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Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Soran University
Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advanced Concrete Technology

Sustainability of Concrete


Nergz Yusuf Yassin

Supervised by:

Dr. Bengin Masih Awdal

Higher Diploma

2024 AD 2723 K 1444 A

List of Figure: ................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. What is the sustainability? .......................................................................................................... 5
3.Materials ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Manufacturing process concrete sustainability ........................................................................... 7
5.Characteristic of Concrete Sustainability..................................................................................... 8
6. Structural Behavior of Concrete Sustainability .......................................................................... 9
7. The Methods Used in the Production of Sustainable Concrete ................................................ 10
8. What is Geopolymer Concrete? ................................................................................................ 10
9.Application of Magnesium phosphate cement ........................................................................... 12
10. Supplementary Cementitious materials .................................................................................. 13
Case study: .................................................................................................................................... 14
12. Recycle aggregate: .................................................................................................................. 15
13. Advantages of Concrete Sustainability ................................................................................... 16
14. Disadvantages of concrete sustainability ................................................................................ 17
15. Fresh Properties Concrete Sustainability ................................................................................ 18
16. Durability ........................................................................................................................... 18
17. Environmental Impact ............................................................................................................. 19
18.Standard ................................................................................................................................... 20
19.Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 20
References ..................................................................................................................................... 21

List of Figure:

Figure 1: How to make sustainability concrete?

Figure 2: materials of concert sustainability

Figure 3: Preparation process of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete.

Figure 4: SEM of MPC protection layer and concrete matrix.

List of Table:

Table1: physical properties of food ash

1. Introduction
The field of civil engineer we have several materials that used building this report will focus on
the environmental issues like sustainability concrete, concrete has been used as a construction
material by humans for concrete has been used as a construction material by humans for more than
200 years. Concrete is employed in every kind of construction and industry, including buildings,
pavements, tunnels, seashore structures, etc., because of its adaptability and flexibility. Because it
can withstand practically any kind of weathering, concrete is a widely utilized building material.
The design and proportioning of concrete mixes may easily include the environmental, social, and
economic concepts of sustainable development, which can then be clearly demonstrated through
practical implementations. Concrete is a cheap, practical choice, especially considering how long
it lasts. For building, upkeep, and restoration, concrete uses the least amount of energy, materials,
and other resources. Restoration over its existence, all the while giving society's basic
infrastructure. Global warming and climate change are two of humanity's most pressing issues
right now. The greenhouse effect is blamed for the global warming because of chemicals known
as greenhouse gases. Burning fossil fuels creates CO2, which is primarily responsible for the
world's energy generation. Energy production is therefore a primary factor in CO2 emissions, or
CO2 created and released as a result of human activity. Therefore, a material's contribution to CO2
increases with the amount of energy needed in its creation. The term "embodied energy" refers to
the energy that was accessible and utilized For building materials like cement and concrete to be
environmentally sustainable, they must have embodied energy. The most widely used substance
in the world, concrete, is more ecologically friendly than steel or aluminum since it has a lower
embodied energy. However, because limestone must be calcined in order to produce cement,
cement manufacturing increases CO2 emissions. One of the main challenges for sustainable
concrete is reducing these emissions. The reduction of limestone resources in certain areas poses
a risk to the long-term viability of the cement sector. The industry's related building and
employment will decrease as limestone becomes a scarce resource. In an effort to attain
sustainability, innovative methods for producing concrete that use less limestone are being
explored. Coarse and fine aggregates are often obtained separately from one another or as
byproducts of other processes in the mining process. recesses. Masonry and old concrete debris
make up two thirds of the garbage generated during building and demolition projects in North
America, Europe, and Japan. This offers the concrete industry a chance to increase resource

productivity by using trash from building and demolition to make coarse aggregate. Recycling
mining wastes and dredging sands is becoming more and more profitable, particularly in nations
with limited land and expensive waste disposal expenses.The concrete industry has to save potable
water for life-sustaining requirements instead of infrastructure demands since water supplies are
running out. By increasing the use of mineral admixtures and super plasticizers and optimizing
aggregate grading, the sector may reduce the yearly worldwide demand for mixing water. Water-
saving techniques include using surface runoff and rainwater, and using combinations that use less created using innovative technology to produce concrete and mortar that use very little

