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For a healthy growing nation

Reinventing & adapting to
the new workplace trends

For a healthy growing nation

Create a safe & secure


Shift in workplace strategies

From changes in employee experiences
to evolution of smart buildings and
efficient building maintenance

Possible short, mid &

long-term remedies
To provide best practices that can be
implemented for hygiene and safety at
the workplace
For a healthy growing nation

evolve, reinvent &

We Adani Wilmar Limited have been constantly reinventing and adapting
to the workplace requirements with the arising challenges to keep its
commitment of delivering great services to its employees.

The emergence of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 heralds the need for
such a change.

Through this document, we present the view points of our leaders

providing their expert opinion and perspectives on
the ‘New Normal’.

We have highlighted remedies on shortcomings of

current methods and provide best practices that can
be implemented to build resilience for the future.
For a healthy growing nation

Admin Services
Queuing Up
Stand on the Markings,
maintaining a distance of 2M

Arriving at work Temperature Scanning

Allow the Guard to scan
your body temperature

Show the ID Card

Entry using your ID card

Good to Go ! Decontamination Tunnel

Pass through the spray tunnel,
one at the time.
For a healthy growing nation

Evolving trends &

Recommendations for
employee work journeys

Arriving at

Entering the

6. 2.
Food Workspace
Leaving Services Design Being in the
work building

5. 3.
transpor- Cleaning &
tation Hygiene
Well-being Working in
4. the building

Receiving &
sending mail Having meetings,
& packages conferences,
Going for
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Workplace Cleaning &

Experiences Design Disinfection

• Workplace managers • Increase from approx. • Increased hygiene

to ensure new 70 sq. ft. per person standards, cleaning
behaviour and to 90+ to and disinfecting
hygiene standards. accommodate: practices with the use
• Declaration of health - safe circulation of of right PPE.
status. staff • Focus on high touch
• Regular communi- - safe queuing areas along with
cation, display of - safe workstations development of
posters and trainings - safe breaks hygiene experts.
on hygiene practices. - safe meetings • Cutting- edge
technology in
cleaning methods.

Technical Transportation Food

Maintenance Services

• Asset protection and • More preference to • Higher focus on

security with newly private vehicles. hygiene, quality of
defined maintenance • Social distancing food and PPEs.
standards. seating arrangement. • Digitized solutions
• Use of digital • Availability of (touch free) for
solutions for remote sanitizers / wipes. ordering /café space
monitoring of assets. occupancy /payments
• Higher focus on etc.
indoor air quality • Lunch time slots.
(IAQ). • Use of pre-packaged/
disposable items
For a healthy growing nation

As employers and employees prepare to return to
their workplaces, one thing is certain that there is a
need to embrace new behaviors and ways of
working in our office spaces.

To prepare for this communicate on ‘Getting Back to

Work’ to all employees before returning to work with
new behavior and hygiene guidelines at work.
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Experiences
Recommended Approach

Arriving at work
• Employees to sanitize their hands after getting in & out of the mode
of transport.
• Make use of Personal Protective Equipment (masks, gloves) as
Entering the building
• Conduct temperature checks while entering the workplace.
• Place accessible hand sanitizer at all touchpoints and other
relevant places.
• Removal of reading material in the reception area.
• Max. 2 persons in elevators at a time to avoid close contact.
• Encourage use stairs wherever possible and use hand
sanitizers after holding hand rails.

Being in the building

• Keep physical interaction at recommended 2 meter safety distance.
• Signages / Posters on new hygiene protocols to be placed across
the workplace.
• Place visible tissues in desk areas.
• Ensure employees use the floor markers to maintain social distancing.
• Avoid large gatherings.
• Avoid use of game room etc.
• Maintain washroom hygiene and avoid crowding in washrooms.

Working in the building

• Use the same desk and chair everyday, do not exchange them and
label the desk & chairs, if possible.
• Use your own keyboard, mouse and stationery.
• Avoid taking printouts unless absolutely necessary.
• Clean desk policy (only screens, mouse and keyboard on the desk).
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Experiences
Recommended Approach

Having meetings, conferences, events

• Keep physical meetings at a minimum and encourage
Videoconferencing as much as possible.
• Ensure signs are placed outside the room to show the maximum
allowed capacity in the room.
• Availability of sanitizers and tissues in the meeting rooms,
with dustbins for the disposal of tissues.
• Non essential items such as notepads, pens, flipcharts,
markers to be made available only on request.
• Smaller meetings can take place in the open spaces,
respecting 2 meter distances.
• Prepare the list of meeting room bookings for tracking of
occupancy levels and contact tracing.

