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A project submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology
(BSc. CS/IT)


Micky Michael Ngailo 2021815259

Chimango Nyirenda 2021000104
Fuad Sani 2021814300

Supervised by:
Miss. Nikita Verma

May, 2023


This is to certify that the report entitled “Online Garbage Collection

” submitted by Micky Michael Ngailo, Chimango Nyirenda, Fuadi Sani having (System ID’s

2021815259, 2021000104, 2021814300) to Sharda University, towards the fulfillment of

requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information

Technology (BSc. CS/IT) is record of bonafide Second year Project work carried out by us

in the Department of Computer Science and Application, School of Engineering and

Technology, Sharda University. The results/findings contained in this Project have not been

submitted in part or full to any other University/Institute for award of any other


Signature of Supervisor

Name: Miss. Nikita Verma


Signature of Head of Department

Name: Dr. Arun Prakash Aggarwal

(Office seal)



Signature of External Examiner



A major project is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. We consider our self very

lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead us through in completion of this project.

First and foremost, we would like to thank Dr. Arun Prakash Aggarwal, HOD, CSA who gave us an

opportunity to undertake this project.

My grateful thanks to Miss. Nikita Verma for his guidance in my project work, who in spite of being

extraordinarily busy with academics, took time out to hear, guide and keep us on the correct path.

We do not know where we would have been without his help.

CSA department monitored our progress and arranged all facilities to make life easier. We choose

this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully.

Name System Id and signature of Students

Micky Michael Ngailo 2021815259

Chimango Nyirenda 2021000104

Fuad Sani 2021814300



This research paper proposes an innovative online garbage collection system that
aims to change and improve the efficiency and convenience of waste management. The
proposed system will consist of two main components: the garbage collector and the garbage
owner. Garbage owners will be able to request collection services at any time through a user-
friendly web-based interface and pay for the services online. Garbage collectors will be able
to view the requests, assign them to available resources, and update the status of the requests
in real-time using a mobile application. The literature review section of this paper examines
the limitations of current waste management systems, which are often centralized,
hierarchical, and rely on fixed collection schedules. The methodology section of this paper
outlines the development process of the proposed system, which will be built using various
tools such as Java programming language, MySQL database, and Apache web server. The
proposed system can improve waste management services and contribute to a cleaner and
healthier environment.

TITLE ....................................................................................................................................
CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ iv
.............................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not

CHAPTER1: PROJECT INTRODUCTION ....................................................................

1.1 Motivation ...........................................................................................................................
1.2 Project Overview .................................................................................................................
1.3 Expected Outcome ............................................................................................................
1.7 Literature Review ..............................................................................................................
CHAPTER2: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................
2.1 Product / system view ....................................................................................................
2.2 System components & Functionalities ........................................................................
CHAPTER3: DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................
3.1 System Design ................................................................................................................
CHAPTER4: CONCLUSION & FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS ..................................
4.1: Performance Estimation.......................................................................................................
4.2: Usability of Product / system ......................................................................................
REFERENCE .....................................................................................................................



Fig 1.1 FLOW MODEL 8


Waste management is a critical aspect of modern urban life, as it is essential for the maintenance of
public health and the preservation of the environment. Traditional waste management systems
have faced significant challenges, including fixed collection schedules, centralized, hierarchical
systems, and inefficient resource allocation. These challenges have led to increasing demand for
more efficient and convenient waste management solutions.
In recent years, the emergence of information technology has provided opportunities to develop
innovative waste management systems that can overcome the limitations of traditional systems.
This research paper proposes an online garbage management system that utilizes a user-friendly
interface and a mobile application to connect garbage owners with nearby collectors. The
proposed system enables garbage owners to pay and request for the nearest garbage collectors to
come to their location and collect the garbage.
This paper aims to explore the limitations of traditional waste management systems and the
potential of information technology-based solutions to overcome these limitations. The paper will
review existing literature on waste management and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
different waste management systems. The paper will also describe the development process of the
proposed online garbage management system, including the design, implementation, and testing
The proposed system is expected to revolutionize waste management in urban areas by offering a
more efficient and convenient waste management service. The system will provide garbage
owners with realtime information on the location of the nearest garbage collectors and allow them
to schedule a pick- up time at their convenience. Moreover, the system will eliminate the need for
garbage owners to transport their waste to designated collection points, reducing transportation
costs and contributing to a cleaner environment.
The development of the proposed online garbage management system will involve several stages,
including requirements gathering, system design, implementation, and testing. The system will be
designed to be user-friendly and accessible to a wide range of users. The proposed system will use
mobile technology to enable garbage owners to locate nearby garbage collectors and request for
their services. The system will also allow garbage collectors to view and manage their schedules
and payments.
The literature review will examine the current state of waste management systems and explore the
challenges and limitations of traditional waste management systems. Fixed collection schedules
and hierarchical systems are among the primary challenges of traditional waste management
systems. Fixed schedules often result in overflowing waste bins and an inefficient use of
resources. Hierarchical systems require waste to be transported from decentralized locations to
centralized waste management facilities, which can result in increased transportation costs and an
inefficient use of resources.
Information technology-based waste management systems have the potential to overcome these
limitations by providing more efficient and convenient waste management solutions. Mobile
applications and online interfaces can enable garbage owners to locate nearby garbage collectors
and request their services. These systems can eliminate the need for fixed collection schedules and
allow garbage collectors to manage theirschedules more efficiently.
The proposed online garbage management system aims to address these limitations by providing a
more efficient and convenient waste management solution. The system will enable garbage
owners to locate nearby garbage collectors and request their services using a mobile application.
The system will also enable garbage collectors to manage their schedules more efficiently and
reduce transportation costs.
The system will go through several stages of development, commencing with requirements
gathering to establish system requirements and user demands. A user-friendly interface and
system architecture will then be developed during the system design phase. The development of
the system will really take place in the implementation stage, which will be followed by a testing
phase when the system's usability and functionality will be assessed.
Literate Survey

