is currently and what improvements can be made to which

 I would implement a whole new system that works in favor of its users that it the
employees, the top management system and the customers of the organization.

 I would train the users on how the system works and how the ststem can be
manipulated to favor them and provide better services for them and their customers

 I would implement data protection tools that prevent issues like cyberattacks aimed to
destroy the system or steal customer information

Using Ford motors as an example discuss how an organization can use BPR to gain competitive
advantage. [6mks]


Ford motors can use bpr to gain an added advantage by;

 They can align their system to work in favor of their customers this can be done by
creating websites that are more user friendly and easy to use as well as allowing their
customers to manage their own profiles.

Muigai Cathrine

 Ford motors can create new innovations which provides a way of creating market for
new products and improves their market presence which favor them much more.

 Cost reduction-ford motors can offer their customers from time to time discounts on
selected items and price reductions in order to improve customer relationship with their

 improve their engagements with their customers by offering a real time support system
whereby their customers can receive help and support at any day or time. This helps
their customers with their engagement toward the business.

 Ford motors would also streamline their process this can be done by identifying the core
processes that help the business and the processes that add no value to its organization
and doing away with those that have no value to them.

Discuss how organizational structure can affect the success of the BPR effort. [4mks]

How organizational structure affect Bpr;


 work specialization-this can also be termed as a job description they outline what a
person is responsible for in their workplace this organization structure determines the
success of a business since everyone in the organization is placed at different areas each
with their own responsibility.

 Chain of command this include the top managerial position and the lower part which
include the members of staff. This gives people a clear guide on who they should rely on
concerning different matters in an organization.

 Communication if a proper flow of communication within an organization is maintained

the success of BPR can be assured since the organization is in touch with each
department in its structure.

 Formalization determines how much standardizing there is across the organization. It

may affect functions, systems, job descriptions, and the flow of information.
Organizations with high formalization are often much more successful than the ones
who don’t have it.

Muigai Cathrine

 Functional teams -by allowing functional teams to work together and incorporate
different ideas as well as different skills can affect the success of BPR processes.

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