A sustainable concrete construction is constructed with little overall social impact during its
life cycle. Designing with sustainability in mind requires taking into account both the short-
and long-term impacts of the structure. Reducing the long-term consequences of structures
requires the construction of enduring structures. Considering sustainability when designing
and building: Building upkeep is essential in this century since it contributes to the "new
construction ideology." Incorporating a sustainable strategy specifically means focusing on
the implications for human health, energy conservation, and the availability of physical,
environmental, and technological resources for buildings, both new and old. When
constructing long-lasting structures, it is essential to take the influence of construction
technologies and critical approaches into account (Joel Opon and Michael Henry , 2019).

An integrated sustainable design process can save on the cost of the building or infrastructure
development project as well as continuous operations. The process of making Portland
cement is risky, with challenges. The cost of producing Portland cement, greenhouse gas
emissions, and the decrease in energy and resource consumption are the three most significant
among them. Consequently, extra cementing ingredients were required to replace the Portland
cement in the concrete, such as fly ash and ground-granulated blast furnace slag. However,
before any work is done, every facet of the building materials to be used should be evaluated.
Assessing the impact of building materials on local and global air quality is essential for the
construction of durable, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible buildings and
infrastructure (Z. Guo, X. Kong, J.Zhang, Y. Sun, A. Tu, T. Jiang, 2020)

2. What is the sustainability?

Sustainability is the process of sustaining change in a balanced environment, where resource extraction,
investment direction, technological development direction, and institutional change all work together
harmoniously to maximize the potential of the present and the future to satisfy human needs and ambitions
(Ben-Eli, 2018).

A concrete structure that is designed to have the least possible negative social impact over the course of its
whole life cycle is considered sustainable.When designing with sustainability in mind, one must take into co
nsideration both the structure's immediate and long
term effects.Both the project's initial cost and ongoing development expenses can be decreased with an inte
grated sustainable design methodology.To achieve sustainable development, techniques and resources for m
easuring and contrasting the environmental effects of producing the goods and services that our society uses
must be made available (Harald S. Müller, Michael Haist, Michael Vogel, 2019).

Fig. 1. How to make sustainability concrete?


We use some materials for concrete gate:

3.1 cementer bending materials and carrying different various aggregate and have different types
with different properties for production concrete more suitable for construction

3.2water; is a liquid best rule in concrete for hydration process and mixing materials to be a
uniformly in concrete and rice work ability and reduce strength(Peter O. Akadiri a, Paul O.
Olomolaiye b 1, Ezekiel A. Chinyio , 2013).

Aggregate and admixture

1-recycled aggregate: reduces the natural aggregate like sand gravel and reduce the carbon
emission and reduce cost.
2-Fly ash: can be used in concrete mixture reduce heat hydration and amount cement and increase
durability improved work ability and reduce greenhouse gas.
3-Alternative binder: good resistance for chemical attacks using industrial product need lower
4-Silica fume: is a fine powder improve durability and strength decrease permeability use for
supplement cementation after added concrete mixture.
5-Geo polymer; can have excellent compressive strength and Eco friendly less carbon dioxide for
produce cement need require less water.
6-Alkaline activator: in polymer uses for solution reduce ph. and reliance on Portland cement
decreasing carbon footing and mixing (Bourg, 2016).

Fig2:materials of concert sustainability (Mohammedameen, 2022)

4. Manufacturing process concrete sustainability

The quality of Manufacturing process very important for quality sustainability concrete in every
stages must be the worker good experience and have since back ground about concrete. all
ingredient in concrete must be homogeneous such as like water and cement and aggregate coarse
and fine and admixture .aim the quality of concrete of uninformed strength from batch

4.1. batching or measurement of materials: for good quality in concrete all ingredient must be
mustered or designed before, before batching should be have mix design for information about
materials use, water, cement, aggregate, admixture, sand batching

4.2. mixing; we have two methods for mixing like handle method and machine method, proper
mixing ensure for hydration and homogeneity must be mixture high speed rotation, all ingredient
must be a uniform and cohesiveness

4.3. transporting: concrete should be transporting for site construction by trucks and mortar pan
and dumps without the concrete segregation and lose homogeneity

4.4. placing: is a technique concrete placement form the ready mix truck to concrete final location.
During placing process should be concrete prevention segregation and keep homogeneity

4.5. compaction: after placing must be compacting for remove into raped air by vibrators
machine. After compaction curing start often extend with moist of concrete curing or special
methods its optimal for strength and durability

4.6. fishing: process creating surface smooth and considerable strong and durable and easily to
maintenance and quick construction high fire resistance (Birtles, 2018).