Going for lunch

• Follow the lunch time slots allotted until further communication.

Lunch Timings FH 1 Empl – 5th Floor FH 2 Empl – 4th Floor

(same building) (same building)

1300 hrs to 2nd Floor Basement &

1320 hrs Ground Floor
1320 hrs to 3rd Floor 1st & 2nd Floor
1340 hrs
1340 hrs to 4th Floor 3rd Floor
1400 hrs

• No socializing in food service areas e.g. Birthday celebrations.

• New cafeteria guidelines to be followed, e.g. revised seating
arrangements, adherence to floor markers, etc.
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Experiences
Recommended Approach

Receiving & sending mail & packages

• Always wash hands after touching a parcel or letter.
• Remember to use your own pen for signing and avoid sharing
of stationery.
• Manage the mail pick-up and delivery to avoid crowding near the
mailroom / reception.

• Promote exercises that can be done at home & desks.
• Health checks from visiting doctor on weekly basis.

Leaving work
• Wash hands with soap & water or sanitize before leaving work.
• Provide “Survival kits” on request for commuting of end-users
(masks, gloves, etc.)

Use of appropriate Awareness

Personal Protective Posters
Equipment's (PPE) STAY SAFE

• Your safety is important. WEAR

AWL advises use of Personal
Protective Equipment when
cleaning. The PPE shown here is
only a recommendation.
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Experiences
Safe Queuing
• Use floor stickers to mark 2m safe distance at queuing locations
(canteen, coffee points etc.)

2m 2m

Yesterday Tomorrow

Safe Circulation
• Control people flow in a single • Use 2m interval markings on the
direction, where possible to avoid floor or walls along corridors to
crossing in corridors or openspace. guide people movement & timing.



Yesterday Tomorrow Yesterday Tomorrow

Temperature Check Use of Elevator

• The range for normal human body • 2 persons at a time.
temperatures, taken orally, • Social Distancing of 2 meters.
is 36.8 ± 0.5 °C (98.2 ± 0.9 °F).
For a healthy growing nation

Colleague Experiences
Safe Hands
• Hand Washing with Soap and Water • Hand Rub with 60% Alcohol-bases
• Wet hands and apply soap to cover hands. Sanitizer
• Scrub all surfaces of the hands, in between • If soap and water are not readily available,
your fingers, thumb, palms, wrist and the use a sanitizer.
top of your hand and under your nails. • Apply a squirt of sanitizer in the palm of your hand.
• Scrub your hands with soap for at least • Rub over both hands (palm to palm, back of each
20 seconds. hand, finger interlocks, back of the fingers, thumbs)
• Rinse thoroughly with running water. for at least 20 seconds to ensure full coverage.
• Dry hands with a clean cloth or • Once dry, your hands are safe.
single-use towel. • Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel.

Floor 2m 2m 2m

For a healthy growing nation

Workplace design will play a crucial role as the
future workspace will be immersive and will put
employee well being and engagement in the
forefront, Physical spaces will transform as
workplaces endeavour to seek an equilibrium
between social distancing and the right
amount of collaboration to build an effective,
yet safe working environment.
For a healthy growing nation

Workplace Design
Recommended Approach

Arriving at work
Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Alternate seating to be ensured • Redesign to increase to space
to keep distance of 2 meter. between workstations.
• Partitions dividers between the • Reduce/eliminate hot desks
workstations to be installed. and reuse space effectively.
• In case of workstations having • Moves to be done only after
common partition in the entre, working hours or during the
the height of partitions to be weekend.
increased. • Decontamination of moved
• Home office kit for end users, furniture to make sure that it
i.e. set up the work place at is not infected.
home and make sure it is
compliant to work regulations.