Seven research publications from 2016 and 2017 were reviewed as part of the literature review
for waste monitoring. The majority of these publications, which were examined in the first
phase of the literature study, were purely concerned with waste monitoring functionality.
However, two of the articles included other aspects in addition to trash monitoring, such as
waste compression and position tracking, which were examined in the second part.

Seven research articles that were written in 2016 and 2017 were looked at as part of the
examination of literature on waste monitoring. The initial phase of the literature survey covered
the majority of these publications, which were primarily concerned with waste monitoring
functionality. Although two of the articles also addressed other elements like trash compression
and position tracking in addition to waste monitoring, they were explored in the second part.

One of the articles in the second portion discussed the use of a central system equipped with
GPRS technology for garbage monitoring, offering a compression mechanism to manage excess
rubbish. In the last article of the review, the waste level was monitored using an Android app,
and the Global Positioning System (GPS) was utilised to determine the location of the closest

The majority of study on waste monitoring has been done in the last several years. The only new
featuresthat have been introduced in addition to waste monitoring are garbage compression and
position tracking.

• Garbage monitoring systems have been created using a variety of microcontrollers and
boards (e.g.ARM7, PIC, and Arduino boards).

• GSM and Wi-Fi technologies are frequently employed as one-way communication


• Measurement of the amount of trash in containers.

• ultrasonic level sensors are frequently utilised.

• Through SMS or updates to a website, alert text messages on the level of waste in
containers thatare full are created.

During the initial stage of contextual inquiry, which was carried out in the municipal
corporation region,several tendencies in the literature survey were discovered
Existing Garbage collection System

Employees head for their workstations every morning. For all those people, there are just not
enough garbage bins available. On the streets of urban cities, hundreds of people are passing the
same location in around one minute. The obvious solution to this is for the cleaning staff to stay
near garbage bins every day till they fill up to clean them. This is not a real solution.
There are some notable negative effects when considering the garbage bins always being full.
One of the main effects is the surrounding area starts to smell and be very unpleasant. When the
garbage bins are full people put their trash on the side of the garbage bins.
Proposed System

A. The proposed system overview for this system. Solid waste management can be broadly
categorized as segregation, collection, and transportation.

B. The server will collect the data and store them only in a database. This data will be
analysed and displayed on two different dashboards that can be accessed by the workforce and
C. Using data analytics, reports will be generated which can be monitored by the admins
through the admin dashboard.

D. Based on the data collected, garbage trucks can be given routes generated through various
algorithms and google maps API to efficiently route through all necessary garbage bins and
finally reach the dumping site
Advantages of the proposed system

-The system will have two parts where a person who needs to earn external income can register
on our site as a garbage collector for free and get garbage collection jobs.
- The system will allow homeowners with garbage to request garbage pickup at any time
they wish and reduce the worst at their homes, this will also reduce the risk of getting
diseases caused by the worst

- It decreases traffic flow and consecutively noise due to less air pollution as a result of
fewer waste collection vehicles on the roads. This has become possible due to two-way
communication between smart dustbins and service operators.
- It keeps our surroundings clean and green and free from bad odours of waste, emphasizes a
healthy environment, and keeps cities more beautiful.
- It further reduces manpower requirements to handle the garbage collection process.
- Applying the garbage collection system process to the city optimizes management,
resources, and costs which makes it a "smart city".
- It helps the administration to generate extra revenue through advertisements on smart
Contextual Inquiry