5.Characteristic of Concrete Sustainability

Concrete sustainability can be characterized by several key aspects:

5-1. Sustainable concrete aims to reduce its environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, energy consumption, and natural resource use throughout its life cycle.

5-2. Sustainable concrete is crafted for its durability, minimizing the need for frequent repairs, saving
resources, and minimizing waste.

5-3. Concrete sustainability involves designing structures and products that can be easily recycled or
repurposed, thereby reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

5-4. Sustainable concrete uses alternative materials like fly ash, slag, and silica fume, byproducts of
other industries, to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete production.
5-5. Water saving measures, such as water recycling systems and effective curing techniques, are
part of sustainable concrete production.
5-6. Social Impact: The manufacturing of sustainable concrete takes social impact into account. This
entails protecting worker safety, encouraging ethical work practices, and reducing construction-
related disruption to nearby communities.
5-6. Life Cycle Assessment: Sustainable concrete adopts a comprehensive strategy, taking into
account the effects that concrete will have on society, the environment, and the economy over
the course of its whole life. This aids in pinpointing problem areas and directing sustainable

Concrete sustainability can be attained by combining these qualities, which will result in a more socially and
environmentally conscious building sector.

Sustainable structural engineering focuses on reducing energy and resource consumption in
structures. This study explores evaluating, mitigating, and improving the environmental impact of
concrete, particularly green concrete, using the principles of designing a green concrete mix and
analyzing the impact of cement content on both fresh and hardened concrete (Wenkai Luo a,
Malindu Sandanayake b, Guomin Zhang, 2019).

6. Structural Behavior of Concrete Sustainability

Concrete's structural behavior is included in the concept of concrete sustainability. This entails
creating concrete structures that are robust, efficient structurally, and favorable to the environment

6-1. compressive strength: is a ability of materials carrying resistant loads The use of RHA in
the creation of flow able fill concrete (FFC) mixes was assessed in this study. For 7, 14,
21, and 28 days, cylindrical samples of each kind were made and cured. The strength
development trend in all samples from the RHA modified FFC and the control mix
throughout the 28-day curing period was similar, according to the results.
6-2. Material selection: must be select materials suitable for environment, low energy
requirement strength and durable materials to extend a life span of the structure
6-3. Durability: in concrete refers to some capability materials to carrying load over long time
indifferent condition resistance for thawing and freezing weather and chemical corrosion
6-4. Energy inefficiency: concretions in all building materials construction aim uses minimize
amount energy when decreasing energy, a cost reduces economically
6-5. Life c cycle assessment: methods important for environmental impact include extract of
row materials this processing usage transportation and disposal of raw materials (M.
Sandanayake a, Ch.Gunasekara b, D.Law b, G. Zhang b, S.Setunge, 2018).

7. The Methods Used in the Production of Sustainable Concrete

reducing CO2 Emissions

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is crucial for producing concrete in a sustainable manner.
Several tactics may be used during the production process to accomplish this.

7-1. Utilizing SCMs: The CO2 emissions related to the manufacturing of cement may be greatly
decreased by substituting some of the cement with SCMs such fly ash, GGBFS, and silica fume.
7-2. Adding Recycled Aggregates: Adding recycled aggregates to the concrete mix lowers the
need for virgin resources, which in turn lowers energy use and carbon dioxide emissions associated
with the extraction and processing of raw materials. Using

7-3. Eco-Friendly Admixtures: By lowering the quantity of cement used in the mix, some
admixtures help further minimize CO2 emissions.

7-4. Innovative Production Techniques: During the cement manufacturing process, cutting-
edge techniques like carbon capture and storage can assist reduce CO2 emissions. Production of
cement. With the use of this technology, CO2 produced during the process is captured and stored
underground, keeping it from escaping into space (Filipeboni, 2023).

