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64 Ceramic Curve,


Richards Bay



21 Zirconia Mews


Richards Bay

Precast Concrete Wall Failure Report


This report describes the failure of a precast concrete wall located at 21 Zirconia Mews

The wall shows signs of structural breakages and light Environmental related failure, including but not limited to minor spalling, forced
entry and baseline impacts from external side.


The failure of the precast concrete wall was assessed by conducting a visual inspection of the site. The inspection was carried out by
regional market leaders and experts in the field and the results were documented within. The team also carried out a detailed analysis
of the wall's design, construction methods, and visible maintenance history to identify possible causes of the failure.


The visual inspection revealed that the precast concrete wall is in part repairable, baseline panel cracking will require full section

No excavations were carried out to ascertain cracking to main support posts below the ground level. Should these be present the
reinforcement steel will be the only structural aspect maintaining the walls integrity, reinforcement will inevitably rust and result in a
wall collapse. Cost of excavation, inspection, backfilling, compaction of fill and related works it will not be economically viable to
inspect and replace in part. All risks involved in and during works of breakages to adjacent materials lies soley on the client anc cannot
be estimated prior to works.

The analysis of the wall shows it was correctly manufactured, installed and is maintained as far as reasonably practical.

Based on our findings, we recommend replacement of the precast concrete wall over ad hock or partial replacement.

Complied on behalf of Bay Walling by

D. Van Rooyen

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