Contextual Inquiry is a technique of studying users in their natural environment to get insight,
understand their requirements, and identify related usability problems. There is another similar
study aimed at building an understanding of ‘Intelligent Food Carrier in Refrigerator’. The users
include 9 Homemakers, 4 children, and 6 other family members. The collected data has been
analysed to identify user categories, problems/errors encountered as well as artifacts involved or
used during user interaction. Fieldwork is essential for observing user interaction and
understanding real user requirements dealing with garbage containers. Ten locations in the
suburbs of Pune, India such as Dhankwadi, Bibwewdi, and Katraj have been visited to study the
garbage management process in the contextual inquiry. A variety of users have been observed
interacting with garbage containers. It includes interaction with 15 participant users including 6
Sweepers, 1 Sanitary Inspector, 1 Divisional Inspector, and 7 Citizens / Public. The user
behaviour and response have been investigated through interviews and discussions. This process
has helped in understanding user categories, artifacts, and problems faced along with related
work models.

Work Models

There are three work models, which are developed during the contextual inquiry. Developing
such models is a time-consuming process as it involves intensive fieldwork, observing user
interactions, interviewing users, and related data analysis. These initial three models are
discussed in this section.

Flow Model

It is focused on identifying the roles and responsibilities of different types of users. There are six
types of users viz. Public, Solid, and Waste (S&W) Management Department, Sweepers,
Hospitals, Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO), and Retired Workers. Public, S&W
management department, and sweepers are primary users as they are directly and most
frequently involved in Garbage Monitoring whereas; hospital, NGO, and retired workers are
secondary users, who support the primary users.
The users involved in garbage management are depicted in Fig. 1
Fig. 1. Flow model for garbage monitoring system depicting user categories

The users involved in garbage management are described as follows:

• Public: The public is the primary user. They participate in garbage segregation, collection,
and monitoring. They also cooperate with the S&W management department in the identification
of sites for garbage management facilities and their operation.
• S&W Management Department: This is a department of the Municipal Corporation
focusing on garbage management. It maintains up-to-date records and- compliments public,
NGO, and private participation.
• Sweepers: They take responsibility for monitoring various conditions and, handing over
the garbage to recycle / disposal process.
Flow Model




GARBAGE Rejected or Reset


• Hospitals: They are secondary users and need to segregate garbage as dry, wet, and bio-
medical waste. Such waste is directly handover to the S&W department or appointed agencies for
the recycling/disposal process.
• NGO: They network with other like-minded organizations in the area and integrate their
efforts. They use existing contacts with the S&W department to ensure maximum support in the
garbage monitoring process.
• Retired workers: They are secondary users. Their help is taken in various stages of the
garbage management process by the S&W department
Sequence Mode
The sequence model represents tasks and related action sequences involved in task completion
and highlights possible problems. So, it brings out related problems which are faced by users
while executing specific action sequences during user interaction with the system. One of the
most important tasks is ‘To monitor garbage containers/vehicles. It has several steps as
depicted in Fig. 2. There are several important problems with this task such as the
unavailability of garbage containers, failure to locate the nearby vehicle, detection of bio-
medical / hazardous waste, and lack of communication with the S&W department.