8. What is Geopolymer Concrete?

Concrete made without the use of Portland cement is known as geopolymer concrete. Instead, an
alkali-activated alumina-silicate serves as the binder. Following a string of devastating fires,
research into heat-resistant materials led to the development of geopolymers. Thirteen The study
produced geopolymer binders and resins that are both non-flammable and non-combustible
(Zhihao (Z.) Li, Zhu (Z.) Ding and Y (Y.) Zhang, 2004).

A substance known as geopolymer is created when an alkaline solution reacts with a source
material that is high in alumina and silica. In essence, it is concrete without Portland cement. This
substance is under investigation and appears to be a viable green substitute for regular Portland

cement concrete. The focus of research is moving from chemistry to engineering uses and
geopolymer manufacturing for commercial use. It has been discovered that when Portland cement
is completely replaced with geopolymer concrete, the material offers high technical qualities and
a lower carbon footprint.

There are more benefits for the environment when using fly ash. Just 2.3 million tons (2.2 million
tons) of the approximately 14.5 million tons (14 million tons) of fly ash produced annually in
Australia in 2007 were usefully used, mostly for the partial substitution of Portland cement.15 The
positive use of ash would rise further with the development of geopolymer technology and
applications, just how fly ash has been used in concrete and other construction materials over the
past 14 years.

Properties Geopolymer concrete, with its high-early strength gain when heat or steam cured, is
used in the precast industry for producing precast railway sleepers and other restressed building
components. It has excellent resistance to chemical attack and is suitable for aggressive
environments, such as marine environments and acidic conditions. Geopolymer concrete's bond
characteristics are comparable or superior to normal Portland cement concrete. Its mechanical
properties suggest enhanced durability and fire resistance in structural applications. The possibility
of restressed application is being explored with the development of suitable mixture proportions
and curing regimes. This paper outlines trial mixtures for developing restressed geopolymer
beams, highlighting the fresh and hardened properties of geopolymer concrete and mixture
proportions issues (Zhihao (Z.) Li, Zhu (Z.) Ding and Y (Y.) Zhang, 2004).

fig3: Preparation process of fly ash-based

geopolymer concrete (Zhuang, 2016).

9.Application of Magnesium phosphate cement
Magnesium phosphate cement (MPC) is a widely used material for repairing concrete structures
like highways, airport runways, and bridge decks due to its rapid setting and high early strength.
It saves time and resources by reducing interrupting times. MPC can incorporate non-toxic
industrial waste, such as Class F fly ash (FA), into its construction materials, resulting in over 40%
of its mass. MPC's lower alkalinity makes it better suited for vegetable fiber reinforcement. It also
manages and stabilizes toxic and radioactive wastes, forming a strong, dense, and durable matrix
that stores hazardous contaminants. MPC is suitable for repairing deteriorated concrete pavements
in cold areas due to its exothermic hydration and low water to binder ratio. Its raw material is hard
burnt magnesia, making it fire-proof or cold-setting refractory (Zhihao (Z.) Li, Zhu (Z.) Ding and
Y (Y.) Zhang, 2004).

9.1 Advantages and applications of MPCs

MPCs are artificial stone made from acid-base reaction of magnesia and phosphates. They possess
some properties that Portland cements do not possess according to the previous studies. Therefore,
they can be utilized in the field in which Portland cements are not suitable.

 Very quick setting, high early strength.

 Recycling lot of non-contaminated industrial waste to building material.
 Recycling organic waste to building materials.
 Stabilization of toxic and radioactive waste.
 Very good durability, including chemical attack resistance, deicer scaling resistance,
permeation resistance.

Fig4. SEM of
MPC protection layer
and concrete
matrix (Jun Li,
Yong-sheng Ji,,

10. Supplementary Cementitious materials
There are some materials that using in the concert sustainability:

10-1. Fly ash: In power plants, fly ash is a byproduct of burning coal. Since it combines with
cement's calcium hydroxide to create new cementitious compounds, it is a pozzolanic substance.
This may contribute to a decrease in the quantity of cement required for concrete, hence lowering
the material's embodied carbon footprint. Additionally, fly ash can increase the strength and
workability of concrete. Benefits include less CO2 emissions from cement manufacture, enhanced
workability, and improved durability and strength over time (Giergiczny, 2019).