Entering the building

Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Dedicated space for temperature • Installation of temperature
checks on building entry. sensor cameras at various
• Create separate entrance lanes locations to track the
for employees and visitors. employees having fever.
• Use 2m interval markings on the
floor or walls along corridors to
guide people movement.
For a healthy growing nation

Workplace Design
Recommended Approach

Being in the building

Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Create temporary isolation • Design Wellness room /
rooms for employees who First aid rooms.
show symptoms. • Sensor operated automatic
• The internal doors operations doors to avoid touch.
to be made touch free.
• Reduce soft seating to allow
social distancing.

Working in the building

Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Alternate seating to be ensured • Re design to increase space
to keep distance of 2 meter. between workstations.
• Partitions dividers between the • Reduce/eliminate hot desks
workstations to be installed. and reuse space effectively.
• In case of workstations having • Moves to be done only after
common partition in the Centre, working hours or during the
the height of partitions to be weekend.
increased. • Decontamination of moved
• Home office kit for end users, furniture to make sure that it
i.e. set up the work place at is not infected.
home and make sure it is
compliant to work regulations.
For a healthy growing nation

Workplace Design
Recommended Approach

Having meetings,
conferences, events
Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Increase VC facility in meeting • Create more VC rooms.
rooms. • Big meeting rooms /
• Meeting room doors to be conference rooms to be
made touch free. converted into smaller
• Meeting rooms capacity to be meeting rooms.
used only 50% to keep social
• Signages on conference room
door indicating max. capacity.

Going for lunch

Short / Mid term Approach Long term Approach
• Reduction of Cafeteria to 50 % to • Extend canteen / food seating
maintain the social distancing by areas.
having fixed time slots for staff. • Increase of aisle spaces and
• Additional Dinning space to be distance between the dinning
created in refuge areas or terraces tables.
or bigger conference Rooms.
• Reduce/ remove furniture from
break out areas.
• Blocking every alternate seat in
the cafeteria.
For a healthy growing nation

Workplace Design
Safe Meetings
• Reduce meeting room capacity to 50%.
• Remove/ arrange seats to avoid face to face proximity.
• Maintain 2m safety distance between meeting participants.



Yesterday Tomorrow

Safe Workstations
Option 1 Option 2
• Alternate desks are left • Optimise desk positions to 2m
unoccupied by removing every safety distance.
other seat. • Avoid face to face seating,
• Avoid face to face seating, unless at 2m distance.
unless at 2m distance.






Yesterday Tomorrow Yesterday Tomorrow

For a healthy growing nation

Workplace Design
Safe Breaks
• Reduce/ remove furniture from breakout areas and reposition to
follow 2m distances at social settings.




Yesterday Tomorrow

Café layout

Yesterday Tomorrow
For a healthy growing nation

Cleaning &
Hygiene and sanitisation of the workplace
will be of prime importance as employees
return to work General cleaning practiced
will need to be enhanced to incorporate
enhanced sanitization and disinfection
procedures to adapt to the enhanced
hygiene standards of the workplace.
For a healthy growing nation

Cleaning & Disinfection

Recommended Approach
Arriving at work
• Cold fogging of employee’s private vehicles.
• Periodic disinfection check scanner of the frequently
touched surfaces.

Entering the building

• Chambers to decontaminate any items entering the building.
• Hygiene experts to continuously clean high contact areas.
• Add walk off mats outside door entrance / shoe cover machines.
• Availability of Auto Hand sanitizer dispensers / Bins to discard masks.
• Periodic deep cleaning and cold fogging of all access points, lift

Being in the building

• Frequent step up cleaning in the building common areas
• Daily after every shift/ night / non peak hour cleaning of the work
stations, common areas. Regular cleaning + disinfection with
disposable dusters & mops.
• Weekly deep cleaning with added step of disinfection with
chemicals & Fogging.
• HK equipment disinfection.
• Daily vacuuming of the carpet and monthly / weekly microbial
spray cleaning of the carpet.
• Carpet shampoo/ in capsulation process with a frequency of 3-6
• Washroom disinfection every hour.
• Sensor based dispensers for tissue, wipes, hand wash, sanitizer,
bin, seat sanitizer, etc.
• Deep cleanings of AHU rooms.
For a healthy growing nation

Cleaning & Disinfection

Recommended Approach
Working in the building
• Deep cleaning and fogging of the areas as per occupancy.
• Step up cleaning near printer and mail room.
• Provision of closed bins for disposing masks.
• Desk disinfection wipes to be provided to the client employees.
• App to suggest the vacant / less crowded washroom, for use. sign
ready / getting ready washroom on the door knob.
• Monthly fumigation/cold misting of floors.
• Periodic Hygiene and safety monitoring checks.
• All AHU and ventilation unit rooms to be cleaned and sanitized on
a daily basis.

