Survival English

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Opportunities and Challenges for English Students in the Generation Z era

English has long been used as a subject in schools in Indonesia. Currently, the average
student who studies English at school level is included in Generation Z. What and who is
Generation Z? It is stated in several literature that Generation Z are those born between 1995
and 2010. This generation can be said to be very digitally literate.
The importance of English language skills in the generation Z era, especially in professional
contexts, is increasing. Students are expected to have cross-cultural communication skills and
expertise in using technology. However, this is also a challenge due to increasingly higher
standards in English language competency, forcing students to continuously develop their
skills to be relevant in the global job market. Overall, English learners in the Generation Z era
are bad at unique opportunities and challenges. By utilizing technology wisely, developing
digital literacy, and understanding global issues, they can maximize opportunities and
overcome challenges successfully. In facing the ever-growing digital era, English education
is faced with various new challenges and exciting opportunities. For example, challenges in
terms of adapting to digital technology. Now, the English teaching and learning process is no
longer limited to the physical classroom. With digital technology, we can learn from
anywhere and at any time. Apart from that, another challenge is changes in the curriculum
and teaching methods which must always be updated to keep up with current developments.
However, behind these challenges, there are encouraging opportunities such as easy access to
diverse and global learning resources, as well as the opportunity to learn about other cultures
through English. And we learn English, by utilizing interactive media, gamification concepts,
and various interactive learning methods. this makes learning more interesting, and also helps
students actively engage in the learning process and understand the material better.
The challenges in this study program are not only limited to mastering language knowledge,
but also involve adapting to the dynamics of education in the era of the industrial revolution.
This challenge is manifested in how participants are taught to think, learn and act in order to
develop innovation and creativity in education. to overcome these challenges. The use of
interactive media such as the dare learning platform, learning videos, and simulations helps
students be actively involved in the learning process. The concept of gamification, which
applies game elements to learning, encourages students to participate more and compete
healthily in achieving learning goals. One of the aspects highlighted in the development of
this study program is the role of technology in overcoming learning challenges in the digital
era. Technology is not only a tool, but also changes the entire learning paradigm. With
interactive media, students can learn independently and actively through the dare platform
which is specifically designed to support English learning. This allows students to understand
the material at their own pace and experience a more personal learning experience.
The concept of gamification also plays an important role in creating an exciting learning
environment. By implementing game elements such as scores, prizes, and challenges,
students are not only motivated to participate more actively, but also develop a positive sense
of competitiveness. This stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning and dedication to
learning English. By utilizing technology, applying interactive learning methods, and a
commitment to developing student potential, this study program provides a real example of
how English education can develop along with technological developments and the demands
of the times. Through this effort, they prove that challenges can be turned into opportunities
that bring positive change to the world of education
The conclusion of an earlier conversation wash that english studies for the z generation had
opportunities and challanges

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