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Sunbeam's Kiss

A velvet yawn, a petal's sigh, The flower wakes to greet the sky. A sleepy dewdrop
clings and gleams, A diamond caught in silken dreams.

A sunbeam stretches, warm and gold, And paints the bloom in stories told. Of
whispered secrets, soft and green, Of meadows dancing, unseen.

The petals open, one by one, Unfurling secrets to the sun. A splash of color, soft and
bright, A beacon in the morning light.

The bee hums low, a gentle guest, Sipping nectar, pollen-blessed. The butterfly, on
painted wings, A silent waltz the flower sings.

From bud to bloom, a fleeting grace, A sunbeam's kiss, a sweet embrace. A fragile
dance, a whispered song, The flower lives, then fades along.

But in its wake, a memory, Of beauty born, and set to free. A whispered echo on the
breeze, The flower's song, that sets us free.

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