Replacement rate: 15%–30% in most cases, up to 50% in mixtures with exceptional performance.
Select Class C (more reactive) to increase your strength.

10-2. Silica fume: Silica fume is a byproduct of the production of silicon metal. It is a very fine
powder that is even more pozzolanic than fly ash. Silica fume can be used to further reduce the
amount of cement needed in concrete and to improve its strength, durability, and resistance to
chemical attack Silica fume: Due to its high potency, silica fume is usually used in much smaller
quantities, typically around 5% to 10% of cement replacement.

10-3. Slag: Also known as ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), this industrial
byproduct of steel production can replace some of the cement in concrete. Slag has a number of
advantages for sustainability: Decreased carbon dioxide emissions: The production of GGBFS
requires a lot less energy than the production of cement, hence the concrete has a smaller carbon
footprint (Giergiczny, 2019).

Increased durability: Slag-infused concrete may be more resilient to chemical erosion, freeze-
thaw cycles, and cracking, which might lengthen its life and need less maintenance.

Conservation of resources: Slag production eliminates the requirement for virgin materials in the
manufacture of cement, such as limestone and clay. Slag Depending on its activity level and the
required concrete qualities, slag can replace 25% to 50% of cement (Giergiczny, 2019).

11. Water Reduction Admixtures (WRAs): By retaining workability and strength
while using less water in the mix, these admixtures provide the previously listed advantages. There
are several varieties of WRAs, each with unique features.

Concrete with water reduction additives

 Superplasticizers: These greatly improve workability, making it possible to put and finish
concrete more easily, especially while using less water. This can save labor expenses and
increase building efficiency.
 High-Range Water Reducers (HRWRs): These admixtures produce denser and stronger
concrete by reducing water content significantly while preserving workability. They work
especially well in high-performance applications. Admixtures known as set retarders and
accelerators regulate the duration of setting, which facilitates more efficient scheduling of
construction tasks and ideal placing of concrete in particular scenarios.

Case study:
A sustainable house was designed for a family of five in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, using a 150
m2 flat land and $100,000 budget. The house includes energy and water efficiency strategies, four
bedrooms, two bathrooms, a visitor's toilet, living room, dining room, and terrace. Structural
elements with 28 MPa compressive strength were considered, and eco-concrete was selected based
on environmental impact categories and scores.

This study used the LCA and LCC standard procedures, which were created by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), respectively. For the combined development of LCA and LCC in both scenarios, the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from the U.S. Department of Commerce's
Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) version 2.1 online and open
access software was used. BEES combines Eco invent 2017 and Semipro version 8.0 using a
Microsoft SQL server. Eco invent 2017 was recently named one of the best databases for building
supplies. The following concrete mixtures, made using Portland cement (reference), fly ash, and
blast furnace slag, have a compressive strength of 28 MPa for this case study. Able 2). The most
recent state-of-the-art book, which focuses on the characteristics of concrete incorporating

additional cementitious materials in the fresh and hardened states, has more information regarding
the technical difficulties and restrictions associated with employing FA and BFS in concrete (Belle,

12. Recycle aggregate:

Recycling materials: from demolished concrete or masonry can be profitably used in the building
industry, especially for more ambitious applications. Currently, these materials are mainly used
untreated, but if selected, ground, cleaned, and sieved in industrial crushing plants, they could
become useful for more ambitious applications. Studies have shown that recycled aggregate
concrete can be used as a substitute for natural aggregates, with mechanical strength loss being
eliminated when recycled aggregates consist of demolished concrete with a strength class equal to
or higher than the new concrete. The fine recycled aggregate fraction is particularly detrimental to
concrete's mechanical performance and durability. Reusing the fine fraction for mortars can also
be profitable. Even the finest fraction produced during the recycling process can be used as filler
in self-compacting concretes. Research has shown that using C&D debris as a substitute for natural
aggregate in structural concrete production can modify both structural and leaching behavior
(Moriconi, 2005).