Artifact Mode

It is used to understand the availability and use of artifacts. It also helps to list facts
highlighting anything that has the potential to make a difference in an efficient and effective
working environment. The important artifacts observed during user interaction with
garbage containers include different types of garbage, containers, and vehicles. The garbage is
categorized as dry, wet, bio-medical, and hazardous waste. There are three types of containers
such as rubbish bins, recycle bins, and curb side bins. The vehicles include mainly trucks, push
carts, and dumpers. What is a market area?
The global smart waste management market size was valued at $1,683.0 million in 2019 and is
expected to reach $4,103.6 million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 15.1% from 2020 to 2027.
Smart waste management is the concept that allows garbage collectors to register and get
requests from garbage owners at any time for garbage pickup at any location. It also monitors
historical data collected by sensors and databases, which can be used to identify and optimize
driver routes, fill patterns, and reduce operational costs, and schedules. Remote monitoring and
IoT-based waste bins are more feasible to collect waste effectively. It also reduces routing and
fuel prices.
“The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the growth of the smart waste management industry
owing to the lockdown measure in different countries and delay in manufacturing and
production of sensors and equipment related to the smart waste management for residential,
commercial, and industrial waste collection and disposal.”
The advantage of smart waste management is to use sustainable waste management and handle
waste by monitoring systems enabling the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, and data analytics.
Rapid urbanization & industrialization is expected to create a huge amount of waste and to
manage this waste intelligent waste management systems are required, which is anticipated to
propel the growth of the market. Furthermore, a rise in smart city initiatives is anticipated to
drive the growth of the smart waste management market. For instance, in 2017, the government
of Canada spent $65 million on smart cities in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver. The rise in
environmental awareness toward sustainable waste management fuels the growth of the market.
The smart waste management market has witnessed significant growth over the past decade,
owing to the rise in strict environmental regulations by countries such as Europe and the U.S.
for sustainable waste management, which is expected to boost the growth of the market. The
involvement of government and local authorities in sustainable waste disposal is expected to
boost the growth of the market. High capital investments and a lack of efficient connectivity are
anticipated to hinder the growth of the smart waste management market. Growth in
technological advancements such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect waste and growth in
adoption in developing countries are projected to provide lucrative opportunities for the market
players during the forecast period.
Research Methodology:
Introduction: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of an online garbage collection system
that connects garbage owners with the nearest garbage collectors for garbage pickup at any time.
The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the user experience
and identify areas for improvement in the system's functionality and user experience.
Research Design: This research will use a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative
and qualitative research methods. The quantitative data will be collected through surveys and data
analytics, while the qualitative data will be collected through in-depth interviews and case studies.
The mixed-methods approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of the online garbage
collection system and its effectiveness.
Sampling: The sampling technique for this research will be purposive sampling. Purposive sampling
is an intentional and selective process of selecting participants based on specific characteristics, in
this case, users of the online garbage collection system. The sample size will be determined based
on data saturation, meaning when no new themes or patterns emerge from the data collected.
Data Collection: Data will be collected using surveys, data analytics, in-depth interviews, and case
studies. The surveys will be conducted online and will ask questions about user satisfaction, ease of
use, and overall experience. The data analytics will collect data on user behavior, such as the
frequency of use and types of services requested. The in-depth interviews will be conducted online
and will be semi-structured, allowing for flexibility in the questions asked. The case studies will be
conducted through in-depth interviews and observation of user behavior.
Data Analysis: The data collected through surveys and data analytics will be analyzed using
statistical analysis to determine the level of user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
The data collected through in-depth interviews and case studies will be transcribed and analyzed
using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and reporting
patterns within the data. The analysis will be conducted using NVivo software, which allows for
efficient coding and analysis of large amounts of qualitative data.
Ethical Considerations: Ethical considerations will be taken into account throughout the research
process. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants before conducting interviews or
observation. Participants will be informed about the research and their rights to withdraw from the
study at any time. All data collected will be kept confidential and anonymized to protect
participants' identities.
Validity and Reliability: To ensure the validity and reliability of the research, the data collected will
be triangulated through multiple sources, including interviews and observation of user behavior.
The analysis will be conducted by two researchers to ensure inter-coder reliability. The research
will also use member checking to verify the accuracy of the data collected and the analysis
Conclusion: The mixed-methods approach used in this research will provide a comprehensive
understanding of the online garbage collection system and its effectiveness. The results of this
research will help identify areas for improvement in the system's functionality and user experience,
which can be used to enhance the system's effectiveness and increase user satisfaction. The ethical
considerations taken into account in this research will ensure the protection of participants' rights
and identities.
Conclusion and Future Scope:
1. Increased user satisfaction: The online garbage collection system is expected to improve
user satisfaction by providing a convenient and efficient way to connect garbage owners with the
nearest garbage collectors for garbage pickup at any time. The research is expected to identify
areas for improvement in the system's functionality and user experience, which can be used to
enhance the system's effectiveness and increase user satisfaction.
2. Improved system functionality: The research is expected to identify areas for improvement
in the system's functionality, such as improving the user interface, adding new features, and
optimizing the system's performance. These improvements can help increase the system's
effectiveness and attract more users.
3. Enhanced user experience: The research is expected to provide insights into the user
experience of the online garbage collection system, such as user behavior and preferences. This
information can be used to enhance the user experience and improve user satisfaction.
4. Increased system usage: The online garbage collection system is expected to attract more
users and increase system usage as a result of improved functionality and user experience.
5. Cost savings: The online garbage collection system is expected to provide cost savings to
both garbage owners and collectors by reducing the time and resources required for garbage
collection. This can result in increased efficiency and cost savings for all stakeholders involved in
the garbage collection process.
6. Environmental benefits: The online garbage collection system is expected to have
environmental benefits by reducing the amount of time and resources required for garbage
collection. This can result in a reduction in carbon emissions and a more sustainable waste
management system.
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