Having meetings, conferences, events

• Step up cleaning of the meeting room after the meeting.
• Tags on the meeting room door suggesting clean/ dirty.
• On call disinfection services.

Going for lunch

• Touch up and cleaning schedules to be planned as per lunch time
• Cleaners to follow social distancing norms while cleaning the
• Suma Bac or food grade chemicals to be used disinfection.
• Touch free bins for disposal.
• Use of disposable wipes or Wypall for cafeteria table cleaning.

Receiving & sending mail & packages

• Provision for mail scanners / auto misting.
• Fogging every night of the mail room.
• Isolation of packages.

Leaving work
• Vehicle to be ready with fogging before boarding.
• Parking area and drop off areas to be deep cleaned at night.
For a healthy growing nation

For a healthy growing nation

Technical Maintenance
Recommended Approach
Arriving at work
• Increase outdoor air ventilation.

Being in the building

• More frequent and sensor based IAQ assessment.

Working in the building

• Open fresh air dampers, as high as 100%, thus eliminating
• Regular filter replacement. AC duct cleaning and maintenance
works done with proper protective measures.
• All AHU and ventilation unit rooms to be cleaned and sanitized on
a daily basis.
• Exhaust ventilation systems of washrooms always be kept on 24/7.
• Set of PPEs like helmet, goggles, gloves, nose mask etc.
for individual technicians so that no exchange of these PPEs
among technicians.

Having meetings, conferences, events

• Windows to be opened (if possible) for a specific duration to
ensure air influx.

Going for lunch

• Adequate and efficient exhaust systems for Kitchen.
• More focus on handling, movement, storage and disposal of
hazardous wastes and kitchen solid wastes.
For a healthy growing nation

For a healthy growing nation

Recommended Approach
Arriving at work
• Installation of the AarogyaSetu app to receive regular alerts
on containment areas.

Leaving work
• Appropriate PPE to be worn by relevant employees at all times.
• Windows to be kept open during travel.

Personal Transport Employee Transport /
Public Bus

Yesterday Tomorrow Yesterday Tomorrow

Avoid Public Transport

In case unavoidable, take care of following:
• Mandatory use of Masks & Gloves.
• Avoid touching anything.
• Don’t use shared auto & cabs.
• Practice social distancing.
• Immediately use a sanitizer once your journey is completed.
For a healthy growing nation

For a healthy growing nation

Food Services
Recommended Approach
Arriving at work
• Carry your own bottles of water to work.
• Disposable water bottles to be kept at the reception for guests.

Being in the building

• Mail communication regarding pantry & cafeteria timings for each
floor / department.
• Provision of a quarantine area to place the arriving raw materials
for 2-3 days, post which it can be used.

Working in the building

• Adhering to your allocated timings for all meals.
• Disposable cups used for tea /coffee.
• Sanitize hands while refilling the bottle from the dispenser or use
tissue paper while using the dispenser.
• Permission to consume dry snacks at your workstations keeping in
mind hygiene protocol.

Having meetings, conferences, events

• Carrying your personal bottle of water for meetings.
• Tetra pack products to be provided as a refreshment in
special situations.

Going for lunch

• All cafeteria staff to wear the appropriate PPE.
• No buffet solution or self service solutions available in the short term.
• Remove condiments from tables.
• Use only disposable plates and cutlery.
• Digital solutions for ordering, reserving a timeslot and payment
(only mobile payments accepted).
• QR code’s scanners to be installed in all counters to avoid
exchange of coupons.
For a healthy growing nation

Do not visit high foot Avoid any

fall areas like markets, public
restaurants, malls gatherings

Carry your own

bags while

Avoid cash
Office transactions &

Use elbows to Sanitize your

press lift� buttons hands before
or to open doors entering home

in case of an emergency NSCR: 079 26455100 / 7575889100

Doctor advisory
on Call Dr. Ankur Dave: 079-27664747
We are flexible to align our recommendations
around your workplace strategy to curate a
bespoke model which provides a safe and
secure workplace for you


For a healthy growing nation

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