Post-consumer glass: Glass that has been used after consumption can be used to mortars and
concrete as fine aggregate to enhance their mechanical properties. Waste glass that has been
ground can be used as aggregate for mortars, and concrete or flow able self-compacting slurry can
be made from mixed colored glass. 40,000 tons of useless fines and scraps are produced during
the manufacturing of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) in Western Europe; these materials can be
recycled into blended cements. These cements can give cementitious products lightness and
ductility even if their mechanical strengths are reduced. Although mortars constructed with GRP
cements have less drying shrinkage and capillary water absorption, they are more porous than
mortars built without GRP (Moriconi, 2005).

Wood ash: a residue from manufacturing operations and construction and demolition waste, is a
valuable mineral admixture and activator in cement-based materials. It can be used in the
production of structural-grade concrete, bricks, blocks, paving stones, flow able slurry, and

blended cements. Wood fly ash can achieve air-entrained concrete up to 35% and achieve a
compressive strength of 50 MPa or higher (Moriconi, 2005).

13. Advantages of Concrete Sustainability

13-1. Support for Local Economies: overall, concrete is an essential part of the circular
economy because it is a durable, low-maintenance material that can be reused or recycled. It
is a key ingredient in construction projects that can last for centuries, making it a very
sustainable material

13-2. durability and strength: Concrete is strong and durable, and it can last for centuries if it
is properly cared for. However, concrete is also susceptible to damage from weathering,
chemicals, and physical forces. Concrete can be cracked by freezing temperatures, and it
can be corroded by salt and other chemicals

13-3. recycled concrete: Concrete recycling is a crucial process that sustains the environment
by reducing waste and conserving natural resources like sand and gravel. The process
involves breaking down concrete into smaller pieces, crushing and sorting, and using
the smaller pieces as aggregate in new concrete.
13-4. Life cycle assessment: Concrete is a material that is created by mixing cement, water,
and aggregate together. The life cycle of concrete begins with the production of the
cement. The cement is then mixed with water and aggregate to create concrete. The

concrete is then placed into forms and allowed to cure. After the concrete has cured, it
is then ready to be used
13-5. waste reduction and environment impact: concrete has positive effects on the
environment and economy, including construction projects, employment, and
durability. It provides a durable substance that lowers the amount of wood used and
boosts the economics. Used waste materials important for environment.
13-6. Concrete's carbon footprint may be decreased by substituting fly ash, a byproduct
less concrete overall and more alternative materials, such as wood. coal-fired power
plants, for cement the production of Portland cement (PC) uses a lot of energy and
produces a lot of carbon dioxide. However, cement makes only a very minor portion of
concrete; as a whole, the material is resource-efficient and has a moderate carbon
dioxide and embodied energy footprint. Because of its low cost
13-7. the production of Portland cement (PC) uses a lot of energy and produces a lot of carbon
dioxide. However, cement makes only a very minor portion of concrete; as a whole,
the material is resource-efficient and has a moderate carbon dioxide and embodied
energy footprint. Because of its low cost (L. Struble, J. Godfrey, 2004)

14. Disadvantages of concrete sustainability

14-1. . The initial cost of sustainable concrete is higher than that of conventional concrete, which
could be Alternative materials and production techniques are frequently needed to produce
sustainable concrete
14-2. Energy intensive recycling process: when process production recycling aggregate released
energy in environment
14-3. Resistance to change: change may be risk for construction about future must-be schedule
and experience about this work
14-4. Limited availability of sustainable materials: sustainable materials complex materials when
production process waste and aggregate sustainable material is limited for environment
(Michael D. Lepech, Victor Li, Richard E. Robertson, Gregory A. Keoleian, 2011).

15. Fresh Properties Concrete Sustainability

15-1. work ability: decreasing work ability in this process so in concrete sustainability use
alternative binder and recycled aggregate.

