PT English 5 Q1

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Name: ___________________________Section: ___________ Date: ____________

I. Listen as the teacher reads the story. Answer the questions that follow.

_____1. Where does the story take place?

a. house b. kingdom c. forest d. cave
_____2. Who are the characters in the story?
a. horse and lion b. lion and mouse c. rabbit and lion d. duck and mouse
_____3. Which of the following statement did not happen in the story?
a. The lion and the mouse became friends.
b. The lion ate the mouse.
c. The mouse helped the lion to escape from the net.
d. The lion forgave the little mouse.
_____4. How did the story end?
a. The lion died.
b. The lion and the mouse lived happily in the forest.
c. The lion and the mouse ate the hunter.
d. The lion and the mouse were caught by the hunter.

II. Listen to the phrases or sentences read by the teacher. Identify the sound device
used. Write A if Alliteration, B if Onomatopoeia or C if Assonance.

III. Listen to the passages to be read by the teacher. Infer the speaker’s tone, mood or
_____9. a. anger b. disgust c. surprised d. fear
_____10. a. excitement b. contentment c. indifference d. worry

IV. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

_____11. Which of the following statement is an Informal English?
a. Have you heard from her lately? b. It is my pleasure to meet you.
c. I will be there. d. I’ll be there. See yah.
_____12. The following statements used Formal English, except one. Which is not?
a. Hey, what’s up? b. Please state your business.
c. How do you do? d. Shall we go?
_____13. How would you thank your teacher who attended your birthday party?
a. Thank you for coming over. b. Thanks for coming over.
c. Thanks. Hope you enjoyed the party. d. Thanks for coming. Bye.
_____14. A cookbook will be a very practical gift for the bride. Which word in the sentence is a
compound word?
a. practical b. cookbook c. gift d. bride
_____15. It is advisable for you to have a penlight in your bag all the time. What do you mean
by the underlined word?
a. a pen that lights b. a small flashlight that is similar to a pen
c. a simple flashlight d. a small pen
_____16. Which of the following words mean not possible?
a. incapable b. improper c. impossible d. illegible

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_____17. Which prefix would be added to the word capable to mean not capable?
a. il- b. in- c. im- d. pre
_____18. A fraction whose numerator is bigger than the denominator is not a proper fraction. It
is an _______. Which of the following words would complete the sentence?
a. ilproper b. improper c. reproper d. inproper
_____19. I am so __________ that I have a friend like you. Which word that means full of
thanks would complete the sentence?
a. careful b. tactful c. beautiful d. thankful
_____20. Be careful whenever you cross the street. What is the meaning of the underlined word
in the sentence?
a. full of care b. lack of care c. without care d. uncaring
_____21. We are going to donate some clothes to children without home. Which of the following
words would replace the underlined word?
a. homeful b. harmful c. homeless d. hopeful
_____22. Which of the following statement is an example of a metaphor?
a. His mind is a computer. b. She is as gentle as a lamb.
c. The sun looked upon the ship all day. d. The sun is like a ball of fire.
_____23. There is no life without you. What figure of speech is used in the statement?
a. Personification b. simile c. metaphor d. hyperbole
_____24. Which of the following phrases would complete the sentence? She is as quick as
a. puppets b. elephant c. thunder d. lightning
_____25. You are the sunshine of my life. What figure of speech is used in the sentence?
a. personification b. hyperbole c. simile d. metaphor
_____26. Complete the statement. Her hair is as black as______.
a. ink b. night c. eyeball d. shoes
_____27. “The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls.” Which of the following figure of speech is
used in the statement?
a. personification b. hyperbole c. simile d. metaphor

28- 31. Read the story carefully. Summarize the story using the graphic organizer below.

Roars and Screeches

An old fable tells the story of a young lion and a cougar. Both were thirsty. One hot afternoon, they
happened to arrive at the local watering hole at the same time. They immediately began to argue about who
should satisfy his thirst first.

The argumentation became heated and each decided he should be the first to quench his thirst.
TITLE _______________________________________
Rulership of the territory was at stake! Pride was an issue. As they stubbornly confronted each other, their
emotions turned to rage. Their roars and screeches could be heard for miles as they moved closer and
closer to battle.