15-2. Time effect: in concrete sustainability process production for a long term due to economic
and environmental impact and focusing the small negative effect.
15-3. Properties of hardened concrete: hardened is ability of concrete carrying load without
cracking and have some property resist tension and withstand chemical attacks weathering
and resist penetration water and gas and with stand high temperature and sound insolation
15-4. Segregation: aggregation occur when the aggregate palatial like course and fine separation
and it occurs when transporting and mixing and matching and placing.
15-5. Permeability: penetration water and gas in concrete decrease durability and water with co2
reaction corrosion is occurs. Reduce energy require.
15-6. Bleeding: refers when water in concrete evaporate and retain in concrete effect for quality
of concrete
15-7. Air content: due to process hydration air entrapped into concrete and create pores and void
can remove by vibrator compaction.
15-8. Consistency: homogeneity of concrete and can be placed easily and coated surface without
any segregation and important process because concrete use in all project building and
construction (Meyer, 2002).


Sustainable concrete must be durable in order to withstand abrasion, weathering, and chemical
attacks while still retaining its intended technical qualities. Various levels of durability are needed
for concrete structures, depending on the exposure environment and the intended technical
features. By saving resources, cutting waste, and lessening the environmental effects of
replacement and maintenance, a durable substance is good for the environment. Durability may be
measured thanks to service life, and recycling sectors have expanded to promote recycling and
reuse. Longer service life and maintenance cycles are associated with more durable elements, and

improved quality control guarantees that the product fulfills standards. By improving electrical
resistivity and making concrete impermeable, the usage of fly ash and GGBFS can prolong service
life. Large-scale mechanization in the manufacture of concrete, as well as the application of
environmentally friend (Mehta, 2004).

17. Environmental Impact

The only true method of assessing a building system’s environmental impact is through a life-
cycle assessment. A life-cycle assessment of a range of concrete buildings commissioned by
CCAA shows that concrete buildings perform very strongly across all environmental indicators,
including energy use and CO2 emissions. The 1.6 billion tons of cement produced worldwide each
year contribute around 7% of the carbon dioxide emissions into the environment. One of the most
energy-intensive building materials and a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions is
Portland cement, the primary hydraulic cement used today (Michigan, 2022).

About 4 GJ of energy are needed to produce one ton of Portland cement, and one ton of carbon
dioxide is released into the environment during the production of Portland cement clinker.2,3
Furthermore, significant deforestation and topsoil loss are frequently caused by the mining of raw
minerals like limestone and clay as well as fuels like coal (Michigan, 2022)By mass, ordinary
concrete normally has 12% cement and 80% aggregate. Consequently, for the purpose of
manufacturing concrete, worldwide, concerning the placing, consolidation, mixing, batching,
transporting, and finishing of concrete? These processes all need a lot of energy. Today, the public
is seriously discussing the environmental costs involved with using fossil fuels, which are the
major source of energy (IEA, 2021).

And last, there are detrimental effects on the environment from a lack of sturdy materials.
Enhancing the lifespan of goods is a simple and long-term way to protect the planet's


18-1. ASTM standards for the American Society for testing and materials Concrete sustainability
is covered by a number of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards. The
ASTM C09 group has created standards that address sustainability issues and is in charge of
concrete and concrete aggregates. A few pertinent standards include ASTM C1701, which
measures the compressive strength of concrete at an early age (Mehta, 2002).

18-2. The Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) is a key standard for the transport and sustainable
concrete industry, but sustainability standards and certifications are constantly evolving. For the
latest information, consult authoritative sources or industry publications.

18-3. SMCs, or supplementary cementation materials, are used alongside cement in concrete to
improve properties and sustainability. Common SCMs include fly ash, slag cement, and silica
fume, enhancing durability, reducing carbon footprint, and performance.


Concrete is a crucial component in global development, but its ecological impact has become more
significant due to natural awareness. This paper explores the sustainability of cement, highlighting
strategies, challenges, and improvements to reduce its ecological impact while maintaining the
strength and ease of use of large constructions. Concrete production is associated with fossil fuel
byproducts, resource exhaustion, and environmental damage. Sustainable practices include using
eco-friendly materials, streamlining material execution, and balancing strength and ecological
responsibility. Maintainable materials like fly debris, slag, silica rage, reused materials, and
recycled water can help reduce the natural impact of large construction and promote a more
sustainable built environment. Concrete production also contributes to ozone-depleting
substances, which could lead to job losses in the industry. In the new century, sustainable
construction is essential to the "new development ideology." Building strong designs is crucial for
minimizing the long-term impacts of structures. Using a coordinated practical planning process
can reduce costs and improve the environmental impact of construction materials.

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