Then they both noticed strange shadows skirting across the ground. Both looked up at the same
time, circling overhead was a flock of vultures, waiting for the loser to fall. Quitetly, the two beasts turned and
walked away. The thought of being devoured was all they needed to end up their quarrel.

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_____32. Which of the following statement used a correct form of the verb?
a. Leanah and kikay walks to school everyday.
b. My friend Elisha loves to eat fruits and vegetables.
c. The children plays under the rain.
d. Mother and father teaches their kids to love God.
_____33. Crislyn and Jamella _____ the latest news in their school. Which form of the verb
would complete the sentence?
a. writes b. wrote c. write d. written
_____34. The members of the dance troupe (perform) on stage well. Which of the following is
the correct form of the verb in the parenthesis?
a. performs b. performed c. perform d. performer
_____35. You are sure to attend the birthday party of your friend on Sunday. What will you
tell her?
a. I shall attend your birthday party. b. I can attend your birthday party.
c. I will attend your birthday party. d. I may attend your birthday party.
_____36. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. A one year old baby can make her own milk. c. Fishes can live on land.
c. Snakes and earthworms can fly. d. School children can read, write
and count.
_____37. Fill in the blank with the appropriate modal. I _____ not wake up early tomorrow if
they suspend the classes.
a. can b. shall c. will d. may
_____38. Complete the sentence with the missing conjunction. _______ you _____ I want
to get sick.
a. neither- nor b. either- or c. not only-but also d. both-and
_____39. You can eat _____ banana _____ papaya. They are both delicious and healthy.
a. both- and b. neither- nor c. either- or d. neither-or
_____40. You can wish _____ to become a frog ____ an ugly witch.
a. both- and b. neither- nor c. either- or d. not only- but also

V. Write a two paragraph composition using the given outline. (41- 45)


I. Pepper is one of the earliest spices known to mankind.

a. so expensive that a pound served as a royal gift
b. made as payment of taxes
c. were considered rich property

II. Pepper is a tropical vine.

a. begins to bear fruits in four years
b. produces heavily for fourteen years
c.Unripe berries produce black pepper and ripe ones produce white pepper.


3|P a g e
Item 1 -4

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It was sleeping
under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. Suddenly the
lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its nice sleep. Then it saw a small
mouse standing trembling with fear. The lion jumped on it and started to kill it. The mouse
requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran away.

On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there and cut the
net. Thus it escaped. There after, the mouse and the lion became friends. They lived happily in
the forest afterwards.

Item 4-

5. Lazy leaping lizards like licking luscious lollipops.

6. The clock goes tick-tock.
7. The rain in Spain falls mainly in thr plains.
8. I made my way to the lake.
9. When she opened the door and saw me, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “ When
did you come back from Singapore?
10. Enchanted Kingdom is such a happy place. I can’t wait to go there.

Republic of the Philippines

4|P a g e
Department of Education
Region V
Guinobatan West District


Item No. of %
Domains Competencies
Placement Items

Note details in selection listened

to: Identify the setting, characters,

1-10 10 20%
Comprehension Analyze sound device

Infer the speaker’s tone, mood

and purpose

Oral Language Use informal and formal Englih 11-13 3 6%

when appropriate to task and

Vocabulary 14-21 8

Infer the meaning of compound


Infer the meaning of unfamiliar

words using affixed words with
im-,il-, in-, re- and pre- 16%

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar

words using affixed words with –

5|P a g e
ful and -less

Infer the theme of literary text

Analyze Figure of Speech 22-31 9 18%

Summarize narrative text based

on elements

Compose clear and coherent

sentences using appropriate
Grammar grammatical structures 32-40 9
- Present tense of verbs 18%
- Modals can and may
- Modals shall and will
- Conjuctions either-or,

Writing/Composition Write two- to three- paragraph 41-45 5 10%

composition using an outline

Describe the different forms of 10%

Viewing films and motion pictures (lights, 46-50 5
blocking, direction,
characterization, acting, dialog
and setting

TOTAL 50 100%

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